984 resultados para radiação UV-C


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Early pregnancy factor (EPF) is a secreted protein, present in serum during early pregnancy and essential for maintaining viability of the embryo. It is a homologue of chaperonin 10 (Cpn10) but, unlike Cpn10, it has an extracellular role. EPF has immunosuppressive and growth regulatory properties. Previously we have reported the preparation of recombinant EPF (rEPF) and shown that treatment with rEPF will suppress clinical signs of MBP-EAE in Lewis rats and PLP-EAE in SJL/J mice. In the present study, these findings have been extended to investigate possible mechanisms involved in the action of EPF. Following treatment of mice with rEPF from the day of inoculation, there were fewer infiltrating CD3+ and CD4+ cells in the parenchyma of the spinal cord during the onset of disease and after the initial episode, compared with mice treated with vehicle. Expression of the integrins LFA-1, VLA-4 and Mac-1 and of members of the immunoglobulin superfamily of adhesion molecules ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 was suppressed in the central nervous system (CNS) following rEPF treatment. The expression of PECAM-1 was not affected. To determine if rEPF suppressed T cell activation in the periphery, the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction of normal BALB/c mice to trinitrochlorobenzene (TNCB) following treatment with rEPF was studied. The results showed that treatment with rEPF suppressed the DTH reaction, demonstrating the ability of EPF to downregulate the cell-mediated immune response. These results indicate that suppression of immunological mechanisms by rEPF plays a major role in the reduction of clinical signs of disease in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of 'pellicular' type supports were fabricated by direct gamma-radiation-mediated graft polymerisation of styrene onto polypropylene, followed by aminomethylation. Raman spectroscopy was used for measuring the level of penetration of polystyrene graft into polypropylene, and other structural features such as density of graft and depth of functionalisation. The kinetics of the coupling of fluorenylmethylcarbamate (Fmoc)-labelled amino acids, to the aminomethylated polystyrene grafts have been measured by UV absorption followed cleavage of the Fmoc chromophore. The Raman spectroscopy results showed that for this series of experiments the calculated rate coefficient for coupling of Fmoc-labelled amino acids was primarily dependent on graft thickness, but was also influenced by the proportion of polystyrene graft to polypropylene. In general, it was also shown that with increasing loading capacity of support the calculated rate coefficient for amino-acid coupling decreased correspondingly. In addition, a support that had both a high rate coefficient and a high loading capacity was prepared from polypropylene base material with a co-continuous porous structure (high surface area). (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Background/Aims: Host factors such as increased body mass index (BMI) and genotype-specific viral factors contribute to the development of steatosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C (HCV). We hypothesized that host metabolic factors associated with increased BMI may play a role in disease progression. Methods: Fasting serum was collected from 160 patients with chronic HCV at the time of liver biopsy and 45 age, gender and BMI matched controls, and assessed for levels of insulin, c-peptide and leptin. Results: Patients with viral genotype 3 had more severe steatosis (P = 0.0001) and developed stages 1 and 2 fibrosis at a younger age (P < 0.05) than patients with genotype 1. For both genotypes, overweight patients had significantly more steatosis and increased insulin and leptin levels. In contrast to lean patients, there was a statistically significant increase in circulating insulin levels with increasing fibrosis in overweight patients with chronic HCV (P = 0.03). Following multivariate analysis, insulin was independently associated with fibrosis (P = 0.046) but not inflammation (P = 0.83). There was no association between serum leptin levels and stage of fibrosis. Conclusions: Increasing circulating insulin levels may be a factor responsible for the association between BMI and fibrosis in patients with HCV, irrespective of viral genotype. (C) 2003 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The HERG K+ channel has very unusual kinetic behavior that includes slow activation but rapid inactivation. These features are critical for normal cardiac repolarization as well as in preventing lethal ventricular arrhythmias. Mutagenesis studies have shown that the extracellular peptide linker joining the fifth transmembrane domain to the pore helix is critical for rapid inactivation of the HERG K+ channel. This peptide linker is also considerably longer in HERG K+ channels, 40 amino acids, than in most other voltage-gated K+ channels. In this study we show that a synthetic 42-residue peptide corresponding to this linker region of the HERG K+ channel does not have defined structural elements in aqueous solution; however, it displays two well defined helical regions when in the presence of SDS micelles. The helices correspond to Trp(585)-Ile(593) and Gly(604)-Tyr(611) of the channel. The Trp(585)-Ile(593) helix has distinct hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces. The Gly(604)-Tyr(611) helix corresponds to an N-terminal extension of the pore helix. Electrophysiological studies of HERG currents following application of exogenous S5P peptides show that the amphipathic helix in the S5P linker interacts with the pore region of the channel in a voltage-dependent manner.


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Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is involved in a number of biochemical pathways that are important to exercise metabolism and the health of exercising individuals. This review reports the results of studies investigating the requirement for vitamin C with exercise on the basis of dietary vitamin C intakes, the response to supplementation and alterations in plasma, serum, and leukocyte ascorbic acid concentration following both acute exercise and regular training. The possible physiological significance of changes in ascorbic acid with exercise is also addressed. Exercise generally causes a transient increase in circulating ascorbic acid in the hours following exercise, but a decline below pre-exercise levels occurs in the days after prolonged exercise. These changes could be associated with increased exercise-induced oxidative stress. On the basis of alterations in the concentration of ascorbic acid within the blood, it remains unclear if regular exercise increases the metabolism of vitamin C. However, the similar dietary intakes and responses to supplementation between athletes and nonathletes suggest that regular exercise does not increase the requirement for vitamin C in athletes. Two novel hypotheses are put forward to explain recent findings of attenuated levels of cortisol postexercise following supplementation with high doses of vitamin C.


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The outer-sphere redox behaviour of a series of [LnCoIII-NCFeII(CN)(5)](-) (L-n = n-membered pentadentate aza-macrocycle) complexes have been studied as a function of pH and oxidising agent. All the dinuclear complexes show a double protonation process at pH approximate to 2 that produces a shift in their UV/Vis spectra. Oxidation of the different non-protonated and diprotonated complexes has been carried out with peroxodisulfate, and of the non-protonated complexes also with trisoxalatocobaltate(III). The results are in agreement with predictions from the Marcus theory. The oxidation of [Fe(phen)(3)](3+) and [IrCl6](2-) is too fast to be measured, although for the latter the transient observation of the process has been achieved at pH = 0. The study of the kinetics of the outer-sphere redox process, with the S2O82- and [Co(ox)(3)](3-) oxidants, has been carried out as a function of pH, temperature, and pressure. As a whole, the values found for the activation volumes, entropies, and enthalpies are in the following margins, for the diprotonated and non-protonated dinuclear complexes, respectively: DeltaV(not equal) from 11 to 13 and 15 to 20 cm(3) mol(-1); DeltaS(not equal) from 110 to 30 and -60 to -90 J K-1 mol(-1); DeltaH(not equal) from 115 to 80 and 50 to 65 kJ.mol(-1). The thermal activation parameters are clearly dominated by the electrostriction occurring on outer-sphere precursor formation, while the trends found for the values of the volume of activation indicate an important degree of tuning due to the charge distribution during the electron transfer process. The special arrangement on the amine ligands in the isomer trans[(L14CoNCFeII)-N-III(CN)(5)](-) accounts for important differences in solvent-assisted hydrogen bonding occurring within the outer-sphere redox process, as has been established in redox reactions of similar compounds. ((C) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2003).


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[GRAPHICS] Rapid access to the ABCE ring system of the C-20 diterpene alkaloids was achieved by silver(I)-promoted intramolecular Friedel-Crafts arylation of a functional group-specific 5-bromo-3-azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane derivative.


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Efetuar o c??lculo dos acr??scimos legais para uma determinada data, mediante o fornecimento dos dados do cr??dito tribut??rio e/ou apurar o valor devedor ou credor, saldo, resultante da associa????o de pagamentos e cr??ditos tribut??rios. A aplica????o visa facilitar e agilizar o atendimento ao p??blico em geral e subsidiar os c??lculos no acompanhamento de processos fiscais nas reparti????es da SRF. Minimizar o fluxo de pessoas a SRF, permitindo que qualquer usu??rio que tenha tributos j?? vencidos ou a vencer (quotas), possa utilizar o sistema, bastando para isso, efetuar uma baixa dos programas da Internet e realizar os seus pr??prios c??lculos, gerando automaticamente o Documento de Arrecada????o Federal - DARF para ser recolhido na rede arrecadora sem a necessidade de se dirigir ?? SRF


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O projeto refere-se ?? elabora????o de um manual que aborda, de forma pontual e objetiva, a legisla????o relativa aos procedimentos a serem observados nos processos sob responsabilidade da Advocacia Geral da Uni??o ??? AGU, em tramita????o na Justi??a Federal e Justi??a do Trabalho. O manual re??ne no????es sobre a legisla????o do processo, cria normas e rotinas para a an??lise, confer??ncia, elabora????o de c??lculos e per??cias judiciais, fornece f??rmulas, tabelas e ??ndices aplicados nos c??lculos. A ado????o do manual trouxe resultados qualitativos e quantitativos na medida em que a padroniza????o dos procedimentos se traduziu na melhoria da produtividade e transpar??ncia dos c??lculos, aumentando o grau de confiabilidade e seguran??a para os representantes judiciais que promovem a defesa da Uni??o


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Criada na d??cada de 40 para extrair min??rio de ferro dos dep??sitos do interior do Estado de Minas Gerais, aos poucos a Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD) expandiu suas atividades e ??reas de atua????o, de forma que hoje ?? a maior companhia exportadora de ferro, al??m de atuar na extra????o e beneficiamento de bauxita, ouro e outros minerais abundantes no Brasil. Com o prop??sito de elevar o rendimento das minas e a economicidade global do sistema, a CVRD adotou o processo de aglomera????o de min??rio por pelotiza????o e implantou seis usinas de pelotiza????o na ??rea de Tubar??o, no Estado do Esp??rito Santo. As usinas de pelotiza????o produzem pelotas de min??rio de ferro de alta qualidade. A pelotiza????o ?? um processo de aglomera????o da parcela ultrafina de min??rio ??? com o recurso de um processamento t??rmico ??? em esferas de di??metro adequado, com caracter??sticas de qualidade que permitam a sua aplica????o direta nos fornos sider??rgicos. A moagem ?? parte desse processo. Quando os moinhos est??o em opera????o normal, s??o programadas paradas para inspe????o do revestimento. Se h?? desgaste, programam-se paradas para trocar as barras de revestimento desgastadas


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O artigo apresenta o in??cio da implanta????o das c??maras setoriais no Governo do Estado do Par??, introduzindo um novo desenho para a gest??o das pol??ticas p??blicas no estado. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de an??lise documental junto a diversas inst??ncias do governo paraense, tendo sido o autor participante da implanta????o e da coordena????o da C??mara Setorial de Gest??o at?? 2007. Primeiramente, faz-se uma an??lise sobre os novos modelos de gest??o p??blica no Brasil e a dissolu????o dos antigos padr??es. Em seguida, apresenta-se a proposta de c??maras setoriais, seus m??todos e conceitos, partindo para avan??os e desafios impostos pela implementa????o do novo modelo, conclui-se com uma an??lise sobre o futuro do modelo na gest??o p??blica estadual, bem como a aproxima????o com ferramentas contempor??neas da administra????o, interagindo com as diversas ??reas do governo estadual.


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Nesta edi????o, A RSP revisitada traz o artigo de Harvey Walker, publicado em 1953, dedicado ao tema da ??tica no servi??o p??blico. A preocupa????o do autor com a necessidade de um c??digo de ??tica abrangente para o servidor p??blico, que definisse padr??es de conduta esperados dos representantes do Estado, revela-se bastante atual quando observamos que diversos t??picos abordados se colocam no debate contempor??neo.