914 resultados para profitable indicators


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This report monitors progress against the key indicators of Northern Ireland’s public health strategy ‘Making Life Better’ launched by the Department of Health, Social Services & Public Safety (DHSSPS) in 2014. In addition to presenting the revised baseline positions for each of the key indicators of the framework, the report also monitors progress against each indicator by comparing the latest position with the baseline.


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Les procédures appliquées avant l’abattage des animaux influencent directement la qualité de la viande en modulant l’état physiologique des porcs; ainsi, l’augmentation de la température corporelle, les taux élevés de lactate sanguin et l’épuisement des réserves de glycogène entre autres, occasionnent la majorité des baisses de qualité. L’objectif de cette thèse était de valider des outils indicateurs de stress porcin pour les fermes et les abattoirs. Ceux-ci seraient appliqués à la surveillance du bien-être animal et à la prédiction de variation de qualité de la viande porcine au niveau commercial. Premierement, les résultats de la thèse ont permis de conclure qu’un des outils développés (analyseur portatif de lactate) mesure la variation du niveau de lactate sanguin associé à l’état physiologique des porcs dans la phase péri-mortem et aide à expliquer la variation de la qualité de la viande chez le porc à l’abattoir, en particulier dans les muscles du jambon. Deuxièmement, les résultats des audits du bien-être animal appliqués de la ferme à l’abattoir ont démontré que la qualité du système d’élevage à la ferme d’origine et les compétences du chauffeur de camion sont d’importants critères affectant la réponse comportementale des porcs à la manipulation avant l’abattage. Ces résultats ont également démontré que les conditions de logement à la ferme (la faible densité et l’enrichissement dans les enclos), le comportement des porcs en période pré-abattage (glissade), ainsi que les interventions du manipulateur (utilisation du bâton électrique) dans la zone d’étourdissement de l’abattoir affectent négativement la variation de la qualité de la viande. L’application des protocoles d’audits dans la filière porcine a également démontré que le respect des critères de bien-être animal fixés par un outil de vérification est primordiale et permet de contrôler les conditions de bien-être des porcs à chaque étape de la période pré-abattage, de produire une viande de qualité supérieure et de réduire les pertes. Les audits de bien-être animal sont donc un outil qui apporte des resultats très pertinents pour aider a éviter les variations de la qualité de la viande chez le porc. Troisièmement, la thermographie infrarouge s’est avéré être une technique prometteuse permettant d’évaluer la variation de température corporelle de l’animal pendant et après un stress physique, en particulier lorsque cette mesure est prise derrière les oreilles. En conclusion, les outils validés à travers cette thèse représentent des méthodologies non invasives et potentiellement complémentaires à d’autres approches d’évaluation de l’état physiologique et du bien-être animal par rapport au stress, permettant de réduire les pertes de qualité de viande (par exemple en utilisation conjointe avec le niveau de lactate sanguin et les indicateurs de stress comportemental, entre autres).


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Nature-based solutions promoting green and blue urban areas have significant potential to decrease the vulnerability and enhance the resilience of cities in light of climatic change. They can thereby help to mitigate climate change-induced impacts and serve as proactive adaptation options for municipalities. We explore the various contexts in which nature-based solutions are relevant for climate mitigation and adaptation in urban areas, identify indicators for assessing the effectiveness of nature-based solutions and related knowledge gaps. In addition, we explore existing barriers and potential opportunities for increasing the scale and effectiveness of nature-based solution implementation. The results were derived from an inter- and transdisciplinary workshop with experts from research, municipalities, policy, and society. As an outcome of the workshop discussions and building on existing evidence, we highlight three main needs for future science and policy agendas when dealing with nature-based solutions: (i) produce stronger evidence on nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation and mitigation and raise awareness by increasing implementation; (ii) adapt for governance challenges in implementing nature-based solutions by using reflexive approaches, which implies bringing together new networks of society, nature-based solution ambassadors, and practitioners; (iii) consider socio-environmental justice and social cohesion when implementing nature-based solutions by using integrated governance approaches that take into account an integrative and transdisciplinary participation of diverse actors. Taking these needs into account, nature-based solutions can serve as climate mitigation and adaptation tools that produce additional cobenefits for societal well-being, thereby serving as strong investment options for sustainable urban planning.


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Résumé : En raison de sa grande étendue, le Nord canadien présente plusieurs défis logistiques pour une exploitation rentable de ses ressources minérales. La TéléCartographie Prédictive (TCP) vise à faciliter la localisation de gisements en produisant des cartes du potentiel géologique. Des données altimétriques sont nécessaires pour générer ces cartes. Or, celles actuellement disponibles au nord du 60e parallèle ne sont pas optimales principalement parce qu’elles sont dérivés de courbes à équidistance variable et avec une valeur au mètre. Parallèlement, il est essentiel de connaître l'exactitude verticale des données altimétriques pour être en mesure de les utiliser adéquatement, en considérant les contraintes liées à son exactitude. Le projet présenté vise à aborder ces deux problématiques afin d'améliorer la qualité des données altimétriques et contribuer à raffiner la cartographie prédictive réalisée par TCP dans le Nord canadien, pour une zone d’étude située au Territoire du Nord-Ouest. Le premier objectif était de produire des points de contrôles permettant une évaluation précise de l'exactitude verticale des données altimétriques. Le second objectif était de produire un modèle altimétrique amélioré pour la zone d'étude. Le mémoire présente d'abord une méthode de filtrage pour des données Global Land and Surface Altimetry Data (GLA14) de la mission ICESat (Ice, Cloud and land Elevation SATellite). Le filtrage est basé sur l'application d'une série d'indicateurs calculés à partir d’informations disponibles dans les données GLA14 et des conditions du terrain. Ces indicateurs permettent d'éliminer les points d'élévation potentiellement contaminés. Les points sont donc filtrés en fonction de la qualité de l’attitude calculée, de la saturation du signal, du bruit d'équipement, des conditions atmosphériques, de la pente et du nombre d'échos. Ensuite, le document décrit une méthode de production de Modèles Numériques de Surfaces (MNS) améliorés, par stéréoradargrammétrie (SRG) avec Radarsat-2 (RS-2). La première partie de la méthodologie adoptée consiste à faire la stéréorestitution des MNS à partir de paires d'images RS-2, sans point de contrôle. L'exactitude des MNS préliminaires ainsi produits est calculée à partir des points de contrôles issus du filtrage des données GLA14 et analysée en fonction des combinaisons d’angles d'incidences utilisées pour la stéréorestitution. Ensuite, des sélections de MNS préliminaires sont assemblées afin de produire 5 MNS couvrant chacun la zone d'étude en totalité. Ces MNS sont analysés afin d'identifier la sélection optimale pour la zone d'intérêt. Les indicateurs sélectionnés pour la méthode de filtrage ont pu être validés comme performant et complémentaires, à l’exception de l’indicateur basé sur le ratio signal/bruit puisqu’il était redondant avec l’indicateur basé sur le gain. Autrement, chaque indicateur a permis de filtrer des points de manière exclusive. La méthode de filtrage a permis de réduire de 19% l'erreur quadratique moyenne sur l'élévation, lorsque que comparée aux Données d'Élévation Numérique du Canada (DNEC). Malgré un taux de rejet de 69% suite au filtrage, la densité initiale des données GLA14 a permis de conserver une distribution spatiale homogène. À partir des 136 MNS préliminaires analysés, aucune combinaison d’angles d’incidences des images RS-2 acquises n’a pu être identifiée comme étant idéale pour la SRG, en raison de la grande variabilité des exactitudes verticales. Par contre, l'analyse a indiqué que les images devraient idéalement être acquises à des températures en dessous de 0°C, pour minimiser les disparités radiométriques entre les scènes. Les résultats ont aussi confirmé que la pente est le principal facteur d’influence sur l’exactitude de MNS produits par SRG. La meilleure exactitude verticale, soit 4 m, a été atteinte par l’assemblage de configurations de même direction de visées. Par contre, les configurations de visées opposées, en plus de produire une exactitude du même ordre (5 m), ont permis de réduire le nombre d’images utilisées de 30%, par rapport au nombre d'images acquises initialement. Par conséquent, l'utilisation d'images de visées opposées pourrait permettre d’augmenter l’efficacité de réalisation de projets de SRG en diminuant la période d’acquisition. Les données altimétriques produites pourraient à leur tour contribuer à améliorer les résultats de la TCP, et augmenter la performance de l’industrie minière canadienne et finalement, améliorer la qualité de vie des citoyens du Nord du Canada.


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Purpose: To evaluate if physical measures of noise predict image quality at high and low noise levels. Method: Twenty-four images were acquired on a DR system using a Pehamed DIGRAD phantom at three kVp settings (60, 70 and 81) across a range of mAs values. The image acquisition setup consisted of 14 cm of PMMA slabs with the phantom placed in the middle at 120 cm SID. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and Contrast-tonoise ratio (CNR) were calculated for each of the images using ImageJ software and 14 observers performed image scoring. Images were scored according to the observer`s evaluation of objects visualized within the phantom. Results: The R2 values of the non-linear relationship between objective visibility score and CNR (60kVp R2 = 0.902; 70Kvp R2 = 0.913; 80kVp R2 = 0.757) demonstrate a better fit for all 3 kVp settings than the linear R2 values. As CNR increases for all kVp settings the Object Visibility also increases. The largest increase for SNR at low exposure values (up to 2 mGy) is observed at 60kVp, when compared with 70 or 81kVp.CNR response to exposure is similar. Pearson r was calculated to assess the correlation between Score, OV, SNR and CNR. None of the correlations reached a level of statistical significance (p>0.01). Conclusion: For object visibility and SNR, tube potential variations may play a role in object visibility. Higher energy X-ray beam settings give lower SNR but higher object visibility. Object visibility and CNR at all three tube potentials are similar, resulting in a strong positive relationship between CNR and object visibility score. At low doses the impact of radiographic noise does not have a strong influence on object visibility scores because in noisy images objects could still be identified.


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Background - For dose reduction actions, the principle of “image quality as good as possible” to “image quality as good as needed” requires to know whether the physical measures and visual image quality relate. Visual evaluation and objective physical measures of image quality can appear to be different. If there is no noticeable effect on the visual image quality with a low dose but there is a objective physical measure impact, then the overall dose may be reduced without compromising the diagnostic image quality. Low dose imaging can be used for certain types of observations, e.g. thoracic scoliosis, control after metal implantation for osteosynthesis, reviewing pneumonia and tuberculosis. Aim of the study - To determine whether physical measures of noise predict visual (clinical) image quality at low dose levels.


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Senttiosakkeista tehtyjä tutkimuksia on olemassa hyvin rajoitetusti, ja ne ovat keskittyneet lähinnä senttiosakelistautumisiin. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan suomalaisia julkisesti noteerattuja senttiosakkeita ja niiden suoriutumista kymmenen vuoden ajanjaksolla vuosina 2006–2015. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko suomalaisiin julkisesti noteerattuihin senttiosakkeisiin sijoittaminen kannattavaa toimintaa ja minkälaisia tuottoja on odotettavissa senttiosakkeisiin sijoittamalla. Tutkimusaineisto koostui tutkielmassa tehdyn määritelmän mukaisista senttiosakkeista ja muista Small Cap -indeksin osakkeista, joita kutsuttiin puolestaan ei-senttiosakkeiksi. Tuotot laskettiin osakkeiden päivittäisistä tuottoindekseistä. Tuottoja verrattiin lyhyellä, keskipitkällä ja pitkällä aikavälillä. Tuottojen tarkastelun tueksi senttiosakkeille ja ei-senttiosakkeille laskettiin seuraavat menestysmittarit: Sharpen luku, Treynorin indeksi ja Jensenin alfa. Lopuksi verrattiin vielä seuraavia tunnuslukuja: ROE (%), E/P-luku, P/B-luku, osinkotuotto-% ja velan suhde omaan pääomaan (%). Saatujen tulosten perusteella suomalaiset julkisesti noteeratut senttiosakkeet ovat lyhyellä aikavälillä kannattavia sijoituskohteita, mutta mitä pidemmäksi tarkasteluperiodi kasvoi, sitä huonommin ne suoriutuivat. Lisäksi senttiosakkeet hävisivät kaikilla tarkasteluperiodeilla ei-senttiosakkeille. Suurimmat positiiviset tuotot olivat kuitenkin yksittäisillä senttiosakkeilla. Senttiosakkeisiin havaittiin liittyvän paljon riskejä, kuten suuri volatiliteetti, suuret negatiiviset tuotot ja konkurssin mahdollisuus. Myös kaikki menestysmittarit ja tunnusluvut indikoivat senttiosakkeiden olevan ei-senttiosakkeita huonompia sijoituskohteita. Sijoittajien on oltava erityisen tarkkoja senttiosakkeiden kanssa, sillä niihin sijoittaminen on pitkälti verrattavissa uhkapelaamiseen.


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Imagine being told that your wage was going to be cut in half. Well, that’s what’s soon going to happen to those who make money from Bitcoin mining, the process of earning the online currency Bitcoin. The current expected date for this change is 11 July 2016. Many see this as the day when Bitcoin prices will rocket and when Bitcoin owners could make a great deal of money. Others see it as the start of a Bitcoin crash. At present no one quite knows which way it will go. Bitcoin was created in 2009 by someone known as Satoshi Nakamoto, borrowing from a whole lot of research methods. It is a cryptocurrency, meaning it uses digital encryption techniques to create bitcoins and secure financial transactions. It doesn’t need a central government or organisation to regulate it, nor a broker to manage payments. Conventional currencies usually have a central bank that creates money and controls its supply. Bitcoin is instead created when individuals “mine” for it by using their computers to perform complex calculations through special software. The algorithm behind Bitcoin is designed to limit the number of bitcoins that can ever be created. All Bitcoin transactions are recorded on a public database known as a blockchain. Every time someone mines for Bitcoin, it is recorded with a new block that is transmitted to every Bitcoin app across the network, like a bank updating its online records.


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Background: Constipation is an intestinal dysfunction. Prebiotics, such as inulin, can improve bowel function by positively influencing intestinal biota. Aim: To analyze the scientific evidence for the role of inulin in improving bowel function in patients with chronic constipation. Methods: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials was conducted, grounded on a literature search for the period 1995-2013 (descriptors: inulin & constipation) on PubMed, ScieLo and Central Trials Register Cochrane databases. A total of 24 articles were found, 5 of them were selected for this meta-analysis, involving 252 subjects (experimental group: n = 144, control group: n = 108). The quality of the studies was assessed using the Jadad scale. Results: We found a significant overall effect of inulin on stool frequency (DEM = 0.69, 95%CI: 0.04, 1.34), stool consistency (Bristol scale) (DEM = 1.07, 95% CI: 0.70, 1.45), transit time (DEM = -0.57, 95% CI: -0.99, -0.15) and hardness of stool (RR = 0.42, 95% CI: 0.26, 0.70). Pain and bloating do not improve with inulin intake. Conclusions: inulin intake has a positive effect on bowel function.


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Background: Anthropometric indicators are difficult to interpret in very low birth weight (VLBW) premature infants, including both appropriate for gestational age (AGA) and small for gestational age (SGA) infants. Therefore, the purpose was to describe the anthropometric indicators of growth and nutritional status in VLBW premature infants AGA and SGA, hospitalized in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Study design: The descriptive and prospective study design included 114 preterm infants, adequate for gestational age/small for gestational age hospitalized in the intensive care unit. Head, thigh, mid upper arm circumference, skin-fold measurements and weight/age, length/ age, and weight/length indices were obtained. Correlations were made among the anthropometric indices, and a multivariate regression analysis with weight/age as dependent variable was performed. Results: Weight/age in AGA premature infants had high number of significant anthropometric correlations. The SGA premature infants had few and weak correlations. The regression analysis showed that anthropometric indices better explain changes in the weight/age index in adequate for gestational age premature infants. Conclusion: Weight/age in the VLBW/AGA premature infants could reflect growth, nutritional status and energy stored as fat, but in the VLBW/SGA premature infants, thigh circumference and mid arm circumference would be better indicators just of nutritional status.


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Beef businesses in northern Australia are facing increased pressure to be productive and profitable with challenges such as climate variability and poor financial performance over the past decade. Declining terms of trade, limited recent gains in on-farm productivity, low profit margins under current management systems and current climatic conditions will leave little capacity for businesses to absorb climate change-induced losses. In order to generate a whole-of-business focus towards management change, the Climate Clever Beef project in the Maranoa-Balonne region of Queensland trialled the use of business analysis with beef producers to improve financial literacy, provide a greater understanding of current business performance and initiate changes to current management practices. Demonstration properties were engaged and a systematic approach was used to assess current business performance, evaluate impacts of management changes on the business and to trial practices and promote successful outcomes to the wider industry. Focus was concentrated on improving financial literacy skills, understanding the business’ key performance indicators and modifying practices to improve both business productivity and profitability. To best achieve the desired outcomes, several extension models were employed: the ‘group facilitation/empowerment model’, the ‘individual consultant/mentor model’ and the ‘technology development model’. Providing producers with a whole-of-business approach and using business analysis in conjunction with on-farm trials and various extension methods proved to be a successful way to encourage producers in the region to adopt new practices into their business, in the areas of greatest impact. The areas targeted for development within businesses generally led to improvements in animal performance and grazing land management further improving the prospects for climate resilience.


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African Americans are disproportionately affected by colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence and mortality. CRC early detection leads to better treatment outcomes and, depending on the screening test, can prevent the development of CRC. African Americans, however, are screened less often than Whites. Aspects of decision making (e.g., decisional conflict, decision self-efficacy) can impact decision making outcomes and may be influenced by social determinants of health, including health literacy. However the relationship between social determinants of health and indicators of decision making in this population is not fully understood. Additionally, individuals have a choice between different CRC screening tests and an individual’s desire to use a particular screening test may be associated with social determinants of health such as health literacy. This study aimed to examine the relationship between social determinants of health and indicators of decision making for CRC screening among African Americans. A total of 111 participants completed a baseline and 14-month follow-up survey assessing decisional conflict, decision self-efficacy, decisional preference (shared versus informed decision making), and CRC test preference. Health literacy was negatively associated with decisional conflict and positively associated with decision self-efficacy (ps < .05). Individuals who were unemployed or working part-time had significantly greater decisional conflict than individuals working full-time (ps < .05). Individuals with a first-degree family history of CRC had significantly lower decision self-efficacy than individuals without a family history (p < .05). Women were significantly more likely to prefer making a shared decision rather than an informed decision compared to men (p < .05). Lastly, previous CRC screening behavior was significantly associated with CRC test preference (e.g., individuals previously screened using colonoscopy were significantly more likely to prefer colonoscopy for their next screening test; ps < .05). These findings begin to identify social determinants of health (e.g., health literacy, employment) that are related to indicators of decision making for CRC among African Americans. Furthermore, these findings suggest further research is needed to better understand these relationships to help with the future development and improvement of interventions targeting decision making outcomes for CRC screening in this population.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate benthic macro-invertebrates species diversity as bio-indicators of environmental health in Bahrekan bay (in the Northwest of Persian gulf). Seasonal sediments sampling along 5 transects, 15 stations at 4 replicates (3 replicates for macrobenthos and 1 replicate for sediment analysis) was done from November 2008 to August 2009 by 0.025 m2 Van Veen grab sampler. Physical and chemical parameters of water, grain size analysis, %TOM and Ni and Va concentrations of sediments were assessed through four seasons. Macrobenthic communities after staining and sorting, using stereomicroscope have been identified. Their density in every station and every season calculated. For using of AMBI index, identified macrobenthos according to their sensitivity to stressors and pollutants, categorized into 5 ecological groups and for using of Bentix index categorized into 3 ecological groups. The diversity indices and indicators that showing ecological status were calculated. Also, the differences between physiochemical parameters of sea water, sediments TOM% and grain size, diversity indices in stations and seasons were recorded (P=0.05). The correlation coefficient determined for all parameters. According to the results of grain size analysis, bottom grain size categorized as clay. Highest percent of TOM was belong to autumn (36.39±.075) and lowest was belong to summer (19.01±0.51). Also there was positive correlation (p=0.01) between %TOM and %Clay that showing sediments with lowest size containing highest amounts of organic matters. Ni concentrations in sediments (87.80±21.25)mg/kg showed the amounts over than standards levels but Va concentrations in sediments (53.54±17.60)mg/kg showed the amounts lower than standards level. The highest density of macrobenthos was recorded for summer (8254±485) N/m2 and the lowest density was recorded for spring (3775±172)N/m2. The highest annual density was belong to mollusca (81%) and then polycheates (13%), Others (4%) and crustaceae (2%). The highest diversity was recorded for winter (Simpson index: 0.13±0.01, H':3.47±0.06) and the lowest diversity recorded for autumn (Simpson index: 0.16±0.01, H':3.17±0.06). in all stations, the highest amount of Shanon index was belong to T2S3 station in summer (4.11± 0.32) and the lowest amount was belong to T1S1 station in autumn (2.42± 0.41). The annual mean of Simpson diversity index: (0.15 ±0.04) and Shanon diversity index (3.36±0.03), illustrated that macrobenthos in Bahrekan bay have a good variation. The results of Brilluin and N1 (Number of equally common species) indices confirm the results of Simpson index. For study on the regions that diversity has a little difference between stations, with use of Ni index, the degree of differences could be better ono recognizable. According to the results of AMBI index in all seasons (autumn: 0.46±0.03; summer: 0.22±0.01; annual mean:0.31±0.01) and standards (0.0