998 resultados para precipitation gradient


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A multiple-iteration constrained conjugate gradient (MICCG) algorithm and a single-iteration constrained conjugate gradient (SICCG) algorithm are proposed to realize the widely used frequency-domain minimum-variance-distortionless-response (MVDR) beamformers and the resulting algorithms are applied to speech enhancement. The algorithms are derived based on the Lagrange method and the conjugate gradient techniques. The implementations of the algorithms avoid any form of explicit or implicit autocorrelation matrix inversion. Theoretical analysis establishes formal convergence of the algorithms. Specifically, the MICCG algorithm is developed based on a block adaptation approach and it generates a finite sequence of estimates that converge to the MVDR solution. For limited data records, the estimates of the MICCG algorithm are better than the conventional estimators and equivalent to the auxiliary vector algorithms. The SICCG algorithm is developed based on a continuous adaptation approach with a sample-by-sample updating procedure and the estimates asymptotically converge to the MVDR solution. An illustrative example using synthetic data from a uniform linear array is studied and an evaluation on real data recorded by an acoustic vector sensor array is demonstrated. Performance of the MICCG algorithm and the SICCG algorithm are compared with the state-of-the-art approaches.


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In intermittently open estuaries, the sources of organic matter sustaining benthic invertebrates are likely to vary seasonally, particularly between periods of connection and disconnection with the ocean and higher and lower freshwater flows. This study investigated the contribution of allochthonous and autochthonous primary production to the diet of representative invertebrate species using stable isotope analysis (SIA) during the austral summer and winter (2008, 2009) in an intermittently open estuary on the south-eastern coast of Australia. As the study was conducted towards the end of a prolonged period of drought, a reduced influence of freshwater/terrestrial organic matter was expected. Sampling was conducted along an estuarine gradient, including upper, middle and lower reaches and showed that the majority of assimilated organic matter was derived from autochthonous estuarine food sources. Additionally, there was an input of allochthonous organic matter, which varied along the length of the estuary, indicated by distinct longitudinal trends in carbon and nitrogen stable isotope signatures along the estuarine gradient. Marine seaweed contributed to invertebrate diets in the lower reaches of the estuary, while freshwater/terrestrial organic matter had increased influence in the upper reaches. Suspension-feeding invertebrates derived large parts of their diet from freshwater/terrestrial material, despite flows being greatly reduced in comparison with non-drought years.


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The effect of grain microstructure on the age-hardening behavior is investigated on recrystallized and un-recrystallized Al-Cu-Li alloys by combining electron-backscatter-diffraction and micro-hardness mapping. The spatial heterogeneity of micro-hardness is found to be strongly dependent on the grain microstructure. Controlled experiments are carried out to change the pre-strain before artificial ageing. These experiments lead to an evaluation of the range of local strain induced by pre-stretching as a function of the grain microstructure and results in heterogeneous formation of the hardening T1 precipitates.


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Sewer odour and corrosion is caused by the reduction of sulphide ions and the release of hydrogen sulphide gas (H2S) into the sewer atmosphere. The reduction of sulphide is determined by its dissipation rate which depends on many processes such as emission, oxidation and precipitation that prevail in wastewater environments. Two factors that mainly affect the dissipation of sulphide are sewer hydraulics and wastewater characteristics; modification to the latter by dosing certain chemicals is known as one of the mitigation strategies to control the dissipation of sulphide. This study investigates the dissipation of sulphide in the presence of NaOH, Mg(OH)2, Ca(NO3)2 and FeCl3 and the dissipation rate is developed as a function of hydraulic parameters such as the slope of the sewer and the velocity gradient. Experiments were conducted in a 18m experimental sewer pipe with adjustable slope to which, firstly no chemical was added and secondly each of the above mentioned chemicals was supplemented in turn. A dissipation rate constant of 2×10-6 for sulphide was obtained from experiments with no chemical addition. This value was then used to predict the sulphide concentration that was responsible for the emission of H2S gas in the presence of one of the above mentioned four chemicals. It was found that the performance of alkali substances (NaOH and Mg(OH)2) in suppressing the H2S gas emission was excellent while ferric chloride showed a moderate mitigating effect due to its slow reaction kinetics. Calcium nitrate was of little value since the wastewater used in this study experienced almost no biological growth. Thus the effectiveness of selected chemicals in suppressing H2S gas emission had the following order: NaOH ≥ Mg(OH)2 ≥ FeCl3 ≥ Ca(NO3)2.


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In this study a gradient grain structure was produced by processing rod billets through three roll planetary milling (also known as PSW process). This kind of gradient structure is reported to provide an excellent combination of strength and ductility owing to an ultrafine-grained surface layer and a coarse-grained interior of the billet. Specifically, copper rod samples were subjected to up to six passes of PSW at room temperature. To study the evolution of the microstructure during the deformation, microhardness measurements and Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) analysis were performed after one, three and six passes. Additionally, the distributions of the equivalent stress during PSW and the equivalent strain after processing were studied by finite element analysis using the commercial software QFORM. The results showed the efficacy of PSW as a means of imparting a gradient ultrafine-grained structure to copper rods. A good correlation between the simulated equivalent strain distribution and the measured microhardness distribution was demonstrated.


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INTRODUCTION: Although there is a documented social gradient for osteoporosis, the underlying mechanism(s) for that gradient remain unknown. We propose a conceptual model based upon the allostatic load theory, to suggest how DNA methylation (DNAm) might underpin the social gradient in osteoporosis and fracture. We hypothesise that social disadvantage is associated with priming of inflammatory pathways mediated by epigenetic modification that leads to an enhanced state of inflammatory reactivity and oxidative stress, and thus places socially disadvantaged individuals at greater risk of osteoporotic fracture. METHODS/RESULTS: Based on a review of the literature, we present a conceptual model in which social disadvantage increases stress throughout the lifespan, and engenders a proinflammatory epigenetic signature, leading to a heightened inflammatory state that increases risk for osteoporotic fracture in disadvantaged groups that are chronically stressed. CONCLUSIONS: Our model proposes that, in addition to the direct biological effects exerted on bone by factors such as physical activity and nutrition, the recognised socially patterned risk factors for osteoporosis also act via epigenetic-mediated dysregulation of inflammation. DNAm is a dynamic modulator of gene expression with considerable relevance to the field of osteoporosis. Elucidating the extent to which this epigenetic mechanism transduces the psycho-social environment to increase the risk of osteoporotic fracture may yield novel entry points for intervention that can be used to reduce individual and population-wide risks for osteoporotic fracture. Specifically, an epigenetic evidence-base may strengthen the importance of lifestyle modification and stress reduction programs, and help to reduce health inequities across social groups. MINI ABSTRACT: Our conceptual model proposes how DNA methylation might underpin the social gradient in osteoporotic fracture. We suggest that social disadvantage is associated with priming of inflammatory signalling pathways, which is mediated by epigenetic modifications, leading to a chronically heightened inflammatory state that places disadvantaged individuals at greater risk of osteoporosis.


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The present work explores the impact of α precipitates on β recrystallization following hot deformation of Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr with grains larger than 1 mm. A single hot rolling pass of 36 pct reduction was conducted on an aged microstructure containing α precipitates at a temperature well below the β transus temperature. After annealing, a uniformly recrystallized structure with a grain size of ~100 µm is formed. The prior β grain boundaries can be readily identified and it is seen that the primary β grains have been replaced by grains displaying a spread of correlated misorientation angles extending up to the highest allowable values. The annealing comprises two stages. The first stage involves normal β subgrain growth limited by the Zener pinning force of the unstable α precipitates. The second stage corresponds to the onset of β recrystallization at the point where the Zener pinning force drops due to dissolution of the α precipitates. This leads to a uniform distribution of site saturated recrystallization nuclei.


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Microalloying trace elements into aluminum alloys have been shown to improve mechanical properties by altering the precipitation process. Here, trace amounts of Sn and (Sn + Ag) have been added to Al-1.1Cu-1.7Mg (at.%) and the effects have been investigated by a combination of hardness testing and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Hardness testing shows that the addition of Sn increases the hardness throughout the ageing process, and in combination with Ag, further increases the hardness and shortens the time to reach the peak hardness. The increase in hardness via Sn microalloying is attributed to the homogeneous distribution of S phase (Al2CuMg) precipitates. In the alloy microalloyed with both Sn and Ag, the microstructure is dominated by homogeneously distributed Ω phase (Al2Cu) precipitates in the peak strengthened condition. Given that neither spherical β-Sn precipitates, nor any other obvious nucleation sites for the Ω phase precipitates were observed using TEM, the mechanism for development of such homogeneous precipitation remains to be determined.


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We read with interest the article by Steves et al, published in J Bone Miner Res, 2016; 31(2):261-269 (1). The authors review available evidence and suggest that the modifiable nature of the gut microbiome (GM) provides a potential therapeutic target to intervene in musculoskeletal conditions of aging.


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Drinking water distribution networks risk exposure to malicious or accidental contamination. Several levels of responses are conceivable. One of them consists to install a sensor network to monitor the system on real time. Once a contamination has been detected, this is also important to take appropriate counter-measures. In the SMaRT-OnlineWDN project, this relies on modeling to predict both hydraulics and water quality. An online model use makes identification of the contaminant source and simulation of the contaminated area possible. The objective of this paper is to present SMaRT-OnlineWDN experience and research results for hydraulic state estimation with sampling frequency of few minutes. A least squares problem with bound constraints is formulated to adjust demand class coefficient to best fit the observed values at a given time. The criterion is a Huber function to limit the influence of outliers. A Tikhonov regularization is introduced for consideration of prior information on the parameter vector. Then the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is applied that use derivative information for limiting the number of iterations. Confidence intervals for the state prediction are also given. The results are presented and discussed on real networks in France and Germany.


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Jakarta is vulnerable to flooding mainly caused by prolonged and heavy rainfall and thus a robust hydrological modeling is called for. A good quality of spatial precipitation data is therefore desired so that a good hydrological model could be achieved. Two types of rainfall sources are available: satellite and gauge station observations. At-site rainfall is considered to be a reliable and accurate source of rainfall. However, the limited number of stations makes the spatial interpolation not very much appealing. On the other hand, the gridded rainfall nowadays has high spatial resolution and improved accuracy, but still, relatively less accurate than its counterpart. To achieve a better precipitation data set, the study proposes cokriging method, a blending algorithm, to yield the blended satellite-gauge gridded rainfall at approximately 10-km resolution. The Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP, 0.1⁰×0.1⁰) and daily rainfall observations from gauge stations are used. The blended product is compared with satellite data by cross-validation method. The newly-yield blended product is then utilized to re-calibrate the hydrological model. Several scenarios are simulated by the hydrological models calibrated by gauge observations alone and blended product. The performance of two calibrated hydrological models is then assessed and compared based on simulated and observed runoff.


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A quantificação da precipitação é dificultada pela extrema aleatoriedade do fenômeno na natureza. Os métodos convencionais para mensuração da precipitação atuam no sentido de espacializar a precipitação mensurada pontualmente em postos pluviométricos para toda a área de interesse e, desta forma, uma rede com elevado número de postos bem distribuídos em toda a área de interesse é necessária para um resultado satisfatório. No entanto, é notória a escassez de postos pluviométricos e a má distribuição espacial dos poucos existentes, não somente no Brasil, mas em vastas áreas do globo. Neste contexto, as estimativas da precipitação com técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento pretendem potencializar a utilização dos postos pluviométricos existentes através de uma espacialização baseada em critérios físicos. Além disto, o sensoriamento remoto é a ferramenta mais capaz para gerar estimativas de precipitação nos oceanos e nas vastas áreas continentais desprovidas de qualquer tipo de informação pluviométrica. Neste trabalho investigou-se o emprego de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento para estimativas de precipitação no sul do Brasil. Três algoritmos computadorizados foram testados, sendo utilizadas as imagens dos canais 1, 3 e 4 (visível, vapor d’água e infravermelho) do satélite GOES 8 (Geostacionary Operational Environmental Satellite – 8) fornecidas pelo Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais. A área de estudo compreendeu todo o estado do Rio Grande do Sul, onde se utilizaram os dados pluviométricos diários derivados de 142 postos no ano de 1998. Os algoritmos citados buscam identificar as nuvens precipitáveis para construir modelos estatísticos que correlacionem as precipitações diária e decendial observadas em solo com determinadas características físicas das nuvens acumuladas durante o mesmo período de tempo e na mesma posição geográfica de cada pluviômetro considerado. Os critérios de decisão que norteiam os algoritmos foram baseados na temperatura do topo das nuvens (através do infravermelho termal), reflectância no canal visível, características de vizinhança e no plano de temperatura x gradiente de temperatura Os resultados obtidos pelos modelos estatísticos são expressos na forma de mapas de precipitação por intervalo de tempo que podem ser comparados com mapas de precipitação obtidas por meios convencionais.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)