1000 resultados para paperiteollisuus - Suomi
The aim of this study is to find out how Metso Paper’s marketing could better support sales and how sales people are executing marketing during the sales processes. This study is done from sales people’s point of view. The study is limited to cover only company’s internal environment. This research was executed through literature review and qualitative theme interviews, where 20 of Metso Paper’s sales people were interviewed. The interviewees were asked to tell their opinions about marketing’s support, marketing materials, information and the relationship between sales and marketing. The results of this study show that the relationship between marketing and sales is rather good, but there is still a great need for improvements. It is hoped that marketing would take more part in the selling processes. In addition, more information about the launches and schedules were also hoped for. Marketing is told to be quite Finland centric and sales people are wishing for more adopted marketing materials and occasions. It came up during the interviews, that sales people are not so willing to give regular feedback to marketing and quite often they think that marketing’s role in Metso Paper is not important at all.
Lentolehtisten avulla on levitetty sotapropagandaa Suomen talvi- ja jatkosodan aikana vuosina 1939-1944 rintaman molemmin puolin. Tämä ainutlaatuinen, aikaansa sidottu aineisto kertoo, millaisin sanoin ja kuvin poikkeuksellisissa oloissa pyritään vaikuttamaan ihmisten asenteisiin ja toimintaan. Lentolehtisiä levisi miljoonittain, mutta niitä ei juurikaan saatu kirjastoon vapaakappalelain perusteella. Pääosa lehtisistä on yksityishenkilöiden rintamilta ja muilta tahoilta keräämiä. Lehtisten kunto on jo alun perin ollut huono, ja myös niiden materiaali on heikosti säilyvää paperia. Kokoelmassa on sekä suomalaisten, saksalaisten ja neuvostoliittolaisten levittämiä lehtisiä että heille sekä myös ruotsalaisille ja muille vapaaehtoisille osoitettuja lehtisiä. Varsinaisten lentolehtisten lisäksi on pikkukirjasia, sanomalehtiä, päiväkäskyjä ja virallisia julistuksia. Edustettuna on lukuisia kieliä: venäjä, saksa, ruotsi, suomi, viro, aunuksen ja karjalan kielet sekä muita Neuvostoliitossa käytettyjä vähemmistökieliä. Aineistossa on määrällisesti eniten Neuvostoliitossa painettuja, suomalaisille osoitettuja lentolehtisiä.
The objective of the thesis was to define the quality potential of DIP and hardwood CTMP based raw material furnish for a printing paper production and to define the end product's pulp-based boundary conditions especially when thinking of Chinese markets. Although the Chinese paper industry expands rapidly, the production of some paper grades is still exiguous. Especially the softwood resources are limited in Asia, thus the purpose of the thesis was to find out the possibilities to produce printing paper in China from local raw materials. Bleached CTMP can be produced, for example, from fast-growing hardwood species like eucalyptus and poplar. Therefore in this thesis it was examined if good quality printing paper is possible to produce by using deinked pulp and hardwood CTMP based furnish. In the first section of experimental part, various deinked pulps and chemithermomechanical pulps were compared. The deinked pulps were from China, Central Europe and Finland. Central European was made for magazine papers, and the Chinese as well as the Finnish pulps were made for newsprints. Two of the BCTMPs were from China and those both were made from poplar, whereas one BCTMP was made from eucalyptus in a pilot plant. There were significant differences especially between BCTMPs and their paper properties. In the second section of experimental part, the deinked pulp and eucalyptus BCTMP were blended to produce handsheets. The results show that producing the highest quality printing paper would be difficult from these raw materials. Deinked pulp affected especially the strength and optical properties as well as calender blackening. The BCTMP was found to have effects mostly on the smoothness, strength and optical properties as well as calender blackening.
Seloste artikkelista: Jalkanen, R., Büttner, C. & von Bargen, S. 2007. Cherry leaf roll virus abundant on Betula pubescens in Finland. Silva Fennica 41 (4) : 755-762