958 resultados para organizational communication


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Network information theory and channels with memory are two important but difficult frontiers of information theory. In this two-parted dissertation, we study these two areas, each comprising one part. For the first area we study the so-called entropy vectors via finite group theory, and the network codes constructed from finite groups. In particular, we identify the smallest finite group that violates the Ingleton inequality, an inequality respected by all linear network codes, but not satisfied by all entropy vectors. Based on the analysis of this group we generalize it to several families of Ingleton-violating groups, which may be used to design good network codes. Regarding that aspect, we study the network codes constructed with finite groups, and especially show that linear network codes are embedded in the group network codes constructed with these Ingleton-violating families. Furthermore, such codes are strictly more powerful than linear network codes, as they are able to violate the Ingleton inequality while linear network codes cannot. For the second area, we study the impact of memory to the channel capacity through a novel communication system: the energy harvesting channel. Different from traditional communication systems, the transmitter of an energy harvesting channel is powered by an exogenous energy harvesting device and a finite-sized battery. As a consequence, each time the system can only transmit a symbol whose energy consumption is no more than the energy currently available. This new type of power supply introduces an unprecedented input constraint for the channel, which is random, instantaneous, and has memory. Furthermore, naturally, the energy harvesting process is observed causally at the transmitter, but no such information is provided to the receiver. Both of these features pose great challenges for the analysis of the channel capacity. In this work we use techniques from channels with side information, and finite state channels, to obtain lower and upper bounds of the energy harvesting channel. In particular, we study the stationarity and ergodicity conditions of a surrogate channel to compute and optimize the achievable rates for the original channel. In addition, for practical code design of the system we study the pairwise error probabilities of the input sequences.


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International communication strategy followed by Ikea analysis of campaigns in different countries, features and possible justifications of the differerences.


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The frame of a laser diode transmitter for intersatellite communication is concisely introduced. A simple, novel and visual method for measuring the diffraction-limited wavefront of the transmitter by a Jamin double-shearing interferometer is proposed. To verify the validity of the measurement, the far-field divergence of beam is additionally rigorously analysed in terms of the Fraunhofer diffraction. The measurement, the necessary analyses and discussion are given in detail. By directly measuring the fringe widths and quantitatively interpreting the interference fringes, the minimum detectable wavefront height (DWH) of the wavefront is only 0.2 gimel (the distance between the perfect plane wavefront and the actual wavefront at the transmitting aperture) and the corresponding divergence is only 65.84 mu rad. This indicates that the wavefront approaches the diffraction-limited condition. The results show that this interferometer is a powerful tool for testing the semiconductor laser beam's wavefront, especially the diffraction-limited wavefront.


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This research is concerned with block coding for a feedback communication system in which the forward and feedback channels are independently disturbed by additive white Gaussian noise and average power constrained. Two coding schemes are proposed in which the messages to be coded for transmission over the forward channel are realized as a set of orthogonal waveforms. A finite number of forward and feedback transmissions (iterations) per message is made. Information received over the feedback channel is used to modify the waveform transmitted on successive forward iterations in such a way that the expected value of forward signal energy is zero on all iterations after the first. Similarly, information is sent over the feedback channel in such a way that the expected value of feedback signal energy is also zero on all iterations after the first. These schemes are shown to achieve a lower probability of error than the best one-way coding scheme at all rates up to the forward channel capacity, provided only that the feedback channel capacity be greater than the forward channel capacity. These schemes make more efficient use of the available feedback power than existing feedback coding schemes, and therefore require less feedback power to achieve a given error performance.


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We propose a novel communication technique which utilizes a set of mutually distinguishable optical patterns instead of convergent facula to transmit information. The communication capacity is increased by exploiting the optical spatial bandwidth resources. An optimum detector for this communication is proposed based on maximum-likelihood decision. The fundamental rule of designing signal spatial pattern is formulated from analysis of the probability of error decision. Finally, we present a typical electro-optical system scheme of the proposed communication. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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We are at the cusp of a historic transformation of both communication system and electricity system. This creates challenges as well as opportunities for the study of networked systems. Problems of these systems typically involve a huge number of end points that require intelligent coordination in a distributed manner. In this thesis, we develop models, theories, and scalable distributed optimization and control algorithms to overcome these challenges.

This thesis focuses on two specific areas: multi-path TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and electricity distribution system operation and control. Multi-path TCP (MP-TCP) is a TCP extension that allows a single data stream to be split across multiple paths. MP-TCP has the potential to greatly improve reliability as well as efficiency of communication devices. We propose a fluid model for a large class of MP-TCP algorithms and identify design criteria that guarantee the existence, uniqueness, and stability of system equilibrium. We clarify how algorithm parameters impact TCP-friendliness, responsiveness, and window oscillation and demonstrate an inevitable tradeoff among these properties. We discuss the implications of these properties on the behavior of existing algorithms and motivate a new algorithm Balia (balanced linked adaptation) which generalizes existing algorithms and strikes a good balance among TCP-friendliness, responsiveness, and window oscillation. We have implemented Balia in the Linux kernel. We use our prototype to compare the new proposed algorithm Balia with existing MP-TCP algorithms.

Our second focus is on designing computationally efficient algorithms for electricity distribution system operation and control. First, we develop efficient algorithms for feeder reconfiguration in distribution networks. The feeder reconfiguration problem chooses the on/off status of the switches in a distribution network in order to minimize a certain cost such as power loss. It is a mixed integer nonlinear program and hence hard to solve. We propose a heuristic algorithm that is based on the recently developed convex relaxation of the optimal power flow problem. The algorithm is efficient and can successfully computes an optimal configuration on all networks that we have tested. Moreover we prove that the algorithm solves the feeder reconfiguration problem optimally under certain conditions. We also propose a more efficient algorithm and it incurs a loss in optimality of less than 3% on the test networks.

Second, we develop efficient distributed algorithms that solve the optimal power flow (OPF) problem on distribution networks. The OPF problem determines a network operating point that minimizes a certain objective such as generation cost or power loss. Traditionally OPF is solved in a centralized manner. With increasing penetration of volatile renewable energy resources in distribution systems, we need faster and distributed solutions for real-time feedback control. This is difficult because power flow equations are nonlinear and kirchhoff's law is global. We propose solutions for both balanced and unbalanced radial distribution networks. They exploit recent results that suggest solving for a globally optimal solution of OPF over a radial network through a second-order cone program (SOCP) or semi-definite program (SDP) relaxation. Our distributed algorithms are based on the alternating direction method of multiplier (ADMM), but unlike standard ADMM-based distributed OPF algorithms that require solving optimization subproblems using iterative methods, the proposed solutions exploit the problem structure that greatly reduce the computation time. Specifically, for balanced networks, our decomposition allows us to derive closed form solutions for these subproblems and it speeds up the convergence by 1000x times in simulations. For unbalanced networks, the subproblems reduce to either closed form solutions or eigenvalue problems whose size remains constant as the network scales up and computation time is reduced by 100x compared with iterative methods.


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Far-field spot compression without energy loss in main lob is of great significance to wireless laser communication. In this letter, we propose two schemes to obtain far-field spot compression without energy loss in main lob. One scheme is based on the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm. Using SA algorithm, we design the phase profile of the diffractive phase element (DPE). Using the designed DPE, far-field spot compression without energy loss in main lob is achieved. The other scheme is based on YG algorithm. By means of YG algorithm, we appropriately designed the DPE in the emitting plane. Using the DPE, far-field spot compression without energy loss in main lob is obtained. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Coupling a single-mode laser diode with 200 mW to a single-mode fiber (SMF) through an orthonormal aspherical cylindrical lens and a GRIN lens for the intersatellite optical communication system is proposed and demonstrated. We experimentally studied how the coupling efficiency changes with the SMF's position displacement and axial angle variation, and obtained 80 mW output power at the end of the SMF, which shows that the coupling units have satisfied the designed request. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Dependence of performances of non-line-of-sight (NLOS) solar-blind ultraviolet (UV) communication systems on atmosphere visibility is investigated numerically by correlating the propagation of UV radiation with the visibility. A simplified solar-blind UV atmospheric propagation model is introduced, and the NLOS UV communication system model is constituted based on the single scattering assumption. Using the model, numerical simulation is conducted for two typical geometry configurations and different modulation formats. The results indicate that the performance of the NLOS UV communication system is insensitive to variation of visibility in quite a large range, and deteriorates significantly only in very low-visibility weather, and is also dependent on the geometry configuration of the system. The results also show that the pulse position modulation (PPM) is preferable due to its high-power efficiency to improve the system performance. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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An optical communication scheme of 2-D pattern transfer based on imaging optics for submarine laser uplink communication (SLUC) is suggested. Unlike the methods aiming at avoiding neighboring crosstalk used in traditional multi-channel optical beam transferring, we make full use of the overlapping of each spreading beam other than controlling divergence effect of each beam to avoid interference noise. The apparent parameters have been introduced to simplify theoretical analysis of optical pattern transfer problem involving underwater condition, with the help of which the complex beam propagation inside two kinds of mediums can be easily reduced to brief beam transfer only inside air medium. In this paper, optical transmission path and receiver terminal optics geometry have been described in detail. The link range equation and system uplink performance analysis have also been given. At last, results of a proof-of-concept experiment indicate good feasibility of the proposed SLUC model. © 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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[ES]Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la evolución de las estructuras organizativas adoptadas por las empresas, así como la introducción de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en el sector empresarial. También se analizará el cambio de la integración vertical como estrategia, a la tendencia actual del outsourcing o externalización de tareas, además del crowdsourcing y sus dos vertientes más actuales, el crowdfunding y la tecnología Open Source. Finalmente se ilustra el proyecto con el análisis de un caso real centrado en la evolución del Grupo Eroski, su estrategia y modelo de negocio, así como la influencia de las TIC y sus movimientos en materia de outsourcing.


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The experiment result of Nd:YVO4 laser pumped by laser diode that was amplified by double-cladding Yb3+ fiber is reported. Stable mode-locking pulses are obtained at repetition rate of 320 MHz and the output power is 15 mW. When laser power is amplified by Yb3+- doped double-cladding fiber amplifier, its power can get to 600 mW. Based on these, experiment of double-frequency is carried out, and green laser with power of 4 mW is obtained. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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A linguagem e a comunicação são certamente as aquisições mais notáveis e significativas no processo de evolução humana. A fala é apenas um das formas da linguagem, embora seja a mais empregada pelo ser humano. Cerca de uma em cada duzentas pessoas é incapaz de comunicar-se através da fala devido a problemas neurológicos, físicos, emocionais e cognitivos, como é o caso das pessoas com paralisia cerebral, autismo, deficiência intelectual e alterações cognitivas. Nestes casos, pode ser necessário o uso da comunicação alternativa. A Comunicação Alternativa é definida como qualquer forma de comunicação diferente da fala, como o uso gestos manuais, expressões faciais e corporais, símbolos gráficos, linguagem alfabética, voz digitalizada ou sintetizada dentre outros, e é utilizada em contextos de comunicação face a face. O objetivo do presente trabalho é descrever e analisar os padrões comunicativos de duas crianças de doze anos de idade, Tereza, com paralisia cerebral não oralizada que faz uso de sistema alternativo de comunicação, e Alicia, com desenvolvimento normal e que faz uso da fala (sujeito controle). Este estudo faz parte de um projeto transcultural cujo objetivo é descrever como ocorre a compreensão e a expressão de determinados tipos de enunciados gráficos em crianças e jovens de diferentes idades e em diferentes países que utilizam sistemas alternativos de comunicação, e como estes enunciados são compreendidos por seus parceiros - pais, professores e pares. O sistema de comunicação utilizado pela criança com paralisia cerebral consistia de fotografias e do sistema PCS (Picture Communication System), no formato de um livro de comunicação. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os pais e professora de Tereza, Tereza e Alicia; avaliação do sistema de comunicação e da educação da criança realizada pelos pais e pela professora de Tereza; instrumentos normatizados de avaliação da inteligência, da linguagem receptiva, aplicados em ambas as participantes; instrumento aplicado em Tereza para avaliar suas habilidades motoras; tarefas comunicativas aplicadas às duas meninas (provas de compreensão e produção). Os dados revelaram maior competência e conhecimento da mãe quanto ao uso do sistema de comunicação alternativa, bem como no favorecimento do desenvolvimento da linguagem alternativa da criança especial. O envolvimento da professora quanto ao emprego da comunicação alternativa por Tereza em sala de aula foi limitado. Os dados também ressaltaram dificuldades na linguagem compreensiva e expressiva de Tereza que pareceram estar relacionadas à falta de vivência, ao reduzido uso da linguagem alternativa por parte dos interlocutores da criança, bem como à diferença entre as organizações sintáticas da linguagem gráfica e da linguagem oral. Os resultados revelaram portanto a dificuldade de Tereza nas tarefas comunicativas, mas também apontaram para a necessidade de um treinamento mais sistemático no uso desses sistemas direcionados a esses jovens especiais e seus interlocutores.