969 resultados para n methyl dextro aspartic acid


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Knowledge of the amounts and types of fatty acids in groundnut oil is beneficial, particularly from a nutritional standpoint. Germplasm evaluation data for fatty acid composition on 819 accessions of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) from the Australian Tropical Field Crops Genetic Resource Centre, Biloela, Queensland were examined. Data for eight quantitative fatty acid descriptors have been documented. Statistical assessment, via methods of pattern analysis, summarised and described the patterns of variation in fatty acid composition of the groundnut accessions in the Australian germplasm collection. Presentation of the results from principal components analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis using a biplot was shown to be a very useful interpretative tool. Such a biplot enables a simultaneous examination of the relationships among all the accessions and the fatty acids. Unlike that information available via database searches, the results from contribution analysis together with the biplot provide a global picture of the diversity available for use in plant breeding programs. The use of standardised data for eight fatty acids, compared to using three specific fatty acids, provided a better description of the total diversity available because it remains relevant with possible changes in the nutritional preferences for fatty acids. Fatty acid composition was found to vary in relation to the branching pattern of the accessions. This pattern is generally indicative of the botanical types of groundnuts; Virginia (alternate) compared to Spanish and Valencia (sequential) botanical types.


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Methyl orange (MO) is a kind of anionic dye and widely used in industry. In this study, tricalcium aluminate hydrates (Ca-Al-LDHs) are used as an adsorbent to remove methyl orange (MO) from aqueous solutions. The resulting products were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (MIR), thermal analysis (TG-DTA) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The XRD results indicated that the MO molecules were successfully intercalated into the tricalcium aluminate hydrates, with the basal spacing of Ca-Al-LDH expanding to 2.48 nm. The MIR spectrum for CaAl-MO-LDH shows obvious bands assigned to the N@N, N@H stretching vibrations and S@O, SO_ 3 group respectively, which are considered as marks to assess MO_ ion intercalation into the interlayers of LDH. The overall morphology of CaAl-MOLDH displayed a ‘‘honey-comb’’ like structure, with the adjacent layers expanded.


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Banana bunchy top disease (BBTD) caused by banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) was radioactively detected by nucleic acid hybridization techniques. Results showed that, 32P-labelled insert of pBT338 was hybridized with nucleic acid extracts from BBTV-infected plants from Egypt and Australia but not with those from CMV-infected plants from Egypt. Results revealed that BBTV was greatly detected in midrib, roots, meristem, corm, leaves and pseudostem respectively. BBTV was also detected in symptomless young plants prepared from diseased plant materials grown under tissue culture conditions but was not present in those performed from healthy plant materials. The sensitivity of dot blot and Southern blot hybridizations for the detection of BBTV was also performed for the detection of BBTV.


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Aspergillus terreus is successfully used for industrial production of itaconic acid. The acid is formed from cis-aconitate, an intermediate of the tricarboxylic (TCA) cycle, by catalytic action of cis-aconitate decarboxylase. It could be assumed that strong anaplerotic reactions that replenish the pool of the TCA cycle intermediates would enhance the synthesis and excretion rate of itaconic acid. In the phylogenetic close relative Aspergillus niger, upregulated metabolic flux through glycolysis has been described that acted as a strong anaplerotic reaction. Deregulated glycolytic flux was caused by posttranslational modification of 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase (PFK1) that resulted in formation of a highly active, citrate inhibition-resistant shorter form of the enzyme. In order to avoid complex posttranslational modification, the native A. niger pfkA gene has been modified to encode for an active shorter PFK1 fragment. By the insertion of the modified A. niger pfkA genes into the A. terreus strain, increased specific productivities of itaconic acid and final yields were documented by transformants in respect to the parental strain. On the other hand, growth rate of all transformants remained suppressed which is due to the low initial pH value of the medium, one of the prerequisites for the accumulation of itaconic acid by A. terreus mycelium. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.


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The present invention relates to recombinant cells, particularly recombinant plant cells, which are capable of producing dihydrosterculic acid and/or derivatives thereof. The present invention also relates to methods of producing oil comprising dihydrosterculic acid and/or derivatives thereof.


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The ubiquitin-proteasome system targets many cellular proteins for degradation and thereby controls most cellular processes. Although it is well established that proteasome inhibition is lethal, the underlying mechanism is unknown. Here, we show that proteasome inhibition results in a lethal amino acid shortage. In yeast, mammalian cells, and flies, the deleterious consequences of proteasome inhibition are rescued by amino acid supplementation. In all three systems, this rescuing effect occurs without noticeable changes in the levels of proteasome substrates. In mammalian cells, the amino acid scarcity resulting from proteasome inhibition is the signal that causes induction of both the integrated stress response and autophagy, in an unsuccessful attempt to replenish the pool of intracellular amino acids. These results reveal that cells can tolerate protein waste, but not the amino acid scarcity resulting from proteasome inhibition.


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Four new acylated pteridine alkaloids, duramidines A-D, two new acylated thymidine alkaloids, leptoclinidines A and B, two new 1-acylglyceryl-3-(O- carboxyhydroxymethylcholine) alkaloids, durabetaines A and B, three new 1,3-dimethyl-5-methylsulfanylimidazole alkaloids, leptoclinidamines D-F, and the known alkaloids leptoclinidamines B and C and 6-bromo-1H-indolo-3-yl-oxoacetic acid methyl ester were isolated from the Australian ascidian Leptoclinides durus. The duramidines are the first pteridine alkaloids, possessing a three carbon side chain esterified at C-1′ with a 4-hydroxy-2′- methoxycinnamic acid, and are either hydroxylated or sulfated at C-2′. The leptoclinidines are the first 3′-indole-3-carboxylic acid ester derivatives of thymidine to be reported in the literature. The durabetaines are the first glyceryl-3-(O-carboxyhydroxymethylcholine) alkaloids to be reported from an animal source and are also the only known derivatives from this class to be acylated with aromatic carboxylic acids. MS and NMR data analysis established the structures of the new compounds. All compounds were shown to be inactive when tested for cytotoxic activity against prostate (LNCaP) and breast (MDA-MB-231) cancer cell lines and antimicrobial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus.


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Ubiquitination involves the attachment of ubiquitin to lysine residues on substrate proteins or itself, which can result in protein monoubiquitination or polyubiquitination. Ubiquitin attachment to different lysine residues can generate diverse substrate-ubiquitin structures, targeting proteins to different fates. The mechanisms of lysine selection are not well understood. Ubiquitination by the largest group of E3 ligases, the RING-family E3 s, is catalyzed through co-operation between the non-catalytic ubiquitin-ligase (E3) and the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2), where the RING E3 binds the substrate and the E2 catalyzes ubiquitin transfer. Previous studies suggest that ubiquitination sites are selected by E3-mediated positioning of the lysine toward the E2 active site. Ultimately, at a catalytic level, ubiquitination of lysine residues within the substrate or ubiquitin occurs by nucleophilic attack of the lysine residue on the thioester bond linking the E2 catalytic cysteine to ubiquitin. One of the best studied RING E3/ E2 complexes is the Skp1/Cul1/F box protein complex, SCFCdc4, and its cognate E2, Cdc34, which target the CDK inhibitor Sic1 for K48-linked polyubiquitination, leading to its proteasomal degradation. Our recent studies of this model system demonstrated that residues surrounding Sic1 lysines or lysine 48 in ubiquitin are critical for ubiquitination. This sequence-dependence is linked to evolutionarily conserved key residues in the catalytic region of Cdc34 and can determine if Sic1 is mono- or poly-ubiquitinated. Our studies indicate that amino acid determinants in the Cdc34 catalytic region and their compatibility to those surrounding acceptor lysine residues play important roles in lysine selection. This may represent a general mechanism in directing the mode of ubiquitination in E2 s.


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Amplification of the Plasmodium falciparum multidrug resistance 1 gene (pfmdr1) has been implicated in multidrug resistance, including in vitro resistance to artelinic acid (AL). The stability and fitness of having multiple copies of pfmdr1 are important factors due to their potential effects on the resistance phenotype of parasites. These factors were investigated by using an AL-resistant line of P. falciparum (W2AL80) and clones originating from W2AL80. A rapid reduction in pfmdr1 copy number (CN) was observed in the uncloned W2AL80 line; 63% of this population reverted to a CN of <3 without exposure to the drug. Deamplification of the pfmdr1 amplicon was then determined in three clones, each initially containing three copies of pfmdr1. Interestingly, two outcomes were observed during 3 months without drug pressure. In one clone, parasites with fewer than 3 copies of pfmdr1 emerged rapidly. In two other clones, the reversion was significantly delayed. In all subclones, the reduction in pfmdr1 CN involved the deamplification of the entire amplicon (19 genes). Importantly, deamplification of the pfmdr1 amplicon resulted in partial reversal of resistance to AL and increased susceptibility to mefloquine. These results demonstrate that multiple copies of the pfmdr1-containing amplicon in AL-resistant parasites are unstable when drug pressure is withdrawn and have practical implications for the maintenance and spread of parasites resistant to artemisinin derivatives.


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Organic photovoltaic devices with either bulk heterojunction (BHJ) or nanoparticulate (NP) active layers have been prepared from a 1:2 blend of (poly{3,6-dithiophene-2-yl-2,5-di(2-octyldodecyl)-pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1, 4-dione-alt-naphthalene}) (PDPP-TNT) and the fullerene acceptor, ([6,6]-phenyl C71-butyric acid methyl ester) (PC70BM). Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) have been used to investigate the morphology of the active layers of the two approaches. Mild thermal treatment of the NP film is required to promote initial joining of the NPs in order for the devices to function, however the NP structure is retained. Consequently, whereas gross phase segregation of the active layer occurs in the BHJ device spin cast from chloroform, the nanoparticulate approach retains control of the material domain sizes on the length scale of exciton diffusion in the materials. As a result, NP devices are found to generate more than twice the current density of BHJ devices and have a substantially greater overall efficiency. The use of aqueous nanoparticulate dispersions offers a promising approach to control the donor acceptor morphology on the nanoscale with the benefit of environmentally- friendly, solution-based fabrication. © 2014 the Owner Societies.


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We investigate the blend morphology and performance of bulk heterojunction organic photovoltaic devices comprising the donor polymer, pDPP-TNT (poly{3,6-dithiophene-2-yl-2,5-di(2-octyldodecyl)-pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1, 4-dione-alt-naphthalene}) and the fullerene acceptor, [70]PCBM ([6,6]-phenyl C71-butyric acid methyl ester). The blend morphology is heavily dependent upon the solvent system used in the fabrication of thin films. Thin films spin-coated from chloroform possess a cobblestone-like morphology, consisting of thick, round-shaped [70]PCBM-rich mounds separated by thin polymer-rich valleys. The size of the [70]PCBM domains is found to depend on the overall film thickness. Thin films spin-coated from a chloroform:dichlorobenzene mixed solvent system are smooth and consist of a network of pDPP-TNT nanofibers embedded in a [70]PCBM-rich matrix. Rinsing the films in hexane selectively removes [70]PCBM and allows for analysis of domain size and purity. It also provides a means for investigating exciton dissociation efficiency through relative photoluminescence yield measurements. Devices fabricated from chloroform solutions show much poorer performance than the devices fabricated from the mixed solvent system; this disparity in performance is seen to be more pronounced with increasing film thickness. The primary cause for the improved performance of devices fabricated from mixed solvents is attributed to the greater donor-acceptor interfacial area and resulting greater capacity for charge carrier generation.


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Bulk heterojunction organic solar cells based on poly[4,7-bis(3- dodecylthiophene-2-yl) benzothiadiazole-co-benzothiadiazole] and [6,6]-phenyl C71-butyric acid methyl ester are investigated. A prominent kink is observed in the fourth quadrant of the current density-voltage (J-V) response. Annealing the active layer prior to cathode deposition eliminates the kink. The kink is attributed to an extraction barrier. The J-V response in these devices is well described by a power law. This behavior is attributed to an imbalance in charge carrier mobility. An expected photocurrent for the device displaying a kink in the J-V response is determined by fitting to a power law. The difference between the expected and measured photocurrent allows for the determination of a voltage drop within the device. Under simulated 1 sun irradiance, the peak voltage drop and contact resistance at short circuit are 0.14 V and 90 Ω, respectively. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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In recent years, the beauty leaf plant (Calophyllum Inophyllum) is being considered as a potential 2nd generation biodiesel source due to high seed oil content, high fruit production rate, simple cultivation and ability to grow in a wide range of climate conditions. However, however, due to the high free fatty acid (FFA) content in this oil, the potential of this biodiesel feedstock is still unrealized, and little research has been undertaken on it. In this study, transesterification of beauty leaf oil to produce biodiesel has been investigated. A two-step biodiesel conversion method consisting of acid catalysed pre-esterification and alkali catalysed transesterification has been utilized. The three main factors that drive the biodiesel (fatty acid methyl ester (FAME)) conversion from vegetable oil (triglycerides) were studied using response surface methodology (RSM) based on a Box-Behnken experimental design. The factors considered in this study were catalyst concentration, methanol to oil molar ratio and reaction temperature. Linear and full quadratic regression models were developed to predict FFA and FAME concentration and to optimize the reaction conditions. The significance of these factors and their interaction in both stages was determined using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The reaction conditions for the largest reduction in FFA concentration for acid catalysed pre-esterification was 30:1 methanol to oil molar ratio, 10% (w/w) sulfuric acid catalyst loading and 75 °C reaction temperature. In the alkali catalysed transesterification process 7.5:1 methanol to oil molar ratio, 1% (w/w) sodium methoxide catalyst loading and 55 °C reaction temperature were found to result in the highest FAME conversion. The good agreement between model outputs and experimental results demonstrated that this methodology may be useful for industrial process optimization for biodiesel production from beauty leaf oil and possibly other industrial processes as well.


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Selumetinib (AZD6244, ARRY-142886) is a selective, non-ATP-competitive inhibitor of mitogen-activated protein/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase (MEK)-1/2. The range of antitumor activity seen preclinically and in patients highlights the importance of identifying determinants of response to this drug. In large tumor cell panels of diverse lineage, we show that MEK inhibitor response does not have an absolute correlation with mutational or phospho-protein markers of BRAF/MEK, RAS, or phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) activity. We aimed to enhance predictivity by measuring pathway output through coregulated gene networks displaying differential mRNA expression exclusive to resistant cell subsets and correlated to mutational or dynamic pathway activity. We discovered an 18-gene signature enabling measurement of MEK functional output independent of tumor genotype. Where the MEK pathway is activated but the cells remain resistant to selumetinib, we identified a 13-gene signature that implicates the existence of compensatory signaling from RAS effectors other than PI3K. The ability of these signatures to stratify samples according to functional activation of MEK and/or selumetinib sensitivity was shown in multiple independent melanoma, colon, breast, and lung tumor cell lines and in xenograft models. Furthermore, we were able to measure these signatures in fixed archival melanoma tumor samples using a single RT-qPCR-based test and found intergene correlations and associations with genetic markers of pathway activity to be preserved. These signatures offer useful tools for the study of MEK biology and clinical application of MEK inhibitors, and the novel approaches taken may benefit other targeted therapies.