951 resultados para myocardial bridge


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Il seguente elaborato si concentra sull'identifi�cazione strutturale di sistemi soggetti a sollecitazioni aeroelastiche e nello speci�fico l'attenzione viene rivolta ad impalcati da ponte. Si analizzano i concetti principali caratterizzanti il campo dell'aeroelasticità indagando i fattori dominanti che entrano in gioco sul piano teorico. In seguito, si considera il metodo di identifi�cazione strutturale chiamato Covariance Block Hankel Matrix (CBHM) utilizzato come strumento di derivazione dei coeffi�cienti aeroelastici propri della struttura. Infi�ne, si indaga il comportamento di questo metodo di identi�ficazione al variare di una serie di parametri chiave e all'interno di diversi scenari, visionando risultati ottenuti tramite una serie di test eff�ettuati per provare l'a�dattabilità del metodo stesso al variare delle condizioni che caratterizzano il sistema.


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Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the strongest risk factor for myocardial infarction (MI) and mortality. The aim of this study was to assess the association between renal dysfunction severity, short-term outcomes and the use of in-hospital evidence-based therapies among patients with non–ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). Methods: We examined data on 320 patients presenting with NSTEMI to Maggiore’s Emergency Department from 1st Jan 2010 to 31st December 2011. The study patients were classified into two groups according to their baseline glomerular filtration rate (GFR): renal dysfunction (RD) (GFR<60) and non-RD (GFR≥60 ml/min). Patients were then classified into four groups according to their CKD stage (GFR≥60, GFR 59-30, GFR 29-15, GFR <15). Results: Of the 320 patients, 155 (48,4%) had a GFR<60 ml/min at baseline. Compared with patients with a GFR≥60 ml/min, this group was, more likely to be female, to have hypertension, a previous myocardial infarction, stroke or TIA, had higher levels of uric acid and C-reactive protein. They were less likely to receive immediate (first 24 hours) evidence-based therapies. The GFR of RD patients treated appropriately increases on average by 5.5 ml/min/1.73 m2. The length of stay (mean, SD) increased with increasing CKD stage, respectively 5,3 (4,1), 7.0 (6.1), 7.8 (7.0), 9.2 (5.8) (global p <.0001). Females had on average a longer hospitalization than males, regardless of RD. In hospital mortality was higher in RD group (3,25%). Conclusions: The in-hospital mortality not was statically difference among the patients with a GFR value ≥60 ml/min, and patients with a GFR value <60 ml/min. The length of stay increased with increasing CKD stages. Despite patients with RD have more comorbidities then without RD less frequently receive guideline –recommended therapy. The GFR of RD patients treated appropriately improves during hospitalization, but not a level as we expected.


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Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a multifactorial disease with a complex pathogenesis where lifestyle, individual genetic background and environmental risk factors are involved. Altered inflammatory responses seems to be implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. To understand which genes may predispose to increased risk of cardiovascular disease gene polymorphism of immune regulatory genes, and clinical events from the Offs of parents with an early AMI were investigated. Genetics data from Offs were compared with those obtained from healthy subjects and an independent cohort of patients with clinical sporadic AMI. Rates of clinical events during a 24 years follow up from Offs and from an independent Italian population survey were also evaluated. This study showed that a genetic signature consisting of the concomitant presence of the CC genotype of VEGF, the A allele of IL-10 and the A allele of IFN-γ was indeed present in the Offs population. During the 24-year follow-up, Offs with a positive familiarity in spite of a relatively young age showed an increased prevalence of diabetes, ischemic heart disease and stroke. In these patients with the genetic signature the EBV and HHV-6 herpes virus were also investigated and founded. These findings reinforce the notion that subjects with a familial history of AMI are at risk of an accelerated aging of cardiovascular system resulting in cardiovascular events. These data suggest that selected genes with immune regulatory functions and envoronmental factors are part of the complex genetic background contributing to familiarity for cardiovascular diseases.N


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Background: Clinical trials have demonstrated that selected secondary prevention medications for patients after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) reduce mortality. Yet, these medications are generally underprescribed in daily practice, and older people are often absent from drug trials. Objectives: To examine the relationship between adherence to evidence-based (EB) drugs and post-AMI mortality, focusing on the effects of single therapy and polytherapy in very old patients (≥80 years) compared with elderly and adults (<80 years). Methods: Patients hospitalised for AMI between 01/01/2008 and 30/06/2011 and resident in the Local Health Authority of Bologna were followed up until 31/12/2011. Medication adherence was calculated as the proportion of days covered for filled prescriptions of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs)/angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), β-blockers, antiplatelet drugs, and statins. We adopted a risk set sampling method, and the adjusted relationship between medication adherence (PDC≥75%) and mortality was investigated using conditional multiple logistic regression. Results: The study population comprised 4861 patients. During a median follow-up of 2.8 years, 1116 deaths (23.0%) were observed. Adherence to the 4 EB drugs was 7.1%, while nonadherence to any of the drugs was 19.7%. For both patients aged ≥80 years and those aged <80 years, rate ratios of death linearly decreased as the number of EB drugs taken increased. There was a significant inverse relationship between adherence to each of 4 medications and mortality, although its magnitude was higher for ACEIs/ARBs (adj. rate ratio=0.60, 95%CI=0.52–0.69) and statins (0.60, 0.50–0.72), and lower for β-blockers (0.75, 0.61–0.92) and antiplatelet drugs (0.73, 0.63–0.84). Conclusions: The beneficial effect of EB polytherapy on long-term mortality following AMI is evident also in nontrial older populations. Given that adherence to combination therapies is largely suboptimal, the implementation of strategies and initiatives to increase the use of post-AMI secondary preventive medications in old patients is crucial.


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Dry limited amplitude vibrations flow-transition induced vibrations were experienced on a helically-filleted tube, in a previous study performed by Kleissl and Georgakis (2012). These vibrations have never been reported in previous studies. A deep study on the same inclined-yawed cable configuration has been performed, in order to investigate and further understand the nature of these vibrations. The investigation has been carried out through passive-dynamic wind tunnel tests in the Climatic Wind Tunnel at FORCE Technology, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark. The results are carried out in terms of aerodynamic damping and peak to peak amplitude at different flow velocities and different boundary conditions. The latter are done by testing the model with and without the spray system installed in the wind tunnel cross section, in order to understand and evaluate the influence of the spray system on the start of the vibrations mechanism and on the flow turbulence. The gained experiences are finally presented for the use in future testing activities with the purpose of improving the performance of passive-dynamic tests.


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The present work takes into account three posterior parietal areas, V6, V6A, and PEc, all operating on different subsets of signals (visual, somatic, motor). The work focuses on the study of their functional properties, to better understand their respective contribution in the neuronal circuits that make possible the interactions between subject and external environment. In the caudalmost pole of parietal lobe there is area V6. Functional data suggest that this area is related to the encoding of both objects motion and ego-motion. However, the sensitivity of V6 neurons to optic flow stimulations has been tested only in human fMRI experiments. Here we addressed this issue by applying on monkey the same experimental protocol used in human studies. The visual stimulation obtained with the Flow Fields stimulus was the most effective and powerful to activate area V6 in monkey, further strengthening this homology between the two primates. The neighboring areas, V6A and PEc, show different cytoarchitecture and connectivity profiles, but are both involved in the control of reaches. We studied the sensory responses present in these areas, and directly compared these.. We also studied the motor related discharges of PEc neurons during reaching movements in 3D space comparing also the direction and depth tuning of PEc cells with those of V6A. The results show that area PEc and V6A share several functional properties. Area PEc, unlike V6A, contains a richer and more complex somatosensory input, and a poorer, although complex visual one. Differences emerged also comparing the motor-related properties for reaches in depth: the incidence of depth modulations in PEc and the temporal pattern of modulation for depth and direction allow to delineate a trend among the two parietal visuomotor areas.


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Background. A sizable group of patients with symptomatic aortic stenosis (AS) can undergo neither surgical aortic valve replacement (AVR) nor transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) because of clinical contraindications. The aim of this study was to assess the potential role of balloon aortic valvuloplasty (BAV) as a “bridge-to-decision” in selected patients with severe AS and potentially reversible contraindications to definitive treatment. Methods. We retrospectively enrolled 645 patients who underwent first BAV at our Institution between July 2007 and December 2012. Of these, the 202 patients (31.2%) who underwent BAV as bridge-to-decision (BTD) requiring clinical re-evaluation represented our study population. BTD patients were further subdivided in 5 groups: low left ventricular ejection fraction; mitral regurgitation grade ≥3; frailty; hemodynamic instability; comorbidity. The main objective of the study was to evaluate how BAV influenced the final treatment strategy in the whole BTD group and in its single specific subgroups. Results. Mean logistic EuroSCORE was 23.5±15.3%, mean age was 81±7 years. Mean transaortic gradient decreased from 47±17 mmHg to 33±14 mmHg. Of the 193 patients with BTD-BAV who received a second heart team evaluation, 72.5% were finally deemed eligible for definitive treatment (25.4%for AVR; 47.2% for TAVI): respectively, 96.7% of patients with left ventricular ejection fraction recovery; 70.5% of patients with mitral regurgitation reduction; 75.7% of patients who underwent BAV in clinical hemodynamic instability; 69.2% of frail patients and 68% of patients who presented relevant comorbidities. 27.5% of the study population was deemed ineligible for definitive treatment and treated with standard therapy/repeated BAV. In-hospital mortality was 4.5%, cerebrovascular accident occurred in 1% and overall vascular complications were 4% (0.5% major; 3.5% minor). Conclusions. Balloon aortic valvuloplasty should be considered as bridge-to-decision in high-risk patients with severe aortic stenosis who cannot be immediate candidates for definitive percutaneous or surgical treatment.


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The present work is included in the context of the assessment of sustainability in the construction field and is aimed at estimating and analyzing life cycle cost of the existing reinforced concrete bridge “Viadotto delle Capre” during its entire life. This was accomplished by a comprehensive data collection and results evaluation. In detail, the economic analysis of the project is performed. The work has investigated possible design alternatives for maintenance/rehabilitation and end-of-life operations, when structural, functional, economic and also environmental requirements have to be fulfilled. In detail, the economic impact of different design options for the given reinforced concrete bridge have been assessed, whereupon the most economically, structurally and environmentally efficient scenario was chosen. The Integrated Life-Cycle Analysis procedure and Environmental Impact Assessment were also discussed in this work. The scope of this thesis is to illustrate that Life Cycle Cost analysis as part of Life Cycle Assessment approach could be effectively used to drive the design and management strategy of new and existing structures. The final objective of this contribution is to show how an economic analysis can influence decision-making in the definition of the most sustainable design alternatives. The designers can monitor the economic impact of different design strategies in order to identify the most appropriate option.


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La tesi evidenzia quanto importante sia l'uso dei giochi di strategia per la didattica della Matematica con particolare attenzione per il gioco del Bridge. Fornisce qualche strumento in più per appassionare lo studente alla matematica. I temi affrontati sono i seguenti: La probabilità con l'uso delle carte, la Matematica che occorre ad un giocatore di bridge per migliorare le proprie prestazioni, i problemi di bridge che offrono stimoli per lo studio della matematica e il Bridge come sport della mente.


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Over the past twenty years, new technologies have required an increasing use of mathematical models in order to understand better the structural behavior: finite element method is the one mostly used. However, the reliability of this method applied to different situations has to be tried each time. Since it is not possible to completely model the reality, different hypothesis must be done: these are the main problems of FE modeling. The following work deals with this problem and tries to figure out a way to identify some of the unknown main parameters of a structure. This main research focuses on a particular path of study and development, but the same concepts can be applied to other objects of research. The main purpose of this work is the identification of unknown boundary conditions of a bridge pier using the data acquired experimentally with field tests and a FEM modal updating process. This work doesn’t want to be new, neither innovative. A lot of work has been done during the past years on this main problem and many solutions have been shown and published. This thesis just want to rework some of the main aspects of the structural optimization process, using a real structure as fitting model.


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BACKGROUND: Mechanisms underlying improvement of myocardial contractile function after cell therapy as well as arrhythmic side effect remain poorly understood. We hypothesised that cell therapy might affect the mechanical properties of isolated host cardiomyocytes. METHODS: Two weeks after myocardial infarction (MI), rats were treated by intramyocardial myoblast injection (SkM, n=8), intramyocardial vehicle injection (Medium, n=6), or sham operation (Sham, n=7). Cardiac function was assessed by echocardiography. Cardiomyocytes were isolated in a modified Langendorff perfusion system, their contraction was measured by video-based inter-sarcomeric analysis. Data were compared with a control-group without myocardial infarction (Control, n=5). RESULTS: Three weeks post-treatment, ejection fraction (EF) further deteriorated in vehicle-injected and non-injected rats (respectively 40.7+/-11.4% to 33+/-5.5% and 41.8+/-8% to 33.5+/-8.3%), but was stabilised in SkM group (35.9+/-6% to 36.4+/-9.7%). Significant cell hypertrophy induced by MI was maintained after cell therapy. Single cell contraction (dL/dt(max)) decreased in SkM and vehicle groups compared to non-injected group as well as cell shortening and relaxation (dL/dt(min)) in vehicle group. A significantly increased predisposition for alternation of strong and weak contractions was observed in isolated cardiomyocytes of the SkM group. CONCLUSION: Our study provides the first evidence that injection of materials into the myocardium alters host cardiomyocytes contractile function independently of the global beneficial effect of the heart function. These findings may be important in understanding possible adverse effects.


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Research in rodents demonstrated that psychological stress increases circulating levels of alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase, and alkaline phosphatase reflecting liver injury. Moreover, chronic posttraumatic stress disorder and transaminases predicted coronary heart disease.


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Inflammation might link posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with an increased risk of cardiovascular events. We explored the association between PTSD and inflammatory biomarkers related to cardiovascular morbidity and the role of co-morbid depressive symptoms in this relationship.


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Chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been associated with perturbed hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function and a hyperadrenergic state. We hypothesized that patients with PTSD attributable to myocardial infarction (MI) would show peripheral hypocortisolemia and increased norepinephrine levels, whereby taking into account that depressive symptoms would affect this relationship.


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A patent arterial duct in pre-term neonates is frequent. Systemic complications consecutive to left-to-right shunting are well known but fatal myocardial ischaemia has not been described till now. The presented premature baby died from catecholamine refractory cardiogenic shock. Autoptic examination revealed acute ischaemic changes predominantly in the inner third of myocardium, speaking of coronary hypoperfusion due to a steal phenomenon secondary to the patent arterial duct.