934 resultados para millennium
La carta que presentamos traducida al español fue escrita en el año 1008 por el obispo misionero Bruno de Querfurt. El destinatario era el rey sajón Enrique II (1002-1024), emperador desde el año 1014. El contexto de la epístola está marcado por los vínculos cambiantes entre diversos actores políticos. La dinastía polaca piasta había cooperado con el Imperio desde mediados del siglo x. Por otra parte, los liutizos, una confederación de pueblos eslavos paganos, se habían levantado contra las estructuras eclesiásticas e imperiales en la región del Elba en 983, en el marco de un floreciente paganismo. Sin embargo, al iniciarse el nuevo milenio, el piasta Boleslao el Bravo se había convertido en una amenaza más atemorizadora para el Imperio, debido particularmente a la expansión territorial que encabezaba. Así, el rey Enrique II pactó en el año 1003 en Quedlinburg con los liutizos frente al piasta: se sellaba una alianza entre un rey cristiano y una confederación pagana para hacer frente a otro gobernante cristiano. Bruno de Querfurt, que había dedicado su vida a la misión y recibía apoyo de Boleslao, escribió esta misiva, con el objeto de señalar las contradicciones de la alianza citada arriba
Se deslizaban los últimos años de un siglo que llegaba a su fin, sus últimos estertores se hacían oír, mientras se podía vislumbrar que un mundo nuevo quería nacer desde las disputas entre regiones manifiestas en las relaciones de poder y las transformaciones emergentes en sus territorios. América Latina como reservorio de recursos naturales, capaz de autosustentarse, desde su destino como continente estratégico productor para los países consumidores de energéticos, alimentos y, por qué no, de inteligencia, plantea escenarios permanentes de cambios. Lentamente pasada la magia que ha envuelto el inicio de un nuevo milenio, determinó, impuso y manifestó la puesta en valor -desde el camino recorrido por varias décadas- de los resultados obtenidos por la evolución de la línea de investigación que fuera objeto constante de reflexión.
In order to investigate a possible connection between tropical northeast (NE) Atlantic primary productivity, Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), and drought in the Sahel region during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1), we used dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) assemblages, Mg/Ca based reconstructed temperatures, stable carbon isotopes (d13C) and geochemical parameters of a marine sediment core (GeoB 9508-5) from the continental slope offshore Senegal. Our results show a two-phase productivity pattern within HS1 that progressed from an interval of low marine productivity between ~ 19 and 16 kyr BP to a phase with an abrupt and large productivity increase from ~ 16 to 15 kyr BP. The second phase is characterized by distinct heavy planktonic d13C values and high concentrations of heterotrophic dinocysts in addition to a significant cooling signal based on reconstructions of past sea surface temperatures (SST). We conclude that productivity variations within HS1 can be attributed to a substantial shift of West African atmospheric processes. Taken together our results indicate a significant intensification of the North East (NE) trade winds over West Africa leading to more intense upwelling during the last millennium of HS1 between ~ 16 and 15 kyr BP, thus leaving a strong imprint on the dinocyst assemblages and sea surface conditions. Therefore, the two-phase productivity pattern indicates a complex hydrographic setting suggesting that HS1 cannot be regarded as uniform as previously thought.
The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) was one of the first great civilizations in prehistory. This bronze age civilization flourished from the end of the fourth millennium BC. It disintegrated during the second millennium BC; despite much research effort, this decline is not well understood. Less research has been devoted to the emergence of the IVC, which shows continuous cultural precursors since at least the seventh millennium BC. To understand the decline, we believe it is necessary to investigate the rise of the IVC, i.e., the establishment of agriculture and livestock, dense populations and technological developments 7000-3000 BC. Although much archaeologically typed information is available, our capability to investigate the system is hindered by poorly resolved chronology, and by a lack of field work in the intermediate areas between the Indus valley and Mesopotamia. We thus employ a complementary numerical simulation to develop a consistent picture of technology, agropastoralism and population developments in the IVC domain. Results from this Global Land Use and technological Evolution Simulator show that there is (1) fair agreement between the simulated timing of the agricultural transition and radiocarbon dates from early agricultural sites, but the transition is simulated first in India then Pakistan; (2) an independent agropas- toralism developing on the Indian subcontinent; and (3) a positive relationship between archeological artifact richness and simulated population density which remains to be quantified.
Multi-decadal to centennial planktic d18O and Mg/Ca records were generated at ODP976 in the Alboran Sea. The site is in the flow path of Atlantic inflow waters entering the Mediterranean and captured North Atlantic signals through the surface inflow and the atmosphere. The records reveal similar climatic oscillations during the last two glacial-to-interglacial transitions, albeit with a different temporal pacing. Glacial termination 1 (T1) was marked by Heinrich event 1 (H1), post-H1 Bolling/Allerod (B/A) warming and Younger Dryas (YD) cooling. During T2 the H11 d18O anomaly was twice as high and lasted 30% longer than during H1. The post-H11 warming marked the start of MIS5e while the subsequent YD-style cooling occurred during early MIS5e. The post-H11 temperature increase at ODP976 matched the sudden Asian Monsoon Termination II at 129 ka BP. Extending the 230Th-dated speleothem timescale to ODP976 suggests glacial conditions in the Northeast Atlantic region were terminated abruptly and interglacial warmth was reached in less than a millennium. The early-MIS5e cooling and freshening at ODP976 coincided with similar changes at North Atlantic sites suggesting this was a basin-wide event. By analogy with T1 we argue that this was a YD-type event that was shifted into the early stages of the last interglacial period. This scenario is consistent with evidence from northern North Atlantic and Nordic Sea sites that the continuing disintegration of the large Saalian Stage (MIS6) ice sheet in Eurasia delayed the advection of warm North Atlantic waters and full-strength convective overturn until later stages of MIS5e.
In the framework of the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA), a comprehensive glaciological pre-site survey has been carried out on Amundsenisen, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, in the past decade. Within this survey, four intermediate-depth ice cores and 13 snow pits were analyzed for their ionic composition and interpreted with respect to the spatial and temporal variability of volcanic sulphate deposition. The comparison of the non-sea-salt (nss)-sulphate peaks that are related to the well-known eruptions of Pinatubo and Cerro Hudson in AD 1991 revealed sulphate depositions of comparable size (15.8 ± 3.4 kg/km**2) in 11 snow pits. There is a tendency to higher annual concentrations for smaller snow-accumulation rates. The combination of seasonal sodium and annually resolved nss-sulphate records allowed the establishment of a time-scale derived by annual-layer counting over the last 2000 years and thus a detailed chronology of annual volcanic sulphate deposition. Using a robust outlier detection algorithm, 49 volcanic eruptions were identified between AD 165 and 1997. The dating uncertainty is ±3 years between AD 1997 and 1601, around ±5 years between AD 1601 and 1257, and increasing to ±24 years at AD 165, improving the accuracy of the volcanic chronology during the penultimate millennium considerably.
Two medium-depth ice cores were retrieved from Berkner Island by a joint project between the Alfred-Wegener-Institut and the British Antarctic Survey in the 1994/95 field season. A 151m deep core from the northern dome (Reinwarthhöhe) of Berkner Island spans 700 years, while a 181m deep core from the southern dome (Thyssenhöhe) spans approximately 1200 years. Both cores display clear seasonal cycles in electrical conductivity measurements, allowing dating by annual-layer counting and the calculation of accumulation profiles. Stable-isotope measurements (both d18O and dD), together with the accumulation data, allow us to estimate changes in climate for most of the past millennium: the data show multi-decadal variability around a generally stable long-term mean. In addition, a full suite of major chemistry measurements is available to define the history of aerosol deposition at these sites: again, there is little evidence that the chemistry of the sites has changed over the past six centuries. Finally, we suggest that the southern dome, with an ice thickness of 950 m, is an ideal site from which to gain a climate history of the late stages of the last glacial and the deglaciation for comparison with the records from the deep Antarctic ice cores, and with other intermediate-depth cores such asTaylor Dome and Siple Dome.
Continental and marine conditions during the last millennium off Porto, Portugal (the southern pole of the North Atlantic Oscillation, NAO), are reconstructed from a sediment archive through a high-resolution multiproxy study and instrumental evidence. Results show multidecadal variability and sea surface temperatures (SSTs) that correlate well with previously published land and sea-based Northern Hemisphere temperature records, and appear to be responding to long-term solar insolation variability. Precipitation was negatively correlated with the NAO, whereas strong flooding events occurred at times of marked climate cooling (AD 1100-1150 and 1400-1470) and transitions in solar activity. AD 1850 marks a major shift in the phytoplankton community associated with a decoupling of d18O records of 3 planktonic foraminifera species. These changes are interpreted as a response to a reduction in the summer and/or annual upwelling and more frequent fall-winter upwelling-like events. This shift's coincidence with a decrease in SST and the increase in coherence between our data and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) confirms the connection of the upwelling variability to the North Atlantic Ocean's surface and thermohaline circulation on a decadal scale. The disappearance of this agreement between the AMO and our records beyond AD 1850 and its coincidence with the beginning of the recent rise in atmospheric CO2 supports the hypothesis of a strong anthropogenic effect on the last ~150 yr of the climate record. Furthermore, it raises an important question of the use of instrumental records as the sole calibration data set for climate reconstructions, as these may not provide the best analogue for climate beyond AD 1730.