970 resultados para lambda-cialotrina


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The effects of NusA on the RNA polymerase contacts made by nucleotides at internal positions in the nascent RNA in Escherichia coli transcription complexes were analyzed by using the photocrosslinking nucleotide analog 5-[(4-azidophenacyl) thio]-UMP. It was placed at nucleotides between +6 and +15 in RNA transcribed from the phage lambda PR' promoter. Crosslinks of analog in these positions in RNAs which contained either 15, 28, 29, or 49 nt were examined. Contacts between the nascent RNA and proteins in the transcription complex were analyzed as the RNA was elongated, by placing the crosslinker nearest the 5' end of the RNA 10, 23, 24, or 44 nt away from the 3' end. The beta or beta' subunit of polymerase, and NusA when added, were contacted by RNA from 15 to 49 nt long. When the upstream crosslinker was 24 nt from the 3" end of the RNA (29-nt RNA), alpha was also contacted in the absence of NusA. The addition of NusA prevented RNA crosslinking to alpha. When the crosslinker was 44 nt from the 3' end (49-nt RNA), alpha crosslinks were still observed, but crosslinks to beta or beta' and NusA were greatly diminished. RNA crosslinking to alpha, and loss of this crosslink when NusA was added, was observed in the presence of NusB, NusE, and NusG and when transcription was carried out in the presence of an E. coli S100 cell extract. Peptide mapping localized the RNA interactions to the C-terminal domain of alpha.


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The heat shock response in Escherichia coli is governed by the concentration of the highly unstable sigma factor sigma 32. The essential protein HflB (FtsH), known to control proteolysis of the phage lambda cII protein, also governs sigma 32 degradation: an HflB-depleted strain accumulated sigma 32 and induced the heat shock response, and the half-life of sigma 32 increased by a factor up to 12 in mutants with reduced HflB function and decreased by a factor of 1.8 in a strain overexpressing HflB. The hflB gene is in the ftsJ-hflB operon, one promoter of which is positively regulated by heat shock and sigma 32. The lambda cIII protein, which stabilizes sigma 32 and lambda cII, appears to inhibit the HflB-governed protease. The E. coli HflB protein controls the stability of two master regulators, lambda cII and sigma 32, responsible for the lysis-lysogeny decision of phage lambda and the heat shock response of the host.


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A correspondência AdS/CFT é uma notável ferramenta no estudo de teorias de gauge fortemente acopladas que podem ser mapeadas em uma descrição gravitacional dual fracamente acoplada. A correspondência é melhor entendida no limite em que ambos $N$ e $\\lambda$, o rank do grupo de gauge e o acoplamento de \'t Hooft da teoria de gauge, respectivamente, são infinitos. Levar em consideração interações com termos de curvatura de ordem superior nos permite considerar correções de $\\lambda$ finito. Por exemplo, a primeira correção de acoplamento finito para supergravidade tipo IIB surge como um termo de curvatura com forma esquemática $\\alpha\'^3 R^4$. Neste trabalho investigamos correções de curvatura no contexto da gravidade de Lovelock, que é um cenário simples para investigar tais correções pois as suas equações de movimento ainda são de segunda ordem em derivadas. Esse cenário também é particularmente interessante do ponto de vista da correspondência AdS/CFT devido a sua grande classe de soluções de buracos negros assintoticamente AdS. Consideramos um sistema de gravidade AdS-axion-dilaton em cinco dimensões com um termo de Gauss-Bonnet e encontramos uma solução das equações de movimento, o que corresponde a uma black brane exibindo uma anisotropia espacial, onde a fonte da anisotropia é um campo escalar linear em uma das coordenadas espaciais. Estudamos suas propriedades termodinâmicas e realizamos a renormalização holográfica usando o método de Hamilton-Jacobi. Finalmente, usamos a solução obtida como dual gravitacional de um plasma anisotrópico fortemente acoplado com duas cargas centrais independentes, $a eq c$. Calculamos vários observáveis relevantes para o estudo do plasma, a saber, a viscosidade de cisalhamento sobre densidade de entropia, a força de arrasto, o parâmetro de jet quenching, o potencial entre um par quark-antiquark e a taxa de produção de fótons.


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As expectativas da Organização Mundial de Saúde para o ano de 2030 são que o número de mortes por câncer seja de aproximadamente 13,2 milhões, evidenciando a elevada parcela desta doença no problema de saúde mundial. Com relação ao câncer de próstata, de acordo com o Instituto Nacional do Câncer, o número de casos diagnosticados no mundo em 2012 foi de aproximadamente 1,1 milhão, enquanto que no Brasil os dados indicam a incidência de 68 mil novos casos. O tratamento deste tipo de neoplasia pode ser realizado com cirurgia (prostatectomia) ou radioterapia. Dentre a radioterapia, podemos destacar a técnica de braquiterapia, a qual consiste na introdução (implante) de pequenas fontes radioativas (sementes) no interior da próstata, onde será entregue um valor elevado de dose no volume de tratamento e baixa dose nos tecidos ao redor. No Brasil, a classe médica estima uma demanda de aproximadamente 8000 sementes/mês, sendo o custo unitário de cada semente de pelo menos U$ 26,00. A Associação Americana de Físicos na Medicina publicou alguns documentos descrevendo quais parâmetros e análises devem ser realizadas para avaliações da distribuição de dose, como por exemplo, os parâmetros Constante de taxa de dose, Função radial e Função de anisotropia. Estes parâmetros podem ser obtidos através de medidas experimentais da distribuição de dose ou por simulações computacionais. Neste trabalho foram determinados os parâmetros dosimétricos da semente OncoSeed-6711 da empresa Oncura-GEHealthcare e da semente desenvolvida pelo Grupo de Dosimetria de Fontes de Braquiterapia do Centro de Tecnologia das Radiações (CTR IPEN-CNEN/SP) por simulação computacional da distribuição de dose utilizando o código MCNP5, baseado no Método de Monte Carlo. A semente 6711 foi modelada, assim como um sistema dosimétrico constituído por um objeto simulador cúbico de 30x30x30 cm3 preenchido com água. Os valores obtidos da semente 6711 foram comparados com alguns apresentados na literatura, onde o parâmetro Constante de taxa de dose apresentou erro relativo em relação ao valor publicado no TG- 43 de 0,1%, sendo que os outros parâmetros analisados também apresentaram boa concordância com os valores publicados na literatura. Deste modo, pode-se considerar que os parâmetros utilizados nas simulações (espectro, modelagem geométrica e avaliação de resultados) estão compatíveis com outros estudos, sendo estes parâmetros também utilizados nas simulações da semente do IPEN. Considerando as análises de incerteza estatística, os valores obtidos da semente do IPEN são semelhantes aos valores da semente 6711.


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O controle da mistura ar/combustível é muito importante para o correto funcionamento dos motores à combustão interna ciclo Otto. A relação entre o ar e o combustível influencia diretamente no funcionamento do motor, na emissão de poluentes e no consumo de combustível. Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um controle da mistura ar/combustível a partir do estudo de modelos de malha fechada deste sistema. Esse controle tem por objetivo manter a mistura o mais próxima possível do ponto estequiométrico, a fim de otimizar a taxa de conversão de gases poluentes pelo catalisador, e utiliza um sensor de oxigênio, conhecido como sonda lambda, para realizar a realimentação do sistema, indicando se a mistura está no ponto estequiométrico. Este trabalho também apresenta o desenvolvimento de um compensador em malha fechada para controlar a mistura a/c (ar/combustível) em outros pontos, além do estequiométrico, através do uso de uma sonda lambda de banda larga.


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Subaerially erupted tholeiites at Hole 642E were never exposed to the high-temperature seawater circulation and alteration conditions that are found at subaqueous ridges. Alteration of Site 642 rocks is therefore the product of the interaction of rocks and fluids at low temperatures. The alteration mineralogy can thus be used to provide information on the geochemical effects of low temperature circulation of seawater. Rubidium-strontium systematics of leached and unleached tholeiites and underlying, continentally-derived dacites reflect interactions with seawater in fractures and vesicular flow tops. The secondary mineral assemblage in the tholeiites consists mainly of smectite, accompanied in a few flows by the assemblage celadonite + calcite (+/- native Cu). Textural relationships suggest that smectites formed early and that celadonite + calcite, which are at least in part cogenetic, formed later than and partially at the expense of smectite. Smectite precipitation occurred under variable, but generally low, water/rock conditions. The smectites contain much lower concentrations of alkali elements than has been reported in seafloor basalts, and sequentially leached fractions of smectite contain Sr that has not achieved isotopic equilibrium. 87Sr/86Sr results of the leaching experiments suggest that Sr was mostly derived from seawater during early periods of smectite precipitation. The basalt-like 87Sr/86Sr of the most readily exchangeable fraction seems to suggest a late period of exposure to very low water /rock. Smectite formation may have primarily occurred in the interval between the nearly 58-Ma age given by the lower series dacites and the 54.5 +/- 0.2 Ma model age given by a celadonite from the top of the tholeiitic section. The 54.5 +/- 0.2 Ma Rb-Sr model age may be recording the timing of foundering of the Voring Plateau. Celadonites precipitated in flows below the top of the tholeiitic section define a Rb-Sr isochron with a slope corresponding to an age of 24.3 +/- 0.4 Ma. This isochron may be reflecting mixing effects due to long-term chemical interaction between seawater and basalts, in which case the age provides only a minimum for the timing of late alteration. Alternatively, inferrential arguments can be made that the 24.3 +/- 0.4 isochron age reflects the timing of the late Oligocene-early Miocene erosional event that affected the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Correlation of 87Sr/86Sr and 1/Sr in calcites results in a two-component mixing model for late alteration products. One end-member of the mixing trend is Eocene or younger seawater. Strontium from the nonradiogenic endmember can not, however, have been derived directly from the basalts. Rather, the data suggest that Sr in the calcites is a mixture of Sr derived from seawater and from pre-existing smectites. For Site 642, the reaction involved can be generalized as smectite + seawater ++ celadonite + calcite. The geochemical effects of this reaction include net gains of K and CO2 by the secondary mineral assemblage. The gross similarity of the reactions involved in late, low-temperature alteration at Site 642 to those observed in other sea floor basalts suggests that the transfer of K and C02 to the crust during low-temperature seawater-ocean crust interactions may be significant in calculations of global fluxes.


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It is demonstrated by K-Ar analyses that the age of reversely magnetized basalts, which immediately predate magnetic Anomaly 24B, is 53.5 ± 1.9 m.y. Samples from deep levels appear to be grossly contaminated by an extraneous argon component with a uniform argon-40/argon-36 ratio 440. This component is thought to have been derived from fluids circulating in the lava pile during burial. The age result corroborates the assignment previously made to Anomaly 24B by Hailwood et al. (1979) and Lowrie and Alvarez (1981). It additionally suggests that lava extrusion formed part of a much larger magmatic event, which affected wide areas of the North Atlantic margins around the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, and can therefore probably be considered a good estimate of the age of this boundary. Initial 143Nd/144Nd ratios lie in the very restricted range 0.512920 ± 19 to 0.513026 ± 24 and initial 8 7Sr/86Sr ratios from ca. 0.703 to ca. 0.705. Acid leaching reduces the latter range to 0.70264 ± 4 to 0.70384 ± 4, suggesting that the higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios resulted from interaction with seawater. The array of data for treated samples is closely conformable on a 143Nd/144Nd-87Sr/86Sr diagram with the main oceanic mantle array and with previously published fields for Atlantic Ocean basalts. No evidence for any continental crustal contamination has been found. This suggests, but does not prove, that continental crust played no part in the genesis of these rocks.


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This paper presents new major and trace-element data and Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd isotopic compositions for representative suites of marine sediment samples from 14 drill sites outboard of the world's major subduction zones. These suites and samples were chosen to represent the global range in lithology, Lu/Hf ratios, and sediment flux in subducting sediments worldwide. The data reported here represent the most comprehensive data set on subducting sediments and define the Hf-Nd isotopic variations that occur in oceanic sediments and constrain the processes that caused them. Using new marine sediment data presented here, in conjunction with published data, we derive a new Terrestrial Array given by the equation, epsilon-Hf = 1.55 * epsiolon-Nd + 1.21. This array was calculated using >3400 present-day Hf and Nd isotope values. The steeper slope and smaller y-intercept of this array, compared to the original expression (epsilon-Hf = 1.36 * epsilonNd + 2.89; Vervoort et al., 1999, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(99)00047-3) reflects the use of present day values and the unradiogenic Hf of old continental samples included in the array. In order to examine the Hf-Nd isotopic variations in marine sediments, we have classified our samples into 5 groups based on lithology and major and trace-element geochemical compositions: turbidites, terrigenous clays, and volcaniclastic, hydrothermal and hydrogenetic sediments. Compositions along the Terrestrial Array are largely controlled by terrigenous material derived from the continents and delivered to the ocean basins via turbidites, volcaniclastic sediments, and volcanic inputs from magmatic arcs. Compositions below the Terrestrial Array derive from unradiogenic Hf in zircon-rich turbidites. The anomalous compositions above the Terrestrial Array largely reflect the decoupled behavior of Hf and Nd during continental weathering and delivery to the ocean. Both terrigenous and hydrogenetic clays possess anomalously radiogenic Hf, reflecting terrestrial sedimentary and weathering processes on the one hand and marine inheritance on the other. This probably occurs during complementary processes involving preferential retention of unradiogenic Hf on the continents in the form of zircon and release of radiogenic Hf from the breakdown of easily weathered, high Lu-Hf phases such as apatite.


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"UILU-ENG 79 1727."


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The development of sand ripples in an oscillatory-flow water tunnel was observed in 104 laboratory experiments approximating conditions at the seabed under steady progressive surface waves. The period, T, and amplitude, a, of the water motion were varied over wide ranges. Three quartz sands were used, with mean grain diameters, D = 0.55, 0.21, and 0.18 millimeter. In 24 experiments, with the bed initially leveled, T was reduced until ripples appeared, and their development to final equilibrium form was observed without further change in T. The remaining 80 experiments investigated the response of previously established bed forms to changes in T or a or both. The ripple length, lambda, and height, eta, were measured from photos, except when bed forms were three dimensional.


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1.bd. Wörter mit dem anlaut [alpha], [epsilon], [omicron], [eta], [omega]. -- 2.bd. Wörter mit dem anlaut [iota], [alpha iota], [epsilon iota], [omicron iota], [kappa] (auch [xi]), [pi] (auch [psi]), [tau]. -- 3.bd. Wörter mit dem anlaut [gamma], [beta], [delta], [zeta], [chi], [phi], [theta]. -- 4. Wörter mit dem anlaut [sigma], [nu], [mu], [rho], [lambda].


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