Geochemistry of marine sediments of the world's major subduction zones

Autoria(s): Vervoort, Jeff D; Plank, Terry; Prytulak, Julie

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -10.438936 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -122.127975 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -52.985000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 102.699200 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 56.956300 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -23.211700 * DATE/TIME START: 1971-06-14T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1992-08-03T05:45:00




This paper presents new major and trace-element data and Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd isotopic compositions for representative suites of marine sediment samples from 14 drill sites outboard of the world's major subduction zones. These suites and samples were chosen to represent the global range in lithology, Lu/Hf ratios, and sediment flux in subducting sediments worldwide. The data reported here represent the most comprehensive data set on subducting sediments and define the Hf-Nd isotopic variations that occur in oceanic sediments and constrain the processes that caused them. Using new marine sediment data presented here, in conjunction with published data, we derive a new Terrestrial Array given by the equation, epsilon-Hf = 1.55 * epsiolon-Nd + 1.21. This array was calculated using >3400 present-day Hf and Nd isotope values. The steeper slope and smaller y-intercept of this array, compared to the original expression (epsilon-Hf = 1.36 * epsilonNd + 2.89; Vervoort et al., 1999, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(99)00047-3) reflects the use of present day values and the unradiogenic Hf of old continental samples included in the array. In order to examine the Hf-Nd isotopic variations in marine sediments, we have classified our samples into 5 groups based on lithology and major and trace-element geochemical compositions: turbidites, terrigenous clays, and volcaniclastic, hydrothermal and hydrogenetic sediments. Compositions along the Terrestrial Array are largely controlled by terrigenous material derived from the continents and delivered to the ocean basins via turbidites, volcaniclastic sediments, and volcanic inputs from magmatic arcs. Compositions below the Terrestrial Array derive from unradiogenic Hf in zircon-rich turbidites. The anomalous compositions above the Terrestrial Array largely reflect the decoupled behavior of Hf and Nd during continental weathering and delivery to the ocean. Both terrigenous and hydrogenetic clays possess anomalously radiogenic Hf, reflecting terrestrial sedimentary and weathering processes on the one hand and marine inheritance on the other. This probably occurs during complementary processes involving preferential retention of unradiogenic Hf on the continents in the form of zircon and release of radiogenic Hf from the breakdown of easily weathered, high Lu-Hf phases such as apatite.


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Supplement to: Vervoort, Jeff D; Plank, Terry; Prytulak, Julie (2011): The Hf-Nd isotopic composition of marine sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75(20), 5903-5926, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2011.07.046

Palavras-Chave #(i), D e-Hf = e-Hf - (1.55*e-Nd + 1.21); (i), with 143Nd/144NdCHUR(0) = 0.512630 (Bouvier et al., 2008, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.06.010); (i), with 176Hf/177HfCHUR(0) = 0.282875 and 176Lu/177HfCHUR(0) = 0.0336 (Bouvier et al., 2008, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.06.010); (p), D e-Hf = e-Hf - (1.55*e-Nd + 1.21); (p), for age corrections 1.867*10**-11 for lambda 176Lu (Scherer et al., 2001, doi:10.1126/science.1061372; Soderlund et al., 2004, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(04)00012-3) and 6.54*10**-12 for lambda 147Sm (Lugmair and Marti, 1977, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(77)90131-5); (p), with 176Hf/177HfCHUR(0) = 0.282875 and 176Lu/177HfCHUR(0) = 0.0336 (Bouvier et al., 2008, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.06.010); #2; 114-701A; 114-701B; 114-701C; 129-801A; 129-801B; 138-844B; 143Nd/144Nd; 143Nd/144Nd e; 145-881C; 147Sm/144Nd; 176Hf/177Hf; 176Hf/177Hf e; 176Lu/177Hf; 18-174A; 18-178; 19-183; 22-211; 30-286; 31-291; 31-294; 31-295; 34-321; 67-495; 91-595A; 91-596; 91-596A; Age; AGE; Al2O3; Aluminium oxide; Ba; Barium; Be; Beryllium; Caesium; Calcium oxide; Calculated; CaO; Ce; Cerium; Chromium; Co; Cobalt; Copper; Cr; Cs; Cu; Deep Sea Drilling Project; D e-Hf; Delta epsilon-Hafnium; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Description; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; DSDP; Dy; Dysprosium; e-Hf; e-Hf std dev; e-Nd(0); e-Nd(T); e-Nd std dev; epsilon-Hafnium; epsilon-Hafnium, standard deviation; epsilon-Neodymium, standard deviation; epsilon-Neodymium (0); epsilon-Neodymium (T); Er; Erbium; Eu; Europium; Event; FeO; Gadolinium; Gd; Glomar Challenger; Hafnium; Hafnium 176/Hafnium 177; Hafnium 176/Hafnium 177, error; Hf; Ho; Holmium; Indian Ocean//BASIN; Iron oxide, FeO; Isotope dilution; Joides Resolution; K2O; La; Label; Lanthanum; Lead; Leg114; Leg129; Leg138; Leg145; Leg18; Leg19; Leg22; Leg30; Leg31; Leg34; Leg67; Leg91; Li; Lithium; Lithologic unit/sequence; Lithology; Lithology/composition/facies; LOI; Loss on ignition; Lu; Lutetium; Lutetium 176/Hafnium 177; Magnesium oxide; Manganese oxide; Method; Method comment; MgO; MnO; Na2O; Nb; Nd; Neodymium; Neodymium 143/Neodymium 144; Neodymium 143/Neodymium 144, error; Ni; Nickel; Niobium; normalized to 146Nd/144Nd = 0.7219; normalized to 179Hf/177Hf = 0.7325; North Pacific/FAN; North Pacific/Philippine Sea/BASIN; North Pacific/Philippine Sea/TRENCH; North Pacific/PLAIN; North Pacific/TRENCH; North Pacific Ocean; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; overall uncertainty estimated to be ~0.5% (2s); overall uncertainty estimated to be better than 0.5% (2s); P2O5; Pb; Phosphorus oxide; Potassium oxide; Pr; Praseodymium; Rb; Reference; Reference/source; Rubidium; Samarium; Samarium 147/Neodymium 144 ratio; Sample code/label; Sc; Scandium; Silicon dioxide; SiO2; Sm; Sodium oxide; South Atlantic Ocean; South Pacific; South Pacific/BASIN; Sr; Strontium; Ta; Tantalum; Tb; Terbium; Th; Thorium; TiO2; Titanium oxide; U; uncertainties given here are in-run (2s); overall uncertainty estimated to be better than 0.003% (2s).; uncertainties given here are in-run (2s); overall uncertainty estimated to be better than 0.005% (2s); Unit; Uranium; V; Vanadium; Y; Yb; Ytterbium; Yttrium; Zinc; Zirconium; Zn; Zr
