922 resultados para julian date of birth
Pohjois-Savossa seurattiin talviaikaista happitilannetta vuosina 1997-2008. Seurannan kohteena oli neljä pienehköä järveä (Iso-Valkeinen, Kevätön, Kolmisoppi ja Vehmasjärvi), jotka ovat erityyppisiä syvyydeltään, rehevyystasoltaan ja humuspitoisuudeltaan. Näiden esimerkkijärvien oli tarkoitus antaa yleisemminkin viitteitä happitilanteen kehityksestä talven aikana. Alkutalven tulosten perusteella annettiin vuosittain tiedote, jossa arvioitiin happikatojen mahdollisuutta kevättalven kuluessa. Yleisöllä oli myös mahdollisuus seurata happi- ja lämpötilatuloksia Pohjois-Savon ympäristökeskuksen verkkopalvelun kautta. Hapenkulutusnopeus oli rehevimmässä seurantajärvessä kaksinkertainen verrattuna karumpiin ja syvyyden myötä ero vain korostui. Pohjanläheisessä vesikerroksessa 1 mg/l:n happipitoisuus kului karuissa järvissä noin kahdessa viikossa ja rehevässä noin kolmessa päivässä. Vuosien välinen vaihtelu oli kuitenkin hyvin suurta. Vaihtelu oli suurta myös karuissa järvissä. Veden jäätymisajankohdalla ja veden lämpötilalla on merkittävä vaikutus siihen, millainen kevättalven happitilanteesta muodostui. Seurantajärvien aineiston perusteella voidaan karkeasti arvioida, että kuukauden viivästyminen jäätymisessä tai vesipatsaan viilentyminen ennen jäätymistä asteen verran kylmemmäksi merkitsevät noin kolmanneksen korkeampaa happipitoisuutta kevättalvella. Vesipatsaan happitilanteen heikentymisen sekä ravinne- ja rautapitoisuuksien välillä todettiin vahvat yhteydet. Kaikkien järvien aineistossa happitilanteen heikkeneminen johti voimakkaimmin alusveden ammoniumtyppi-, kokonaisfosfori- ja rautapitoisuuksien kasvuun. Pitoisuusmuutokset olivat talven aikana suurimmat rehevimmässä kohdejärvessä, Kevättömässä, jossa kokonaisfosforipitoisuudet keskimäärin kymmenkertaistuivat, fosfaattifosforipitoisuudet kasvoivat keskimäärin 20-kertaisiksi ja rautapitoisuudet yli seitsenkertaisiksi.
This paper aims to describe the uterine and ovarian ultrasonographic characteristics and Doppler velocimetric features of their arteries in bitches during the periovulatory period. Fifteen estrous cycles in 10 animals were evaluated. The ultrasonographic characteristics, resistance indices (RI) and pulsatility indices (PI) of the uterus and ovaries in each animal were recorded 5 days before and after ovulation (D0). The data were statistically analyzed, and the results were expressed as the mean ± standard error of mean (P<0.05). In results the ultrasonographic features of the uterus were the same on all of the cycles and evaluated days. The uterus had an average diameter of 0.85±0.02cm. An increase in the volume of the ovaries and the diameter of the ovarian follicles were measured. Ovaries had a volume of 0.64±0.06cm³, and the follicles cavities had a diameter of 0.46 ± 0.01 cm on the day of ovulation. After ovulation, it was observed that some follicles not collapse in some cycles. Two days prior to ovulation, the uterine blood perfusion decreased. This decrease remained unchanged until ovulation. Following ovulation, we measured a gradual increase in the uterine perfusion and in the ovarian artery. This artery directed blood flow to the ovaries and increased the intra-ovarian perfusion on the day after ovulation. In conclusion, specific features are observed in the uterus and ovarian ultrasound image and Doppler values of their arteries presented on the periovulatory days and when associated allow to estimate more accurately the date of ovulation.
In Finnish discourse, “The China Effect” refers to the surge of offshoring activities by Western companies to China during the past couple of decades. Inspired by event studies concerning announcements of foreign direct investment, this thesis investigates the market’s reaction to Finnish companies’ announcement of FDI targeting the People’s Republic of China. Standard event study methodology is applied to 135 announcements related to subsidiaries, joint ventures and acquisitions between 1997 and 2014. The data is checked for contamination by unrelated coinciding events and outliers. A positive average abnormal return is found to take place on the date of the announcement. Additionally, the abnormal returns are found to exist only for projects announced before 2008, and only when the investment project is new, as opposed to investments made to extend previously established projects. Ownership arrangement and the novelty of facilities do not influence the market’s reaction towards the investment announcement.
A very small gradual and hymnary, for the most part copied in the last years of the sixteenth century or in the first quarter of the seventeenth. Assuming that Henricus Jacobi indeed signed his name in the sixteenth century (as Kurvinen reports), some of the manuscript was copied in that century: in lieu of a more accurate indicator the date of the manuscript appears to fall between 1589 and Mathias Benedicti's additions in 1635. The book was kept, perhaps even copied but certainly used, at Ilmajoki from the seventeenth century, and came from there to the University Library.
Estimating the return to education the Brazilian legislation of education as an instrument considering. This paper aims to estimate the impact of education on wages in Brazil. GDP, Population, and the number of schools in the state and year when the individual was born as instruments for his education level were used. In this context, the paper consider other instrument, the Brazilian education Law 5692 of 1971. The results show that the Law 5692 of 1971 and the number of schools in the individual's year of birth bears a positive relationship with his education, and the returns to education decrease quite substantially when the method of instrumental variables is used.
Materials related to military and naval operations of the 1812 era, research of the late Robert Malcomson, Canadian author and historian. Materials include photocopies of materials relating to the War of 1812, photographs and detailed research notes Malcomson made regarding his approach to research (mainly found in Series VIII). Materials were originally arranged in binders relating to an area of research or a certain publication. Articles were removed from the binders and placed in folders using original titles from the binders as series or sub-series titles. Articles within the binders were separated by tabs indicating what the article related to in the publication or topic of interest. In order to avoid repetition, the writing on the tab was used for folder titles, as each folder would be a part of the Series under which it was grouped. The tab names could be authors, events, accounts etc. of the War. Series and sub-series titles were derived from the original titles on the binders. Original intellectual order was retained, grouping similar subjects into Series and Sub-series. Dates recorded were the publication dates of the articles; however, if no publication date was present the date of retrieval was used if from an academic database (ex. JSTOR). The black and white photos from various repositories are reproductions of paintings, microfilm etc. on photographic paper. The colour photographs from various repositories are actual photographs. All books donated by Malcomson were integrated into the University’s Special Collections book collection. These volumes are noted at the end of the finding aid under separated materials.
A page from the Bell Family Bible entitled "Miscellaneous" recording the dates and places of birth of the children of Charles and Mary Bell. The birth dates for the eight children listed range from 1895 to 1918. There is also a single entry under the heading "Age of Children of Delbert Bell". This Bible was in the possession of the Rick Bell of St. Catharines. The Bell family is descended from former Black slaves from the United States who settled in Canada.The handwritten entries appear to be as follows: "Ages of the children of Charles and Mary Bell are Wilbert Otto Bell born November 7th 1895 Erie Pa. Edna Beatrice Bell born May 25th 1897 Erie Pa. Lewis Terrell Bell born April 8th 1899 St. Catharines Ont. Gertrude Bell born November 26th 1902 St. Catharines Ont. Charles Henry Bell born June 6th 1906 St. Catharines Ont. Richard Wilson Bell born March 19th 1911 William Willoughby Bell born May 2nd 1912 both in St. Catharines Ontario Age of Children of Delbert Bell March 12th 1918 Delbert Charlie Bell"
A coloured photographic portrait of Albert and Josephine Sloman. The location and date of the photograph are unknown. The Sloman - Bell families were from the St. Catharines and London areas of Ontario. Their descendants include former African American slaves who settled in Canada. This photo was in the possession of Albert and Josephine Sloman's grandson, Rick Bell, of St. Catharines.
This black and white photograph is believed to be of Albert Sloman (back left), Josephine Sloman (centre) and an unidentified man (right). Iris Sloman, daughter of Albert and Josephine, is thought to be in the front row, centre. The location and date of the photo is unknown, however, it could be in the early 1920s. This photograph was in the possession of Rick Bell, of St. Catharines, son of Iris and Richard Bell. Relatives of the Sloman - Bell family are former Black slaves from the United States.
A flyer for the 1952 Air Show at the Welland Airport. The Welland Airport is to be the final arrival point for the All Women International Air Race the date of 5 July 1952.
A by-law "to fix the remuneration and expense allowances of directors". It reads "Be it enacted as a By-law of Barnes Wines Limited: 1. That each Director of the Company be paid the sum of Seventy-five ($75,00) Dollars annually in respect of general services rendered by the Director in his capacity as Director, such remuneration to accrue from the date of his election or appointment as a Director. 2. That each Director shall be paid and allowed travelling and other expenses properly incurred in connection with the affairs of the Company. 3. That this provision shall be and remain in force and effect in the fiscal years of the Company, 1971 to 1973 both inclusive. Enacted this 8th day of February, 1971."
The meeting begins with an amendment to a banking by-law from February 1966. The amendment would allow Miss D.M. Harwood to sign cheques. The list of business is as follows: Valley Rouge Wines Limited Final Release, G & A Holdings Incorporated offer to purchase 40 Acres, F.L. Laundry Real Estate, Purchase of Shares of Bessy Barnes Barkley Gay, Date of Annual Meeting, Retirement of Miss Goffin, Salary of Vice-President and Managing Director, Term Insurance on Vice-President and General Manager, Appointment of Vice-President, Negotiation with Dr. Peller.
Objective: To investigate the impact of maternity insurance and maternal residence on birth outcomes in a Chinese population. Methods: Secondary data was analyzed from a perinatal cohort study conducted in the Beichen District of the city of Tianjin, China. A total of 2364 pregnant women participated in this study at approximately 12-week gestation upon registration for receiving prenatal care services. After accounting for missing information for relevant variables, a total of 2309 women with single birth were included in this analysis. Results: A total of 1190 (51.5%) women reported having maternity insurance, and 629 (27.2%) were rural residents. The abnormal birth outcomes were small for gestational age (SGA, n=217 (9.4%)), large for gestational age (LGA, n=248 (10.7%)), birth defect (n=48 (2.1%)) including congenital heart defect (n=32 (1.4%)). In urban areas, having maternal insurance increased the odds of SGA infants (1.32, 95%CI (0.85, 2.04), NS), but decreased the odds of LGA infants (0.92, 95%CI (0.62, 1.36), NS); also decreased the odds of birth defect (0.93, 95%CI (0.37, 2.33), NS), and congenital heart defect (0.65, 95%CI (0.21, 1.99), NS) after adjustment for covariates. In contrast to urban areas, having maternal insurance in rural areas reduced the odds of SGA infants (0.60, 95%CI (0.13, 2.73), NS); but increased the odds of LGA infants (2.16, 95%CI (0.92, 5.04), NS), birth defects (2.48, 95% CI (0.70, 8.80), NS), and congenital heart defect (2.18, 95%CI (0.48, 10.00), NS) after adjustment for the same covariates. Similar results were obtained from Bootstrap methods except that the odds ratio of LGA infants in rural areas for maternal insurance was significant (95%CI (1.13, 4.37)); urban residence was significantly related with lower odds of birth defect (95%CI (0.23, 0.89)) and congenital heart defect (95%CI (0.19, 0.91)). Conclusions: whether having maternal insurance did have an impact on perinatal outcomes, but the impact of maternal insurance on the perinatal outcomes showed differently between women with urban residence and women with rural residence status. However, it is not clear what are the reason causing the observed differences. Thus, more studies are needed.
We analyze the behavior of a nonrenewable resource cartel that anticipates being forced, at some date in the future, to break-up into an oligopolistic market in which its members will then have to compete as rivals. Under reasonable assumptions about the value function of the individual firms in the oligopolistic equilibrium that follows the break-up, we show that the cartel will then produce more over the same interval of time than it would if there were no threat of dissolution, and that its rate of extraction is a decreasing function of the cartel's life; that there are circumstances under which the cartel will attach a negative marginal value to the resource stocks, in which case the rate of depletion will be increasing over time during the cartel phase; that, for a given date of dissolution, the equilibrium stocks allocated to the post-cartel phase will increase as a function of the total initial stocks, whereas those allocated to the cartel phase will increase at first, but begin decreasing beyond some level of the total initial stocks.
Basé sur l’approche des parcours de vie, le présent mémoire se veut une étude du processus par lequel les inégalités fondées sur l’ethnicité se déploient dans le marché du travail au Québec. Faites à partir des données de l’Enquête sur les travailleurs sélectionnés (n=1541), des régressions logistiques à effets aléatoires évaluent l’influence de la région de naissance des nouveaux immigrants sur la présence en emploi tout au long des quatre premières années et demie de séjour au Québec. Les résultats obtenus démontrent que la présence en emploi est influencée par la région de naissance. Quatre profils principaux ressortent. Les travailleurs sélectionnés provenant d’Europe de l’Ouest et des États-Unis, catégorie de référence, bénéficient d’une situation relativement favorable. Les répondants originaires du Maghreb, désavantagés au cours de la première année, verront leur situation relative s’améliorer au fil du temps, sans pour autant atteindre une présence en emploi équivalente à celle de la catégorie de référence. Les travailleurs sélectionnés provenant d’Europe de l’Est et ex-URSS, d’Asie de l’Est et Océanie et d’Asie de l’Ouest et Moyen-Orient sont désavantagés durant la première année. Cette situation demeura au même niveau tout au long de la période d’observation. Les travailleurs sélectionnés originaires d’Afrique sub-saharienne et Amérique (sauf États-Unis) débuteront leur séjour dans une position défavorable et verront leur situation relative se détériorer au fil du temps.