1000 resultados para histórias


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC


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Teaching cases are records, through written narratives, of an academic episode or incident, they appear in educational scenery as a rich strategy not only for the teacher's conformation but also for their investigation. The bibliography shows that young students are still not very much investigated and it contributes to the establishment of negative images of this social subject. In this sense, the objective of this work is to analyze the stories and episodes, called teaching cases, in narrative style, written by students from High School about their physical education classes. The participants of this study are High School students from two public schools from two cities in the countryside of São Paulo state. The researcher stayed in the schools for nine months and in this meantime she made contact with the students, asking, for the ones who showed interest, the construction of teaching cases. For this interested students, the researcher explained researcher explained what teaching cases are, as well as, she presented a template to guide them in the production. At the end of this process, twenty teaching cases were delivered to the researcher. They were analyzed under the qualitative approach, valuing the expressive wealth in the narratives, complemented by the interviews with the authors. Inset the mosaic of narratives and interviews, showing a variety of experiences and possibilities of distance and approximation of the students to the physical education classes, we can indicate that from the 20 cases, only one was set as a total distance from the physical education classes (this is the student's situation since she was in the second grade from elementary school). Mentioning the positive experiences and the approximation to the physical education classes, the association of teaching cases and interviews showed that seven students lived the context and until today present an affective proximity to the classes. These evidences can help...


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This study was developed based on Classical Greek Language classes, reading and translation of texts. There is also the presence of computer elements due to use of Alpheios digital platform. As an example of a larger proposal, this proposal aims at produce translation aligned with the Portuguese and syntactic annotation with the production of the Greek dependency trees. To achieve the goal, we chose Chapter 34, Volume 1 of The Histories from Herodotus. The methods adopted contain a list and description of the instruments and the morphological categories from the guide (manual rules of syntax tree). The procedures adopted are the description of the alignment process and of syntactic annotation. As study results, we have the production line translation and the syntactic annotation of the excerpt 1.34. It was concluded that the study of this text is relevant, because the lexical density of Herodotus it's interesting at future researchers and students that will use the digital platform Alpheios


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Este estudo investiga atos agressivos manifestados pelos/as professores/as contra seus/as alunos/as em sala de aula. Para tanto, recorremos às contribuições da literatura brasileira acerca da violência escolar, produzida na última década e publicada na Base Scielo e utilizamos como fonte 32 histórias de escolarização narradas por alunas que, em 2004, cursaram a disciplina Didática II do curso de Pedagogia oferecido pela Faculdade de Ciências e Letras – campus de Araraquara – Unesp. Os resultados da literatura indicaram que professores/as também são protagonistas de violências contra seus/as alunos/as e que, em geral, estes/as profissionais estão despreparados para combater o fenômeno. As análises das histórias mostraram que os/as professores/as dos diferentes níveis de ensino praticam atos agressivos contra seus/as alunos/as, físicos e verbais, predominando os verbais. Faz-se urgente conhecer essa problemática para que possamos pensar em alternativas futuras, tendo em vista o cumprimento do ECA que visa, sobretudo, assegurar os direitos fundamentais.


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In this paper we present a report of a project developed with young people who were in detention on the CASA Foundation, former FEBEM in Araraquara, in the period in which the activity occurred. Our goal with the project was twofold: that our presence at the Foundation supports the young people in that institution with leisure and social reintegration, and to enable students to make experience of new strategies for teaching undergraduate and citizenship training. The project developed there was entitled "The Art of Storytelling" and, and despite its catchy title, actually had a much less ambitious goal, which was not just enable artists to exercise the storytelling, but chiefly to raise awareness that our worldview and our inner lives are made up by micronarratives, which not only place us in the universe into which we belong and also creates our own identity. Having this perspective as a starting point and following the theoretical assumptions of Paulo Freire, for whom the learning process is interactive and based on the exchange of experiences, we held five meetings and the experience was enriching, both for students and for the Foundation´s youngs that took part in this activity.


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O cenário atual de globalização e comunicação intercultural traz impacto significativo para a maneira como entendemos a relação entre língua e sociedade. Gera, também, para o ensino de línguas, a necessidade de o professor compreender suas crenças, pressupostos e conhecimentos (WOODS, 1996) em relação à língua que ensina, uma vez que ele é um importante agente na orquestração da interação de várias histórias de vida e horizontes de entendimento por meio de sua prática pedagógica. Neste artigo, apresentamos e discutimos os resultados de duas pesquisas de doutorado (SALOMÃO, 2012; MENEGHINI, 2013), conduzidas em um mesmo contexto de um curso híbrido (presencial/virtual) de formação continuada, em relação às crenças dos professores sobre as variedades geolinguísticas do espanhol. Ponderamos que a questão da escolha por uma variedade está muitas vezes relacionada às concepções estruturais de língua, assim como está imbricada por uma tessitura de fatores que demonstram falta de consciência das vozes das quais os professores se apropriam para justificar suas opções teórico-metodológicas. O desafio que se coloca para a formação de professores, então, nos parece ser o de auxiliá-los no desenvolvimento de consciência crítica, promovida pela reflexão sobre suas crenças sobre língua(gem), a partir de experiências que possam levá-los a (re)conhecer suas escolhas por determinada variedade linguística. Palavras-chave: Crenças de professores de línguas. Variedades linguísticas. Reflexão.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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INTRODUCTION: The children's schools are expanded spaces of education and care for infants. The educator's role as mediator in learning is crucial to child development, and the use of children's books can act as an important methodological and pedagogical resource in this process. METHODS: This paper describes a psychoeducational intervention performed with the educators of a public pre-school with the following objectives: (a) register the collection of children's books of the school, (b) investigate the acquisition and use of children's books by the teachers and (c) offer an intervention to teachers regarding the educational use of children's books. The participants were seven educators who worked with children from 2 to 6 years old. RESULTS: The results indicate that among the 315 books in the school, the majority was about animal stories (75 books), fantasy and mystery (38), fairy tales and fables (34), formal learning (33), learning rules (33) and about nature and environment (22). The educators reported that the choice of books was made mainly considering the age group to which the books were directed, and also from the themes found in texts and/ or illustrations. Although the teachers believe that the books can encourage reading among children, they don't describe their use in planned activities and they report lack of knowledge about their use. CONCLUSION: The proposed intervention to the teachers allowed them to rethink the use of books in pre-school, instructing them to the utilization of the books aiming to stimulate the imagination and creativity, improving the critical and reflexive capability of the children.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)