984 resultados para heterocyclic bases
Grupo de ficología, Departamento de Botánica, Universidad de Granada, Granada, España
Programa de doctorado: Formación del Profesorado.
[ES]El objetivo de este Trabajo es el de actualizar un entorno de gestión de bases de datos existente a la versión 11.2 del software de bases de datos Oracle y a una plataforma hardware de última generación. Se migran con tiempo de parada cero varias bases de datos dispersas en distintos servidores a un entorno consolidado de dos nodos dispuestos en alta disponibilidad tipo "activo-activo" mediante Oracle RAC y respaldado por un entorno de contingencia totalmente independiente y sincronizado en tiempo real mediante Oracle GoldenGate. Se realiza un estudio del entorno actual y, realizando una estimación de crecimiento, se propone una configuración de hardware y software mínima para implementar con garantías de éxito los requerimientos del entorno de gestión de bases de datos a corto y medio plazo. Una vez adquirido el hardware, se lleva a cabo la instalación, actualización y configuración del Sistema Operativo y el acceso redundado de los servidores a la cabina de almacenamiento. Posteriormente se instala el software de clúster de Oracle, el software de la base de datos y se crea una instancia que albergará los esquemas requeridos de las bases de datos a consolidar. Seguidamente se migran los esquemas al entorno consolidado y se establece la replicación de éstos en tiempo real con la máquina de contingencia usando en ambos casos Oracle GoldenGate. Finalmente se crea y prueba un esquema de copias de seguridad que incluye copias lógicas y físicas de la propia base de datos y de archivos de configuración del clúster a partir de los cuales será posible restaurar el entorno completamente.
[ES] Las administraciones locales deben gestionar una parte importante de las infraestructuras y servicios demandados por el turismo. En estas áreas se combina la prestación de servicios a la población turística y población local, lo que supone su redimensionamiento y diversificación. Como resultado, los municipios afectados por esta dualidad deben adaptar la gestión de sus recursos, produciéndose importantes desequilibrios. Esta distinción ha abierto un importante debate en torno a la figura del «municipio turístico» y su «discriminación positiva» frente al resto de municipios. Una fórmula que trata de compensar el desequilibrio que genera la actividad turística en la gestión local. Actualmente las islas Canarias carecen de criterios oficiales para la definición de un municipio turístico, así como no se ha consensuado un listado oficial que los identifique. En este sentido, el presente artículo pretende hacer algunas aportaciones a este debate, planteando una propuesta de delimitación.
[ES] Prezi del curso virtual Adquisición de Habilidades en Información. Nivel I. En él se explica qué es una base de datos, su interfaz y cómo buscar la información en ellas.
Leberâs hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a mitochondrial disease characterized by a rapid loss of central vision and optic atrophy, due to the selective degeneration of retinal ganglion cells. The age of onset is around 20, and the degenerative process is fast and usually the second eye becomes affected in weeks or months. Even if this pathology is well known and has been well characterized, there are still open questions on its pathophysiology, such as the male prevalence, the incomplete penetrance and the tissue selectivity. This maternally inherited disease is caused by mutations in mitochondrial encoded genes of NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) of the respiratory chain. The 90% of LHON cases are caused by one of the three common mitochondrial DNA mutations (11778/ND4, 14484/ND6 and 3460/ND1) and the remaining 10% is caused by rare pathogenic mutations, reported in literature in one or few families. Moreover, there is also a small subset of patients reported with new putative pathogenic nucleotide changes, which awaits to be confirmed. We here clarify some molecular aspects of LHON, mainly the incomplete penetrance and the role of rare mtDNA mutations or variants on LHON expression, and attempt a possible therapeutic approach using the cybrids cell model. We generated novel structural models for mitochondrial encoded complex I subunits and a conservation analysis and pathogenicity prediction have been carried out for LHON reported mutations. This in-silico approach allowed us to locate LHON pathogenic mutations in defined and conserved protein domains and can be a useful tool in the analysis of novel mtDNA variants with unclear pathogenic/functional role. Four rare LHON pathogenic mutations have been identified, confirming that the ND1 and ND6 genes are mutational hot spots for LHON. All mutations were previously described at least once and we validated their pathogenic role, suggesting the need for their screening in LHON diagnostic protocols. Two novel mtDNA variants with a possible pathogenic role have been also identified in two independent branches of a large pedigree. Functional studies are necessary to define their contribution to LHON in this family. It also been demonstrated that the combination of mtDNA rare polymorphic variants is relevant in determining the maternal recurrence of myoclonus in unrelated LHON pedigrees. Thus, we suggest that particular mtDNA backgrounds and /or the presence of specific rare mutations may increase the pathogenic potential of the primary LHON mutations, thereby giving rise to the extraocular clinical features characteristic of the LHON âplusâ phenotype. We identified the first molecular parameter that clearly discriminates LHON affected individuals from asymptomatic carriers, the mtDNA copy number. This provides a valuable mechanism for future investigations on variable penetrance in LHON. However, the increased mtDNA content in LHON individuals was not correlated to the functional polymorphism G1444A of PGC-1 alpha, the master regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis, but may be due to gene expression of genes involved in this signaling pathway, such as PGC-1 alpha/beta and Tfam. Future studies will be necessary to identify the biochemical effects of rare pathogenic mutations and to validate the novel candidate mutations here described, in terms of cellular bioenergetic characterization of these variants. Moreover, we were not able to induce mitochondrial biogenesis in cybrids cell lines using bezafibrate. However, other cell line models are available, such as fibroblasts harboring LHON mutations, or other approaches can be used to trigger the mitochondrial biogenesis.
The research performed in the framework of this Master Thesis has been directly inspired by the recent work of an organometallic research group led by Professor Maria Cristina Cassani on a topic related to the structures, dynamics and catalytic activity of N-heterocyclic carbene-amide rhodium(I) complexes1. A series of [BocNHCH2CH2ImR]X (R = Me, X = I, 1a’; R = Bz, X = Br, 1b’; R = trityl, X = Cl, 1c’) amide-functionalized imidazolium salts bearing increasingly bulky N-alkyl substituents were synthetized and characterized. Subsequently, these organic precursors were employed in the synthesis of silver(I) complexes as intermediate compounds on a way to rhodium(I) complexes [Rh(NBD)X(NHC)] (NHC = 1-(2-NHBoc-ethyl)-3-R-imidazolin-2-ylidene; X = Cl, R = Me (3a’), R = Bz (3b’), R = trityl (3c’); X = I, R = Me (4a’)). VT NMR studies of these complexes revealed a restricted rotation barriers about the metal-carbene bond. However, while the rotation barriers calculated for the complexes in which R = Me, Bz (3a’,b’ and 4a) matched the experimental values, this was not true in the trityl case 3c’, where the experimental value was very similar to that obtained for compound 3b’ and much smaller with respect to the calculated one. In addition, the energy barrier derived for 3c’ from line shape simulation showed a strong dependence on the temperature, while the barriers measured for 3a’,b’ did not show this effect. In view of these results and in order to establish the reasons for the previously found inconsistency between calculated and experimental thermodynamic data, the first objective of this master thesis was the preparation of a series of rhodium(I) complexes [Rh(NBD)X(NHC)] (NHC = 1-benzyl-3-R-imidazolin-2-ylidene; X = Cl, R = Me, Bz, trityl, tBu), containing the benzyl substituent as a chiral probe, followed by full characterization. The second objective of this work was to investigate the catalytic activity of the new rhodium compounds in the hydrosilylation of terminal alkynes for comparison purposes with the reported complexes. Another purpose of this work was to employ the prepared N-heterocyclic ligands in the synthesis of iron(II)-NHC complexes.
Stabile organische Radikale mit zusätzlichen Funktionalitäten wie Donor/Akzepotor Eigenschaften und Ligandeneignung für Übergangsmetallkomplexierung repräsentieren eine synthetische Herausforderung beim Streben nach der Konstruktion hochdimensionaler heterospin Strukturen. In diesem Hinblick wurden acht neue Hochspinbiradikal-Moleküle zusammen mit ihren Monoradikal- Pendants in dieser Arbeit hergestellt. Die Wahl der Liganden als organische Distanzhalter der Radikaleinheiten wurde auf stickstoffhaltige Heterozyklen (Pyridin und Pyrazol) gelenkt. Diese wurden weiterhin mit den stabilen Spinträgern Nitronylnitroxid- (NN) und Iminonitroxidfragmenten (IN) dekoriert. Ihre Synthese beinhaltete mehrstufige Umsetzungen (Brominierung, Iodierung, N- und Carbaldehyd Schutzgruppen, Stille-Kupplung, Grignard Reaktion, etc.) um die Mono- und Dicarbaldehyd-heterocyclenderivate als Schlüsselvorläufer der Radikaleinheiten zu gewinnen. Die Carbaldehyd-Zwischenstufen wurden Kondensationsreaktionen mit 2,3-Dimethyl-2,3-bis(hydroxylamino)-butan unterworfen (üblicherweise in Dioxan unter Argon für ~ 7 Tage), gefolgt von der Oxidation der Bis-hydroxylimidazolidin-Vorläufer unter Phasentransferkatalyse (NaIO4/H2O). Die Radikalmoleküle wurden mit verschiedenen spektroskopischen Methoden untersucht (FT/IR, UV/Vis/ EPR etc.) und ihre Einkristalle mit Röntgenstrahlbeugung gemessen. Die UV/VIS- Lösungsspektren zeigten in einem breiten Bereich verschiedener Lösungsmittelpolaritäten keine spezifische Wechselwirkung zwischen Lösungsmittel und Radikaleinheit, während ihre Stabilitäten in protischen Lösunsgmitteln wie MeOH stark abnahmen. Als Pulver konnten sie jedoch im Kühlschrank an der Luft für eine Jahr gelagert werden, ohne sich zu zersetzen. Die spektroskopischen Fingerabdrücke der Radikale wurden eindeutig identifiziert and erschienen stark abhängig vom Typ des pi-Ringsystems an das die Spinträger gekoppelt wurden. Basierend auf diesen Informationen wurde ein schnelles Protokoll etabliert, das eine direkte Zuordnung der Art der Radikale und ihrer Anzahl ermöglicht, sowie ihre Reinheit und Verunreinigungen zu definieren. In Lösung bestätigte die Analyse der EPR Spektren der Biradikale die starke Austauschwechselwirkung J zwischen den Radikalfragmenten über die Kopplungseinheiten (J >> an, an ist die Stickstoffhyperfeinkopplungskonstante). Dies wurde weiter unterstützt durch die Beobachtungen in gefrorener Lösung über die Nullfeldaufspaltungen und verbotenen Halbfeldübergänge (Δms = 2). Die Temperaturabhängigkeiten der Δms = 2 - EPR Signale wurden bis herunter auf 4 K gemessen und das exakte Vorzeichen und die Größe von J ermittelt. Diese Arbeit unterstreicht die Möglichkeit über synthetische Chemie eine Feineinstellung der „through bond“ Austauschwechselwirkung zwischen verwandten pi- und sigma- konjugierten Heterozyklen zu erreichen, in denen der S = 1 Grundzustand angenommen wird. Zusätzlich zeigten diese Resultate, dass die Übertragung der Spinpolarisation durch verschiedene Koppler sehr effektiv war.
This thesis is the result of the study of two reactions leading to the formation of important heterocyclic compounds of potential pharmaceutical interest. The first study concerns the reaction of (1,3)-dipolar cycloaddition between nitrones and activated olefins by hydrogen bond catalysis of thioureas derivatives leading to the formation of a five-membered cyclic adducts, an interesting and strategic synthetic intermediate, for the synthesis of benzoazepine. The second project wants to explore the direct oxidative C(sp3)-H α-alkylation of simple amides with subsequent addition of an olefin and cyclization in order to obtain the corresponding oxazine. Both reactions are still under development.
A series of imidazolium salts of the type [BocNHCH2CH2ImR]X (Boc = t-Bu carbamates; Im = imidazole) (R = Me, X = I, 1a; R = Bn, X = Br, 1b; R = Trityl, X = Cl, 1c) and [BnImR’]X (R’ = Me, X = Br, 1d; R’ = Bn, X = Br, 1e; R’ = Trityl, X = Cl, 1g; R’ = tBu, X = Br, 1h) bearing increasingly bulky substituents were synthetized and characterized. Subsequently, these precursors were employed in the synthesis of silver(I)-N-heterocyclic (NHC) complexes as transmetallating reagents for the preparation of rhodium(I) complexes [RhX(NBD)(NHC)] (NHC = 1-(2-NHBoc-ethyl)-3-R-imidazolin-2-ylidene; X = Cl; R = Me, 4a; R = Bn, 4b; R = Trityl, 4c; X = I, R = Me, 5a; NHC = 1-Bn-3-R’-imidazolin-2-ylidene; X = Cl; R’ = Me, 4d, R’ = Bn, 4e, R’ = Trityl, 4g; R’ = tBu, 4h). VT NMR studies of these complexes revealed a restricted rotation barriers about the metal-carbene bond. While the rotation barriers calculated for the complexes in which R = Me, Bn (4a,b,d,e and 5a) matched the experimental values, this was not true for the complexes 4c,g, bearing a trityl group for which the values are much smaller than the calculated ones. Energy barriers for 4c,g, derived from a line shape simulation, showed a strong dependence on the temperature while for 4h the rotational energy barrier is stopped at room temperature. The catalytic activity of the new rhodium compounds was investigated in the hydrosilylation of terminal alkynes and in the addition of phenylboronic acid to benzaldehyde. The imidazolium salts 1d,e were also employed in the synthesis of new iron(II)-NHC complexes. Finally, during a six-months stay at the University of York a new ligand derived from Norharman was prepared and employed in palladium-mediated cross-coupling.