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A series of molecular complexes, both co-crystals and salts, of a triazole drug-alprazolam-with carboxylic acids, boric acid, boronic acids, and phenols have been analyzed with respect to heterosynthons present in the crystal structures. In all cases, the triazole ring behaves as an efficient hydrogen bond acceptor with the acidic coformers. The hydrogen bond patterns exhibited with aromatic carboxylic acids were found to depend on the nature and position of the substituents. Being a strong acid, 2,6-dihydroxybenzoic acid forms a salt with alprazolam. With aliphatic dicarboxylic acids alprazolam forms hydrates and the water molecules play a central role in synthon formation and crystal packing. The triazole ring makes two distinct heterosynthons in the molecular complex with boric acid. Boronic acids and phenols form consistent hydrogen bond patterns, and these are seemingly independent of the substitutional effects. Boronic acids form noncentrosymmetric cyclic synthons, while phenols form O-H center dot center dot center dot N hydrogen bonds with the triazole ring. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 99:3743-3753, 2010.


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Africa is threatened by climate change. The adaptive capacity of local communities continues to be weakened by ineffective and inefficient livelihood strategies and inappropriate development interventions. One of the greatest challenges for climate change adaptation in Africa is related to the governance of natural resources used by vulnerable poor groups as assets for adaptation. Practical and good governance activities for adaptation in Africa is urgently and much needed to support adaptation actions, interventions and planning. The adaptation role of forests has not been as prominent in the international discourse and actions as their mitigation role. This study therefore focused on the forest as one of the natural resources used for adaptation. The general objective of this research was to assess the extent to which cases of current forest governance practices in four African countries Burkina Faso, The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ghana and Sudan are supportive to the adaptation of vulnerable societies and ecosystems to impacts of climate change. Qualitative and quantitative analyses from surveys, expert consultations and group discussions were used in analysing the case studies. The entire research was guided by three conceptual sets of thinking forest governance, climate change vulnerability and ecosystem services. Data for the research were collected from selected ongoing forestry activities and programmes. The study mainly dealt with forest management policies and practices that can improve the adaptation of forest ecosystems (Study I) and the adaptive capacity through the management of forest resources by vulnerable farmers (Studies II, III, IV and V). It was found that adaptation is not part of current forest policies, but, instead, policies contain elements of risk management practices, which are also relevant to the adaptation of forest ecosystems. These practices include, among others, the management of forest fires, forest genetic resources, non-timber resources and silvicultural practices. Better livelihood opportunities emerged as the priority for the farmers. These vulnerable farmers had different forms of forest management. They have a wide range of experience and practical knowledge relevant to ensure and achieve livelihood improvement alongside sustainable management and good governance of natural resources. The contributions of traded non-timber forest products to climate change adaptation appear limited for local communities, based on their distribution among the stakeholders in the market chain. Plantation (agro)forestry, if well implemented and managed by communities, has a high potential in reducing socio-ecological vulnerability by increasing the food production and restocking degraded forest lands. Integration of legal arrangements with continuous monitoring, evaluation and improvement may drive this activity to support short, medium and long term expectations related to adaptation processes. The study concludes that effective forest governance initiatives led by vulnerable poor groups represent one practical way to improve the adaptive capacities of socio-ecological systems against the impacts of climate change in Africa.


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Tumorigenesis is a consequence of inactivating mutations of tumor suppressor genes and activating mutations of proto-oncogenes. Most of the mutations compromise cell autonomous and non-autonomous restrains on cell proliferation by modulating kinase signal transduction pathways. LKB1 is a tumor suppressor kinase whose sporadic mutations are frequently found in non-small cell lung cancer and cervical cancer. Germ-line mutations in the LKB1 gene lead to Peutz-Jeghers syndrome with an increased risk of cancer and development of benign gastrointestinal hamartomatous polyps consisting of hyperproliferative epithelia and prominent stromal stalk composed of smooth muscle cell lineage cells. The tumor suppressive function of LKB1 is possibly mediated by 14 identified LKB1 substrate kinases, whose activation is dependent on the LKB1 kinase complex. The aim of my thesis was to identify cell signaling pathways crucial for tumor suppression by LKB1. Re-introduction of LKB1 expression in the melanoma cell line G361 induces cell cycle arrest. Here we demonstrated that restoring the cytoplasmic LKB1 was sufficient to induce the cell cycle arrest in a tumor suppressor p53 dependent manner. To address the role of LKB1 in gastrointestinal tumor suppression, Lkb1 was deleted specifically in SMC lineage in vivo, which was sufficient to cause Peutz-Jeghers syndrome type polyposis. Studies on primary myofibroblasts lacking Lkb1 suggest that the regulation of TGFβ signaling, actin stress fibers and smooth muscle cell lineage differentiation are candidate mechanisms for tumor suppression by LKB1 in the gastrointestinal stroma. Further studies with LKB1 substrate kinase NUAK2 in HeLa cells indicate that NUAK2 is part of a positive feedback loop by which NUAK2 expression promotes actin stress fiber formation and, reciprocally the induction of actin stress fibers promote NUAK2 expression. Findings in this thesis suggest that p53 and TGFβ signaling pathways are potential mediators of tumor suppression by LKB1. An indication of NUAK2 in the promotion of actin stress fibers suggests that NUAK2 is one possible mediator of LKB1 dependent TGFβ signaling and smooth muscle cell lineage differentiation.


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The Earth s climate is a highly dynamic and complex system in which atmospheric aerosols have been increasingly recognized to play a key role. Aerosol particles affect the climate through a multitude of processes, directly by absorbing and reflecting radiation and indirectly by changing the properties of clouds. Because of the complexity, quantification of the effects of aerosols continues to be a highly uncertain science. Better understanding of the effects of aerosols requires more information on aerosol chemistry. Before the determination of aerosol chemical composition by the various available analytical techniques, aerosol particles must be reliably sampled and prepared. Indeed, sampling is one of the most challenging steps in aerosol studies, since all available sampling techniques harbor drawbacks. In this study, novel methodologies were developed for sampling and determination of the chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols. In the particle-into-liquid sampler (PILS), aerosol particles grow in saturated water vapor with further impaction and dissolution in liquid water. Once in water, the aerosol sample can then be transported and analyzed by various off-line or on-line techniques. In this study, PILS was modified and the sampling procedure was optimized to obtain less altered aerosol samples with good time resolution. A combination of denuders with different coatings was tested to adsorb gas phase compounds before PILS. Mixtures of water with alcohols were introduced to increase the solubility of aerosols. Minimum sampling time required was determined by collecting samples off-line every hour and proceeding with liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The laboriousness of LLE followed by GC-MS analysis next prompted an evaluation of solid-phase extraction (SPE) for the extraction of aldehydes and acids in aerosol samples. These two compound groups are thought to be key for aerosol growth. Octadecylsilica, hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB), and mixed phase anion exchange (MAX) were tested as extraction materials. MAX proved to be efficient for acids, but no tested material offered sufficient adsorption for aldehydes. Thus, PILS samples were extracted only with MAX to guarantee good results for organic acids determined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS). On-line coupling of SPE with HPLC-MS is relatively easy, and here on-line coupling of PILS with HPLC-MS through the SPE trap produced some interesting data on relevant acids in atmospheric aerosol samples. A completely different approach to aerosol sampling, namely, differential mobility analyzer (DMA)-assisted filter sampling, was employed in this study to provide information about the size dependent chemical composition of aerosols and understanding of the processes driving aerosol growth from nano-size clusters to climatically relevant particles (>40 nm). The DMA was set to sample particles with diameters of 50, 40, and 30 nm and aerosols were collected on teflon or quartz fiber filters. To clarify the gas-phase contribution, zero gas-phase samples were collected by switching off the DMA every other 15 minutes. Gas-phase compounds were adsorbed equally well on both types of filter, and were found to contribute significantly to the total compound mass. Gas-phase adsorption is especially significant during the collection of nanometer-size aerosols and needs always to be taken into account. Other aims of this study were to determine the oxidation products of β-caryophyllene (the major sesquiterpene in boreal forest) in aerosol particles. Since reference compounds are needed for verification of the accuracy of analytical measurements, three oxidation products of β-caryophyllene were synthesized: β-caryophyllene aldehyde, β-nocaryophyllene aldehyde, and β-caryophyllinic acid. All three were identified for the first time in ambient aerosol samples, at relatively high concentrations, and their contribution to the aerosol mass (and probably growth) was concluded to be significant. Methodological and instrumental developments presented in this work enable fuller understanding of the processes behind biogenic aerosol formation and provide new tools for more precise determination of biosphere-atmosphere interactions.


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Dioxins are organic toxicants that are known to impair tooth development, especially dental hard tissue formation. The most toxic dioxin congener is 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Further, clinical studies suggest that maternal smoking during pregnancy can affect child s tooth development. One of the main components of tobacco smoke is the group of non-halogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), a representative of which is 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA). Tributyltin (TBT), an organic tin compound, has been shown to impair bone mineralization in experimental animals. In addition to exposure to organic toxicants, a well-established cause for enamel hypomineralization is excess fluoride intake. The principal aim of this thesis project was to examine in vitro if, in addition to dioxins, other organic environmental toxicants, like PAHs and organic tin compounds, have adverse effects on tooth development, specifically on formation and mineralization of the major dental hard tissues, the dentin and the enamel. The second aim was to investigate in vitro if fluoride could intensify the manifestation of the detrimental developmental dental effects elicited by TCDD. The study was conducted by culturing mandibular first and second molar tooth germs of E18 NMRI mouse embryos in a Trowell-type organ culture and exposing them to DMBA, TBT, and sodium fluoride (NaF) and/or TCDD at various concentrations during the secretory and mineralization stages of development. Specific methods used were HE-staining for studying cell and tissue morphology, BrdU-staining for cell proliferation, TUNEL-staining for apoptosis, and QPCR, in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry for the expressions of selected genes associated with mineralization. This thesis work showed that DMBA, TBT, TCDD and NaF interfere with dentin and enamel formation of embryonic mouse tooth in vitro, and that fluoride can potentiate the harmful effect of TCDD. The results suggested that adverse effects of TBT involve altered expression of genes associated with mineralization, and that DMBA and TBT as well as NaF and TCDD together primarily affect dentin mineralization. Since amelogenesis does not start until mineralization of dentin begins, impaired enamel matrix secretion could be a secondary effect. Dioxins, PAHs and organotins are all liposoluble and can be transferred to the infant by breast-feeding. Since doses are usually very low, developmental toxicity on most of the organs is difficult to indentify clinically. However, tooth may act as an indicator of exposure, since the major dental hard tissues, the dentin and the enamel, are not replaced once they have been formed. Thus, disturbed dental hard tissue formation raises the question of more extensive developmental toxicity.


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The evolution of crystallographic texture in polycrystalline copper and nickel has been studied. The deformation texture evolution in these two materials over seven orders of magnitude of strain rate from 3 x 10(-4) to similar to 2.0 x 10(+3) s(-1) show little dependence on the stacking fault energy (SFE) and the amount of deformation. Higher strain rate deformation in nickel leads to weakerh < 101 > texture because of extensive microband formation and grain fragmentation. This behavior, in turn, causes less plastic spin and hence retards texture evolution. Copper maintains the stable end < 101 > component over large strain rates (from 3 x 10(-4) to 10(+2) s(-1)) because of its higher strain-hardening rate that resists formation of deformation heterogeneities. At higher strain rates of the order of 2 x 10(+3) s(-1), the adiabatic temperature rise assists in continuous dynamic recrystallization that leads to an increase in the volume fraction of the < 101 > component. Thus, strain-hardening behavior plays a significant role in the texture evolution of face-centered cubic materials. In addition, factors governing the onset of restoration mechanisms like purity and melting point govern texture evolution at high strain rates. SFE may play a secondary role by governing the propensity of cross slip that in turn helps in the activation of restoration processes.


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The nucleation and growth mechanisms during high temperature oxidation of liquid Al-3% Mg and Al-3% Mg-3% Si alloys were studied with the aim of enhancing our understanding of a new composite fabrication process. The typical oxidation sequence consists of an initial event of rapid but brief oxidation, followed by an incubation period of limited oxide growth after which bulk Al2O3/Al composite forms. A duplex oxide layer, MgO (upper) and MgAl2O4 (lower), forms on the alloy surface during initial oxidation and incubation. The spinel layer remains next to the liquid alloy during bulk oxide growth and is the eventual repository for most of the magnesium in the original alloy. Metal microchannels developed during incubation continuously supply alloy through the composite to the reaction interface. During the growth process, a layered structure exists at the upper extremity of the composite, consisting of MgO at the top surface, MgAl2O4 (probably discontinuous), Al alloy, and finally the bulk Al2O3 composite containing microchannels of the alloy. The bulk oxide growth mechanism appears to involve continuous formation and dissolution of the Mg-rich oxides at the surface, diffusion of oxygen through the underlying liquid metal, and epitaxial growth of Al2O3 on the existing composite body. The roles of Mg and Si in the composite growth process are discussed.


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The formation and decomposition of quasicrystalline and crystalline phases in as-rapidly solidified and annealed commercial AISI 2024 aluminum alloy containing 2 wt% Li have been investigated by detailed transmission electron microscopy, including a combination of bright field and dark field imaging, selected area diffraction pattern analysis and energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis. The microstructure of as-melt spun 2024-2Li consists of alpha-Al cells, containing small coherent delta' precipitates, and particles or a continuous network of the icosahedral phase at the cell boundaries. After annealing at 300-degrees-C, the intercellular particles of the icosahedral phase coarsen progressively and assume a more faceted shape; after annealing at 400-degrees-C, particles of the decagonal and crystalline O phases precipitate heterogeneously on preexisting particles of the icosahedral phase; and after annealling at 500-degrees-C, the icosahedral and decagonal phases dissolve completely, and small particles of the crystalline O phase remain together with newly precipitated plates of the T1 phase. The icosahedral phase in melt spun and melt spun/annealed 2024-2Li belongs to the Al6CuLi3 class of icosahedral phases, with a quasilattice constant of 0.51 nm, a stoichiometry of (Al, Si)6(Cu, Mn, Fe) (Li, Mg)3 and an average composition of Al-24.1 at.% Cu-6.4 at.% Mg-1.7 at.% Si-0.3 at.% Mn-0.5 at.% Fe as-melt spun and Al-21.9 at.% Cu-6.3 at.% Mg-1.0 at.% Si-0.5 at.% Fe as-heat-treated. The decagonal phase in melt spun/annealed 2024-2Li belongs to the Al4Mn class of decagonal phases, with a periodicity of 1.23 nm along the 10-fold symmetry axis, a stoichiometry of Al3(Cu, Mn, Fe) and an average composition of Al-10.3 at.% Cu-13.8 at.% Mn-2.3 at.% Fe. The crystalline O phase in melt spun/annealed 2024-2Li has an orthorhombic structure with lattice parameters of a = 2.24 nm, b = 2.35 nm and c = 1.23 nm, a stoichiometry of Al3(Cu, Mn, Fe) and an average composition of Al-11.0 at.% Cu-14.8 at.% Mn-3.9 at.% Fe. Detailed analysis of selected area diffraction patterns shows a close similarity between the icosahedral, decagonal and crystalline O phases in melt spun and melt spun/annealed 2024-2Li. In particular, the decagonal phase and crystalline O phases have a similar composition, and exhibit an orientation relationship which can be expressed as: [GRAPHICS] suggesting that the orthorhombic O phase is an approximant structure for the decagonal phase.


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This thesis studies the basic income grant proposal in Namibia. The proposal suggests a monthly grant of N$100 (approximately 10€) to all those Namibian citizens who do not receive the state pension. This thesis concentrates on the Basic Income Grant (BIG) Coalition and on its work. The formation and transformation of the coalition during the time period between 2003 and 2009 is analyzed with the help of data collected during two field work periods in 2008 and 2009. The data includes interviews, newspaper articles, observations and other background material. The analysis of this material is mainly conducted from organizational viewpoint. The final part of the thesis applies the results to the theory of Mosse, whose propositions about policy and practice will be discussed in relation to the basic income grant pilot project. The thesis argues that social legitimacy has been a vital resource for the work of the BIG Coalition and it has sought for it in various ways. The concept of social legitimacy originates from the resource dependence perspective of Pfeffer and Salancik, who propose that organizations are dependent on their environments, and on the resources provided by the surrounding environment. This thesis studies the concept of social legitimacy in the context of resource dependence theory. Social legitimacy is analyzed in the relations between the coalition and its environment, in the formation of the coalition, in the responses towards criticism, and finally in relation to the propositions concerning policy and practice. The work of the coalition in the pilot project will be analyzed through the propositions of Mosse concerning policy and practice. The results will describe and analyze key events in the formation of the BIG Coalition from the South African proposal until the end of the basic income pilot project. This BIG pilot project conducted in 2008-2009 is one of the most well-known activities of the coalition. The clashes between the coalition and its environment will be analyzed through four case studies. It will be shown that the project has been conducted in order to gain more legitimacy to the basic income grant proposal. The conclusion questions the legitimacy of the BIG Coalition as a research and development organization, and requests for more transparent research on the basic income proposal in Namibia.


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Tämä työ tarkastelee kansallista ja paikallista omistajuutta Namibian opetussektorin kehittämisohjelmassa. Opetussektorin kehittämisohjelma ETSIP on 15-vuotinen sektoriohjelma vuosille 2005-2015 ja sen tavoitteena on edesauttaa Namibian kehittymistä tietoyhteiskunnaksi. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää miten kansallinen ja paikallinen omistajuus on toteutunut ETSIP prosessin aikana. Erityisesti pyritään selvittämään paikallistason opetussektorin virkamiesten näkemyksiä ETSIP prosessista, heidän roolistaan siinä ja siitä millaisia vaikuttamisen ja hallinnan mahdollisuuksia heillä on ollut prosessin aikana. Tutkimuksen lähtökohta on laadullinen ja lähestymistapa konstruktionistinen: tutkimus tarkastelee todellisuutta ihmisten kokemusten, näkemysten ja toiminnan kautta. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu haastatteluista, epävirallisista keskusteluista, lehtiartikkeleista ja ETSIP dokumenteista. Tutkimus osoittaa että kansallinen omistajuus on epämääräinen käsite sillä kansallisia toimijoita ja näkemyksiä on useita. Tutkimus vahvistaa Castel-Brancon huomion siitä, että omistajuutta on tarkasteltava kontekstissaan: muuttuvana ja kilpailtuna. ETSIPin rinnalle ollaan valmistelemassa uutta strategista ohjelmaa opetusministeriölle mikä saattaa muuttaa omistajuutta ETSIPiin. ETSIP dokumenttien omistajuusretoriikka myötäilee kansainvälisiä sitoumuksia avun vaikuttavuuden parantamiseksi mutta niistä puuttuu syvällisempi analyysi siitä, miten kansallinen ja paikallinen omistajuus toteutuisi käytännössä. Avunantajien näkemys omistajuudesta on suppea: omistajuus nähdään lähinnä sitoutumisena ennalta määrättyyn politiikkaohjelmaan. Haastatteluaineistosta nousee esiin Whitfieldin ja Frazerin jaottelu suppeista ja laajoista omistajuuskäsityksistä. Sitoutumista ETSIP ohjelmaan pidetään tärkeänä mutta riittämättömänä määritteenä omistajuudelle. Paikallisella tasolla sitoutuminen ETSIP ohjelman periaatteisiin ja tavoitteisiin on toteutunut melko hyvin mutta jos omistajuutta tarkastellaan laajemmin vaikutusvallan ja hallinnan käsitteiden kautta voidaan todeta että omistajuus on ollut heikkoa. Paikallisella tasolla ei ole ollut juurikaan vaikutusvaltaa ETSIP ohjelman sisältöön eikä mahdollisuutta hallita ohjelman toteutusta ja päättää siitä mitä hankkeita ohjelman kautta rahoitetaan. Tujanin demokraattisen omistajuuden käsite kuvaa tarvetta muuttaa ja laajentaa omistajuusajattelua huomioiden paikallisen tason paremmin. Tämä tutkimus viittaa siihen että omistajuuden toteutuminen paikallisella tasolla edellyttäisi institutionaalisen kulttuurin muutosta ja institutionaalisen legitimiteetin vahvistamista. Omistajuuden mahdollistamiseksi paikallisella tasolla tarvittaisiin poliittista johtajuutta, luottamusta, vastuullisuuden kulttuurin kehittämistä, tehokkaampaa tiedonjakoa, laajaa osallistumista, vuoropuhelua ja yhteistyötä. Ennen kaikkea tarvittaisiin paikallisen tason vaikutusvaltaa päätöksenteossa ja kontrollia resurssien käytöstä. Tälle muutokselle on selvä tarve ja tilaus.


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Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) are the most common bacteria isolated in bovine subclinical mastitis in many countries, and also a frequent cause of clinical mastitis. The most common species isolated are Staphylococcus (S) chromogenes, S. simulans, S. epidermidis, and S. xylosus. One half of the intramammary infections (IMI) caused by CNS persist in the udder. The pathogenesis of IMI caused by CNS is poorly understood. This dissertation focuses on host response in experimental intramammary infection induced by S. chromogenes, S. epidermidis and S. simulans. Model for a mild experimental CNS infection was developed with S. chromogenes (study I). All cows were infected and most developed subclinical mastitis. In study II the innate immune response to S. epidermidis and S. simulans IMI was compared in eight cows using a crossover design. A larger dose of bacteria was used to induce clinical mastitis. All cows became infected and showed mild to moderate clinical signs of mastitis. S. simulans caused a slightly stronger innate immune response than S. epidermidis, with significantly higher concentrations of the interleukins IL-1beta and IL-8 in the milk. The spontaneous elimination rate of the 16 IMIs was 31%, with no difference between species. No significant differences were recorded between infections eliminated spontaneously or remaining persistent, although the response was stronger in IMIs eliminated spontaneously, except the concentration of TNF-α, which remained elevated in persistent infections. Lactoferrin (Lf) is a component of the humoral defence of the host and is present at low concentrations in the milk. The concentration of Lf in milk is high during the dry period, in colostrum, and in mastitic milk. The effect of an inherent, high concentration of Lf in the milk on experimental IMI induced with S. chromogenes was studied in transgenic cows that expressed recombinant human Lf in their milk. Human Lf did not prevent S. chromogenes IMI, but the host response was milder in transgenic cows than in normal cows, and the former eliminated infection faster. Biofilm production has been suggested to promote persistence of IMI. Phenotypic biofilm formation and slime producing ability of CNS isolates from bovine mastitis was investigated in vitro. One-third of mastitis isolates produced biofilm. Slime production was less frequent for isolates of the most common mastitis causing species S. chromogenes and S. simulans compared with S. epidermidis. No association was found between the phenotypic ability to form biofilm and the persistence of IMI or severity of mastitis. Slime production was associated with persistent infections, but only 8% of isolates produced slime.


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In situ EXAFS and X-ray diffraction investigations of Ni/TiO2 catalysts show that NiTiO3 is formed as an intermediate during calcination of catalyst precursors prepared by the wet-impregnation method; the intermediate is not formed when ion-exchange method is used for the preparation. On hydrogen reduction, NiTiO3 gives rise to Ni particles dispersed in the TiO2(rutile) matrix. The occurrence of the anatase-rutile transformation of the TiO2 support, the formation and subsequent decomposition/reduction of NiTiO3 as well as the unique interface properties of the Ni particles are all factors of importance in giving rise to metal-support interaction. Active TiO2(anatase) prepared from gel route gives an additional species involving Ni3+.


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In the present investigation, experiments were conducted by unidirectional sliding of pins made of FCC metals (Pb, Al, and Cu) with significantly different hardness values against the steel plates of various surface textures and roughness using an inclined pin-on-plate sliding apparatus in ambient conditions under both the dry and lubricated conditions. For a given material pair, it was observed that transfer layer formation and the coefficient of friction along with its two components, namely adhesion and plowing, are controlled by the surface texture of the harder mating surfaces and are less dependent of surface roughness (R (a)) of the harder mating surfaces. The effect of surface texture on the friction was attributed to the variation of the plowing component of friction for different surfaces. It was also observed that the variation of plowing friction as a function of hardness depends on surface textures. More specifically, the plowing friction varies with hardness of the soft materials for a given type of surface texture and it is independent of hardness of soft materials for other type of surface texture. These variations could be attributed to the extent of plane strain conditions taking place at the asperity level during sliding. It was also observed that among the surface roughness parameters, the mean slope of the profile, Delta (a), correlated best with the friction. Furthermore, dimensionless quantifiable roughness parameters were formulated to describe the degree of plowing taking place at the asperity level.


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Plants exhibit certain intra-fruit positional patterns in the development of seeds. These patterns have been generally interpreted to be a consequence of resource and fertilization gradients. However, such positional patterns might also be shaped by the 'neighbour effect', wherein formation and development of a seed at any position might positively or negatively influence those of other seeds in the neighbourhood. In this article, we examine the role of such neighbour effect in shaping the positional pattern of seeds in the pods of Erythrina suberosa. The results suggest the existence of a positive neighbour effect leading to a higher frequency of seeds in contiguous positions.


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Sliding of alumina (87%) pins against a hardened steel disk over a range of pressures (3.3-30.0 MPa) and speeds (0.1-12.0 ms(-1)) has been studied. Four different regions (R1, R2, R3, and R4) of friction as a function of speed have been identified. R1 and RS exhibit single-valued friction while in R2 and R4 the friction exhibits dual behavior. The speed range over which these regions prevail is sensitive to the pressure. R1 and R2 are low-speed and low-temperature regions, and in both, metal transfer and formation and compaction of gamma-Fe2O3 occur. R3 and R4 are associated with high speeds and high interface temperatures. Formation of FeO, FeAl2O4, and FeAlO3 has been observed. The implications of the tribochemical interactions on friction and wear characteristics are discussed.