956 resultados para during pregnancy


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OBJECTIVE To explore the levels and determinants of loss to follow-up (LTF) under universal lifelong antiretroviral therapy (ART) for pregnant and breastfeeding women ('Option B+') in Malawi. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS We examined retention in care, from the date of ART initiation up to 6 months, for women in the Option B+ program. We analysed nationwide facility-level data on women who started ART at 540 facilities (n = 21 939), as well as individual-level data on patients who started ART at 19 large facilities (n = 11 534). RESULTS Of the women who started ART under Option B+ (n = 21 939), 17% appeared to be lost to follow-up 6 months after ART initiation. Most losses occurred in the first 3 months of therapy. Option B+ patients who started therapy during pregnancy were five times more likely than women who started ART in WHO stage 3/4 or with a CD4 cell count 350 cells/μl or less, to never return after their initial clinic visit [odds ratio (OR) 5.0, 95% confidence interval (CI) 4.2-6.1]. Option B+ patients who started therapy while breastfeeding were twice as likely to miss their first follow-up visit (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.8-2.8). LTF was highest in pregnant Option B+ patients who began ART at large clinics on the day they were diagnosed with HIV. LTF varied considerably between facilities, ranging from 0 to 58%. CONCLUSION Decreasing LTF will improve the effectiveness of the Option B+ approach. Tailored interventions, like community or family-based models of care could improve its effectiveness.


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BACKGROUND Pregnancy induces a modulation of the maternal immune system in order to install tolerance towards the semiallogeneic fetus. This change of the maternal immune systems influences some autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in a positive way. Our previous study showed that genes of the adipocytokine pathway were differently regulated by pregnancy as well as by RA. The objective of this study was to analyse the association between pregnancy induced improvement of RA and changes of adipocytokine levels. MATERIAL AND METHODS Adiponectin and resistin levels were measured in sera of pregnant (n = 29) and non-pregnant (n = 24) RA patients as well as in pregnant (n = 26) and non-pregnant (n = 9) healthy controls by ELISA. Pregnant RA patients were analysed before conception, once at each trimester and 8 weeks postpartum. Disease activity was measured by CRP and DAS28-CRP. RESULTS Resistin levels were higher in non-pregnant RA patients than in healthy controls. Resistin levels increased during pregnancy and decreased postpartum in both healthy subjects and RA patients. However, RA patients with active disease during pregnancy showed higher resistin levels at the third trimester than healthy women. There was a positive correlation between resistin levels and CRP. Adiponektin levels increased at the second trimester of pregnancy and decreased thereafter in both healthy subject and RA patients. There was no difference between patients and healthy subjects. Adiponektin levels of RA patients negatively correlated with CRP. CONCLUSION Pregnancy induces an increase of both the resistin and the adiponectin levels. Resistin levels are further influenced by active disease. By contrast, the increase of the adiponectin levels at the second trimester might play a role in the modulation of disease activity of RA.


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Insults during the fetal period predispose the offspring to systemic cardiovascular disease, but little is known about the pulmonary circulation and the underlying mechanisms. Maternal undernutrition during pregnancy may represent a model to investigate underlying mechanisms, because it is associated with systemic vascular dysfunction in the offspring in animals and humans. In rats, restrictive diet during pregnancy (RDP) increases oxidative stress in the placenta. Oxygen species are known to induce epigenetic alterations and may cross the placental barrier. We hypothesized that RDP in mice induces pulmonary vascular dysfunction in the offspring that is related to an epigenetic mechanism. To test this hypothesis, we assessed pulmonary vascular function and lung DNA methylation in offspring of RDP and in control mice at the end of a 2-wk exposure to hypoxia. We found that endothelium-dependent pulmonary artery vasodilation in vitro was impaired and hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy in vivo were exaggerated in offspring of RDP. This pulmonary vascular dysfunction was associated with altered lung DNA methylation. Administration of the histone deacetylase inhibitors butyrate and trichostatin A to offspring of RDP normalized pulmonary DNA methylation and vascular function. Finally, administration of the nitroxide Tempol to the mother during RDP prevented vascular dysfunction and dysmethylation in the offspring. These findings demonstrate that in mice undernutrition during gestation induces pulmonary vascular dysfunction in the offspring by an epigenetic mechanism. A similar mechanism may be involved in the fetal programming of vascular dysfunction in humans.


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Background HIV-prevalence, as well as incidence of zoonotic parasitic diseases like cystic echinococcosis, has increased in the Kyrgyz Republic due to fundamental socio-economic changes after the breakdown of the Soviet Union. The possible impact on morbidity and mortality caused by Toxoplasma gondii infection in congenital toxoplasmosis or as an opportunistic infection in the emerging AIDS pandemic has not been reported from Kyrgyzstan. Methodology/Principal Findings We screened 1,061 rural and 899 urban people to determine the seroprevalence of T. gondii infection in 2 representative but epidemiologically distinct populations in Kyrgyzstan. The rural population was from a typical agricultural district where sheep husbandry is a major occupation. The urban population was selected in collaboration with several diagnostic laboratories in Bishkek, the largest city in Kyrgyzstan. We designed a questionnaire that was used on all rural subjects so a risk-factor analysis could be undertaken. The samples from the urban population were anonymous and only data with regard to age and gender was available. Estimates of putative cases of congenital and AIDS-related toxoplasmosis in the whole country were made from the results of the serology. Specific antibodies (IgG) against Triton X-100 extracted antigens of T. gondii tachyzoites from in vitro cultures were determined by ELISA. Overall seroprevalence of infection with T. gondii in people living in rural vs. urban areas was 6.2% (95%CI: 4.8–7.8) (adjusted seroprevalence based on census figures 5.1%, 95% CI 3.9–6.5), and 19.0% (95%CI: 16.5–21.7) (adjusted 16.4%, 95% CI 14.1–19.3), respectively, without significant gender-specific differences. The seroprevalence increased with age. Independently low social status increased the risk of Toxoplasma seropositivity while increasing numbers of sheep owned decreased the risk of seropositivity. Water supply, consumption of unpasteurized milk products or undercooked meat, as well as cat ownership, had no significant influence on the risk for seropositivity. Conclusions We present a first seroprevalence analysis for human T. gondii infection in the Kyrgyz Republic. Based on these data we estimate that 173 (95% CI 136–216) Kyrgyz children will be born annually to mothers who seroconverted to toxoplasmosis during pregnancy. In addition, between 350 and 1,000 HIV-infected persons are currently estimated to be seropositive for toxoplasmosis. Taken together, this suggests a substantial impact of congenital and AIDS-related symptomatic toxoplasmosis on morbidity and mortality in Kyrgyzstan.


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Idiopathic or isolated clubfoot is a common orthopedic birth defect that affects approximately 135,000 children worldwide. It is characterized by equinus, varus and adductus deformities of the ankle and foot. Correction of clubfoot involves months of serial manipulations, castings and bracing, with surgical correction needed in forty percent of cases. Multifactorial etiology has been suggested in numerous studies with both environmental and genetic factors playing an etiologic role. Maternal smoking during pregnancy is the only common environmental factor that has consistently been shown to increase the risk for clubfoot. Moreover, a positive family history of clubfoot and maternal smoking increases the risk of clubfoot twenty fold. These findings suggest that genetic variation in smoking metabolism genes may increase susceptibility to clubfoot. Based on this reasoning, we interrogated eight candidate genes, chosen based on their involvement in phase 1 and 2 cigarette smoke metabolism. Twenty-two SNPs and two null alleles in eight genes (CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP1B1, CYP2A6, EPHX1, NAT2, GSTM1 and GSTT1) were genotyped in a dataset composed of nonHispanic white and Hispanic multiplex and simplex families. Only one SNP in CYP1A1, rs1048943, had significantly altered transmission in the aggregate and multiplex NHW datasets (p=0.003 and p=0.009). Perturbation of CYP1A1 by rs1048943 polymorphism causes an increase in the amount of harmful, adduct forming metabolic intermediates. A significant gene interaction between EPHX1 and NAT2 was also found (p=0.007). This interaction may affect the metabolism of harmful metabolic intermediates. Additionally, marginal interactions were found for other xenobiotic genes and these interactions may play a contributory role in clubfoot. Importantly, for CYP1A2, significant maternal (p=0.03; RR=1.24; 95% CI: 1.04-1.44) and fetal (p=0.01; RR=1.33; 95% CI: 1.13-1.54) genotypic effects were identified suggesting that both maternal and fetal genotypes impact normal limb development. No association was found for maternal smoking status and tobacco metabolism genes. Together, these results suggest that xenobiotic metabolism genes may play a contributory role in the etiology of clubfoot regardless of maternal smoking status and may impact foot development through perturbation of tobacco metabolic pathways.


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INFLUENCE OF ANCHORING ON MISCARRIAGE RISK PERCEPTION ASSOCIATED WITH AMNIOCENTESIS Publication No. ___________ Regina Nuccio, BS Supervisory Professor: Claire N. Singletary, MS, CGC Amniocentesis is the most common invasive procedure performed during pregnancy (Eddleman, et al., 2006). One important factor that women consider when making a decision about amniocentesis is the risk of miscarriage associated with the procedure. People use heuristics such as anchoring, the action of using a prior belief regarding the magnitude of risk as a frame of reference for new information to be synthesized, to better understand risks that they encounter in their lives. This study aimed to determine a woman’s perception of miscarriage risk associated with amniocentesis before and after a genetic counseling session and to determine what factors are most likely to anchor a woman’s perception of miscarriage risk associated with amniocentesis. Most women perceived the risk as low or average pre-counseling and were likely to indicate the numeric risk of amniocentesis as <1% risk. A higher percentage of patients correctly identified the numeric risk as <1% post-counseling when compared to pre-counseling. However, the majority of patients’ feeling about the risk perception did not change after the genetic counseling session (60%), regardless of how they perceived the risk before discussing amniocentesis with a genetic counselor. Those whose risk perception did change after discussing amniocentesis with a genetic counselor showed a decreased risk perception (p<0.0001). Of the multitude of factors studied, only two showed significance: having a friend or relative with a personal or family history of a genetic disorder was associated with a lower risk perception (p=0.001) and having a child already was associated with a lower risk perception (p=0.038). The lack of significant factors may reflect the uniqueness of each patient’s heuristic framework and reinforces the importance of genetic counseling to elucidate individual concerns.


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Habituelle Aborte Ein Spontanabort ereignet sich bei etwa 15 % aller klinisch festgestellten Schwangerschaften. Vom betroffenen Paar wird er ausnahmslos als äußerst traumatisch erlebt. Insbesondere gilt dies beim habituellen Abort (≥ 3 Aborte in Folge), der etwa 1 % der Schwangerschaften betrifft. In der Hoffnung, weitere Aborte zu verhindern, werden entsprechend große Anstrengungen unternommen, die jeweilige Ursache zu eruieren. Gerinnungsphysiologische Einflüsse Pathophysiologisch spielen nebst organischen und zytogenetischen Anomalien beim Fetus vermutlich auch gerinnungsphysiologische Einflüsse eine ursächliche Rolle, insbesondere erworbene und hereditäre prokoagulatorische Störungen. Diese können das im Rahmen der Schwangerschaft schon physiologisch erhöhte Gerinnungspotenzial zusätzlich verstärken und damit die Blutversorgung des Fetus potenziell behindern, was mit der Gefahr seiner Abstoßung einhergeht. Thrombophilie Auch wenn der diesbezügliche Beweis im Einzelfall schwierig zu erbringen ist, erscheint eine ungünstige Beeinflussung des Abortrisikos durch erworbene und hereditäre Thrombophilien plausibel. Daraus ergibt sich unschwer die Folgerung oder Hoffnung, dass antiaggregatorische und antikoagulatorische Maßnahmen eine günstige Wirkung haben könnten. Der vorliegende Beitrag geht auf die bekannten sowie teils auch nur vermuteten pathophysiologischen Mechanismen und die sich daraus ergebenden therapeutischen bzw. präventiven Möglichkeiten ein.


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Purpose: Congenital uterine anomalies often remain asymptomatic until they cause problems, for example during pregnancy. We studied the diagnostic aspects of two- and three-dimensional ultrasound and MRI. Materials and Methods: 63 women referred for suspected uterine anomalies were studied: In the first group (until July 2008) with 2 D-US and MRI, in the second group (from August 2008) additionally with 3 D-US; these women also had diagnostic or therapeutic operative confirmation. In the third group, only 3D-US was used. Results: In all women 3D-US was possible and successful. The most common anomaly was a subseptate uterus, while a septate uterus was less frequent, and uterus bicornis (unicollis) and uterus didelphys (bicornis bicollis) were rare. The women in the first two groups all underwent at least diagnostic hysteroscopy, and some (subseptate or septate uterus) underwent operative hysteroscopy. After preoperative volume imaging, laparoscopies were required less often. 3D-US diagnoses as judged by intraoperative findings were correct in 100 % of cases, while the MRI diagnoses in the same group were correct in only 7/13 cases. Conclusion: Since the introduction of volume imaging (MRI, later 3 D-US), laparoscopy during hysteroscopic septum resection was not necessary in the majority of cases. 3D-US brings the diagnostics of uterine anomalies back into the hands of the gynecologist and can provide the gynecological surgeon with a higher subjective degree of certainty during operative hysteroscopy.


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Arthrogryposis or Arthrogrypsosis Multiplex Congenita (AMC) are terms used to describe the clinical finding of multiple congenital contractures. There are more than 300 distinct disorders associated with arthrogryposis. Amyoplasia is the most common type of arthrogryposis and is often referred to as the “classic” type. There is no known cause of amyoplasia and no risk factors have been identified. Moreover, there is no established diagnostic criteria, which has led to inconsistency and confusion in the medical literature. The purpose of this study was to describe the natural history of amyoplasia, to determine if there are any identifiable risk factors and develop a list of diagnostic criteria. A retrospective chart review of 59 children with arthrogryposis ascertained at the Shriners Hospitals for Children in Houston, Texas was performed and included the following information: prenatal, birth, and family histories, and phenotypic descriptions. Forty-four children were identified with amyoplasia and 15 children with other multiple congenital contractures and other anomalies (MCC) were used as a comparison group. With the exception of abnormal amniotic fluid levels during pregnancy, there were no significant demographic or prenatal risk factors identified. However, we found common features that discriminate amyoplasia from other types of arthrogryposis and developed a diagnostic checklist. This checklist can be used as diagnostic criteria for discriminating amyoplasia from isolated and multiple contracture conditions.


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Pregnant African American women are at higher risk of having a preterm delivery and/or a low birthweight infant. Many factors are associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes but a food habit that deserves further study in the causal process is pica, a craving for, and ingestion of, nonnutritive substances such as laundry starch, clay, dirt, or ice. This food habit is more common in the African American population but has not been adequately studied in relation to preterm and/or low birth weight infants.^ Mothers (n = 281) with infants less than one year of age who participated in the Special Supplementary Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) at clinics in Houston and Prairie View, Texas were interviewed regarding pica practices during pregnancy, dietary practices, and some demographic indices. Hospital records were abstracted for health information on the mothers and infants, including birthweight and gestational age at birth of the infant.^ The subjects were 88.6% African American, 6.8% Hispanic, and 4.6% Caucasian. Overall prevalence of pica was 76.5%. Pica prevalence by substance(s) was as follows: ice 53.7%; ice and freezer frost 14.6%; other substances such as baking soda, baking powder, cornstarch, laundry starch, and clay or dirt 8.2%; and 23.5% reported no pica. The women who reported ice/freezer frost pica had a higher percentage of illegal drug use and alcohol use during pregnancy. The women who reported other pica substances had the lowest mean educational level, highest gravidity, and a higher percentage smoked during pregnancy.^ There were no significant differences in nutrient intakes measured by the mean 24-hour dietary recalls between women who reported ice pica (n = 103) and women who denied pica (n = 50). The women who reported ice/freezer frost pica or other pica substances had more food cravings and food dislikes during pregnancy than those who reported ice pica or no pica.^ There were no differences in mean birthweight or mean gestational age at birth of infants born to mothers from the three pica groups and the no pica group but regression analyses revealed a possible relationship between pica, low maternal hemoglobin at delivery, and preterm birth. ^


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Female inmates make up the fastest growing segment in our criminal justice system today. The rapidly increasing trend for female prisoners calls for enhanced efforts to strategically plan the correctional facilities that address the needs of this growing population, and to work with communities to prevent crime in women. The incarcerated women in the U.S. have an estimated 145,000 minor children who are predisposed to unique psychosocial problems as a result of parental incarceration.^ This study examined the patterns of care and outcomes for pregnant inmates and their infants in Texas state prisons between 1994 and 1996. The study population consists of 202 pregnant inmates who delivered in a 2-year period, and a randomly sampled comparison cohort of 804 women from general Texas population, matched on race and educational levels. Both quantitative and qualitative data were used to elucidate the inmates' risk-factor profile, delivery/birth outcomes, and the patterns of care during pregnancy. The continuity-of-care issues for this population were also explored.^ Epidemiologic data were derived from multiple record systems to establish the comparison between two cohorts. A significantly great proportion of the inmates have prior lifestyle risk-factors (smoking, alcohol, and illicit drug abuse), poorer health status, and worse medical history. However, most of these existing risk-factors seem to show little manifestation in their current pregnancy. On the basis of maternal labor/delivery outcome and a number of neonatal indicators, this study found some evidence of a better pregnancy outcome for the inmate cohort when compared to the comparison group. Some possible explanations of this paradox were discussed. Seventeen percent of inmates gave birth to infants with suspected congenital syphilis. The placement patterns for the infants' care immediately after birth were elucidated.^ In addition to the quantitative data, an ethnographic approach was used to collect qualitative data from a subset of the inmate cohort (n = 20) and 12 care providers. The qualitative data were analyzed for their contents and themes, giving rise to a detailed description of the inmates' pregnancy experience. Eleven themes emerged from the study's thematic analysis, which provides the context for interpreting the epidemiologic data.^ Meaningful findings in this study were presented in a three-dimensional matrix to shed light on the apparent relationship between outcome indicators and their potential determinants. The suspected "linkages" between the outcome and their determinants can be used to generate hypotheses for future studies. ^


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A cohort study study design was used to study the relationship of maternal low birthweight and infant low birthweight among African American women delivering full term infants. The cohort consisted of 3,157 mother-infant pairs drawn from the 1988 National Maternal and Infant Health Survey conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics. The objectives of the study were (1) to determine if low birthweight, African American mothers delivering term infants experienced higher rates of infant low birthweight and (2) to examine the role of selected contributory variables in the relationship of maternal low birthweight and infant low birthweight. Contributory risk factors examined included maternal marital status, maternal age, maternal education, maternal height, maternal prepregnant weight, birth order, history of a prior low birthweight delivery, timing of prenatal care, number of prenatal visits, gestational length, infant gender, and behavioral factors of smoking, alcohol, and illicit drug use during pregnancy.^ Using logistic regression analysis, risk of infant low birthweight among maternal low birthweight mothers increased after controlling for less than a high school education, less than 20 years of age, prepregnant weight less than 100 lbs, history of a prior low birthweight delivery, birth order, smoking during pregnancy, and use of alcohol and illicit drugs during pregnancy, but was not statistically significant. Loss of statistical significance was attributed to a large reduction in cases available for analysis after including illicit drug use in the model.^ This study demonstrated a consistent pattern of increased rates of infant low birthweight among low birthweight mothers. The force of history remains, hence women with this trait should be carefully monitored and advised during pregnancy to decrease risk of a low birthweight infant, in order to decrease the chain of events leading to future generations of low birthweight mothers. ^


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Birth defects are a leading cause of infant mortality in the developed countries. They are also of increasing concern in many developing countries, such as China. However, prevalence and causes of birth defects in China are inadequately understood.^ The purpose of the present study was to estimated prevalence of birth defects in surviving children under seven years of age in Tianjin, China and investigate determinants of birth defects in the study area.^ The present study took place in Tianjin, China in 1986, involving 22,081 surviving children under seven years of age. Children with birth defects were ascertained through physical examinations by physicians during household visits and ascertainment of birth defects was verified through multiple sources. Of 22,081 surviving children, 524 had birth defects (23.7 per 1,000). The study noted a striking discrepancy in the prevalence of birth defects between urban and rural area. The prevalence of birth defects was 16.3 per 1,000 in the urban and 33.2 per 1,000 in the rural area.^ Using cases of birth defects ascertained from surviving children, a case-control study was carried out. The study observed that first-trimester maternal flu was associated with increased risk of both major and minor birth defects in children after controlling for other maternal factors (adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 8.7, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 4.3-17.3; OR = 3.6, 95% CI = 1.7-7.5). This association could be biased by different reporting of exposure between mothers of children with birth defects and mothers of children without defects. This study indicated that maternal flu was also associated with congenital heart defects and polydactyly after controlling for other maternal factors (adjusted OR = 32.3, 95% CI = 13.3-78.3; adjusted OR = 5.5, 95% CI = 1.1-27.7). The associations remained when affected controls (children with similar birth defects other than congenital heart defects or polydactyly) were used (adjusted OR = 4.3, 95% CI = 1.2-15.3; OR = 1.4, 95% CI = 1.4-7.9). A weak association between first-trimester vaginal bleeding and selected groups of birth defects was found in this study, but the association may be confounded by other factors. Maternal smoking during pregnancy was modestly associated with cleft lip with or without cleft palate (OR = 1.4, 95% = 0.4-4.9), but the association may be due to chance. Some major limitations in this study warrant caution in interpretation of the findings, especially the causal relation. ^


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Neospora caninum is an apicomplexan parasite which has emerged as an important cause of bovine abortion worldwide. Abortion is usually triggered by reactivation of dormant bradyzoites during pregnancy and subsequent congenital infection of the foetus, where the central nervous system appears to be most frequently affected. We here report on an organotypic tissue culture model for Neospora infection which can be used to study certain aspects of the cerebral phase of neosporosis within the context of a three-dimensionally organised neuronal network. Organotypic slice cultures of rat cortical tissue were infected with N. caninum tachyzoites, and the kinetics of parasite proliferation, as well as the proliferation-inhibitory effect of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), were monitored by either immunofluorescence, transmission electron microscopy, and a quantitative PCR-assay using the LightCycler instrument, respectively. In addition, the neuronal cytoskeletal elements, namely glial acidic protein filaments as well as actin microfilament bundles were shown to be largely colocalising with the pseudocyst periphery. This organotypic culture model for cerebral neosporosis provides a system, which is useful to study the proliferation, ultrastructural characteristics, development, and the interactions of N. caninum within the context of neuronal tissue, which at the same time can be modulated and influenced under controlled conditions, and will be useful in the future to gain more information on the cerebral phase of neosporosis.


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OBJECTIVE Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a common neurologic disorder. Secondary RLS includes pregnancy and iron deficiency. Prevalence of RLS in pregnancy ranges from 11% to 27%. We aimed to assess the frequency and characteristics of RLS in pregnancy in a Peruvian population and to evaluate the possible pregnancy or delivery complications due to RLS. METHODS We assessed 218 consecutive expectant mothers at the inpatient clinic of the Hospital San Bartolome in Lima, Peru. Assessment was performed by using the standard diagnostic criteria for RLS and by using a clinical and diagnostic interview. Questionnaires for RLS severity, idiopathic RLS (IRLS), and excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) according to the Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS) were used. Blood examination was performed for hemoglobin and hematocrit. For comparison, RLS patients were matched for age and body mass index (BMI) with pregnant women without RLS. RESULTS Out of 218 patients, 40 (18.4%) fulfilled diagnostic criteria for RLS. In RLS patients, prophylactic iron supplementation therapy during pregnancy was less frequently taken (P=.02). Pregnant women with RLS had a higher ESS score than pregnant controls (10.6 +/- 3.1 vs 7.6. +/- 3.6; P<.001). Preeclampsia was more frequent in RLS (7/40 vs 1/39; P=.03). CONCLUSIONS In our study, RLS was frequent in pregnant Peruvian women, especially in those without prophylactic iron supplementation. RLS patients described more EDS. Preeclampsia was more common in RLS. Our study is the first study to indicate a possible association between RLS and preeclampsia.