923 resultados para distributed electric model


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Data sources are often dispersed geographically in real life applications. Finding a knowledge model may require to join all the data sources and to run a machine learning algorithm on the joint set. We present an alternative based on a Multi Agent System (MAS): an agent mines one data source in order to extract a local theory (knowledge model) and then merges it with the previous MAS theory using a knowledge fusion technique. This way, we obtain a global theory that summarizes the distributed knowledge without spending resources and time in joining data sources. New experiments have been executed including statistical significance analysis. The results show that, as a result of knowledge fusion, the accuracy of initial theories is significantly improved as well as the accuracy of the monolithic solution.


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Due to their intriguing dielectric, pyroelectric, elasto-electric, or opto-electric properties, oxide ferroelectrics are vital candidates for the fabrication of most electronics. However, these extraordinary properties exist mainly in the temperature regime around the ferroelectric phase transition, which is usually several hundreds of K away from room temperature. Therefore, the manipulation of oxide ferroelectrics, especially moving the ferroelectric transition towards room temperature, is of great interest for application and also basic research. In this thesis, we demonstrate this using examples of NaNbO3 films. We show that the transition temperature of these films can be modified via plastic strain caused by epitaxial film growth on a structurally mismatched substrate, and this strain can be fixed by controlling the stoichiometry. The structural and electronic properties of Na1+xNbO3+δ thin films are carefully examined by among others XRD (e.g. RSM) and TEM and cryoelectronic measurements. Especially the electronic features are carefully analyzed via specially developed interdigitated electrodes in combination with integrated temperature sensor and heater. The electronic data are interpreted using existing as well as novel theories and models, they are proved to be closely correlated to the structural characteristics. The major results are: -Na1+xNbO3+δ thin films can be grown epitaxially on (110)NdGaO3 with a thickness up to 140 nm (thicker films have not been studied). Plastic relaxation of the compressive strain sets in when the thickness of the film exceeds approximately 10 – 15 nm. Films with excess Na are mainly composed of NaNbO3 with minor contribution of Na3NbO4. The latter phase seems to form nanoprecipitates that are homogeneously distributed in the NaNbO3 film which helps to stabilize the film and reduce the relaxation of the strain. -For the nominally stoichiometric films, the compressive strain leads to a broad and frequency-dispersive phase transition at lower temperature (125 – 147 K). This could be either a new transition or a shift in temperature of a known transition. Considering the broadness and frequency dispersion of the transition, this is actually a transition from the dielectric state at high temperature to a relaxor-type ferroelectric state at low temperature. The latter is based on the formation of polar nano-regions (PNRs). Using the electric field dependence of the freezing temperature, allows a direct estimation of the volume (70 to 270 nm3) and diameter (5.2 to 8 nm, spherical approximation) of the PNRs. The values confirm with literature values which were measured by other technologies. -In case of the off-stoichiometric samples, we observe again the classical ferroelectric behavior. However, the thermally hysteretic phase transition which is observed around 620 – 660 K for unstrained material is shifted to room temperature due to the compressive strain. Beside to the temperature shift, the temperature dependence of the permittivity is nearly identical for strained and unstrained materials. -The last but not least, in all cases, a significant anisotropy in the electronic and structural properties is observed which arises automatically from the anisotropic strain caused by the orthorhombic structure of the substrate. However, this anisotropy cannot be explained by the classical model which tries to fit an orthorhombic film onto an orthorhombic substrate. A novel “square lattice” model in which the films adapt a “square” shaped lattice in the plane of the film during the epitaxial growth at elevated temperature (~1000 K) nicely explains the experimental results. In this thesis we sketch a way to manipulate the ferroelectricity of NaNbO3 films via strain and stoichiometry. The results indicate that compressive strain which is generated by the epitaxial growth of the film on mismatched substrate is able to reduce the ferroelectric transition temperature or induce a phase transition at low temperature. Moreover, by adding Na in the NaNbO3 film a secondary phase Na3NbO4 is formed which seems to stabilize the main phase NaNbO3 and the strain and, thus, is able to engineer the ferroelectric behavior from the expected classical ferroelectric for perfect stoichiometry to relaxor-type ferroelectric for slightly off-stoichiometry, back to classical ferroelectric for larger off-stoichiometry. Both strain and stoichiometry are proven as perfect methods to optimize the ferroelectric properties of oxide films.


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Stirling engines with parabolic dish for thermal to electric conversion of solar energy is one of the most promising solutions of renewable energy technologies in order to reduce the dependency from fossil fuels in electricity generation. This paper addresses the modelling and simulation of a solar powered Stirling engine system with parabolic dish and electric generator aiming to determine its energy production and efficiency. The model includes the solar radiation concentration system, the heat transfer in the ther- mal receiver, the thermal cycle and the mechanical and electric energy conversion. The thermodynamic and energy transfer processes in the engine are modelled in detail, including all the main processes occur- ring in the compression, expansion and regenerator spaces. Starting from a particular configuration, an optimization of the concentration factor is also carried out and the results for both the transient and steady state regimes are presented. It was found that using a directly illuminated thermal receiver with- out cavity the engine efficiency is close to 23.8% corresponding to a global efficiency of 10.4%. The com- ponents to be optimized are identified in order to increase the global efficiency of the system and the trade-off between system complexity and efficiency is discussed.


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This paper proposes a novel demand response model using a fuzzy subtractive cluster approach. The model development provides support to domestic consumer decisions on controllable loads management, considering consumers’ consumption needs and the appropriate load shape or rescheduling in order to achieve possible economic benefits. The model based on fuzzy subtractive clustering method considers clusters of domestic consumption covering an adequate consumption range. Analysis of different scenarios is presented considering available electric power and electric energy prices. Simulation results are presented and conclusions of the proposed demand response model are discussed.


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This paper is on modeling and simulation for an offshore wind system equipped with a semi-submersible floating platform, a wind turbine, a permanent magnet synchronous generator, a multiple point clamped four level or five level full-power converter, a submarine cable and a second order filter. The drive train is modeled by three mass model considering the resistant stiffness torque, structure and tower in deep water due to the moving surface elevation. The system control uses PWM by space vector modulation associated with sliding mode and proportional integral controllers. The electric energy is injected into the electric grid either by an alternated current link or by a direct current link. The model is intend to be a useful tool for unveil the behavior and performance of the offshore wind system, especially for the multiple point clamped full-power converter, under normal operation or under malfunctions.


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This paper proposes a novel demand response model using a fuzzy subtractive cluster approach. The model development provides support to domestic consumer decisions on controllable loads management, considering consumers’ consumption needs and the appropriate load shape or rescheduling in order to achieve possible economic benefits. The model based on fuzzy subtractive clustering method considers clusters of domestic consumption covering an adequate consumption range. Analysis of different scenarios is presented considering available electric power and electric energy prices. Simulation results are presented and conclusions of the proposed demand response model are discussed.


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The present thesis is focused on wave energy, which is a particular kind of ocean energy, and is based on the activity carried out during the EU project SEA TITAN. The main scope of this work is the design of a power electronic section for an innovative wave energy extraction system based on a switched-reluctance machine. In the first chapter, the general features of marine wave energy harvesting are treated. The concept of Wave Energy Converter (WEC) is introduced as well as the mathematical description of the waves, their characterization and measurement, the WEC classification, the operating principles and the standardization framework. Also, detailed considerations on the environmental impact are presented. The SEA TITAN project is briefly described. The second chapter is dedicated to the technical issues of the SEA TITAN project, such as the operating principle, the performance optimization carried out in the project, the main innovations as well as interesting demonstrations on the behavior of the generator and its control. In the third chapter, the power electronics converters of SEA TITAN are described, and the design choices, procedures and calculations are shown, with a further insight into the application given by analyzing the MATLAB Simulink model of the system and its control scheme. Experimental tests are reported in the fourth chapter, with graphs and illustrations of the power electronic apparatus interfaced with the real machine. Finally, the conclusion in the fifth chapter offers a global overview of the project and opens further development pathways.


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In recent years Electric Vehicles (EVs) are getting more importance as future transport systems, due to the increase of the concerns relevant to the greenhouse gases emission and the use fossil fuel. The management of the charging and discharging process of EVs could provide new business model for participating in the electricity markets. Moreover, vehicle to grid systems have the potential of increasing utility system flexibility. This thesis develops some models for the optimal integration of the EVs in the electricity market. In particular, the thesis focuses on the optimal bidding strategy of an EV aggregator participating to both the day ahead market and the secondary reserve market. The aggregator profit is maximized taking into account the energy balance equation, as well as the technical constraints of energy settlement, power supply and state of charge of the EVs. The results obtained by using the GAMS (General Algebraic Modelling System) environment are presented and discussed.


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The study analyses the calibration process of a newly developed high-performance plug-in hybrid electric passenger car powertrain. The complexity of modern powertrains and the more and more restrictive regulations regarding pollutant emissions are the primary challenges for the calibration of a vehicle’s powertrain. In addition, the managers of OEM need to know as earlier as possible if the vehicle under development will meet the target technical features (emission included). This leads to the necessity for advanced calibration methodologies, in order to keep the development of the powertrain robust, time and cost effective. The suggested solution is the virtual calibration, that allows the tuning of control functions of a powertrain before having it built. The aim of this study is to calibrate virtually the hybrid control unit functions in order to optimize the pollutant emissions and the fuel consumption. Starting from the model of the conventional vehicle, the powertrain is then hybridized and integrated with emissions and aftertreatments models. After its validation, the hybrid control unit strategies are optimized using the Model-in-the-Loop testing methodology. The calibration activities will proceed thanks to the implementation of a Hardware-in-the-Loop environment, that will allow to test and calibrate the Engine and Transmission control units effectively, besides in a time and cost saving manner.


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This master thesis work is focused on the development of a predictive EHC control function for a diesel plug-in hybrid electric vehicle equipped with a EURO 7 compliant exhaust aftertreatment system (EATS), with the purpose of showing the advantages provided by the implementation of a predictive control strategy with respect to a rule-based one. A preliminary step will be the definition of an accurate powertrain and EATS physical model, starting from already existing and validated applications. Then, a rule-based control strategy managing the torque split between the electric motor (EM) and the internal combustion engine (ICE) will be developed and calibrated, with the main target of limiting tailpipe NOx emission by taking into account EM and ICE operating conditions together with EATS conversion efficiency. The information available from vehicle connectivity will be used to reconstruct the future driving scenario, also referred to as electronic horizon (eHorizon), and in particular to predict ICE first start. Based on this knowledge, an EATS pre-heating phase can be planned to avoid low pollutant conversion efficiencies, thus preventing high NOx emission due to engine cold start. Consequently, the final NOx emission over the complete driving cycle will be strongly reduced, allowing to comply with the limits potentially set by the incoming EURO 7 regulation. Moreover, given the same NOx emission target, the gain achieved thanks to the implementation of an EHC predictive control function will allow to consider a simplified EATS layout, thus reducing the related manufacturing cost. The promising results achieved in terms of NOx emission reduction show the effectiveness of the application of a predictive control strategy focused on EATS thermal management and highlight the potential of a complete integration and parallel development of involved vehicle physical systems, control software and connectivity data management.


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The research project aims to study and develop control techniques for a generalized three-phase and multi-phase electric drive able to efficiently manage most of the drive types available for traction application. The generalized approach is expanded to both linear and non- linear machines in magnetic saturation region starting from experimental flux characterization and applying the general inductance definition. The algorithm is able to manage fragmented drives powered from different batteries or energy sources and will be able to ensure operability even in case of faults in parts of the system. The algorithm was tested using model-in-the-loop in software environment and then applied on experimental test benches with collaboration of an external company.


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The idea behind the project is to develop a methodology for analyzing and developing techniques for the diagnosis and the prediction of the state of charge and health of lithium-ion batteries for automotive applications. For lithium-ion batteries, residual functionality is measured in terms of state of health; however, this value cannot be directly associated with a measurable value, so it must be estimated. The development of the algorithms is based on the identification of the causes of battery degradation, in order to model and predict the trend. Therefore, models have been developed that are able to predict the electrical, thermal and aging behavior. In addition to the model, it was necessary to develop algorithms capable of monitoring the state of the battery, online and offline. This was possible with the use of algorithms based on Kalman filters, which allow the estimation of the system status in real time. Through machine learning algorithms, which allow offline analysis of battery deterioration using a statistical approach, it is possible to analyze information from the entire fleet of vehicles. Both systems work in synergy in order to achieve the best performance. Validation was performed with laboratory tests on different batteries and under different conditions. The development of the model allowed to reduce the time of the experimental tests. Some specific phenomena were tested in the laboratory, and the other cases were artificially generated.


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Multi-phase electrical drives are potential candidates for the employment in innovative electric vehicle powertrains, in response to the request for high efficiency and reliability of this type of application. In addition to the multi-phase technology, in the last decades also, multilevel technology has been developed. These two technologies are somewhat complementary since both allow increasing the power rating of the system without increasing the current and voltage ratings of the single power switches of the inverter. In this thesis, some different topics concerning the inverter, the motor and the fault diagnosis of an electric vehicle powertrain are addressed. In particular, the attention is focused on multi-phase and multilevel technologies and their potential advantages with respect to traditional technologies. First of all, the mathematical models of two multi-phase machines, a five-phase induction machine and an asymmetrical six-phase permanent magnet synchronous machines are developed using the Vector Space Decomposition approach. Then, a new modulation technique for multi-phase multilevel T-type inverters, which solves the voltage balancing problem of the DC-link capacitors, ensuring flexible management of the capacitor voltages, is developed. The technique is based on the proper selection of the zero-sequence component of the modulating signals. Subsequently, a diagnostic technique for detecting the state of health of the rotor magnets in a six-phase permanent magnet synchronous machine is established. The technique is based on analysing the electromotive force induced in the stator windings by the rotor magnets. Furthermore, an innovative algorithm able to extend the linear modulation region for five-phase inverters, taking advantage of the multiple degrees of freedom available in multi-phase systems is presented. Finally, the mathematical model of an eighteen-phase squirrel cage induction motor is defined. This activity aims to develop a motor drive able to change the number of poles of the machine during the machine operation.


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An essential role in the global energy transition is attributed to Electric Vehicles (EVs) the energy for EV traction can be generated by renewable energy sources (RES), also at a local level through distributed power plants, such as photovoltaic (PV) systems. However, EV integration with electrical systems might not be straightforward. The intermittent RES, combined with the high and uncontrolled aggregate EV charging, require an evolution toward new planning and paradigms of energy systems. In this context, this work aims to provide a practical solution for EV charging integration in electrical systems with RES. A method for predicting the power required by an EV fleet at the charging hub (CH) is developed in this thesis. The proposed forecasting method considers the main parameters on which charging demand depends. The results of the EV charging forecasting method are deeply analyzed under different scenarios. To reduce the EV load intermittency, methods for managing the charging power of EVs are proposed. The main target was to provide Charging Management Systems (CMS) that modulate EV charging to optimize specific performance indicators such as system self-consumption, peak load reduction, and PV exploitation. Controlling the EV charging power to achieve specific optimization goals is also known as Smart Charging (SC). The proposed techniques are applied to real-world scenarios demonstrating performance improvements in using SC strategies. A viable alternative to maximize integration with intermittent RES generation is the integration of energy storage. Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) may be a buffer between peak load and RES production. A sizing algorithm for PV+BESS integration in EV charging hubs is provided. The sizing optimization aims to optimize the system's energy and economic performance. The results provide an overview of the optimal size that the PV+BESS plant should have to improve whole system performance in different scenarios.


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A robust and well-distributed backbone charging network is the priority to ensure widespread electrification of road transport, providing a driving experience similar to that of internal combustion engine vehicles. International standards set multiple technical targets for on-board and off-board electric vehicle chargers; output voltage levels, harmonic emissions, and isolation requirements strongly influence the design of power converters. Additionally, smart-grid services such as vehicle-to-grid and vehicle-to-vehicle require the implementation of bi-directional stages that inevitably increase system complexity and component count. To face these design challenges, the present thesis provides a rigorous analysis of four-leg and split-capacitor three-phase four-wire active front-end topologies focusing on the harmonic description under different modulation techniques and conditions. The resulting analytical formulation paves the way for converter performance improvements while maintaining regulatory constraints and technical requirements under control. Specifically, split-capacitor inverter current ripple was characterized as providing closed-form formulations valid for every sub-case ranging from synchronous to interleaved PWM. Outcomes are the base for a novel variable switching PWM technique capable of mediating harmonic content limitation and switching loss reduction. A similar analysis is proposed for four-leg inverters with a broad range of continuous and discontinuous PWM modulations. The general superiority of discontinuous PWM modulation in reducing switching losses and limiting harmonic emission was demonstrated. Developments are realized through a parametric description of the neutral wire inductor. Finally, a novel class of integrated isolated converter topologies is proposed aiming at the neutral wire delivery without employing extra switching components rather than the one already available in typical three-phase inverter and dual-active-bridge back-to-back configurations. The fourth leg was integrated inside the dual-active-bridge input bridge providing relevant component count savings. A novel modified single-phase-shift modulation technique was developed to ensure a seamless transition between working conditions like voltage level and power factor. Several simulations and experiments validate the outcomes.