970 resultados para dirhenium(III,II)


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The synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of the cationic iron porphyrins Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TDCPP]Cl-2 and Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TFPP]Cl-2 in the epoxidation of (Z)-cyclooctene by PhIO in homogeneous solution and supported on silica gel (SG), imidazole propyl gel (IPG) or SG modified with 2-(4-sulfonatophenyl)ethyl groups (SiSO3) have been accomplished. When supported on IPG, both cationic FeP bind to the support via Fe-imidazole coordination. Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TDCPP]IPG contains a mixture of low-spin bis-coordinated (FeP)-P-III and high-spin mono-coordinated (FeP)-P-III species, whereas Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TFPP]IPG only contains high-spin mono-coordinated (FeP)-P-III. These FePIPG catalysts also contain (FeP)-P-II species, whose presence was confirmed by EPR spectroscopy using NO as a paramagnetic probe. Both cationic FePs coordinate to SG through Fe-O ligation and they are present as high-spin (FeP)-P-III species. The cationic FePs supported on SiSO3- are also high-spin (FeP)-P-III species and they bind to the support via electrostatic interaction between the 4-N-methylpyridyl groups and the SO3- groups present on the matrix. In homogeneous solution, both Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TDCPP]Cl-2 and Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TFPP]Cl-2 have similar catalytic activity to Fe(TDCPP)Cl and Fe(TFPP)Cl, leading to cis-epoxycyclooctane yields of 92%. When supported on inorganic matrices,both FePs lead to epoxide yields comparable to their homogeneous analogues and their anchoring enables catalyst recovery and re-use. Recycling of Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TDCPP]SiSO3- shows that this FeP maintains its activity in a second reaction. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of powdered cobalt ferrites, CoxFe3-xO4 with 0.66 <= x< 1.00 containing different amounts of Fe-II, were synthesized by a mild procedure, and their Fe and Co site occupancies and structural characteristics were explored using X-ray anomalous scattering and the Rietveld refinement method. The dissolution kinetics, measured in 0.1 M oxalic acid aqueous solution at 70 degrees C, indicate in all cases the operation of a contracting volume rate law. The specific rates increased with the Fell content following approximately a second-order polynomial expression. This result suggests that the transfer of Fe-III controls the dissolution rate, and that the leaching of a first layer of ions Co-II and Fe-II leaves exposed a surface enriched in slower dissolving octahedral Fe-III ions. Within this model, inner vicinal lattice Fe-II accelerates the rate of Fe-III transfer via internal electron hopping. A chain mechanism, involving successive electron transfers, fits the data very well. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Synthesis, characterization and thermal behavior of four compounds that have the general formula [Cu{Pd(CN)(4)}(L)(x)](n), in which en = 1,2-diaminoethane and pn = 1,3-diaminopropane (L = en, x = 1 (I); L = pn, x = 1 (II); L = en, x = 2 (III); L = pn, x = 2 (IV)) were described in this work. The complexes were studied by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy (IR), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermogravimetry (TG) and the residues of the thermal decomposition were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction and found as a mixture of CuO and PdO. The stoichiometry of the compounds was established via thermogravimetric and elemental analyses and their structures were proposed as coordination polymers based on their infrared spectra. The following thermal stability sequence was found: IV < I=II < III.


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Here we describe the preparation of iron(II) porphyrinosilica in a simple one-pot reaction, where the -SO2Cl groups present in the phenyl rings of FeTDCSPP+ react with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane and tetraethoxysilane in the presence of a nitrogenous base, leading to iron(III) porphyrinosilica. In this same procedure, molecular cavities containing regularly spaced functional groups are created through the molecular imprinting technique, in which the nitrogenous base coordinated to the iron(III) porphyrin serves as a template. The removal of such template in a Soxhlet extractor leads to a cavity with the same shape and size as the nitrogenous base, enabling the construction of shape-selective catalysts mimicking cytochrome P-450. Five different imprinting molecules have been used: imidazole, 1-methylimidazole, 2-methylbenzimidazole, 4-phenylimidazole and miconazole and ultra-violet/visible absorption spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and electron paramagnetic resonance carried out. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The capacity of goethite for Cd-II substitution has been explored in a series of synthetic samples prepared from Fe-III and Cd-II nitrate solutions aged 21 days in alkaline media. The total metal content ([ Fe] + [ Cd]) was 0.071 M in all preparations. The samples have been characterized by chemical and X-ray diffraction analysis; the morphology of the solids is described. The cell parameters for all samples were obtained by the Rietveld fits to the X-ray diffraction data. Refined structures show that for samples prepared at the final molar ratio mu(Cd)less than or equal to5.50 (expressed as mu(Cd) = 100X[Cd]/[Cd] + [Fe]), a (Cd, Fe)-goethite is the only crystalline product. In these samples, the unit cell parameters increased as a function of Cd concentration, indicating Cd incorporation in the structural frame. At the preparative ratio, mu(Cd)=7.03, the incorporation of Cd in the goethite structure is drastically reduced and a probable Cd-substituted hematite is formed together with the Fe,Cd-goethite. (C) 2003 International Centre for Diffraction Data.


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In this work we have made use of the study of the interaction between Fe(TDCPP)(+) and the axial ligands OH- and imidazole in order to help characterize the heterogenized catalysts Fe(TDCPP)SG and Fe(TDCPP)IPG through UV-VIS and EPR spectroscopies and thus, better understand their different catalytic activity in the oxidation of cyclohexane by PhIO. We have found out that in Fe(TDCPP)SG (containing 1.2 X 10(-6) mol Fe(TDCPP)(+)/g of support), the FeP bis-coordinates to silica gel through Fe-O coordination and it is high-spin (FeP)-P-III species. In Fe(TDCPP)IPG 1 (containing 1.1 X 10(-6) mol Fe(TDCPP)(+) and 2.2 X 10(-4) mol imidazole/g of support), the FeP is bis-ligated to imidazole propyl gel through Fe-imidazole coordination and using NO as a paramagnetic probe, we present evidence that Fe(TDCPP)(+) is present as a mixture of low-spin (FeP)-P-III and (FeP)-P-II species. This catalyst led to a relative low yield of cyclohexanol (25%) because the bis-coordination of the (FeP)-P-III to the support partially blocks the reaction between Fe(TDCPP)(+) and PhIO, thus leading to the formation of only a small amount of the active species Fe-IV(OP+, while the (FeP)-P-II species do not react with the oxygen donor. Increasing the amount of Fe(TDCPP)(+) and decreasing the amount of imidazole in the support led to the obtention of high-spin (FeP)-P-III EPR signals in the spectra of Fe(TDCPP)IPG 5 (containing 4.4 X 10(-6) mol Fe(TDCPP)(+) and 2.2 X 10(-5) mol imidazole/g of IPG), together with low-spin (FeP)-P-III species. This latter catalyst led to better cyclohexanol yields (67%) than Fe(TDCPP)IPG 1. Fe(TDCPP)IPG 5 was further used in a study of the optimization of its catalytic activity and in recycling experiments in the optimized conditions. Recycling oxidation reactions of Fe(TDCPP)IPG 5 led to a total turnover number of 201 and total cyclohexanol yield of 201%, which could not be attained with Fe(TDCPP)Cl in homogeneous solution (turnover = 96) due to the difficulty in recovering and reusing it.


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The interaction of OH- with Fe(TPP)(+), Fe(TDCPP)(+), Fe(TMP)(+) and Fe(TFPP)(+) in 1,2-dichloroethane was studied by titrating FeP solutions with aliquots of a solution of tetrabutylammonium hydroxide in acetonitrile. The number of OH- ions (n) coordinated to the FeP and the stability constants (beta(n)) for the FeP-OH- complexes were calculated from UV-Vis absorbance data and iron spin states were determined through EPR spectroscopy, Fe(TMP) (+) forms a high-spin mono-hydroxo complex, while Fe(TPP)I and Fe(TDCPP)(+) form high-spin bis-hydroxo complexes. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the formation of bis-hydroxo complexes from Fe(TPP) (+) has been reported, and this was possible because the studies were carried out in basic organic media, In this same medium, Fe-III-Fe-II reduction upon OH- addition to Fe(TFPP) (+) was observed, without concomitant formation of the mu-oxo dimeric species [Fe(TFPP)](2)O. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.


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Synthesis and characterization, including data on thermal decomposition, are reported for the complexes of S,S'-methylenebis(cysteine) (djenkolic acid) with copper(II), zinc(II) and cadmium(II): CuC(7)H(12)N(2)O(4)S(2) [I]; ZnC(7)H(12)N(2)O(4)S(2) [II] and CdC(7)H(12)N(2)O(4)S(2) [III] X-ray diffraction showed that the compounds are isostructural and belong to a monoclinic system. According to IR spectra, COO, NH(2) groups and bridging sulfur atoms are the main coordination sites.


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In this study we analyzed possible damages that vaporization from laser radiation could cause to implant material. Fifteen standard titanium implants, measuring 3.75 mm in diameter by 7 mm in length, were placed into the upper and lower jaws of three dogs according to Branemark's system. After osseointegration, all implants were exposed. In group I (control) conventional exposure with a punch was used; in group II, a CO2 laser with 2 W (power density: 256 W/cm(2); fluency: 0.077 J/cm(2), and a pulse mode of 0.30 ms) was used, and in group III 4 W (power density: 512 W/cm(2), fluency: 0.154 J/cm(2), and a pulse mode of 0.30 ms) was used. After vaporization, the cover screws were removed and sent for metallographic examination. The results showed that cover screws irradiated with 2 and 4 W power caused no superficial or microstructural alteration. The results also showed that the prescribed power densities, fluencies, and the use of the pulse mode were suitable for exposing implants without damage to tissue or implant material. (C) 2002 Laser Institute of America.


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A more direct and efficient route to the syntheses of [Ru(NH3)(4)(X-Y)](BF4)(2), where X-Y can be 2-acetylpyridine (2-acpy) or 2-benzoylpyridine (2-bzpy), based on the reactions of [RuCl(NH3)(5)]Cl-2 with these ortho-substituted azines is described. The [Ru(2-acpy)(NH3)(4)](BF4)(2) and [Ru(NH3)(5)(2-bzpy)](BF4)(2) complexes have a molar conductance of 328 and 292 Ohm(-1) cm(2) mol(-1), respectively, corresponding to a 1:2 species in solution. These complexes showed two intense absorption bands around 620-650 and 380 nm, the energies of which are solvent dependent, decreasing with the increase of the Gutman's donor number of the solvent, and were assigned as metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT). The complexes have oxidation potentials (Ru-II/III) of +0.380 V vs. Ag/AgCl (2-acpy) and +0.400 V vs. Ag/AgCl (2-bzpy), and reduction potentials (X-Y0/-) of -1.10 V vs. Ag/AgCl (2-acpy) and -0.950 V vs. Ag/AgCl (2-bzpy) on CF3COOH/NaCF3COO at pH=3.0, scan rate 100 mV s(-1), [Ru]=1.0x10(-3) mol l(-1). Both processes show a coupled chemical reaction. Upon oxidation of the metal center, the MLCT absorption bands are bleached and restored upon subsequent reduction. In order to confirm the structure of the complexes a detailed LH NMR investigation was performed in d(6)-acetone. Further confirmation of the structure was obtained by recording the N-15 NMR spectrum of [Ru(NH3)(4)(2-bzpy)](2+) in d(6)-DMSO using the INEPT pulse sequence improving the sensitivity of N-15 by polarization transfer from the protons to the N-15. The Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE) experiments were made qualitatively for [Ru(NH3)(4)(2-acpy)](2+), and showed that H-6 of the pyridine is close to a NH3 proton, which should then be in a cis position, and, hence, confirming that acpy is acting as a bidentate ligand. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: In recent years, important advances have occurred in the determination of diagnostic criteria for the disease diabetes mellitus and in new strategies for its treatment. The purpose of this research was to develop a new method for diabetes diagnosis by microscopic and cytomorphometric analyses of the oral epithelium. Methods: the smears were obtained from three distinct oral sites: buccal mucosa (cheek), tongue dorsum, and floor of the mouth in 10 control individuals and 10 type II diabetic patients. The oral smears were stained with Papanicolaou EA-36 solution. The nuclear (NA) and cytoplasmic (CA) areas were evaluated from 50 integral cells predominant in each oral site by the use of the KS 300(TM) image analysis system (Carl Zeiss, Germany), by which the cytoplasmic/nuclear ratio (C/N) was calculated. Results: the results showed that: (i) the epithelial cells of the diabetic group exhibited figures of binucleation and occasional karyorrhexis in all layers; (ii) the NA was markedly higher (P<0.05) in the diabetic group; (iii) the CA did not exhibit a statistically significant difference (P>0.05) between these two groups; and (iv) the C/N mean was 37.4% lower in the type II diabetic group. Conclusions: These results associated with clinical observations suggest that diabetes mellitus can produce alterations in oral epithelial cells, detectable by microscopy and cytomorphometry, which can be used in the diagnosis of this disease.


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A novel supermolecule constituted by four mu(3)-oxo-triruthenium acetate clusters coordinated to manganese(III)-meso -tetra(4-pyridil)porphyrin acetate ([MnTPyP]CH3COO) has been synthesized. Characterization has been performed by UV-Vis and H-1 NMR spectroscopy. The electrochemical behavior (cyclic voltammetry and spectroelectrochemistry) in N,N'-dimethylformamide has been analyzed in terms of five redox processes: three related to peripheral clusters (Ru-IV,Ru-III,Ru-III/Ru-III,Ru-III,Ru-III/Ru-III,Ru-II,Ru-II) and two centered on the Mn-porphyrin core ((MnP)-P-III/(MnP)-P-II/(MnP2-)-P-II). A direct comparison has been performed between MnTCP and MnTPyP as catalysts for the cyclooctene and cyclohexane oxidation reactions. The improved selectivity exhibited by the supramolecular catalyst for cyclohexane oxidation has been ascribed to electronic effects on the oxomanganese(V) porphyrin species induced by the four peripheral clusters, in the formal (RuRuRuIII)-Ru-IV-Ru-III oxidation state. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. S.A. All rights reserved.


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We investigated the prevalence of virulent Rhodococcus equi in clinical isolates from 41 foals (19 sporadic and seven endemic cases) in Brazil between 1991 and 2003. of the 41 virulent isolates, six contained an 85-kb type I plasmid, 33 contained an 87-kb type I plasmid, both of which have been found in isolates from the Americas, and the remaining two contained a new variant, which did not display the EcoRI, EcoT221 and BamHI digestion patterns of the 11 representative plasmids already reported (85-kb types I-IV; 87-kb types I and II; 90-kb types I-V). We tentatively designated the new variant as the '87-kb type III' plasmid, because its BamHI digestion pattern is similar to that of the 87-kb type I plasmid. This is the first report of the molecular epidemiology surveillance of virulent R. equi in clinical isolates from Brazilian foals. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The synthesis, structural characterization, voltammetric experiments and antibacterial activity of [Ni(sulfisoxazole)(2)(H2O)(4)] center dot 2H(2)O and [Ni(sulfapyridine)(2)] were studied and compared with similar previously reported copper complexes. [Ni(sulfisoxazole)(2)(H2O)(4)] center dot 2H(2)O crystallized in a monoclinic system, space group C2/c where the nickel ion was in a slightly distorted octahedral environment, coordinated with two sulfisoxazole molecules through the heterocyclic nitrogen and four water molecules. [Ni(sulfapyridine)(2)] crystallized in a orthorhombic crystal system, space group Pnab. The nickel ion was in a distorted octahedral environment, coordinated by two aryl amine N from two sulfonamides acting as monodentate ligands and four N atoms (two sulfonamidic N and two heterocyclic N) from two different sulfonamide molecules acting as bidentate ligands. Differential pulse voltammograms were recorded showing irreversible peaks at 1040 and 1070 mV, respectively, attributed to Ni(II)/Ni(III) process. [Ni(sulfisoxazole)(2)(H2O)(4)] center dot 2H(2)O and [Ni(sulfapyridine)(2)] presented different antibacterial behavior against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli from the similar copper complexes and they were inactive against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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