973 resultados para autosomal dominant disorder


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Anthrax is an endemic infection in many countries, particularly in the developing world. The causative agent, Bacillus anthracis, mediates disease through the secretion of binary exotoxins. Until recently, research into adaptive immunity targeting this bacterial pathogen has largely focused on the humoral response to these toxins. There is, however, growing recognition that cellular immune responses involving IFNγ producing CD4+ T cells also contribute significantly to a protective memory response. An established concept in adaptive immunity to infection is that during infection of host cells, new microbial epitopes may be revealed, leading to immune recognition of so called 'cryptic' or 'subdominant' epitopes. We analyzed the response to both cryptic and immunodominant T cell epitopes derived from the toxin component lethal factor and presented by a range of HLA-DR alleles. Using IFNγ-ELISpot assays we characterized epitopes that elicited a response following immunization with synthetic peptide and the whole protein and tested their capacities to bind purified HLA-DR molecules in vitro. We found that DR1 transgenics demonstrated T cell responses to a greater number of domain III cryptic epitopes than other HLA-DR transgenics, and that this pattern was repeated with the immunodominant epitopes, as a greater proportion of these epitopes induced a T cell response when presented within the context of the whole protein. Immunodominant epitopes LF457-476 and LF467-487 were found to induce a T cell response to the peptide, as well as to the whole native LF protein in DR1 and DR15, but not in DR4 transgenics. The analysis of Domain I revealed the presence of several unique cryptic epitopes all of which showed a strong to moderate relative binding affinity to HLA-DR4 molecules. However, none of the cryptic epitopes from either domain III or I displayed notably high binding affinities across all HLA-DR alleles assayed. These responses were influenced by the specific HLA alleles presenting the peptide, and imply that construction of future epitope string vaccines which are immunogenic across a wide range of HLA alleles could benefit from a combination of both cryptic and immunodominant anthrax epitopes.


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This study aimed to explore the reliability of self-reported trauma histories in a population with a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire. Previous studies in other populations suggest high reliability of trauma histories over time and it was postulated that a similar high reliability would be demonstrated in this population. Thirty-nine patients with a confirmed diagnosis (DSM-IV criteria) were followed-up and re-administered the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire after 18 months. Cohen's kappa scores and intraclass correlations suggest reasonable test-retest reliability over the 18-month time period of the study for all types of childhood abuse, namely emotional, physical, sexual, and physical abuse and emotional neglect. Intraclass correlations ranged from r = .50 to (sexual abuse) to r = .96 (physical abuse). Cohen's kappas ranged from .44 (sexual abuse) to .76 (physical abuse). Retrospective reports of childhood trauma can be seen as reliable and are in keeping with results found with other mental health populations.


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Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease, at both an inter- and intra-tumoural level. Appreciating heterogeneity through the application of biomarkers and molecular signatures adds complexity to tumour taxonomy but is key to personalising diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. The extent to which heterogeneity exists, and its interpretation remains a challenge to pathologists. Using HER2 as an exemplar, we have developed a simple reproducible heterogeneity index. Cell-to-cell HER2 heterogeneity was extensive in a proportion of both reported 'amplified' and 'non-amplified' cases. The highest levels of heterogeneity objectively identified occurred in borderline categories and higher ratio non-amplified cases. A case with particularly striking heterogeneity was analysed further with an array of biomarkers in order to assign a molecular diagnosis. Broad biological complexity was evident. In essence, interpretation, depending on the area of tumour sampled, could have been one of three distinct phenotypes, each of which would infer different therapeutic interventions. Therefore, we recommend that heterogeneity is assessed and taken into account when determining treatment options.


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With rising numbers of school-aged children with autism educated in mainstream classrooms and applied behaviour analysis (ABA) considered the basis of best practice, teachers’ knowledge in this field has become a key concern for inclusion. Self-reported knowledge of ABA of special needs teachers (n=165) was measured and compared to their actual knowledge of ABA demonstrated in accurate responses to a multiple-choice test. Findings reported here show that teachers’ self-perceived knowledge exceeded actual knowledge and that actual knowledge of ABA was not related to training received by government agency. Implications for teacher training are discussed.


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BACKGROUND: The needs of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are complex and this is reflected in the number and diversity of outcomes assessed and measurement tools used to collect evidence about children's progress. Relevant outcomes include improvement in core ASD impairments, such as communication, social awareness, sensory sensitivities and repetitiveness; skills such as social functioning and play; participation outcomes such as social inclusion; and parent and family impact.

OBJECTIVES: To examine the measurement properties of tools used to measure progress and outcomes in children with ASD up to the age of 6 years. To identify outcome areas regarded as important by people with ASD and parents.

METHODS: The MeASURe (Measurement in Autism Spectrum disorder Under Review) research collaboration included ASD experts and review methodologists. We undertook systematic review of tools used in ASD early intervention and observational studies from 1992 to 2013; systematic review, using the COSMIN checklist (Consensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement Instruments) of papers addressing the measurement properties of identified tools in children with ASD; and synthesis of evidence and gaps. The review design and process was informed throughout by consultation with stakeholders including parents, young people with ASD, clinicians and researchers.

RESULTS: The conceptual framework developed for the review was drawn from the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, including the domains 'Impairments', 'Activity Level Indicators', 'Participation', and 'Family Measures'. In review 1, 10,154 papers were sifted - 3091 by full text - and data extracted from 184; in total, 131 tools were identified, excluding observational coding, study-specific measures and those not in English. In review 2, 2665 papers were sifted and data concerning measurement properties of 57 (43%) tools were extracted from 128 papers. Evidence for the measurement properties of the reviewed tools was combined with information about their accessibility and presentation. Twelve tools were identified as having the strongest supporting evidence, the majority measuring autism characteristics and problem behaviour. The patchy evidence and limited scope of outcomes measured mean these tools do not constitute a 'recommended battery' for use. In particular, there is little evidence that the identified tools would be good at detecting change in intervention studies. The obvious gaps in available outcome measurement include well-being and participation outcomes for children, and family quality-of-life outcomes, domains particularly valued by our informants (young people with ASD and parents).

CONCLUSIONS: This is the first systematic review of the quality and appropriateness of tools designed to monitor progress and outcomes of young children with ASD. Although it was not possible to recommend fully robust tools at this stage, the review consolidates what is known about the field and will act as a benchmark for future developments. With input from parents and other stakeholders, recommendations are made about priority targets for research.

FUTURE WORK: Priorities include development of a tool to measure child quality of life in ASD, and validation of a potential primary outcome tool for trials of early social communication intervention.

STUDY REGISTRATION: This study is registered as PROSPERO CRD42012002223.

FUNDING: The National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment programme.


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Knowledge of the chemical identity and role of urinary pheromones in fish is scarce, yet it is necessary in order to understand the integration of multiple senses in adaptive responses and the evolution of chemical communication [1]. In nature, Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) males form hierarchies, and females mate preferentially with dominant territorial males, which they visit in aggregations or leks [2]. Dominant males have thicker urinary bladder muscular walls than subordinates or females and store large volumes of urine, which they release at increased frequency in the presence of subordinate males or preovulatory, but not postspawned, females [3–5]. Females exposed to dominant-male urine augment their release of the oocyte maturation-inducing steroid 17α,20β-dihydroxypregn-4-en-3-one (17,20β-P) [6]. Here we isolate and identify a male Mozambique tilapia urinary sex pheromone as two epimeric (20α- and 20β-) pregnanetriol 3-glucuronates. We show that both males and females have high olfactory sensitivity to the two steroids, which cross-adapt upon stimulation. Females exposed to both steroids show a rapid, 10-fold increase in production of 17,20β-P. Thus, the identified urinary steroids prime the female endocrine system to accelerate oocyte maturation and possibly promote spawning synchrony. Tilapia are globally important as a food source but are also invasive species, with devastating impact on local freshwater ecosystems [7, 8]. Identifying the chemical cues that mediate reproduction may lead to the development of tools for population control [9–11].


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O sindroma de Burnout, quadro psicofisio-patológico tem sido objecto de investigação intensiva, desde o artigo de Freudenberger (1974) intitulado "Staff Burnout", com dois objectivos: compreendê-lo melhor, através de meios de diagnóstico, e criar técnicas de intervenção terapêutica. Na realidade, desde essa altura, foram efectuados e publicados um número avultado de trabalhos de investigação, nos campos do diagnóstico e caracterização do Burnout, e da sua resolução terapêutica. O pensamento dominante, nessa altura e ainda hoje, é de tendência analítica e/ou psico-social. Este quadro, espoletado por uma sucessão de episódios emocionalmente negativos em contexto ocupacional em indivíduos com provável predisposição genética e sujeitos a situações de pressão laboral, dos mais diversos tipos (podendo ir do “simples” stress por acumulação de tarefas até às situações de mobbing), tem efeitos frequentemente dramáticos ao nível da dinâmica biopsico- social, nos seus mais diversos aspectos. Estes estendem-se, quase sempre, muito para lá das problemáticas laborais, prejudicando, de forma mais ou menos grave, as interacções sociais com particular impacto ao nível da dinâmica familiar. Por outro lado, o Burnout propicia o aparecimento de patologias diversas, já que toda a estrutura psiconeuro-endocrino-imunulógica estará posta em causa, potenciando situações de fragilidade sistémica. No entanto, há aspectos correlacionáveis com este quadro disfuncional que têm sido muito pouco abordados – alterações cognitivo-operativas ou neuropsicológicas. Aliás os trabalhos que sobre eles incidem são em número muito reduzido. Assim após termos registado queixas, acentuadas, ao nível da capacidade de concentração e da memória em pessoas com burnout observadas na clínica hospitalar e privada, decidimos investigar estas situações, usando uma metodologia clínica de tipo qualitativo, e constatámos que, na realidade, as queixas eram pertinentes. Posto isto, achámos que a situação deveria ser aprofundada e partimos para um trabalho mais sistematizado, este, com o objectivo de caracterizar melhor o tipo de disfunções atencionais e mnésicas. Para isso, após uma selecção prévia, a partir de um grupo de 192 enfermeiros que responderam à Escala de Maslach, avaliámos uma amostra de risco constituída por 40 enfermeiros e enfermeiras, de Instituições Psiquiátricas da Grande Lisboa, trabalhando em urgência e enfermaria, que comparámos com uma amostra de igual número de enfermeiros, desenvolvendo a sua actividade na consulta externa ou em ambientes mais protegidos de stress ocupacional continuo. Para o efeito, e após uma anamnese cuidada, aplicámos provas de atenção e memória, sensíveis a qualquer tipo de compromisso encefálico seja ele funcional ou patológico. Para a componente atenção/concentração e a componente vísuo-grafo-espacial usámos a prova de Toulouse-Piéron, assim como as séries de dígitos ou digit span, para a vertente audio-verbal. A dinâmica mnésica foi avaliada através da prova de memória associativa (Escala de Memória de Wechsler) para testar a variante áudio-verbal, e a reprodução de figuras (Escala de Memória de Wechlser). Os resultados, após uma dupla análise clínica e estatística, comprovaram globalmente as hipóteses, indicando uma correlação significativa entre o grau de Burnout e os défices neuropsicológicos detectados: alteração da atenção/concentração e dismnésia, de natureza limitativa face às exigências quotidianas dos indivíduos. Finalmente, com base na revisão da literatura e os resultados deste estudo, foi esquematizado um Modelo Neuropsicológico do sindroma de Burnout, que nos parece espelhar as relações entre este quadro clínico, as alterações cognitivooperativas encontradas e as principais estruturas encefálicas, que julgamos, implicadas em toda a dinâmica do processo disfuncional.


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This thesis offers an original account of what personal well-being can be. Any account of education, it is believed, has to do with and aims at personal well-being. I approach this view on well-being not in a positive but in a negative way. I put forward some items that in certain circumstances can be taken by and called sources or forms of disorder. In the absence of such forms or sources of disorder, I assume that a certain order, prudential or moral, takes place and that constitutes the well-being of the person. The concept of ‘absence of disorder’ is introduced and argued as an educationally appropriate view of personal well-being which is the central educational aim. Therefore, ‘absence of disorder’ is positioned as the central aim of education. This concept is illuminated, for practical reasoning, by a list of seven possible forms of disorder: Comparison, Corruption, Dependency, Division, Fear, Self-disintegration and Violence. As a view of personal well-being, ‘absence of disorder’ is initially rooted in informed desire satisfaction, via the introduction of the concept of entropy. Prudentially, the agent’s informed desire is satisfied by living a life with low build up of entropy or disorder. But, in a second move such a base is also provided by the Levinasinian concept of ‘disinterest’ as a root for ‘what is to be a human’. Such ‘disinterest’ is related to the concepts of love and of ‘action for its own sake’. It is at this final approach that an attempt is made towards the approximation of the ethical and the prudential aspects of social practices. Even if only to some extent successful, the argument is directed to the following conclusion: an education aiming at ‘absence of disorder’ may promote prudential well-being and give us some confidence in simultaneously favouring moral education.


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Aims : This study evaluates the impact of a Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) evidence-based online module including synthesized resources, practical strategies, and interactive component on self-reported physical therapist (PT) knowledge, skills, and practice. Methods : PTs from across Canada completed questionnaires before, immediately after, and 2 months following completion of the module. Questionnaires used 7-point Likert scale items and short open-ended questions; analyzes used paired t-tests and a thematic approach. Results : Fifty PTs completed both pre- and post-questionnaires; 41 of these completed the follow-up questionnaire. Most items (79%) evaluating self-reported knowledge and skills increased significantly following module completion and this increase was maintained two months later. Most participants (92%) reported an increase in their confidence to provide DCD evidence-based services. Participants plan to modify their evaluative practices (e.g., involving children in goal setting) and their management of DCD (e.g., using best practice principles, providing resources to families and physicians). At the 2- month follow-up, 46% of participants had returned to the module to review information (e.g., video, resources) or to download handouts. Conclusion : An online module developed collaboratively with PTs has the potential not only to increase PTs’ knowledge, but also to support them in implementing evidence-based services for children with DCD.


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Aims: Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) is a chronic condition with potential negative health consequences. Clinicians working with children with DCD need access to tailored, synthesized, evidence-based DCD information; however a knowledge-to-practice gap exists. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate an evidence-based online DCD module tailored to physical therapists’ (PTs) identified needs. Methods: Guided by the Knowledge to Action framework, we interviewed PTs working with children with DCD (n=9) to identify their information needs. Their recommendations, along with synthesized DCD research evidence, informed module development. PTs (n=50) responded to scaled items and open-ended questions to evaluate module usefulness. Results: The module incorporated important PT DCD content areas including: 1) Identification; 2) Planning Interventions and Goals; 3) Evidence-Based Practice; 4) Management; and, 5) Resources. Case scenarios, clinical applications, interactive media, links to resources, and interactive learning opportunities were also embedded. PTs perceived the module to be comprehensive and useful and provided feedback to improve module navigation. Conclusions: Involving end-users throughout the development and evaluation of an online PT DCD module contributed to its relevance, applicability, and utility. The ongoing clinical use of this module may have the potential to improve the quality of PT DCD services.


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L’Ataxie spastique autosomale récessive de Charlevoix-Saguenay (ARSACS) est un syndrome héréditaire précoce caractérisé par un tableau clinique particulier incluant des anomalies oculaires. Quatorze ARSACS et 36 témoins sains ont été suivis prospectivement durant 20 mois et ont subi différents tests neuro-ophtalmologiques et des mesures par tomographie par cohérence optique. Des augmentations de l’épaisseur moyenne de la couche de fibres nerveuses (mRNFL), de l’épaisseur fovéolaire centrale et de l’épaisseur moyenne du cube maculaire (CAT) ont été mises en évidence chez les ARSACS en comparaison avec les témoins (p<0,0001 à toutes les séances). Une différence cliniquement significative a été observée dans l’évolution au cours du suivi des épaisseurs de la mRNFL et la CAT des ARSACS par rapport aux contrôles (p=0,030, p=0,026 respectivement), et ces paramètres étaient inversement corrélés avec le degré de sévérité de la maladie, suggérant une diminution d’épaisseur de la mRNFL et de la CAT à mesure que progresse la maladie.


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Biologia Celular e Molecular), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Neurociências), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014