994 resultados para adubo verde


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Anticyclonic mesoscale eddies (ACME) have been proposed as a mechanism by which new nutrients are episodically delivered into the euphotic zone, thereby enhancing new production as well as shifting phytoplankton community structure. In this paper, we report on a 34-month sediment trap experiment at the Cape Verde Ocean Observatory (CVOO; ca. 18°N, 24°E; December 2009-October 2012), occasionally influenced by ACME passages. The typically oligotrophic, weakly seasonal particle flux pattern at the CVOO is strongly modified by the appearance of a highly productive and low oxygen ACME. Out of four recorded diatom flux maxima at CVOO, three were associated with the passage of ACMEs. The recorded diatom maxima events support the view that local ACME dynamics promotes upward nutrient supply into the euphotic zone leading to a rapid response of diatoms. This response is clearly reflected by the flux seasonality: between 40% and 60% of the total annual diatom flux at the CVOO site was intercepted in a relatively short time interval (<60 days). A highly diverse diatom community characterized the diatom fluxes throughout. Along with the ACME passages, small species of the genus Nitzschia, and Thalassionema nitzschioides var. parva dominated and delivered a major portion of the opal and organic carbon into deeper waters at site CVOO. Several pelagic, warm-water background species became dominant during intervals with low nutrient availability in the euphotic zone. Results of our interannual time-series suggest that ACMEs impact on total diatom production and the species-specific composition of the assemblage north of the Cave Verde Islands, and can strengthen the biological pump in open-ocean, oligotrophic subtropical regions of the world ocean. Our observations are useful for testing biogeochemical ocean models and will also help in improving the knowledge of processes and mechanisms behind interannual time-series of bulk components and microorganisms in pelagic and hemipelagic ocean areas.


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The present work investigated the potential of different residual lignocellulosic materials generated in rural and urban areas (coconut fibre mature, green coconut shell and mature coconut shell), and vegetable cultivated in inhospitable environments (cactus) aimed at the production of ethanol, being all materials abundant in the Northeast region of Brazil. These materials were submitted to pretreatments with alkaline hydrogen peroxide followed by sodium hydroxide (AHP-SHP), autohydrolysis (AP), hydrothermal catalyzed with sodium hydroxide (HCSHP) and alkali ethanol organosolv (AEOP). These materials pretreated were submitted to enzymatic hydrolysis and strategies of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) and saccharification and fermentation semi-simultaneous (SSSF) by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Zymomonas mobilis and Pichia stipitis. It was also evaluated the presence of inhibitory compounds (hydroxymethylfurfural, furfural, acetic acid, formic acid and levulinic acid) and seawater during the fermentative process. Materials pretreated with AHP-SHP have resulted in delignification of the materials in a range between 54 and 71%, containing between 51.80 and 54.91% of cellulose, between 17.65 and 28.36% of hemicellulose, between 7.99 and 10.12% of lignin. Enzymatic hydrolysis resulted in the conversions in glucose between 68 and 76%. Conversion yields in ethanol using SSF and SSSF for coconut fibre mature pretreated ranged from 0.40 and 0.43 g/g, 0.43 and 0.45 g/g, respectively. Materials pretreated by AP showed yields of solids between 42.92 and 92.74%, containing between 30.65 and 51.61% of cellulose, 21.34 and 41.28% of lignin. Enzymatic hydrolysis resulted in glucose conversions between 84.10 and 92.52%. Proceeds from conversion into ethanol using green coconut shell pretreated, in strategy SSF and SSSF, were between 0.43 and 0.45 g/g. Coconut fibre mature pretreated by HCSHP presented solids yields between 21.64 and 60.52%, with increased in cellulose between 28.40 and 131.20%, reduction of hemicellulose between 43.22 and 69.04% and reduction in lignin between 8.27 and 89.13%. Enzymatic hydrolysis resulted in the conversion in glucose of 90.72%. Ethanol yields using the SSF and SSSF were 0.43 and 0.46 g/g, respectively. Materials pretreated by AEOP showed solid reductions between 10.75 and 43.18%, cellulose increase up to 121.67%, hemicellulose reduction up to 77.09% and lignin reduced up to 78.22%. Enzymatic hydrolysis resulted in the conversion of glucose between 77.54 and 84.27%. Yields conversion into ethanol using the SSF and SSSF with cactus pretreated ranged from 0.41 and 0.44 g/g, 0.43 and 0.46 g/g, respectively. Fermentations carried out in bioreactors resulted in yields and ethanol production form 0.42 and 0.46 g/g and 7.62 and 12.42 g/L, respectively. The inhibitory compounds showed negative synergistic effects in fermentations performed by P. stipitis, Z. mobilis and S. cerevisiae. Formic acid and acetic acid showed most significant effects among the inhibitory compounds, followed by hydroxymethylfurfural, furfural and levulinic acid. Fermentations carried out in culture medium diluted with seawater showed promising results, especially for S. cerevisiae (0.50 g/g) and Z. mobilis (0.49 g/g). The different results obtained in this study indicate that lignocellulosic materials, pretreatments, fermentative processes strategies and the microorganisms studied deserve attention because they are promising and capable of being used in the context of biorefinery, aiming the ethanol production.


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This study aimed to extract, characterize and conduct a prospective analysis of pharmacological activities of sulfated polysaccharides from green seaweed Caulerpa prolifera. Seven fractions (CP-0.3/CP-0.5/CP-0.7/CP-0.9/CP-1.1/CP-1.5/CP-2.0) were obtained from C. prolifera by alkaline proteolysis followed by sequential precipitation in acetone. The physicochemical analyzes indicated that C. prolifera synthesizes a homogalactan (CP-0.9) and different populations of sulfated heteropolysaccharides. In the analysis of anticoagulant activity, all fractions except CP-0.3, influenced the intrinsic coagulation pathway. All fractions showed antioxidant activity in six different assays being more pronounced in hydrogen peroxide scavenging assay, especially CP-0.3, CP-0.7 and CP-0.9 (which obtained 61% of hydrogen peroxide scavenging), in ferric chelation assay (especially CP-0.9 with 56% chelation) and cupric chelation assay (especially CP-2.0 with 78% chelation). With respect to immunomodulatory activity, the presence of CP-0.3, CP-0.7 and CP-0.9 showed an immunogenic potential, increasing the production of nitric oxide (NO) by 48, 142 and 163 times, respectively. Conversely, the NO synthesis fell 73% after the activation of macrophages by LPS, incubated concurrently with CP-2.0. The anti-adipogenic activity of the fractions was also evaluated and CP-1.5 was able to reduce the differentiation of pre-adipocytes (3T3-L1) into adipocytes by 60%, without affecting the cell viability. The fractions CP-0.3, CP-0.5 and CP-0.9 reduced the viability of the HeLa cells (human cervical adenocarcinoma) by 55% and CP-1.5 reduced the viability of the 786-0 cells (human renal adenocarcinoma) by 75%. Leishmanicidal activity and microbicide effect against Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPC) have not been identified. However, the viability of Staphylococcus epidermidis was reduced by 23.8% in the presence of CP -1.5. All fractions were able to change the formation of calcium oxalate crystals. CP-0.3, CP-0.5 and CP-1.1 only promoted the formation of COD type crystals with a very small size (1 μm). Confocal microscopy and zeta potential data of crystals formed in the presence of the samples showed that the polysaccharides present in the fractions must interact with calcium ions present throughout the crystal lattice, affecting the growth and morphology of crystals The results described herein indicate that the fractions rich in polysaccharides obtained from the green seaweed C. prolifera present a multi therapeutic potential, and subsequent purification steps, as well as research on the mechanisms of action by which these polymers act should be investigated.


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O presente trabalho consiste em etnografia realizada na comunidade quilombola de Moita Verde, Parnamirim (RN). Pensada a partir do processo de emergência étnica, tendo como campo de analise o espaço doméstico para pensar a relação entre as mulheres e as distintas arenas políticas, das relações entre famílias, com o entorno e agentes de Estado. Em especial, o envolvimento das mulheres com a criação de porcos vinculada a um sistema que se relaciona com outros saberes do sítio que vão para além da dimensão técnica, levando em consideração os saberes e práticas do grupo. Além disso, este saber, associado com outros saberes políticos, em contexto de relações étnico-raciais, pode ser usado dos debates sobre identidade e especificidade de direitos.


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In Brazil many types of bioproducts and agroindustrial waste are generated currently, such as cacashew apple bagasse and coconut husk, for example. The final disposal of these wastes causes serious environmental issues. In this sense, waste lignocellulosic content, as the shell of the coconut is a renewable and abundant raw material in which its use has an increased interest mainly for the 2nd generation ethanol production. The hydrolysis of cellulose to reducing sugars such as glucose and xylose is catalysed by a group of enzymes called cellulases. However, the main bottleneck in the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose is the significant deactivation of the enzyme that shows irreversible adsorption mechanism leading to reduction of the cellulose adsorption onto cellulose. Studies have shown that the use of surfactants can modify the surface property of the cellulose therefore minimizing the irreversible binding. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of chemical and biological surfactants during the hydrolysis of coconut husk which was subjected to two pre-treatment in order to improve the accessibility of the enzymes to the cellulose, removing this way, part of the lignin and hemicellulose present in the structure of the material. The pre-treatments applied to coconut bagasse were: Acid/Alkaline using 0.6M H2SO4 followed by 1M NaOH, and the one with Alkaline Hydrogen Peroxide at a concentration of 7.35% (v/v) and pH 11.5. Both the material no treatment and pretreated were characterized using analysis of diffraction X-ray (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and methods established by NREL. The influence of both surfactants, chemical and biological, was used at concentrations below the critical micelle concentration (CMC), and the concentrations equal to the CMC. The application of pre-treatment with coconut residue was efficient for the conversion to glucose, as well as for the production of total reducing sugars, it was possible to observe that the pretreatment fragmented the structure as well as disordered the fibers. Regarding XRD analysis, a significant increase in crystallinity index was observed for pretreated bagasse acid/alkali (51.1%) compared to the no treatment (31.7%), while that for that treated with PHA, the crystallinity index was slightly lower, around 29%. In terms of total reducing sugars it was not possible to observe a significant difference between the hydrolysis carried out without the use of surfactant compared to the addition of Triton and rhamnolipid. However, by observing the conversions achieved during the hydrolysis, it was noted that the best conversion was using the rhamnolipíd for the husk pretreated with acid/alkali, reaching a value of 33%, whereas using Triton the higher conversion was 23.8%. The coconut husk is a residue which can present a high potential to the 2nd generation ethanol production, being the rhamonolipid a very efficient biosurfactant for use as an adjuvant in the enzymatic process in order to act on the material structure reducing its recalcitrance and therefore improving the conditions of access for enzymes to the substrate increasing thus the conversion of cellulose to glucose.


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In Brazil many types of bioproducts and agroindustrial waste are generated currently, such as cacashew apple bagasse and coconut husk, for example. The final disposal of these wastes causes serious environmental issues. In this sense, waste lignocellulosic content, as the shell of the coconut is a renewable and abundant raw material in which its use has an increased interest mainly for the 2nd generation ethanol production. The hydrolysis of cellulose to reducing sugars such as glucose and xylose is catalysed by a group of enzymes called cellulases. However, the main bottleneck in the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose is the significant deactivation of the enzyme that shows irreversible adsorption mechanism leading to reduction of the cellulose adsorption onto cellulose. Studies have shown that the use of surfactants can modify the surface property of the cellulose therefore minimizing the irreversible binding. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of chemical and biological surfactants during the hydrolysis of coconut husk which was subjected to two pre-treatment in order to improve the accessibility of the enzymes to the cellulose, removing this way, part of the lignin and hemicellulose present in the structure of the material. The pre-treatments applied to coconut bagasse were: Acid/Alkaline using 0.6M H2SO4 followed by 1M NaOH, and the one with Alkaline Hydrogen Peroxide at a concentration of 7.35% (v/v) and pH 11.5. Both the material no treatment and pretreated were characterized using analysis of diffraction X-ray (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and methods established by NREL. The influence of both surfactants, chemical and biological, was used at concentrations below the critical micelle concentration (CMC), and the concentrations equal to the CMC. The application of pre-treatment with coconut residue was efficient for the conversion to glucose, as well as for the production of total reducing sugars, it was possible to observe that the pretreatment fragmented the structure as well as disordered the fibers. Regarding XRD analysis, a significant increase in crystallinity index was observed for pretreated bagasse acid/alkali (51.1%) compared to the no treatment (31.7%), while that for that treated with PHA, the crystallinity index was slightly lower, around 29%. In terms of total reducing sugars it was not possible to observe a significant difference between the hydrolysis carried out without the use of surfactant compared to the addition of Triton and rhamnolipid. However, by observing the conversions achieved during the hydrolysis, it was noted that the best conversion was using the rhamnolipíd for the husk pretreated with acid/alkali, reaching a value of 33%, whereas using Triton the higher conversion was 23.8%. The coconut husk is a residue which can present a high potential to the 2nd generation ethanol production, being the rhamonolipid a very efficient biosurfactant for use as an adjuvant in the enzymatic process in order to act on the material structure reducing its recalcitrance and therefore improving the conditions of access for enzymes to the substrate increasing thus the conversion of cellulose to glucose.


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The average cities inserted in the areas of the Brazilian Cerrado are restructuring in the rural and urban areas in recent decades as a result of agricultural investments. Representative of this process, we chose Rio Verde due to two processes: to develop socioeconomically depending on agricultural production restructuring Cerrado after 1970 and offer average city features regional centrality and intra-urban contradictions. So we have as the problem situation the fact of Rio Verde be inserted in an agricultural region, where the restructured field creates cooperation with the agricultural industry and the tertiary sector, structuring a regional agribusiness success. However, let us doubts about the effects of the restructuring process in socio-economic and environmental terms, in relation to the field and the city. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to contribute to the discussion about the medium- sized Cerrado cities whose functions are linked to agribusiness, and understand the logic and the effects of the restructuring process in rural and urban areas, having Rio Verde – GO as the reference for studying. Regarding the methodological practice research, it is a qualitative research, developed based on three pillars: theoretical, documentary and field. We conclude the thesis stating that the modern field, the result of agricultural production restructuring, fomented an economy specialized in agribusiness, which led to the enrichment of the field, the formation of agro-industrial complex and the formation of an average city, specializing in agribusiness, whose centrality exceeds its micro-region. In terms of effects, we conclude that process agricultural production restructuring, generated positive impacts for the insertion of Savannahs in the national economy, and to the cities inserted in the modern field. On the other hand, country and city inserted in agricultural regions, masked under the agribusiness speech, perverse effects of socioeconomic and environmental order, is an inviting system to invest and exclusionary, when there is nothing to offer. Thus, the problems are choked on site, leaving only the speech of wealth to be disclosed in the national order.


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Light varies widely in both time and space in forest formation of “Bioma Cerrado”. Cybistax antisyphilitica occurs in areas typical of this biome, such as cerrado sensu stricto, “cerradões”, and altered areas. The aim of this study was to understand the morphological and physiological responses of C. antisyphilitica to alterations in light intensity. Juvenile plants (5 month of age) were taken to a fragment of semideciduous forest in Uberlândia-MG, and were divided into three treatments: 50 were maintained under the canopy (UC) 20 were kept in small gap (SG) and 20 were maintained under in full sun (FS). The daily courses of chlorophyll a fluorescence were made at the beginning, middle and end of dry season in 2015. At the end of the experiment measurements of chlorophyll content, gas exchange and growth were made. The plants showed dynamic photoinhibition as exhibited by reductions on Fv/Fm close to midday at the end of the dry season. Regarding the effective quantum yield (ΔF/Fm'), plants under FS showed reduced values that coincided with the higher values of electron transport rates (ETR). Plants under FS showed higher values of net CO2 assimilation rates, stomatal conductance, transpiration rates, water use efficiency and chlorophyll content compared to plants under UC. The stem diameter, dry mass of leaves and stem, total dry mass and relative growth rate were higher in plants under FS than plants under UC. On the other hand, plants under UC showed superior values of height, specific leaf area and leaf area ratio. Our results indicate that C. antisyphilitica has plasticity to survive in the contrasting light environments of the semideciduous forests, but this species was able to growth better under full sun conditions.


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Este artigo apresenta o processo de conceção e de implementação do curso de pós-graduação em formação para a docência, desenvolvido pelo Instituto Universitário de Educação de Cabo Verde, em parceria com o Instituto Politécnico de Leiria. O curso teve como objetivo a formação pedagógica de licenciados que pretendem ingressar no ensino. Para a sua execução recorreu-se à modalidade de e-learning, exigindo a construção de uma plataforma, a formação de professores e alunos sobre esta pedagogia e a produção de múltiplos materiais.


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo desenvolver um modelo de redes neuronais artificiais para aferir as caraterísticas das habitações que mais influenciam o preço na Ilha do Sal, em Cabo Verde. Foram consideradas caraterísticas como: área, número de quartos, existência de varandas, existência de terraços, número de casas de banho, localização do imóvel, número de andares e proximidade com instituições públicas. A amostra utilizada considerou 1092 habitações no período de 2009 a 2014. Para além da análise baseada no desenvolvimento do modelo de redes neuronais, efetuou-se a análise pela estimação do modelo dos preços hedónicos. Os resultados do modelo de redes neuronais artificiais permitiram verificar que o preço das habitações é fortemente influenciado pela área, e em seguida pela localização. A existência de caraterísticas, tais como a proximidade com a câmara municipal e finanças e existência de varandas, são as variáveis que menos influenciam o preço das habitações na Ilha do Sal. Os resultados da estimação com o modelo dos preços hedónicos indicam que o preço das habitações é fortemente influenciado por algumas variáveis representativas de características estruturais, localização e de vizinhança. Algumas dessas variáveis têm efeito estatisticamente significativo positivo no preço tais como, a localização do imóvel em Algodoeiro- Santa Maria, o número de quartos e a área. Outras variáveis têm efeito estatisticamente significativo negativo no preço, tais como a localização do imóvel no Bairro Novo e a proximidade com o hospital. Os resultados mostram que comparativamente com o modelo de preços hedónicos, o modelo de redes neuronais artificiais representa uma melhor alternativa para a previsão dos preços das habitações na Ilha do Sal, isto considerando a comparação dos erros estimados entre os modelos e as medidas de desempenho comumente utilizadas.


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A aguardente de cana é uma bebida de grande importância económica para Cabo Verde, mais concretamente para as ilhas de Santiago, Brava, Nicolau e S. Antão, que apresentam boas condições climáticas para a produção de cana. O consumo tem vindo a crescer em todas as classes sociais e tem a pretensão de conquistar o mercado internacional. Mas isso gera dificuldades para os produtores de aguardente, que muitas vezes enfrentam barreiras para entrar no mercado externo, principalmente devido à qualidade do produto e à falta de padronização desta bebida. Este trabalho teve como objectivo obter uma identidade e qualidade padrão da aguardente de cana em Cabo Verde, portanto, fizeram-se 5 destilados na ESTM os quais foram avaliados sensorialmente quanto à padronização do produto e também quanto à qualidade através de comparação com duas aguardentes feitas por produtores cabo-verdianos. Para isso, foram preparados 40 litros de calda, dividida em 5 lotes de 7,5 litros no alambique, obtendo-se 5 destilados com 450, 470, 565, 300 e 430ml. Determinou-se o grau alcoólico, acidez total, teor furfural e teor de cobre dos destilados realizados na escola e em Cabo Verde. Os valores obtidos do grau alcoólico, acidez total e furfural encontramse dentro dos limites estabelecidos pela lei brasileira, com exceção para o furfural que apresentou um resultado positivo nas amostras dos destilados feitos em Cabo Verde, correspondente a 28,57%. Os valores de acidez total variaram entre 9,38 a 136,87 mg/100 ml (álcool anidrido). O cobre foi determinado através da técnica de espectroscopia de absorção atómica com câmara grafite. As amostras analisadas apresentaram valores de cobre que variaram de 0,406 a 7,380 mgL-1. Das amostras analisadas 71,43% estavam dentro do limite e 28,57 % apresentaram teores de cobre acima do permitido pela legislação. Relativamente à padronização das 5 amostras feitas na escola, demonstrou-se que a estrutura de dados apenas se evidenciou validada para os atributos oleosidade e aroma (p = 0.000 e p = 0.037, respetivamente). Comparando as amostras feitas na escola com as duas de Cabo Verde, mostrou-se que à cor franca (P <0,000) e aceitável (P <0,013), limpidez (P <0,000) brilhante e transparente (P <0,001), as variáveis independentes não exercem influências na variável dependente segundo o modelo proposto.


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[EN] Nesting beach surveys are the most widely implemented monitoring tool in use by the global sea turtle community and are an important component of a comprehensive program to assess and monitor the status of sea turtle populations. These assessments are necessary to evaluate the effects of recovery and conservation activities that are being implemented at all life history stages. Monitoring techniques employed on nesting beaches range from highly structured standardized sampling to “snapshots” of nesting activity within a nesting season. Very long-term nest counts data (more than twenty years) were analyzed for some turtle populations.