981 resultados para acrylic painting


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The triangular space between memory, narrative and pictorial representation is the terrain on which this article is developed. Taking the art of memory developed by Giordano Bruno (1548 – 1600) and the art of painting subtly revolutionised by Adam Elsheimer (1578 – 1610) as test-cases, it is shown how both subvert the norms of mimesis and narration prevalent throughout the Renaissance, how disrupted memory creates “incoherent” narratives, and how perspective and the notion of “place” are questioned in a corollary way. Two paintings by Elsheimer are analysed and shown to include, in spite of their supposed “realism”, numerous incoherencies, aporias and strange elements – often overlooked. Thus, they do not conform to two of the basic rules governing both the classical art of memory and the humanist art of painting: well-defined places and the exhaustive translatability of words into images (and vice-versa). In the work of Bruno, both his philosophical claims and the literary devices he uses are analysed as hints for a similar (and contemporaneous) undermining of conventions about the transparency and immediacy of representation.


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A commercial acrylic fiber with 92% (w/w) acrylonitrile content was partially hydrolyzed converting a fraction of the nitrile (-CN) groups to carboxylic acid (-COOH) groups, to coat the fiber with polyethylenimine (PEI) resin, which was then crosslinked with glutaraldehyde and further quaternized with ethyl chloroacetate to produce a novel strong-base anionic exchanger in the form of fiber. Designated as PAN(QPEI.XG)(Cl-), the fibrous sorbent was compared with a commercial bead-form resin Amberlite IRA-458(Cl-) in respect of sorption capacity, selectivity, and kinetics for removal of silver thiosulfate complexes from aqueous solutions. Though the saturation level of [Ag(S2O3)(2)](3-) on PAN(QPEI.XG)(Cl-) is considerably less than that on IRA-458(Cl-), the gel-coated fibrous sorbent exhibits, as compared to the bead-form sorbent, a significantly higher sorption selectivity for the silver thiosulfate complex in the presence of excess of other anions Such as S2O32-, SO42-, and Cl-, and a remarkably faster rate of both sorption and stripping. The initial uptake of the sorbate by the fibrous sorbent is nearly instantaneous, reaching up to similar to 80% of the saturation capacity within 10 s, as compared to only similar to 12% on the bead-form sorbent. The high initial rate of uptake fits a shell-core kinetic model for sorption on fiber of cylindrical geometry. With 4M HCl, the stripping of the sorbed silver complex from the fibrous sorbent is clean and nearly instantaneous, while, in contrast, a much slower rate of stripping on the bead-form sorbent leads to its fouling due to a slow decomposition of the silver thiosulfate complex in the acidic medium.


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AESTHETIC EXPERIENCE AS A BRIDGE ACROSS CULTURES Soile Yli-Mäyry s art as experienced by Chinese, Japanese and Finnish audiences This study focuses on surveying and analysing experiences of Soile Yli-Mäyry s art in eleven different countries. Questionnaires were translated into nine different languages. In addition, interviews were conducted on the experiences of Chinese, Japanese and Finnish art audiences concerning a painting called Sun Wind . The study was mainly inspired by John Dewey s ideas of art as an interactive communication where the artist, the piece and those who experience it make up an interactive process. In this process experience is a meeting point with both individual and communal characteristics. The data was collected in conjunction with exhibitions in 1997−2005. The survey was carried out in eleven countries (Finland, United States, Brazil, China, Taiwan, Japan, India, Israel, Argentina, Germany and Switzerland). The survey data was made up of 2,563 returned questionnaires. The interviews in China, Japan and Finland were about the same painting Sun Wind , which was transported from Finland to Japan (Tokyo) and China. A total of 89 people were interviewed in Shanghai Art Museum, 30 people in Port-Ginza Gallery, Tokyo and 45 people in Soile Yli-Mäyry s Gallery in Finland. Three hypotheses that were turned into research questions directed the study: 1. Are there differences/ similarities between culturally different communities in the meanings attributed to experiences, e.g. according to emotional dimensions, or do experiences focus more on reflecting on one s own life or meanings attributed to the world around us? What kinds of experiential dimensions are there in different countries? Do similar, analogous experiences that transcend cultural barriers emerge in culturally different countries such as China, Japan and Finland? 2. Does the data display different types of experiencing subjects which are typical to a subject s own country or are they experiences that can be compared to those generated by an ideal landscape , where the art touches the subconscious and collective selfhood, being thus transnational and timeless? Closer analysis focuses on audience experiences in China, Japan and Finland (interviews, textual survey data). 3. Are the experiences and interpretations of experts similar/different to those of larger audiences? The survey data has been analysed with the help of cross-tabulation. After content analysis of the interviews and textual survey data, different ways of experiencing subjects were sketched by country (China, Japan, Finland). The types were both similar and dissimilar. The most important types were social/ecological (China), therapeutic/reserved (Japan) and narrative/projecting (Finland). There were differences in how experiences were emphasised: the Chinese public approached their experiences from the viewpoint of pragmatism and utility, where they could obtain new ideas for their own work or experiencing the exhibition gave courage to approach their own lives from a new perspective. In turn, the Japanese public experienced the art from a therapeutic angle and from a very reserved perspective, which Dylan Evans (2001, 13−17) has described as typical to Japanese culture. The experiences of the Finnish audience were strongly therapeutic and narrative. The people projected their emotions onto the piece and in a concrete manner forged them into a story. The partly similar results of this study in China, Japan and Finland demonstrate that the art displayed in the exhibitions contain images of the beginning or elements connected to the beginning of life, which touch the subconscious in the way an ideal landscape would. Experiencing the meaningfulness of one s own life through art is a common thread and a bridge across cultures that unites the experiences of the audiences of this study, be they Taoists, Confucians, Buddhists or Maoists in China, Shinto followers, Zen Buddhists in Japan or Evangelist-Lutherans in Finland. Keywords: experience, reception, bridge across cultures, types of experiencing subjects, experiential process, ideal landscape, elementality


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Non-linear resistors having current-limiting capabilities at lower field strengths, and voltage-limiting characteristics (varistors) at higher field strengths, were prepared from sintered polycrystalline ceramics of (Ba0.6Sr0.4)(Ti0.97Zr0.03)O3+0.3 at % La, and reannealed after painting with low-melting mixtures of Bi2O3 + PbO +B2O3. These types of non-linear characteristics were found to depend upon the non-uniform diffusion of lead and the consequent distribution of Curie points (T c) in these perovskites, resulting in diffuse phase transitions. Tunnelling of electrons across the asymmetric barrier at tetragonak-cubic interfaces changes to tunnelling across the symmetric barrier as the cubic phase is fully stabilized through Joule heating at high field strengths. Therefore the current-limiting characteristics switch over to voltage-limiting behaviour because tunnelling to acceptor-type mid-bandgap states gives way to band-to-band tunnelling.


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Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961) has been known as the philosopher of painting. His interest in the theory of perception intertwined with the questions concerning the artist s perception, the experience of an artwork and the possible interpretations of the artwork. For him, aesthetics was not a sub-field of philosophy, and art was not simply a subject matter for the aesthetic experience, but a form of thinking. This study proposes an opening for a dialogue between Merleau-Pontian phenomenology and contemporary art. The thesis examines his phenomenology through certain works of contemporary art and presents readings of these artworks through his phenomenology. The thesis both shows the potentiality of a method, but also engages in the critical task of finding the possible limitations of his approach. The first part lays out the methodological and conceptual points of departure of Merleau-Ponty s phenomenological approach to perception as well as the features that determined his discussion on encountering art. Merleau-Ponty referred to the experience of perceiving art using the notion of seeing with (voir selon). He stressed a correlative reciprocity described in Eye and Mind (1961) as the switching of the roles of the visible and the painter. The choice of artworks is motivated by certain restrictions in the phenomenological readings of visual arts. The examined works include paintings by Tiina Mielonen, a photographic work by Christian Mayer, a film by Douglas Gordon and Philippe Parreno, and an installation by Monika Sosnowska. These works resonate with, and challenge, his phenomenological approach. The chapters with case studies take up different themes that are central to Merleau-Ponty s phenomenology: space, movement, time, and touch. All of the themes are interlinked with the examined artworks. There are also topics that reappear in the thesis, such as the notion of écart and the question of encountering the other. As Merleau-Ponty argued, the sphere of art has a particular capability to address our being in the world. The thesis presents an interpretation that emphasises the notion of écart, which refers to an experience of divergence or dispossession. The sudden dissociation, surprise or rupture that is needed in order for a meeting between the spectator and the artwork, or between two persons, to be possible. Further, the thesis suggests that through artworks it is possible to take into consideration the écart, the divergence, that defines our subjectivity.


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Deposition of durable thin film coatings by vacuum evaporation on acrylic substrates for optical applications is a challenging job. Films crack upon deposition due to internal stresses and leads to performance degradation. In this investigation, we report the preparation and characterization of single and multi-layer films of TiO2, CeO2, Substance2 (E Merck, Germany), Al2O3, SiO2 and MgF2 by electron beam evaporation on both glass and PMMA substrates. Optical micrographs taken on single layer films deposited on PMMA substrates did not reveal any cracks. Cracks in films were observed on PMMA substrates when the substrate temperature exceeded 80degreesC. Antireflection coatings of 3 and 4 layers have been deposited and characterized. Antireflection coatings made on PMMA substrate using Substance2 (H2) and SiO2 combination showed very fine cracks when observed under microscope. Optical performance of the coatings has been explained with the help of optical micrographs.


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We have carried out small-angle X-ray diffraction studies on complexes formed by the anionic polyelectrolytes, namely, sodium salts of double and single stranded (ds and ss) DNA, poly( glutamic acid) ( PGA), poly( acrylic acid) (PAA), and poly( styrene sulfonate) (PSS) with a cationic surfactant system consisting of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide ( CTAB) and sodium 3-hydroxy-2-naphthoate (SHN). All complexes have a two-dimensional (2D) hexagonal structure at low SHN concentrations. DNA-CTAB-SHN complexes exhibit a hexagonal to lamellar transition near the SHN concentration at which CTAB-SHN micelles show a cylinder to bilayer transformation. On the other hand, PGA and PAA complexes form a 2D centered rectangular phase at higher SHN concentrations, and PSS complexes show a primitive rectangular structure. These results provide a striking example of polyion specificity in polyelectrolytesurfactant interactions.


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Background: The present paper documents the uses of plants in traditional herbal medicine for human and veterinary ailments, and those used for dietary supplements, religious purpose, local beverage, and plants used to poison fish and wild animals. Traditional botanical medicine is the primary mode of healthcare for most of the rural population in Arunachal Pradesh. Materials and methods: Field research was conducted between April 2006 and March 2009 with randomly selected 124 key informants using semi-structured questionnaire. The data obtained was analyzed through informant consensus factor (F(IC)) to determine the homogeneity of informant's knowledge on medicinal plants. Results: We documented 50 plants species belonging to 29 families used for treating 22 human and 4 veterinary ailments. Of the medicinal plants reported, the most common growth form was herbs (40%) followed by shrubs, trees, and climbers. Leaves were most frequently used plant parts. The consensus analysis revealed that the dermatological ailments have the highest F(IC) (0.56) and the gastro-intestinal diseases have F(IC) (0.43). F(IC) values indicated that there was high agreement in the use of plants in dermatological and gastro-intestinal ailments category among the users. Gymnocladus assamicus is a critically rare and endangered species used as disinfectant for cleaning wounds and parasites like leeches and lice on livestocks. Two plant species (Illicium griffithii and Rubia cordifolia) are commonly used for traditional dyeing of clothes and food items. Some of the edible plants recorded in this study were known for their treatment against high blood pressure (Clerodendron colebrookianum), diabetes mellitus (Momordica charantia), and intestinal parasitic worms like round and tape worms (Lindera neesiana, Solanum etiopicum, and Solanum indicum). The Monpas of Arunachal Pradesh have traditionally been using Daphne papyracea for preparing hand-made paper for painting and writing religious scripts in Buddhist monasteries. Three plant species (Derris scandens, Aesculus assamica, and Polygonum hydropiper) were frequently used to poison fish during the month of June-July every year and the underground tuber of Aconitum ferrox is widely used in arrow poisoning to kill ferocious animals like bear, wild pigs, gaur and deer. The most frequently cited plant species; Buddleja asiatica and Hedyotis scandens were used as common growth supplements during the preparation of fermentation starter cultures. Conclusion: The traditional pharmacopoeia of the Monpa ethnic group incorporates a myriad of diverse botanical flora. Traditional knowledge of the remedies is passed down through oral traditions without any written document. This traditional knowledge is however, currently threatened mainly due to acculturation and deforestation due to continuing traditional shifting cultivation. This study reveals that the rural populations in Arunachal Pradesh have a rich knowledge of forest-based natural resources and consumption of wild edible plants is still an integral part of their socio-cultural life. Findings of this documentation study can be used as an ethnopharmacological basis for selecting plants for future phytochemical and pharmaceutical studies.


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The air we breathe is being polluted by activities such as vehicles; burning coal, oil, and other fossil fuels; and manufacturing chemicals. Air pollution can even come from smaller, everyday activities such as cooking, space heating, and degreasing and painting operations. These activities add gases and particles to the air we breathe. When these gases and particles accumulate in the air in high enough concentrations, they can harm us and our environment. The module on Air Pollution deals with the various sources of air pollution and the associated environmental and health impacts. It also discusses the appropriate measures to control/prevent the same.


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In-situ impedance spectroscopy of layer-by-layer self-assembly of weak polyelectrolytes is presented. Interdigitated capacitors with active area of 1×1 mm2 and electrode spacing of 5 μm are fabricated and used for this purpose. Measurement results indicate that the impedance decreases with increase in number of polyelectrolyte layers. About 2.5% of relative change in magnitude of impedance at 104.7 KHz is seen for four bi-layers of Poly(Allylamine Hydrochloride) (PAH)/Poly(Acrylic acid) (PAA). An electrical equivalent for polyelectrolyte binding is obtained.


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Thin films of bovine serum albumin (BSA) nanoparticles are fabricated via layer-by-layer assembly. The surface of BSA nanoparticles have two oppositely acting functional groups on the surface: amine (NH2) and carboxylate (COO-). The protonation and deprotonation of these functional groups at different pH vary the charge density on the particle surface, and entirely different growth can be observed by varying the nature of the complementary polymer and the pH of the particles. The complementary polymers used in this study are poly(dimethyldiallylammonium chloride) (PDDAC) and poly(acrylic acid) (PAA). The assembly of BSA nanoparticles based on electrostatic interaction with PDDAC suffers from the poor loading of the nanoparticles. The assembly with PAA aided by a hydrogen bonding interaction shows tremendous improvement in the growth of the assembly over PDDAC. Moreover, the pH of the BSA nanoparticles was observed to affect the loading of nanoparticles in the LbL assembly with PAA significantly.


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The increasing industrial utilization of polyacrylamide to assist water clarification, sludge conditioning, papermaking, and secondary oil recovery leads to environmental pollution. In this work, an acrylamide degrading bacterium was isolated from paper mill effluent at Charan mahadevi, Tamilnadu, India. The minimal medium containing acrylamide (40 mM) served as a sole source of carbon and nitrogen for acrylamide degrading bacteria. The bacterial strain has grown well in 40 mM acrylamide at pH (6-7) at 30 degrees C. Within 24-48 h acrylamide was converted into acrylic acid and other metabolites. Based on biochemical characteristics and 16S rRNA gene sequence, the bacterial strain was identified as Gram negative, diplobacilli Moraxella osloensis MSU11. The acrylamide hydrolyzing bacterial enzyme acrylamidase was purified by HPLC. The enzyme molecular weight was determined to be approximately 38 kDa by SDS-PAGE using reference enzyme Pectinase. These results show that M. osloensis MSU11 has a potential to degrade the acrylamide present in the environment. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Polyelectrolytes are charged polymer species which electrostatically adsorb onto surfaces in a layer by layer fashion leading to the sequential assembly of multilayer structures. It is known that the morphology of weak polyelectrolyte structures is strongly influenced by environmental variables such as pH. We created a weak polyelectrolyte multilayer structure (similar to 100 nm thick) of cationic polymer poly-allylamine hydrochloride (PAH) and an anionic polymer poly-acrylic acid (PAA) on an etched clad fiber Bragg grating (EFBG) to study the pH induced conformational transitions in the polymer multilayers brought about by the variation in charge density of weak polyelectrolyte groups as a function of pH. The conformational changes of the polyelectrolyte multilayer structure lead to changes in optical density of the adsorbed film which reflects in the shift of the Bragg wavelength from the EFBG. Using the EFBG system we were able to probe reversible and irreversible pH induced transitions in the PAH/PAA weak polyelectrolyte system. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A layer-by-layer approach was used for the fabrication of multilayer films for ultra high gas barrier applications. The ultra high gas barrier material was designed by incorporating Nafion layer in between bilayers of poly(ethylene imine) and poly(acrylic acid) on a Surlyn substrate. When the barrier film with self-assembled Nafion is exposed to the moist environment, Nafion absorbs and desorbs water molecules simultaneously, thereby reducing the ingress of moisture in to the film. In order to study the effect of Nafion, the fabricated barrier materials with and without the presence of Nafion were tested for water vapor barrier properties. The barrier films were further used for encapsulating organic photovoltaic devices and were evaluated for their potential use in barrier applications. The devices encapsulated with the films containing Nafion exhibited better performance when subjected to accelerated aging conditions. Therefore, this study demonstrates the effectiveness of self-assembled Nafion in reducing the water vapor permeability by nearly five orders of magnitude and in increasing the lifetimes of organic devices by similar to 22 times under accelerated weathering conditions.


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Pressure-swirl nozzles (simplex nozzles) are used in various field applications such as aero-engines, power generation, spray painting and agricultural irrigation. For this particular nozzle, research in the past decade has dealt with the development of numerical models for predicting droplet distribution profiles. Although these results have been valuable, the experimental results have been contradictory, therefore fundamental understanding of the influence of properties in nozzle is important. This paper experimentally investigates the effect of surfactants on breakup and coalescence. Since most of the fuels and biofuels have low surface tension compared to water, a comparative analysis between a surfactant solution and a liquid fuel is imperative. For this experimental study, a simplex nozzle characterized as flow number 0.4 will be utilized. The injection pressures will range from 0.3 - 4Mpa while altering the surface tension from 72 to 28mN/m. By applying Phase Doppler Particle Anemometry (PDPA) which is a non-intrusive laser diagnostic technique, the differences in spray characteristics due to spray surface tension can be highlighted. The average droplet diameter decreases for a low surface tension fluid in the axial direction in comparison to pure water. The average velocity of droplets is surprisingly lower in the same spray zone. Measurements made in the radial direction show no significant changes, but at the locations close to the nozzle, water droplets have larger diameter and velocity. The results indicate the breakup and coalescence regimes have been altered when surface tension is lowered. A decrease in surface tension alters the breakup length while increasing the spray angle. Moreover, higher injection pressure shortens the breakup length and decrease in overall diameter of the droplets. By performing this experimental study the fundamentals of spray dynamics, such as spray formation, liquid breakup length, and droplet breakup regimes can be observed as a function of surface tension and how a surrogate fuel compares with a real fuel for experimental purposes. This knowledge potentially will lead to designing a better atomizer or new biofuels.