966 resultados para Zinc (II) complexes


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In questo elaborato è stata messa a punto una procedura sintetica, semplice e veloce che sfrutta la tecnica microonde per la sintesi di tetraarilciclopentadienoni variamente sostituiti mediante una condensazione bis-aldolica tra 1,3 difenilacetone con dichetoni aromatici variamente sostituiti. Questa nuova tecnica consente di ottenere tetraarilciclopentadienoni con rese da basse a buone in 25 minuti a 70°C. La stessa procedura sintetica è stata valutata per ottenere leganti piridilimidazolici, usando come fonte di azoto NH4OAc. Basse rese e la formazione di svariati sottoprodotti ha diretto lo studio verso un approccio classico per la sintesi di questi sistemi. I leganti piridilimidazolici sono stati poi impiegati per la sintesi di complessi di Zn(II) luminescenti, i quali sono stati caratterizzati anche da un punto di vista fotofisico.


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Der Haupt-Lichtsammelkomplex (LHCII) des Photosyntheseapparates höherer Pflanzen gehört zu den häufigsten Membranproteinen der Erde. Seine Kristallstruktur ist bekannt. Das Apoprotein kann rekombinant in Escherichia coli überexprimiert und somit molekularbiologisch vielfältig verändert werden. In Detergenzlösung besitzt das denaturierte Protein die erstaunliche Fähigkeit, sich spontan zu funktionalen Protein-Pigment-Komplexen zu organisieren, welche strukturell nahezu identisch sind mit nativem LHCII. Der Faltungsprozess findet in vitro im Zeitbereich von Sekunden bis Minuten statt und ist abhängig von der Bindung der Cofaktoren Chlorophyll a und b sowie verschiedenen Carotinoiden.rn Diese Eigenschaften machen LHCII besonders geeignet für Strukturuntersuchungen mittels der elektronenparamagnetischen Resonanz (EPR)-Spektrokopie. Diese setzt eine punktspezifische Spinmarkierung des LHCII voraus, die in dieser Arbeit zunächst optimiert wurde. Einschließlich der Beiträge Anderer stand eine breite Auswahl von über 40 spinmarkierten Mutanten des LHCII bereit, einen N-terminalen „Cys walk“ eingeschlossen. Weder der hierfür notwendige Austausch einzelner Aminosäuren noch die Anknüpfung des Spinmarkers beeinträchtigten die Funktion des LHCII. Zudem konnte ein Protokoll zur Präparation heterogen spinmarkierter LHCII-Trimere entwickelt werden, also von Trimeren, die jeweils nur ein Monomer mit einer Spinmarkierung enthalten.rn Spinmarkierte Proben des Detergenz-solubilisierten LHCII wurden unter Verwendung verschiedener EPR-Techniken strukturell analysiert. Als besonders aussagekräftig erwies sich die Messung der Wasserzugänglichkeit einzelner Aminosäurepositionen anhand der Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation (ESEEM). In Kombination mit der etablierten Double Electron-Electron Resonance (DEER)-Technik zur Detektion von Abständen zwischen zwei Spinmarkern wurde der membranständige Kernbereich des LHCII in Lösung eingehend untersucht und strukturell der Kristallstruktur für sehr ähnlich befunden. Die Vermessung kristallographisch nicht erfasster Bereiche nahe dem N-Terminus offenbarte die schon früher detektierte Strukturdynamik der Domäne in Abhängigkeit des Oligomerisierungsgrades. Der neue, noch zu vervollständigende Datensatz aus Abstandsverteilungen und ESEEM-Wasserzugänglichkeiten monomerer wie trimerer Proben sollte in naher Zukunft die sehr genaue Modellierung der N-terminalen Domäne des LHCII ermöglichen.rn In einem weiteren Abschnitt der Arbeit wurde die Faltung des LHCII-Apoproteins bei der LHCII-Assemblierung in vitro untersucht. Vorausgegangene fluoreszenzspektroskopi-sche Arbeiten hatten gezeigt, dass die Bindung von Chlorophyll a und b in aufeinanderfolgenden Schritten im Zeitbereich von weniger als einer Minute bzw. mehreren Minuten erfolgten. Sowohl die Wasserzugänglichkeit einzelner Aminosäurepositionen als auch Spin-Spin-Abstände änderten sich in ähnlichen Zeitbereichen. Die Daten deuten darauf hin, dass die Ausbildung der mittleren Transmembran-Helix mit der schnelleren Chlorophyll-a-Bindung einhergeht, während sich die Superhelix aus den beiden anderen Transmembranhelices erst im langsameren Schritt, zusammen mit der Chlorophyll-b-Bindung, ausbildet.rn


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A series of imidazolium salts of the type [BocNHCH2CH2ImR]X (Boc = t-Bu carbamates; Im = imidazole) (R = Me, X = I, 1a; R = Bn, X = Br, 1b; R = Trityl, X = Cl, 1c) and [BnImR’]X (R’ = Me, X = Br, 1d; R’ = Bn, X = Br, 1e; R’ = Trityl, X = Cl, 1g; R’ = tBu, X = Br, 1h) bearing increasingly bulky substituents were synthetized and characterized. Subsequently, these precursors were employed in the synthesis of silver(I)-N-heterocyclic (NHC) complexes as transmetallating reagents for the preparation of rhodium(I) complexes [RhX(NBD)(NHC)] (NHC = 1-(2-NHBoc-ethyl)-3-R-imidazolin-2-ylidene; X = Cl; R = Me, 4a; R = Bn, 4b; R = Trityl, 4c; X = I, R = Me, 5a; NHC = 1-Bn-3-R’-imidazolin-2-ylidene; X = Cl; R’ = Me, 4d, R’ = Bn, 4e, R’ = Trityl, 4g; R’ = tBu, 4h). VT NMR studies of these complexes revealed a restricted rotation barriers about the metal-carbene bond. While the rotation barriers calculated for the complexes in which R = Me, Bn (4a,b,d,e and 5a) matched the experimental values, this was not true for the complexes 4c,g, bearing a trityl group for which the values are much smaller than the calculated ones. Energy barriers for 4c,g, derived from a line shape simulation, showed a strong dependence on the temperature while for 4h the rotational energy barrier is stopped at room temperature. The catalytic activity of the new rhodium compounds was investigated in the hydrosilylation of terminal alkynes and in the addition of phenylboronic acid to benzaldehyde. The imidazolium salts 1d,e were also employed in the synthesis of new iron(II)-NHC complexes. Finally, during a six-months stay at the University of York a new ligand derived from Norharman was prepared and employed in palladium-mediated cross-coupling.


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Copper and Zn are essential micronutrients for plants, animals, and humans; however, they may also be pollutants if they occur at high concentrations in soil. Therefore, knowledge of Cu and Zn cycling in soils is required both for guaranteeing proper nutrition and to control possible risks arising from pollution.rnThe overall objective of my study was to test if Cu and Zn stable isotope ratios can be used to investigate into the biogeochemistry, source and transport of these metals in soils. The use of stable isotope ratios might be especially suitable to trace long-term processes occurring during soil genesis and transport of pollutants through the soil. In detail, I aimed to answer the questions, whether (1) Cu stable isotopes are fractionated during complexation with humic acid, (2) 65Cu values can be a tracer for soil genetic processes in redoximorphic soils (3) 65Cu values can help to understand soil genetic processes under oxic weathering conditions, and (4) 65Cu and 66Zn values can act as tracers of sources and transport of Cu and Zn in polluted soils.rnTo answer these questions, I ran adsorption experiments at different pH values in the laboratory and modelled Cu adsorption to humic acid. Furthermore, eight soils were sampled representing different redox and weathering regimes of which two were influenced by stagnic water, two by groundwater, two by oxic weathering (Cambisols), and two by podzolation. In all horizons of these soils, I determined selected basic soil properties, partitioned Cu into seven operationally defined fractions and determined Cu concentrations and Cu isotope ratios (65Cu values). Finally, three additional soils were sampled along a deposition gradient at different distances to a Cu smelter in Slovakia and analyzed together with bedrock and waste material from the smelter for selected basic soil properties, Cu and Zn concentrations and 65Cu and 66Zn values.rnMy results demonstrated that (1) Copper was fractionated during adsorption on humic acid resulting in an isotope fractionation between the immobilized humic acid and the solution (65CuIHA-solution) of 0.26 ± 0.11‰ (2SD) and that the extent of fractionation was independent of pH and involved functional groups of the humic acid. (2) Soil genesis and plant cycling causes measurable Cu isotope fractionation in hydromorphic soils. The results suggested that an increasing number of redox cycles depleted 63Cu with increasing depth resulting in heavier 65Cu values. (3) Organic horizons usually had isotopically lighter Cu than mineral soils presumably because of the preferred uptake and recycling of 63Cu by plants. (4) In a strongly developed Podzol, eluviation zones had lighter and illuviation zones heavier 65Cu values because of the higher stability of organo-65Cu complexes compared to organo-63Cu complexes. In the Cambisols and a little developed Podzol, oxic weathering caused increasingly lighter 65Cu values with increasing depth, resulting in the opposite depth trend as in redoximorphic soils, because of the preferential vertical transport of 63Cu. (5) The 66Zn values were fractionated during the smelting process and isotopically light Zn was emitted allowing source identification of Zn pollution while 65Cu values were unaffected by the smelting and Cu emissions isotopically indistinguishable from soil. The 65Cu values in polluted soils became lighter down to a depth of 0.4 m indicating isotope fractionation during transport and a transport depth of 0.4 m in 60 years. 66Zn values had an opposite depth trend becoming heavier with depth because of fractionation by plant cycling, speciation changes, and mixing of native and smelter-derived Zn. rnCopper showed measurable isotope fractionation of approximately 1‰ in unpolluted soils, allowing to draw conclusions on plant cycling, transport, and redox processes occurring during soil genesis and 65Cu and 66Zn values in contaminated soils allow for conclusions on sources (in my study only possible for Zn), biogeochemical behavior, and depth of dislocation of Cu and Zn pollution in soil. I conclude that stable Cu and Zn isotope ratios are a suitable novel tool to trace long-term processes in soils which are difficult to assess otherwise.rn


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden zweikernige Modellkomplexe zur Untersuchung der Radikal-Metallwechselwirkung innerhalb des wasseroxidierenden Zentrums des Photo¬systems II synthetisiert und eine magneto-strukturelle Korrelation dieser Komplexe erstellt. Als Liganden wurden diverse sechs- bis siebenzähnige Chelatliganden verwendet, welche über zwei Koordinationstaschen und eine verbrückende Phenolatgruppe verfügen. Zwei daran gebundene Manganionen liegen in einer wohl definierten Umgebung nicht koordinativ gesättigt vor. An die freien Koordinationsstellen können weitere ein bis zwei Brückenliganden binden, bei denen es sich in dieser Arbeit hauptsächlich um Carboxylate handelt. Durch die Verwendung eines diamagnetischen Brückenliganden konnte die magnetische Spin-Spin-Austauschwechselwirkung zwischen den spintragenden Manganionen über die verbrücken¬de Phenolatgruppe bestimmt werden. Komplexe, welche über Manganionen in den gleichen Oxidationsstufen, aber über unterschiedliche Carboxylatbrückenliganden verfügen, weisen ähnliche magnetische Austauschwechselwirkungen zwischen den Metallzentren auf. Diese Beobachtung konnte durch eine strukturelle Ähnlichkeit dieser Komplexe erklärt werden. Mittels Aufsummieren der Bindungslängen der verbrückenden Phenolateinheit zu beiden Zentralionen kann innerhalb dieser Komplexe jeweils die Länge des Wechselwirkungspfades erhalten werden, welcher die magnetische Austauschwechselwirkung maßgeblich beein¬flusst. Je länger der Wechselwirkungspfad ist, desto kleiner ist die Austausch¬wechsel¬wirkung. Durch Austausch der diamagnetischen Carboxylate durch paramagnetische benzoat¬substituierte Nitronyl Nitroxid Radikale wurden den Komplexen ein bis zwei weitere Spinzentren hinzugefügt, welche mit den Spins der Zentralionen wechselwirken können. Simulationen der magnetischen Suszeptibilitätsmessungen liefern Werte für die magneti¬schen Austausch¬wechselwirkungen zwischen den Nitronyl Nitroxid Radikalen und den Manganionen, die in allen Fällen schwach ferromagnetisch zwischen 0 und 4,7 cm-1 sind. In einer Auftragung dieser Austauschwechselwirkungen gegen die Mangan-Carboxylat-Bindungs¬längen von strukturell charakterisierten äquivalenten acetatverbrückten Komplexen, kann eine lineare Abhängigkeit gezeigt werden.


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Phosphonatliganden in erweiterten anorganischen Hybridmaterialien undrnals Radikalträgern in KomplexenrnrnAnorganisch-organische Hybridmaterialien sind in der Regel extrem vielseitig. Die systematische Darstellung von niederdimensionalen Materialien (eindimensionale Kettenverbindungen oder zweidimensionalen Schichtverbindungen) mit einer Kontrolle über die Art der Verbindung,rnbietet neue Möglichkeiten im Bereich des molekularen Magnetismus. Hier im Fall von Metall-Phosphonat Verbindungen in erweiterten anorganischen Hybriden wurde der pH - Wert während der Reaktion eingestellt, wodurch der Grad der Protonierung des Phosphonatliganden kontrolliert wurde. Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass alle erhaltenen Metall Phosphonatverbindungen neutral waren, konnte das Ligand zu Metallverhältnis erstmals vorhergesagt werden. So wurden mehrere neue Metall–Phosphonat Verbindungen im Bereich von Null-dimensionalen (I0O0, Co-Kristallisation von M(H2O)6 mitrndeprotonierten Phosphonatligand), über eindimensionalen (I1O0, Kettenstrukturen) bis hin zu zweidimensionalen (I2O0, Schichtstrukturen) ausführlich diskutiert in Bezug auf ihr magnetisches Verhalten. Im Allgemeinen sind die erwarteten Austauschwechselwirkungen in einem erweiterten anorganischen Hybridmaterial stark, weil oft ein Superaustausch durch ein einzelnes Sauerstoffatom möglich ist. Hier waren oft mehrere konkurrierende Austauschwechselwirkungen vorhanden, so dass kompliziertere magnetische Verhalten beobachtet wurden.rnrnDarüber hinaus wurden drei neue Beispiele von Nitronyl-Nitroxidradikale dargestellt, in denen eine zusätzliche saure Funktionalität eingeführt war. Die Auswirkungen des sauren Charakters der zusätzlich eingeführten Sulfonsäure oder Phosphonsäure-Gruppe auf das Nitronyl-Nitroxidradikal wurden im Detail zum ersten Mal untersucht. Die mit der Phosphonsäure-Gruppe versehenen Nitronyl-Nitroxidradikale sind perfekte Proben für die Untersuchung einer Spin-Verschiebung in Nitronyl-Nitroxidradikale durch EPR-Spektroskopie, aufgrund des eingeführten Phosphors. Auch der Protonierungsgrad der zusätzlich eingeführten Phosphonsäure-Gruppe wurde berücksichtigt. In dieser Arbeit wurden die ersten Metallkomplexe der neuen substituierten sauren Nitronyl-Nitroxidradikale vorgestellt. Die Koordination von Nickel(II) Metallionen an die saure, zweite funktionelle Gruppe des Nitronyl–Nitroxid Radikal wurde beschrieben. Die magnetische Austauschwechselwirkung der Metallionen untereinander und die Metall-Radikal-Austauschwechselwirkungen wurden untersucht. rnrnIm Allgemeinen können interessante molekulare magnetische Materialien dadurch dargestellt werden, dass die Dimension der Metall-Phosphonat-Verbindungen als Beispiele für die erweiterten anorganischen Hybridmaterialien gesteuert werden kann. Mit Nitronyl-Nitroxidradikale als organische Liganden können in Zukunft noch mehr Spin-Träger in anorganisch-organischen Gerüstmaterialien integriert werden um die magnetischen Eigenschaften zu verbesseren.rn


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The explorative coordination chemistry of the bridging ligand TTF-PPB is presented. Its strong binding ability to Co(II) and then to Ni(II) or Cu(II) in the presence of hexafluoroacetylacetonate (hfac(-)), forming new mono-and dinuclear complexes 1-3, is described. X-ray crystallographic studies have been conducted in the case of the free ligand TTF-PPB as well as its complexes [Co(TTF-PPB)(hfac)(2)] (1) and [Co(hfac)(2)(mu-TTF-PPB)Ni(hfac)(2)] (2). Each metal ion is bonded to two bidentate hfac-anions through their oxygen atoms and two nitrogen atoms of the PPB moiety with a distorted octahedral coordination geometry. Specifically, nitrogen donor atoms of TTF-PPB adopt a cis-coordination but not in the equatorial plane, which is quite rare. Electronic absorption, photoinduced intraligand charge transfer ((1)ILCT), and electrochemical behaviour of 1-3 have been investigated. UV-Vis spectroscopy shows very strong bands in the UV region consistent with ligand centred pi-pi* transitions and an intense broad band in the visible region corresponding to a spin-allowed pi-pi* (1)ILCT transition. Upon coordination, the (1)ILCT band is bathochromically shifted by 3100, 6100 and 5900 cm(-1) on going from 1 to 3. The electrochemical studies reveal that all of them undergo two reversible oxidation and one reversible reduction processes, ascribed to the successive oxidations of the TTF moiety and the reduction of the PPB unit, respectively.


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Bistriazoles, 1,3-bis(1,2,4-triazol-4-yl)propane (tr2pr) and 1,3-bis(1,2,4-triazol-4-yl)adamantane (tr2ad), were examined in combination with the rigid tetratopic 1,3,5,7-adamantanetetracarboxylic acid (H4-adtc) platform for the construction of neutral heteroleptic copper(II) metal−organic frameworks. Two coordination polymers, [{Cu4(OH)2(H2O)2}{Cu4(OH)2}(tr2pr)2(H-adtc)4]·2H2O (1) and [Cu4(OH)2(tr2ad)2(H-adtc)2(H2O)2]·3H2O (2), were synthesized and structurally characterized. In complexes 1 and 2, the N1,N2-1,2,4-triazolyl (tr) and μ3-OH− groups serve as complementary bridges between adjacent metal centers supporting the tetranuclear dihydroxo clusters. The structure of 1 represents a unique association of two different kinds of centrosymmetrical {Cu4(OH)2} units in a tight 3D framework, while in compound 2, another configuration type of acentric tetranuclear metal clusters is organized in a layered 3,6-hexagonal motif. In both cases, the {Cu4(OH)2} secondary building block and trideprotonated carboxylate H-adtc3− can be viewed as covalently bound six- and three-connected nodes that define the net topology. The tr ligands, showing μ3- or μ4-binding patterns, introduce additional integrating links between the neighboring {Cu4(OH)2} fragments. A variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility study of 2 demonstrates strong antiferromagnetic intracluster coupling (J1 = −109 cm−1 and J2 = −21 cm−1), which combines for the bulk phase with a weak antiferromagnetic intercluster interaction (zj = −2.5 cm−1).


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Cells must rapidly sense and respond to a wide variety of potentially cytotoxic external stressors to survive in a constantly changing environment. In a search for novel genes required for stress tolerance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we identified the uncharacterized open reading frame YER139C as a gene required for growth at 37 degrees C in the presence of the heat shock mimetic formamide. YER139C encodes the closest yeast homolog of the human RPAP2 protein, recently identified as a novel RNA polymerase II (RNAPII)-associated factor. Multiple lines of evidence support a role for this gene family in transcription, prompting us to rename YER139C RTR1 (regulator of transcription). The core RNAPII subunits RPB5, RPB7, and RPB9 were isolated as potent high-copy-number suppressors of the rtr1Delta temperature-sensitive growth phenotype, and deletion of the nonessential subunits RPB4 and RPB9 hypersensitized cells to RTR1 overexpression. Disruption of RTR1 resulted in mycophenolic acid sensitivity and synthetic genetic interactions with a number of genes involved in multiple phases of transcription. Consistently, rtr1Delta cells are defective in inducible transcription from the GAL1 promoter. Rtr1 constitutively shuttles between the cytoplasm and nucleus, where it physically associates with an active RNAPII transcriptional complex. Taken together, our data reveal a role for members of the RTR1/RPAP2 family as regulators of core RNAPII function.


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Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (RSs) are responsible for the essential connection of amino acids with trinucleotide sequences of tRNA's. The RS family constitutes two structurally dissimilar groups of proteins, class I and class II. Methionyl-tRNA synthetase (MetRS) and isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS), both members of class I, were the focus of this work. Both enzymes are zinc-containing proteins; show a high degree of amino acid specificity; and edit activated noncognate amino acids, thereby ensuring the fidelity of the genetic code. The goals of this work were to further delineate the molecular basis of catalysis and discrimination in these enzymes by mapping active site geometries using high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR).^ Internuclear distances obtained from transferred nuclear Overhauser effects were used to define the conformations of Mg($\alpha$,$\beta$-methylene)ATP bound to E. coli MetRS and E. coli IleRS in multiple complexes. Identical conformations were found for the bound ATP. Thus, the predicted structural homology between IleRS and MetRS is supported by consensus enzyme-bound nucleotide conformations. The conformation of the bound nucleotide is not sensitive to occupation of the amino acid site of MetRS or IleRS. Therefore, conformational changes known to occur in the synthetases upon ligand binding appear not to alter the bound conformation of the adenosine portion of the nucleotide. Nuclear Overhauser effects on the substrate amino acid L-selenomethionine were also used to evaluate the enzyme-bound conformation of the cognate amino acid. The amino acid assumes a conformation which is consistent with a proposed editing mechanism.^ The E. coli MetRS was shown to catalyze amino acid $\alpha$-proton exchange in the presence of deuterium oxide of all cognate amino acids. It is proposed that the enzyme-bound zinc coordinates the $\alpha$-carboxylate of the amino acid, rendering the $\alpha$-proton more acidic. An enzymic base is responsible for exchange of the $\alpha$-proton. This proposal suggests that the enzyme-bound zinc may have a role in amino acid discrimination in MetRS. However, the role of this exchange reaction in catalysis remains unknown. ^


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The preparations, X-ray structures, and magnetic characterizations are presented for two new pentadecanuclear cluster compounds:  [NiII{NiII(MeOH)3}8(μ-CN)30{MV(CN)3}6]·xMeOH·yH2O (MV = MoV (1) with x = 17, y = 1; MV = WV (2) with x = 15, y = 0). Both compounds crystallize in the monoclinic space group C2/c, with cell dimensions of a = 28.4957(18) Å, b = 19.2583(10) Å, c = 32.4279(17) Å, β = 113.155(6)°, and Z = 4 for 1 and a = 28.5278(16) Å, b = 19.2008(18) Å, c = 32.4072(17) Å, β = 113.727(6)°, and Z = 4 for 2. The structures of 1 and 2 consist of neutral cluster complexes comprising 15 metal ions, 9 NiII and 6 MV, all linked by μ-cyano ligands. Magnetic susceptibilities and magnetization measurements of compounds 1 and 2 in the crystalline and dissolved state indicate that these clusters have a S = 12 ground state, originating from intracluster ferromagnetic exchange interactions between the μ-cyano-bridged metal ions of the type NiII−NC−MV. Indeed, these data show clearly that the cluster molecules stay intact in solution. Ac magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal that the cluster compounds exhibit magnetic susceptibility relaxation phenomena at low temperatures since, with nonzero dc fields, χ‘ ‘M has a nonzero value that is frequency dependent. However, there appears no out-of-phase (χ‘ ‘M) signal in zero dc field down to 1.8 K, which excludes the expected signature for a single molecule magnet. This finding is confirmed with the small uniaxial magnetic anisotropy value for D of 0.015 cm-1, deduced from the high-field, high-frequency EPR measurement, which distinctly reveals a positive sign in D. Obviously, the overall magnetic anisotropy of the compounds is too low, and this may be a consequence of a small single ion magnetic anisotropy combined with the highly symmetric arrangement of the metal ions in the cluster molecule.


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The numerical simulations of the magnetic properties of extended three-dimensional networks containing M(II) ions with an S = 5/2 ground-state spin have been carried out within the framework of the isotropic Heisenberg model. Analytical expressions fitting the numerical simulations for the primitive cubic, diamond, together with (10−3) cubic networks have all been derived. With these empirical formulas in hands, we can now extract the interaction between the magnetic ions from the experimental data for these networks. In the case of the primitive cubic network, these expressions are directly compared with those from the high-temperature expansions of the partition function. A fit of the experimental data for three complexes, namely [(N(CH3)4][Mn(N3)] 1, [Mn(CN4)]n 2, and [FeII(bipy)3][MnII2(ox)3] 3, has been carried out. The best fits were those obtained using the following parameters, J = −3.5 cm-1, g = 2.01 (1); J = −8.3 cm-1, g = 1.95 (2); and J = −2.0 cm-1, g = 1.95 (3).


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By reacting 4,4′-bipyridine (bpy) with selected trinuclear triangular CuII complexes, [Cu3(μ3-OH)(μ-pz)3(RCOO)2(LL′)] [pz = pyrazolate anion; R = CH3, CH3CH2, CH2═CH, CH2═C(CH3); L, L′ = Hpz, H2O, MeOH] in MeOH, the substitution of monotopic ligands by ditopic bpy was observed. Depending on the stoichiometric reaction ratios, different compounds were isolated and structurally characterized. One- and two-dimensional coordination polymers (CPs), as well as two hexanuclear CuII clusters were identified. One of the hexanuclear clusters self-assembles into a supramolecular three-dimensional structure, and its crystal packing shows the presence of two intersecting channels, one of which is almost completely occupied by guest bpy, while in the second one guest water molecules are present. This compound also shows a reversible, thermally induced, single-crystal-to-single-crystal transition.


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We investigated cross-sectional associations between intakes of zinc, magnesium, heme- and non heme iron, beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E and inflammation and subclinical atherosclerosis in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). We also investigated prospective associations between those micronutrients and incident MetS, T2D and CVD. Participants between 45-84 years of age at baseline were followed between 2000 and 2007. Dietary intake was assessed at baseline using a 120-item food frequency questionnaire. Multivariable linear regression and Cox proportional hazard regression models were used to evaluate associations of interest. Dietary intakes of non-heme iron and Mg were inversely associated with tHcy concentrations (geometric means across quintiles: 9.11, 8.86, 8.74, 8.71, and 8.50 µmol/L for non-heme iron, and 9.20, 9.00, 8.65, 8.76, and 8.33 µmol/L for Mg; ptrends <0.001). Mg intake was inversely associated with high CC-IMT; odds ratio (95% CI) for extreme quintiles 0.76 (0.58, 1.01), ptrend: 0.002. Dietary Zn and heme-iron were positively associated with CRP (geometric means: 1.73, 1.75, 1.78, 1.88, and 1.96 mg/L for Zn and 1.72, 1.76, 1.83, 1.86, and 1.94 mg/L for heme-iron). In the prospective analysis, dietary vitamin E intake was inversely associated with incident MetS and with incident CVD (HR [CI] for extreme quintiles - MetS: 0.78 [0.62-0.97] ptrend=0.01; CVD: 0.69 [0.46-1.03]; ptrend =0.04). Intake of heme-iron from red meat and Zn from red meat, but not from other sources, were each positively associated with risk of CVD (HR [CI] - heme-iron from red meat: 1.65 [1.10-2.47] ptrend = 0.01; Zn from red meat: 1.51 [1.02 - 2.24] ptrend =0.01) and MetS (HR [CI] - heme-iron from red meat: 1.25 [0.99-1.56] ptrend =0.03; Zn from red meat: 1.29 [1.03-1.61]; ptrend = 0.04). All associations evaluated were similar across different strata of gender, race-ethnicity and alcohol intake. Most of the micronutrients investigated were not associated with the outcomes of interest in this multi-ethnic cohort. These observations do not provide consistent support for the hypothesized association of individual nutrients with inflammatory markers, MetS, T2D, or CVD. However, nutrients consumed in red meat, or consumption of red meat as a whole, may increase risk of MetS and CVD.^


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Chemical and mineralogical compositions of ferromanganese oxide coatings on rocks dredged from the New England Seamounts, the Sierra Leone Rise and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near the Equator have been determined in an investigation of regional differences in Atlantic ferromanganese deposits. Most encrustations are clearly of hydrogenous origin, consisting mainly of todorokite and delta MnO2, but several recovered from the equatorial fracture zones may be hydrothermal accumulations. Differences in the chemistry of the water column and in growth rates of the ferromanganese coatings may be important in producing this regional contrast in composition. Fine-scale changes in element abundances within the encrustations indicate that the nature of the substrate has little influence on compositional variations.