881 resultados para Whale watching


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BACKGROUND Herpesvirus can infect a wide range of animal species: mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians and bivalves. In marine mammals, several alpha- and gammaherpesvirus have been identified in some cetaceans and pinnipeds species. To date, however, this virus has not been detected in any member of the Balaenoptera genus. CASE PRESENTATION Herpesvirus was determined by molecular methods in tissue samples from a male fin whale juvenile (Balaenoptera physalus) and a female common minke whale calf (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) stranded on the Mediterranean coast of the Region of Valencia (Spain). Samples of skin and penile mucosa from the fin whale and samples of skin, muscle and central nervous system tissue from the common minke whale tested positive for herpesvirus based on sequences of the DNA polymerase gene. Sequences from fin whale were identical and belonged to the Alphaherpesvirinae subfamily. Only members of the Gammaherpesvirinae subfamily were amplified from the common minke whale, and sequences from the muscle and central nervous system were identical. Sequences in GenBank most closely related to these novel sequences were viruses isolated from other cetacean species, consistent with previous observations that herpesviruses show similar phylogenetic branching as their hosts. CONCLUSIONS To our knowledge, this is the first molecular determination of herpesvirus in the Balaenoptera genus. It shows that herpesvirus should be included in virological evaluation of these animals.


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BACKGROUND Monitoring body temperature is essential in veterinary care as minor variations may indicate dysfunction. Rectal temperature is widely used as a proxy for body temperature, but measuring it requires special equipment, training or restraining, and it potentially stresses animals. Infrared thermography is an alternative that reduces handling stress, is safer for technicians and works well for untrained animals. This study analysed thermal reference points in five marine mammal species: bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus); beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas); Patagonian sea lion (Otaria flavescens); harbour seal (Phoca vitulina); and Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens). RESULTS The thermogram analysis revealed that the internal blowhole mucosa temperature is the most reliable indicator of body temperature in cetaceans. The temperatures taken during voluntary breathing with a camera held perpendicularly were practically identical to the rectal temperature in bottlenose dolphins and were only 1 °C lower than the rectal temperature in beluga whales. In pinnipeds, eye temperature appears the best parameter for temperature control. In these animals, the average times required for temperatures to stabilise after hauling out, and the average steady-state temperature values, differed according to species: Patagonian sea lions, 10 min, 31.13 °C; harbour seals, 10 min, 32.27 °C; Pacific walruses, 5 min, 29.93 °C. CONCLUSIONS The best thermographic and most stable reference points for monitoring body temperature in marine mammals are open blowhole in cetaceans and eyes in pinnipeds.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Atividade Física, especialização em Desporto Adaptado.


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Abstract: Sleep has numerous important functions in the body, such as consolidation of memory, concentration and learning. Changes in sleep cycles in adolescents lead to sleep deprivation with consequences to academic performance. Our research question was What are the sleep habits that influence school performance (study environment, study planning, study method, reading skills, motivation to study, overall school performance) in adolescents? We aimed to identify sleep habits predictors of the quality of school performance in adolescents. Research Methods: Crosssectional analytical study. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire with socio-demographic questions, sleep habits and school performance scale. The sample consisted of 380 students between 7th and 9th grade, with an average age of 13.56 ± 1.23 years in the school year 2011/2012, from a 2nd and 3rd Cycle Basic School of the municipality of Viseu, Portugal. Findings: School performance in adolescents was associated with better subjective quality of sleep (p=0.000), with longer sleep duration (p=0.000), with watching tv/video before sleep (p=0.000), with the habit of studying before bedtime (p=0.012), with no computer use (p=0.013) and with reading habits before bed (p=0.000). School performance was also associated with adolescents who reported not feeling sleepy during class. The teenagers who sleep more and better, and who watch tv/video, study, do not use computers, and who read before going to bed, have a better school performance.


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Over the last few months I have been watching Madam Secretary on DVD. The television series revolves around the professional and personal life of a female US Secretary of State, and also features a female Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (head of the military), a female Attorney General, and a female director of the FBI. In real life, the United States has had three female Secretaries of State in recent administrations, including one who could be the next President, significant numbers of women at the top levels of government, and more than thirty 4 star admirals and generals.


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This study examined the prospective associations of reallocating time spent in different types of sedentary behavior, physical activity, and sleep with body mass index (BMI) in children using isotemporal substitution analysis. Methods Chinese children in grades 1-3 were recruited to a cohort study in 2009 and were followed up over a 2-yr period. Reports were gathered from the parents on children's sedentary behavior, sleep duration, and sociodemographic variables. The reported sedentary behavior types were then grouped into three categories: screen time (e.g., watching TV), academic-related activities (e.g., doing homework), and other sedentary behaviors (e.g., sitting and talking). Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and light-intensity physical activity were assessed by ActiGraph accelerometry (ActiGraph, Pensacola, FL). Isotemporal substitution models were performed to examine the effects of time allocation on BMI. Results A total of 672 children (359 boys, mean age at recruitment = 7.6 yr) who had provided valid accelerometer data for at least one assessment time point were included in the analysis. Controlling for covariates and total behavior time, isotemporal substitution models indicated that the displacement of 30 min·d -1 of other sedentary behaviors with equal amounts of screen time (B = 0.12; 95% confidence interval, 0.04-0.20) or academic-related activities (B = 0.13; 95% confidence interval, 0.04-0.21) was associated with higher BMI. Reallocating 30 min·d -1 of MVPA with each of the sedentary behavior variables resulted in increased BMI. Conclusions The substitution of screen time or academic-related activities with other sedentary behaviors or MVPA was associated with lower BMI in Chinese children.


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Ethos is the spirit that motivates ideas and practices. When we talk casually about the ethos of a town, state, or country we are describing the fundamental or at least underlying rationale for action, as we see it. Ideology is a way of looking at things.It is the set of ideas that constitute one’s goals, expectations, and actions. In this brief essay I want to create a space where we might talk about the ethos and ideology in knowledge organization from a particular point of view; combining ideas and inspiration from the Arts and Crafts movement of the early Twentieth Century, critical theory in extant knowledge organization work, the work of Slavoj Žižek, and the work of Thich Nhat Hahn on Engaged Buddhism.I will expand more below, but we can say here and now that there are many open questions about ethos and ideology in and of knowledge organization, both its practice and products. Many of them in classification, positioned as they are around identity politics of race, gender, and other marginalized groups, ask the classificationist to be mindful of the choice of terms and relationships between terms. From this work we understand that race and gender requires special consideration, which manifests as a particular concern for the form of representation inside extant schemes. Even with these advances in our understanding there are still other categories about which we must make decisions and take action. For example, there are ethical decisions about fiduciary resource allocation, political decisions about standards adoption, and even broader zeitgeist considerations like the question of Fordist conceptions (Day, 2001; Tennis 2006) of the mechanics of description and representation present in much of today’s practice.Just as taking action in a particular way is an ethical concern, so too is avoiding a lack of action. Scholars in Knowledge Organization have also looked at the absence of what we might call right action in the context of cataloguing and classification. This leads to some problems above, and hints at larger ethical concerns of watching a subtle semantic violence go on without intervention (Bowker and Star, 2001; Bade 2006).The problem is not to act or not act, but how to act or not act in an ethical way, or at least with ethical considerations. The action advocated by an ethical consideration for knowledge organization is an engaged one, and it is here where we can take a nod from contemporary ethical theory advanced by Engaged Buddhism. In this context we can see the manifestation of fourteen precepts that guide ethical action, and warn against lack of action.


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Abstract : The goal of this study was to determine whether providing videos for students to watch before class would be more effective than assigning readings. The study took place within a flipped classroom: a methodology designed to engage students in the initial construction of knowledge before class, freeing up classroom time for active learning pedagogies. Preparing for class by watching videos should require less of the students’ time than doing readings, and they should respond better to videos than to readings because these more closely mimic this generation’s interactions with information and media. Consequently, flipped classroom students provided with videos should perceive a lower workload, which could translate into more positive learning outcomes. From an instructor’s perspective, however, developing and organizing videos is extremely time consuming. Thus, a teacher giving consideration to flipping their class would likely want to know whether videos would lead to positive outcomes for their students before actually committing to developing these. However, no research to date was identified which has examined the question of whether flipped class videos would be more effective than readings. The hypotheses for the study were that videos would result in measurable learning gains for the students, and would lead to lower time demands and perceived workloads, as well as more positive attitudes. These were tested using a quasi-experimental design involving a convenience sample of two small college General Biology 1 courses taught by the same teacher. One group had videos to watch before class for the first 1/3 of the course (treatment; Class A), during which the other was assigned readings (control; Class B). Following this, both groups were provided with videos. Student scores were compared on pre-instruction and in-class quizzes, activities, four unit tests, and a final exam. Further, students completed a 44 item survey as well as a demographic questionnaire. Results suggest greater learning gains for students provided with videos. Certainly, students from Class B improved significantly when provided with videos, especially as compared to Class A, whose improvement over the same time span was marginal. However, conclusions based on these results are somewhat tentative, as Class A performed rather poorly on all summative assessments, and this could have driven the patterns observed, at least partially. From the surveys, Class B students reported that they spent more time preparing for class, were less likely to do the necessary preparations, and generally perceived their effort and workload levels to be higher. These factors were significant enough that they contributed to four students from Class B (10% of the class) dropping the course over the semester. In addition, students from both groups also reported more positive attitudes towards videos than readings, although they did not necessarily feel that videos were (or would be) a more effective study and learning tool. The results of this study suggest that any effort on the part of an instructor to prepare or organize videos as pre-class instructional tools would likely be well spent. However, even outside of the context of a flipped classroom, this study provides an indication that assigned readings can place heavy workload requirements on students, which should give cause for any instructor employing mandatory readings to reassess their approach. Finally, since both groups were statistically equivalent across all measured demographic variables, it appears that some of the observed disparities in assessment scores may have been driven by differences in group dynamics. Consequently, the suggestion is made that an instrument to measure classroom climate should be incorporated into any research design comparing two or more interacting groups of students, as group dynamics have the potential to play a key role in any outcomes.||Résumé : L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer si fournir des vidéos aux étudiants avant une classe serait plus efficace comme méthode d’apprentissage individuel que de leur donner une liste de lectures à compléter. L'étude a eu lieu dans une classe renversée – une stratégie plus reconnu sous le nom de «classroom flipping» – ce qui ce trouve à être une méthodologie qui vise à obliger les élèves d’accomplir le transfert de connaissances initial avant la classe, en vue de libérer du temps de classe pour des activités pédagogiques plus approfondie. En théorie, pour les élèves, se préparer pour une classe renversé en regardant des vidéos devrait exiger moins de temps que d’être obligé à apprendre le matériel en lisant. En plus, présenter le matériel d’un cours avec des vidéos imite de plus près les genres d’interactions qu’on les étudiants de cette génération avec de l'information et les médias, ce qui devrait faciliter leur tâche. Par conséquent, les élèves d’une classe renversée fournies avec des vidéos devraient percevoir une charge de travail moins élevée, et ceci pourrait se traduire en bilans d'apprentissage plus positifs. Cependant, du point de vue du professeur, avoir à développer et organiser des vidéos se présente comme un gros défi, surtout en vue du temps et de l’effort qui sont requis. Ainsi, un enseignant qui songe à renversée sa classe voudrait probablement savoir si le fait d’offrir des vidéos mène à des résultats positifs avant de réellement s'engager dans le développement de ces derniers. Par contre, lors de l’écriture de ce texte, aucune étude n’a été identifié qui répond à cette question, et aucune publication compare la performance des étudiants lorsqu’ils ont des vidéos à regarder avec lorsqu’ils sont obligés de faire de la lecture pour se préparer. Alors, les hypothèses de l'étude étaient que des étudiants ayant accès à des vidéos démontreraient des gains d’apprentissages évidents, qu’ils apercevraient des requêtes de temps moins encombrantes et une charge de travail plus faible, et, en vue de ces derniers, que les étudiants auraient des attitudes plus positives envers le cours et le matériel. Les hypothèses ont été testés à l'aide d'un modèle quasi-expérimental, avec comme échantillon deux classes collégiales de Biologie générale 1, tout les deux enseignés par le même professeur. Un de ces groupes avaient accès à des vidéos pour se préparer pour chaque classe lors du premier tiers du cours, alors que l’autre groupe étaient obligé de faire de la lecture. Après le premier tiers du cours, ce qui fut 10 des 30 classes du semestre, les deux groupes ont été fournis avec des vidéos pour le restant du cours. Des notes ont été ramassées et comparées sur des mini-examens préparatoires avant et durant les classes, sur des activités complétées en classe, sur quatre examens en classe, et un examen final. En outre, les étudiants ont rempli un questionnaire composé de 44 items, ainsi qu’un autre questionnaire démographique. Les résultats de l’étude suggèrent qu’une décision d’offrir des vidéos aux élèves peut mener à des gains d'apprentissage plus élevés comparativement à l’option lecture. En particulier, les élèves du groupe initial de lecture se sont considérablement améliorées lorsqu'ils ont été fournis avec des vidéos, surtout par rapport au groupe initial de vidéos, dont l’amélioration durant la même période était marginale. Cependant, ces conclusions sont un peu incertaines, parce que la performance du groupe initial de vidéos était globalement médiocre, ce qui aurait pu mener aux résultats observés. Par contre, les résultats obtenus des questionnaires étaient moins incertains, et indiquent que les élèves qui se sont vues attribués des lectures passaient plus de temps pour préparer leurs classes, étaient plus aptes à ne pas faire les préparatifs nécessaires, et ont aperçus leurs niveaux d'efforts et leurs charges de travails comme étant plus élevés. Ces facteurs étaient suffisamment importants qu'ils ont contribué au fait que quatre étudiants du groupe de lecture, soit 10% de la classe, ont abandonnés le cours durant le premier tiers du semestre. Finalement, les élèves ont démontrés des attitudes plus positives envers les vidéos, bien qu'ils ne trouvaient pas nécessairement que ceux-ci étaient plus efficaces que les lectures lorsqu’ils voulaient étudier pour les examens. Basé sur ces résultats, il est possible de conclure que tout effort de la part d'un instructeur pour préparer ou organiser des vidéos pédagogiques serait probablement un bon investissement. En plus, et même en dehors du contexte d'une classe renversée, cette étude offre une indication qu’une stratégie pédagogique qui oblige les étudiants à faire beaucoup de lecture peut imposer des exigences et une charge de travail très élevée pour les étudiants, ce qui devrait donner cause à tout instructeur qui attribue des lectures à réévaluer leur approche. Enfin, puisque les deux groupes étaient équivalents d’un point de vue statistique sur toutes les mesures démographiques, il semble que certaines disparités entre les deux groupes dans les notes d'évaluation et d’examens peuvent possiblement avoir été entraînées par des différentes dynamiques dans chaque group. Par conséquent, il est suggéré que des mesures de relations entre étudiants et de dynamiques de groupes devraient être incorporé dans n’importe qu’elle recherche comparant deux ou plusieurs groupes d’étudiants, et surtout quand ces étudiants sont en interaction, parce-que en toute apparence les dynamiques de groupes ont le potentiel de jouer un rôle clé dans les résultats obtenus.


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Resumen: Objetivo: determinar la asociación entre el tipo de profesor (especialista y no especialista en educación física), con el nivel de actividad física, el contenido-contexto de la clase y el comportamiento del profesor. Método: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en un colegio distrital de Bogotá. Fueron evaluadas 57 clases de educación física, y dos docentes (uno con formación académica en Educación física), por medio del Sistema para la observación del tiempo de instrucción de la condición física (SOFIT). Las variables observadas fueron analizadas con estadística descriptiva en cantidades relativas a los minutos y proporción de la clase. Para establecer la asociación entre el género de los estudiantes y el tipo de profesor se usaron test t para muestras independientes y U de Mann-Witney. Resultados: La duración promedio de la clase fue 82,7 minutos, 69% del tiempo programado; los estudiantes pasaron la mayor parte del tiempo de pie 29% (25 minutos), el contenido predominante de la clase fue el de tipo general 21% (25 minutos) y los maestros ocuparon en promedio el 36% (29 minutos) de la clase observando. Los estudiantes pasaron 53% (44 minutos) en actividades físicas moderadas a vigorosas (AFMV). Los niños fueron más activos que las niñas (53.94% vs 50,83%). Se observó una asociación positiva entre el género y casi todos los niveles de actividad física de los estudiantes (p<0,05). Se identificó que existe una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p<0,05), para las categorías sentado y estar de pie de la variable Niveles de Actividad física tanto en los resultados expresados en minutos, como en la proporción del tiempo de la clase y para la categoría caminando expresada en tiempo de la clase. Para la variable contenido-contexto se determinó una asociación para la categoría conocimiento, tanto en la proporción como en el número de minutos, y para la categoría contenido general en los resultados expresados en proporción de la clase. Finalmente, para la variable comportamiento del profesor expresada tanto en minutos como en proporción de la clase tuvo significancia estadística en todas sus categorías a excepción de la categoría promover Conclusiones: hay una diferencia importante en la forma como los dos tipos de maestros desarrollan la clase y los niveles de actividad física en que involucran a los estudiantes. La educación física en la escuela debe ser impartida por profesionales formados en el área, que tengan las destrezas y habilidades necesarias para desarrollar una educación física de calidad.


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A close analysis of the specifically cinematographic procedure in Akira Kurosawa’s ‘Dream’ Crows reveals it as an articulated and insightful philosophical statement, endowed with general relevance concerning ‘natural’ perception, phenomenological Erlebnis, mechanical image and aesthetic rapture. The antagonism between the Benjaminian lineage of a mechanical irreducibility of the cinematic image to anthropocentric categories, and the Cartesian tradition of a film-philosophy still relying on the equally irreducible structure of the intentional act, be it the one of a deeply embodied and enworlded counsciousness, in accounting for the essential structure of film and spectator (and their relation), i.e., the antagonism between the decentering primacy of the image and the self-centered primacy of perception, cannot be settled through a simple Phenomenological shift from occularcentric, intentional counsciousness to its embodyment ‘in-the-world’ as yet another carrier of intentionality. Still it remains to be explained what is it in the mechanical image that is able to so deeply affect the human flesh, and conversely, to what features in the human bodily experience is its mechanical other, the fascinating image, so successfuly adressing? It should be expected from the anti-Cartesianism of both the early and the late Merleau-Ponty the textual support for an approach to the essential condition of passivity in movie watching, that would be convergent with Benjamin. The Chapter ‘Le sentir’, in Phénoménologie de la perception, will offer us the proper guide to elucidate what we are already perceiving and conceiving in Kurosawa’s film, where the ex-static phenomenological body of the aesthetical contemplator ‘enters the frame’ like the Benjaminian surgeon enters the body and like the painter - and always already like our deepest level of ‘sensing’, previously to any act of cousciousness - ‘just looses himself in the scene before him’. The Polichinello secret of cinema watching is nonetheless too evident to be seen, and that is where Phenomenological description and reduction are still required.


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The purpose of this study was to identify the quality of life profile, overweight-obesity and sedentary behavior in a group of elementary and high school children of Guanacaste. 635 students participated in the study. The participants completed a protocol by which they were anthropometrically evaluated, and also filled up a questionnaire related to sedentary behavior and quality of life. In general, the findings reflected a prevalence of overweight and obesity of 13, 9%. The most important sedentary activities were, in descending order, the small screen (watching TV, video games, computer), and certain social and cultural activities. The self-reported quality of life index was within acceptable limits but not exceeding 80 points on a scale of 1-100. There was no significant relationship between the rate of the overall quality of life, overweight, obesity and some sedentary behaviors, although some anthropometric parameters like percentage of body fat and body weight showed significant correlation with sedentary behavior and specific aspects belonging to quality of life. The study provides valuable information to health authorities, directors of educational institutions and parents about key issues related to child development.