967 resultados para Welding automation portal
"Ciência e cultura mas que mistura” tem como principal objetivo dar a conhecer a TCA, promover a sua utilização como uma ferramenta acessível e desta forma contribuir para melhorar os hábitos alimentares dos cidadãos. A TCA é um documento de referência nacional para a composição dos alimentos consumidos em Portugal, que reúne informação sobre o teor de 42 componentes/nutrientes (Energia, Macroconstituintes, Ácidos Gordos, Colesterol, Vitaminas e Minerais). A versão atual da TCA inclui 1094 alimentos (crus, cozinhados e processados). É uma iniciativa do Instituto Ricardo Jorge, através do seu Departamento de Alimentação e Nutrição, em colaboração com a Associação dos Armadores de Pesca Local e Artesanal do Centro Sul e a Docapesca. Nesta primeira edição da iniciativa será apresentado o grupo do pescado, alimento-chave no padrão de alimentação mediterrânico.
Apresenta as políticas públicas de acesso à informação científica, destacando o insigne papel desempenhado pelo Portal de Periódicos da Coordenação Nacional de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). O estudo trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória e bibliográfica. Aponta o Portal como redutor das desigualdades regionais relacionadas ao acesso à Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia, disponibilizando periódicos científicos veiculados aos avanços e discussões constituídas no contexto acadêmico nos diversos campos do conhecimento. Conclui que o Portal atua como importante instrumento no avanço da comunicação científica, subsidiando e promovendo o acesso à Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia em tempo real, disponibilizando aos pesquisadores grande fatia da produção científica internacional e nacional atualizada, propiciando o avanço da pós-graduação brasileira em nível stricto sensu. Contudo, por outro lado, deve existir um contínuo trabalho da CAPES de modernização da plataforma, mediante a aquisição de materiais informacionais atualizados com novos conteúdos e melhoria da interface.
Presentation from the MARAC conference in Pittsburgh, PA on April 14–16, 2016. S15 - The Duchamp Research Portal: Moving an Idea to Proof of Concept.
El proyecto consiste en un portal de búsqueda de vulnerabilidades web, llamado Krashr, cuyo objetivo es el de buscar si una página web introducida por un usuario contiene algún tipo de vulnerabilidad explotable, además de tratar de ayudar a este usuario a arreglar las vulnerabilidades encontradas. Se cuenta con un back-end realizado en Python con una base de datos PostreSQL, un front-end web realizado en AngularJS y una API basada en Node.js y Express que comunica los dos frentes.
Automation technologies are widely acclaimed to have the potential to significantly reduce energy consumption and energy-related costs in buildings. However, despite the abundance of commercially available technologies, automation in domestic environments keep on meeting commercial failures. The main reason for this is the development process that is used to build the automation applications, which tend to focus more on technical aspects rather than on the needs and limitations of the users. An instance of this problem is the complex and poorly designed home automation front-ends that deter customers from investing in a home automation product. On the other hand, developing a usable and interactive interface is a complicated task for developers due to the multidisciplinary challenges that need to be identified and solved. In this context, the current research work investigates the different design problems associated with developing a home automation interface as well as the existing design solutions that are applied to these problems. The Qualitative Data Analysis approach was used for collecting data from research papers and the open coding process was used to cluster the findings. From the analysis of the data collected, requirements for designing the interface were derived. A home energy management functionality for a Web-based home automation front-end was developed as a proof-of-concept and a user evaluation was used to assess the usability of the interface. The results of the evaluation showed that this holistic approach to designing interfaces improved its usability which increases the chances of its commercial success.
Atualmente, os “novos turistas” são utilizadores experientes das novas tecnologias e estão predispostos e motivados para praticar um tipo de turismo diferente, especialmente no que diz respeito ao planeamento das suas viagens para obter novas experiências. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar, através de uma revisão da literatura, um potencial segmento de turismo designado de Turismo Místico, com o propósito de criar um website de oferta de experiências turísticas em Portugal com carater inovador e sentimental. O Website foi desenvolvido e testado numa fase beta através de um questionário adaptado do Modelo WebQual de Loiacono. Os resultados obtidos, além de permitirem a avaliação da perceção da qualidade do Website, também indicam formas de melhorar ou adaptar o produto final aos objetivos planeados. A principal conclusão destaca o fator entretenimento como o mais importante na perceção da qualidade do Website e na intenção decisiva de revisita do mesmo. A era do marketing digital criou um consumidor mais proativo, o prosumidor, que participa no processo de desenvolvimento de produtos e serviços.
Presentamos el caso clínico de una mujer de 62 años de edad, con antecedentes de cirrosis hepática secundaria a hepatitis autoinmune, hipertensión portal y coagulopatía, quien presenta en gastroscopia, unas lesiones polipoideas, semipediculadas, polilobuladas en la región prepilórica, que se extirpan y cuya anatomía patológica se describe como pólipos hiperplásicos con edema, congestión vascular e hiperplasia del músculo liso, sin displasia ni cambios adenomatosos, correspondientes a "pólipos de la hipertensión portal" (PHP).
Benefitting from Web 2.0 features, Social Media allows organisations to be where the users are, creating proximity, talking to them, and knowing what they want. Going viral and word-of-mouth become easier, as these platforms allow us to share, to like, and to use multimedia and convergence – as they can interact with each other, communicating on a large scale. Given that online portals provide for a highly competitive environment, players strive to get more visits, better search rankings, and even aspire to be the homepage for the Web universe. We discuss the integration of Social Media tools in a Web Portal, and explore how using these together may improve the competitiveness of a Web Portal. A large Web Portal was selected to develop this case study. We found that, although for this particular Web Portal conditions were created to accommodate and integrate the chosen Social Media platforms, this was done in an organic and fluid way, with great focus on community construction and less focus on absorptive capacity. Based on the findings of this case study, we propose a dynamic cycle of benefits for integrating Social Media tools in a Web Portal.
En la actualidad, la gestión de proyectos de investigación en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid se encuentra parcialmente automatizada o soportada mediante el uso de aplicaciones informáticas. No obstante, los procesos de justificación más habituales en la gestión económica de los proyectos de investigación (gestión de pagos / compras, gestión y justificación de viajes y gestión de material inventariable) se lleva a cabo en papel y manualmente. GesInv nace con objeto de facilitar y agilizar estos procesos que suponen una gran carga de trabajo a los investigadores y al personal administrativo debido a la gran cantidad de trámites que se gestionan en la UCM. GesInv proporciona un portal web que integra a todos los actores que están involucrados en los mencionados procedimientos, permitiendo la tramitación electrónica que disminuye los tiempos de tramitación y disminuye los errores cometidos al trasladar la información del papel a digital (como en la actualidad se lleva a cabo).
El juez en línea https://www.aceptaelreto.com desarrollado por profesores de la UCM basa su éxito no solamente en la funcionalidad como juez, sino en la batería de problemas de programación que aloja y que presentan retos lo suficientemente variados como para satisfacer a un amplio rango de usuarios. El documento es la memoria final de un Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora de la Calidad Docente (PIMCD) de 2015 en el que se crearon más de 60 problemas para este juez.
Purpose: The purpose of this work is to increase the possibilities of designing building components for specific demands to increase the building’s value, and to investigate how the possibilities can be affected by automating the production process. Method: The theoretical framework, which this study is based on, was collected using literature studies and was thereafter combined with the empirics, which were retrieved from qualitative methods as interviews and planned observations. A case study was made of the building Ormhuset in Jönköping. Findings: The objective of this work is to investigate the possibilities for designing roofs by using new automation methods for the production process of wooden roof structures. This study implies that parametric design can be used to generate new innovative shapes and designs that are optimised according to specific criteria. Furthermore, an increased use of automation in the production process of wooden roof trusses result in cheaper roof trusses, regardless of their shapes. The generated optimized designs are therefore cheaper and easier to produce using more automation in the production process. Implications: If parametric design is used, almost any kind of shapes can be generated and optimised. To ensure manufacturability of a design, an early connection between architect and manufacturer is important. Furthermore, increased use of automation can lead to easier and faster production of roof trusses and investing in more automation can be relevant for companies with large production volumes. Using digital files to control the manufacturing machines is time saving. There are alternative manufacturing methods for advanced roof structurers in wood, which are better suited for production, which cannot be rationalized as for roof trusses. Constraints for increased automation are often a high investment cost and limited space. Limitations: If the study is performed on another case than Ormhuset and with other respondents, the result might have differed but could be similar, why this study is not generally valid but only shows one possible outcome.
Companies operating in the wood processing industry need to increase their productivity by implementing automation technologies in their production systems. An increasing global competition and rising raw material prizes challenge their competitiveness. Yet, too extensive automation brings risks such as a deterioration in situation awareness and operator deskilling. The concept of Levels of Automation is generally seen as means to achieve a balanced task allocation between the operators’ skills and competences and the need for automation technology relieving the humans from repetitive or hazardous work activities. The aim of this thesis was to examine to what extent existing methods for assessing Levels of Automation in production processes are applicable in the wood processing industry when focusing on an improved competitiveness of production systems. This was done by answering the following research questions (RQ): RQ1: What method is most appropriate to be applied with measuring Levels of Automation in the wood processing industry? RQ2: How can the measurement of Levels of Automation contribute to an improved competitiveness of the wood processing industry’s production processes? Literature reviews were used to identify the main characteristics of the wood processing industry affecting its automation potential and appropriate assessment methods for Levels of Automation in order to answer RQ1. When selecting the most suitable method, factors like the relevance to the target industry, application complexity or operational level the method is penetrating were important. The DYNAMO++ method, which covers both a rather quantitative technical-physical and a more qualitative social-cognitive dimension, was seen as most appropriate when taking into account these factors. To answer RQ 2, a case study was undertaken at a major Swedish manufacturer of interior wood products to point out paths how the measurement of Levels of Automation contributes to an improved competitiveness of the wood processing industry. The focus was on the task level on shop floor and concrete improvement suggestions were elaborated after applying the measurement method for Levels of Automation. Main aspects considered for generalization were enhancements regarding ergonomics in process design and cognitive support tools for shop-floor personnel through task standardization. Furthermore, difficulties regarding the automation of grading and sorting processes due to the heterogeneous material properties of wood argue for a suitable arrangement of human intervention options in terms of work task allocation. The application of a modified version of DYNAMO++ reveals its pros and cons during a case study which covers a high operator involvement in the improvement process and the distinct predisposition of DYNAMO++ to be applied in an assembly system.