982 resultados para Wasp pollination


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This study shows that MP-1, a peptide from the venom of the Polybia paulista wasp, is more toxic to human leukemic T-lymphocytes than to human primary lymphocytes. By using model membranes and electrophysiology measurements to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying this selective action, the porelike activity of MP-1 was identified with several bilayer compositions. The highest average conductance was found in bilayers formed by phosphatidylcholine or a mixture of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine (70:30). The presence of cholesterol or cardiolipin substantially decreases the MP-1 pore activity, suggesting that the membrane fluidity influences the mechanism of selective toxicity. The determination of partition coefficients from the anisotropy of Tip indicated higher coefficients for the anionic bilayers. The partition coefficients were found to be 1 order of magnitude smaller when the bilayers contain cholesterol or a mixture of cholesterol and sphingomyelin. The blue shift fluorescence, anisotropy values, and Stern-Volmer constants are indications of a deeper penetration of MP-1 into anionic bilayers than into zwitterionic bilayers. Our results indicate that MP-1 prefers to target leukemic cell membranes, and its toxicity is probably related to the induction of necrosis and not to DNA fragmentation. This mode of action can be interpreted considering a number of bilayer properties like fluidity, lipid charge, and domain formation. Cholesterol-containing bilayers are less fluid and less charged and have a tendency to form domains. In comparison to healthy cells, leukemic T-lymphocyte membranes are deprived of this lipid, resulting in decreased peptide binding and lower conductance. We showed that the higher content of anionic lipids increases the level of binding of the peptide to bilayers. Additionally, the absence of cholesterol resulted in enhanced pore activity. These findings may drive the selective toxicity of MP-1 to Jurkat cells.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes tipos de polinização sobre a qualidade de frutos de cultivares de morangueiro e sua contribuição isolada para a massa dos frutos, bem como determinar o potencial de Plebeia nigriceps (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponini) como agente polinizador em ambiente protegido. As cultivares Aromas, Diamante e Cegnidarem foram submetidas a tratamentos com autopolinização, polinização por P. nigriceps e polinização livre. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em estufa tipo pampeana, coberta com polietileno transparente e desprovida de telas anti-insetos nas laterais, com 1.344 plantas. Para as avaliações, foram marcadas 56 flores primárias em botão, de cada cultivar, e considerou-se cada planta uma repetição. Avaliaram-se massa de matéria fresca, peso, diâmetro, comprimento e presença de deformação nos frutos. A polinização entomófila tem contribuição variada à massa dos frutos, de acordo com a cultivar. As cultivares apresentam sensibilidade variada à autopolinização, no que se refere à incidência de frutos deformados. A interferência da polinização entomófila na produtividade do morangueiro está mais relacionada à redução do percentual de frutos deformados do que ao aumento da massa dos frutos em si. O comportamento de P. nigriceps indica que a espécie apresenta potencial para polinização da cultura do morangueiro em ambiente protegido.


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Alguns fatores podem influenciar a distribuição dos recursos florais e sistemas de polinização bióticos nos ecossistemas, como por exemplo, o clima, a altitude, a região geográfica, fragmentação de áreas naturais e as diferenças na composição florística na estratificação vertical. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a distribuição dos sistemas de polinização bióticos na estratificação vertical em fragmentos de cerrado sentido restrito no Triângulo Mineiro. Não houve diferença significativa (χ²0,05,9 =14,17; p = 0,12) na riqueza florística geral entre os fragmentos, nem quando comparada em separado para cada estrato (arbóreo, arbustivo, herbáceo e liana), estando o estrato arbustivo mais bem representado. Da mesma forma, não houve diferenças significativas entre fragmentos quanto aos sistemas de polinização (χ²0,05,21 =13,80; p = 0,8778), sendo a polinização por abelhas mais comum, correspondendo ao menos 85% das espécies de plantas em cada fragmento. Em termos relativos, as plantas polinizadas por abelhas foram dominantes em todos os estratos, chegando a 100% das lianas e herbáceas em alguns fragmentos. Neste estudo, com base na composição florística e distribuição dos sistemas de polinização na estratificação vertical, podemos caracterizar um mosaico vertical no cerrado sentido restrito, que tem implicações na sustentabilidade das comunidades no cerrado, assim como os mosaicos horizontais de fitofisionomias.


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Surprisingly little is known of the toxic arsenal of cnidarian nematocysts compared to other venomous animals. Here we investigate the toxins of nematocysts isolated from the jellyfish Olindias sambaquiensis. A total of 29 unique ms/ms events were annotated as potential toxins homologous to the toxic proteins from diverse animal phyla, including conesnails, snakes, spiders, scorpions, wasp, bee, parasitic worm and other Cnidaria. Biological activities of these potential toxins include cytolysins, neurotoxins, phospholipases and toxic peptidases. The presence of several toxic enzymes is intriguing, such as sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase B (SMase B) that has only been described in certain spider venoms, and a prepro-haystatin P-IIId snake venom metalloproteinase (SVMP) that activates coagulation factor X, which is very rare even in snake venoms. Our annotation reveals sequence orthologs to many representatives of the most important superfamilies of peptide venoms suggesting that their origins in higher organisms arise from deep eumetazoan innovations. Accordingly, cnidarian venoms may possess unique biological properties that might generate new leads in the discovery of novel pharmacologically active drugs.


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Conservatism is a central theme of organismic evolution. Related species share characteristics due to their common ancestry. Some concern have been raised among evolutionary biologists, whether such conservatism is an expression of natural selection or of a constrained ability to adapt. This thesis explores adaptations and constraints within the plant reproductive phase, particularly in relation to the evolution of fleshy fruit types (berries, drupes, etc.) and the seasonal timing of flowering and fruiting. The different studies were arranged along a hierarchy of scale, with general data sets sampled among seed plants at the global scale, through more specific analyses of character evolution within the genus Rhamnus s.l. L. (Rhamnaceae), to descriptive and experimental field studies in a local population of Frangula alnus (Rhamnaceae). Apart from the field study, this thesis is mainly based on comparative methods explicitly incorporating phylogenetic relationships. The comparative study of Rhamnus s.l. species included the reconstruction of phylogenetic hypotheses based on DNA sequences. Among geographically overlapping sister clades, biotic pollination was not correlated with higher species richness when compared to wind pollinated plants. Among woody plants, clades characterized by fleshy fruit types were more species rich than their dry-fruited sister clades, suggesting that the fleshy fruit is a key innovation in woody habitats. Moreover, evolution of fleshy fruits was correlated with a change to more closed (darker) habitats. An independent contrast study within Rhamnus s.l. documented allometric relations between plant and fruit size. As a phylogenetic constraint, allometric effects must be considered weak or non-existent, though, as they did not prevail among different subclades within Rhamnus s.l. Fruit size was correlated with seed size and seed number in F. alnus. This thesis suggests that frugivore selection on fleshy fruit may be important by constraining the upper limits of fruit size, when a plant lineage is colonizing (darker) habitats where larger seed size is adaptive. Phenological correlations with fruit set, dispersal, and seed size in F. alnus, suggested that the evolution of reproductive phenology is constrained by trade-offs and partial interdependences between flowering, fruiting, dispersal, and recruitment phases. Phylogenetic constraints on the evolution of phenology were indicated by a lack of correlation between flowering time and seasonal length within Rhamnus cathartica and F. alnus, respectively. On the other hand, flowering time was correlated with seasonal length among Rhamnus s.l. species. Phenological differences between biotically and wind pollinated angiosperms also suggested adaptive change in reproductive phenology.


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Programmed cell death (PCD) is a widely spread phenomenon among multi-cellular organisms. Without the deletion of cells no longer needed, the organism will not be able to develop in a predicted way. It is now belived that all cells have the capacity to self-destruct and that the survival of the cells is depending on the repression of this suicidal programme. PCD has turned out to show similarities in many different species and there are strong indications that the mechanisms running the programme might, at least in some parts, be evolutionarily conserced. PCD is a generic term for different programmes of cell destruction, such as apoptosis and autophagic PCD. An important tool to determine if a cell is undergoing PCD is the transmitting electron microscope. The aims of my study were to find out if, and in what way, the suspensor and endosperm in Vicia faba (Broad bean), which are short-lived structures, undergoes PCD. The endosperm degradation preceed the suspensor cell death and they differ to some extent ultrastructurally. The cell death occurs in both tissues about 13-14 days after pollination when the embryo proper is mature enough to support itself. It was found that both tissues are committed to autophagic PCD, a cell death characteristic of conspicuous formations of autophagic vacuoles. It was shown by histochemical staining that acid phosphatases are accumulated in these vacuoles but are also present in the cytoplasm. These vacuoles are similar to autophagic vacuoles formed in rat liver cells, indicating that autophagy is a widely spread phenomenon. DNA fragmentation is the first visible sign of PCD in both tissues and it is demonstrated by a labelling technique (TUNEL). In the endosperm nuclei the heterochromatin subsequently appears in the form of a network, while in the suspensor it is more conspicuous, with heterochromatin that forms large electron dense aggregates located close to the nuclear envelope. In the suspensor, the plastids develop into chromoplasts with lycopene crystals at the same time or shortly after DNA fragmentation. This is probably due to the fact that the suspensor plastids function as hormone producing organelles and support the embryo proper with indispensable growth factors. Later the embryo will be able to produce its own growth factors and the synthesis of these, in particular gibberelines, might be suppressed in the suspensor. The precursors can then be used for synthesis of lycopene instead. Both the suspensor and endosperm are going through autophagic PCD, but the process differs in some respects. This is probably due the the different function of the two tissues, and that the signals that trigger the process presumably are different. The embryo proper is probably the source of the death signal affecting the suspensor. The endosperm, which has a different origin and function, might be controlling the death signal within its own cell. The death might in this case be related to the age of the cell.


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Habitat loss and fragmentation have a prominent role in determining the size of plant populations, and can affect plant-pollinator interactions. It is hypothesized that in small plant populations the ability to set seeds can be reduced due to limited pollination services, since individuals in small populations can receive less quantity or quality of visits. In this study, I investigated the effect of population size on plant reproductive success and insect visitation in 8 populations of two common species in the island of Lesvos, Greece (Mediterranean Sea), Echium plantagineum and Ballota acetabulosa, and of a rare perennial shrub endemic to north-central Italy, Ononis masquillierii. All the three species depended on insect pollinators for sexual reproduction. For each species, pollen limitation was present in all or nearly all populations, but the relationship between pollen limitation and population size was only present in Ononis masquillierii. However, in Echium plantagineum, significant relationships between both open-pollinated and handcrossed-pollinated seed sets and population size were found, being small populations comparatively less productive than large ones. Additionally, for this species, livestock grazing intensity was greater for small populations and for sparse patches, and had a negative influence on productivity of the remnant plants. Both Echium plantagineum and Ballota acetabulosa attracted a great number of insects, representing a wide spectrum of pollinators, thereby can be considered as generalist species. For Ballota acetabulosa, the most important pollinators were megachilid female bees, and insect diversity didn’t decrease with decreasing plant population size. By contrast, Ononis masquillierii plants generally received few visits, with flowers specialized on small bees (Lasioglossum spp.), representing the most important insect guild. In Echium plantagineum and Ballota acetabulosa, plants in small and large populations received the same amount of visits per flower, and no differences in the number of intraplant visited flowers were detected. On the contrary, large Ononis populations supported higher amounts of pollinators than small ones. At patch level, high Echium flower density was associated with more and higher quality pollinators. My results indicate that small populations were not subject to reduced pollination services than large ones in Echium plantagineum and Ballota acetabulosa, and suggest that grazing and resource limitation could have a major impact on population fitness in Echium plantagineum. The absence of any size effects in these two species can be explained in the light of their high local abundance, wide habitat specificity, and ability to compete with other co-flowering species for pollinators. By contrast, size represents a key characteristic for both pollination and reproduction in Ononis masquillierii populations, as an increase in size could mitigate the negative effects coming from the disadvantageous reproductive traits of the species. Finally, the widespread occurrence of pollen limitation in the three species may be the result of 1) an ongoing weakening or disruption of plantpollinator interactions derived from ecological perturbations, 2) an adaptive equilibrium in response to stochastic processes, and 3) the presence of unfavourable reproductive traits (for Ononis masquillierii).


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Self-incompatibility (SI) systems have evolved in many flowering plants to prevent self-fertilization and thus promote outbreeding. Pear and apple, as many of the species belonging to the Rosaceae, exhibit RNase-mediated gametophytic self-incompatibility, a widespread system carried also by the Solanaceae and Plantaginaceae. Pear orchards must for this reason contain at least two different cultivars that pollenize each other; to guarantee an efficient cross-pollination, they should have overlapping flowering periods and must be genetically compatible. This compatibility is determined by the S-locus, containing at least two genes encoding for a female (pistil) and a male (pollen) determinant. The female determinant in the Rosaceae, Solanaceae and Plantaginaceae system is a stylar glycoprotein with ribonuclease activity (S-RNase), that acts as a specific cytotoxin in incompatible pollen tubes degrading cellular RNAs. Since its identification, the S-RNase gene has been intensively studied and the sequences of a large number of alleles are available in online databases. On the contrary, the male determinant has been only recently identified as a pollen-expressed protein containing a F-box motif, called S-Locus F-box (abbreviated SLF or SFB). Since F-box proteins are best known for their participation to the SCF (Skp1 - Cullin - F-box) E3 ubiquitine ligase enzymatic complex, that is involved in protein degradation through the 26S proteasome pathway, the male determinant is supposed to act mediating the ubiquitination of the S-RNases, targeting them for the degradation in compatible pollen tubes. Attempts to clone SLF/SFB genes in the Pyrinae produced no results until very recently; in apple, the use of genomic libraries allowed the detection of two F-box genes linked to each S haplotype, called SFBB (S-locus F-Box Brothers). In Japanese pear, three SFBB genes linked to each haplotype were cloned from pollen cDNA. The SFBB genes exhibit S haplotype-specific sequence divergence and pollen-specific expression; their multiplicity is a feature whose interpretation is unclear: it has been hypothesized that all of them participate in the S-specific interaction with the RNase, but it is also possible that only one of them is involved in this function. Moreover, even if the S locus male and female determinants are the only responsible for the specificity of the pollen-pistil recognition, many other factors are supposed to play a role in GSI; these are not linked to the S locus and act in a S-haplotype independent manner. They can have a function in regulating the expression of S determinants (group 1 factors), modulating their activity (group 2) or acting downstream, in the accomplishment of the reaction of acceptance or rejection of the pollen tube (group 3). This study was aimed to the elucidation of the molecular mechanism of GSI in European pear (Pyrus communis) as well as in the other Pyrinae; it was divided in two parts, the first focusing on the characterization of male determinants, and the second on factors external to the S locus. The research of S locus F-box genes was primarily aimed to the identification of such genes in European pear, for which sequence data are still not available; moreover, it allowed also to investigate about the S locus structure in the Pyrinae. The analysis was carried out on a pool of varieties of the three species Pyrus communis (European pear), Pyrus pyrifolia (Japanese pear), and Malus × domestica (apple); varieties carrying S haplotypes whose RNases are highly similar were chosen, in order to check whether or not the same level of similarity is maintained also between the male determinants. A total of 82 sequences was obtained, 47 of which represent the first S-locus F-box genes sequenced from European pear. The sequence data strongly support the hypothesis that the S locus structure is conserved among the three species, and presumably among all the Pyrinae; at least five genes have homologs in the analysed S haplotypes, but the number of F-box genes surrounding the S-RNase could be even greater. The high level of sequence divergence and the similarity between alleles linked to highly conserved RNases, suggest a shared ancestral polymorphism also for the F-box genes. The F-box genes identified in European pear were mapped on a segregating population of 91 individuals from the cross 'Abbé Fétel' × 'Max Red Bartlett'. All the genes were placed on the linkage group 17, where the S locus has been placed both in pear and apple maps, and resulted strongly associated to the S-RNase gene. The linkage with the RNase was perfect for some of the F-box genes, while for others very rare single recombination events were identified. The second part of this study was focused on the research of other genes involved in the SI response in pear; it was aimed on one side to the identification of genes differentially expressed in compatible and incompatible crosses, and on the other to the cloning and characterization of the transglutaminase (TGase) gene, whose role may be crucial in pollen rejection. For the identification of differentially expressed genes, controlled pollinations were carried out in four combinations (self pollination, incompatible, half-compatible and fully compatible cross-pollination); expression profiles were compared through cDNA-AFLP. 28 fragments displaying an expression pattern related to compatibility or incompatibility were identified, cloned and sequenced; the sequence analysis allowed to assign a putative annotation to a part of them. The identified genes are involved in very different cellular processes or in defense mechanisms, suggesting a very complex change in gene expression following the pollen/pistil recognition. The pool of genes identified with this technique offers a good basis for further study toward a better understanding of how the SI response is carried out. Among the factors involved in SI response, moreover, an important role may be played by transglutaminase (TGase), an enzyme involved both in post-translational protein modification and in protein cross-linking. The TGase activity detected in pear styles was significantly higher when pollinated in incompatible combinations than in compatible ones, suggesting a role of this enzyme in the abnormal cytoskeletal reorganization observed during pollen rejection reaction. The aim of this part of the work was thus to identify and clone the pear TGase gene; the PCR amplification of fragments of this gene was achieved using primers realized on the alignment between the Arabidopsis TGase gene sequence and several apple EST fragments; the full-length coding sequence of the pear TGase gene was then cloned from cDNA, and provided a precious tool for further study of the in vitro and in vivo action of this enzyme.


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Il ginandromorfismo è il fenomeno per il quale un organismo manifesta contemporaneamente caratteristiche fenotipiche maschili e femminili. Per quanto riguarda la Classe degli Insetti, numerose segnalazioni di tale manifestazione sono reperibili in letteratura, ma un’ interpretazione generale sulle origini e sulle cause che la generano non è ancora stata fornita. Lo scopo di questa tesi è stato quello di studiare il fenomeno per quanto riguarda l’Imenottero Diprionide Diprion pini (Linnaeus, 1758) attraverso l’allevamento controllato dell’insetto, esperimenti di inincrocio, studio del cariotipo e la valutazione della comparsa e la distribuzione dei tessuti maschili e femminili negli individui ginandromorfi. Altri parametri biologici (quali i pesi degli individui) sono stati presi in considerazione nel tentativo di fornire una spiegazione riguardo i meccanismi genetici che regolano la determinazione del sesso in questa specie. Gynandromorphism is the phenomenon by which an organism manifests phenotypic characteristics both male and female. For the class of insects, numerous reports of this event can be found in the literature, but a general interpretation of the origins and causes that generate it has not yet been provided. The purpose of this thesis was to study the phenomenon with regard to the Diprionid wasp Diprion pini (Linnaeus, 1758) through the controlled rearing of the insect, inbreeding experiments, study of the karyotype and evaluation of the appearance and distribution of male and female tissue in gynandromorph specimens. Other biological parameters (such as the weights of individuals) were taken into account in an attempt to provide an explanation of the genetic mechanisms that regulate sex determination in this species.


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This dissertation presents for the first time a survey of bird pollinated (ornithophilous) Salvia species. Within the approximately 1000 species of the worldwide distributed genus roughly 20% (186 spp.) are bird pollinated. Excepting four species in the Old World (South Africa and Madagascar), ornithophilous species are restricted to the New World where they represent about one third of the species. They occur mainly in higher altitudes (1500-3000m) and usually grow as shrubs or perennial herbs (97%). The bilabiate to tubular flowers are often red (at least 49%), averaging 35mm (7-130mm) in length and produce a large to medium volume of nectar with rather low sugar concentration. Pollination by sunbirds and white-eyes is documented in a South African species, and that by hummingbirds in 16 species of the New World (USA, Mexico, Guatemala and Bolivia). Beside pollinator observations, the functionality of the staminal levers, the process of pollen transfer and the fitting between flowers and birds are tested by inserting museum skins and metal rods into fresh flowers. The most surprising result is the finding of two different main pollen transfer mechanisms. In at least 54% of the species an active staminal lever mechanism enables pollen deposition on the birds body. This is illustrated in detail in the South African S. lanceolata at which birds were observed to release the lever mechanism and became dusted with pollen. In contrast, the lever mechanism in about 35% of the New World species is reduced in different ways. Pollen transfer by inactive ‘levers’ is demonstrated in detail in S. haenkei in Bolivia, at which four pollinating hummingbird species could be observed. The tubular corolla forced the birds in a specific position, thereby causing pollen transfer from the exserted pollen-sacs to the birds body. With respect to the floral diversity and systematic affiliation of the species, parallel evolution of ornithophily and lever reduction is likely. Considering that bird pollinated species might have derived from bee pollinated species and that the staminal levers have become secondarily inactive, it is concluded that the shift in pollinators induced phenotypic changes even disabling such a sophisticated structure as the staminal lever mechanism.


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One of the quickest plant movements ever known is made by the ´explosive´ style in Marantaceae in the service of secondary pollen presentation – herewith showing a striking apomorphy to the sister Cannaceae that might be of high evolutionary consequence. Though known already since the beginning of the 19th century the underlying mechanism of the movement has hitherto not been clarified. The present study reports about the biomechanics of the style-staminode complex and the hydraulic principles of the movement. For the first time it is shown by experiment that in Maranta noctiflora through longitudinal growth of the maturing style in the ´straitjacket´ of the hooded staminode both the hold of the style prior to its release and its tensioning for the movement are brought about. The longer the style grows in relation to the enclosing hooded staminode the more does its capacity for curling up for pollen transfer increase. Hereby I distinguish between the ´basic tension´ that a growing style builds up anyway, even when the hooded staminode is removed beforehand, and the ´induced tension´ which comes about only under the pressure of a ´too short´ hooded staminode and which enables the movement. The results of these investigations are discussed in view of previous interpretations ranging from possible biomechanical to electrophysiological mechanisms. To understand furthermore by which means the style gives way to the strong bending movement without suffering outwardly visible damage I examined its anatomical structure in several genera for its mechanical and hydraulic properties and for the determination of the entire curvature after release. The actual bending part contains tubulate cells whose walls are extraordinarily porous and large longitudinal intercellular spaces. SEM indicates the starting points of cell-wall loosening in primary walls and lysis of middle lamellae - probably through an intense pectinase activity in the maturing style. Fluorescence pictures of macerated and living style-tissue confirm cell-wall perforations that do apparently connect neighbouring cells, which leads to an extremely permeable parenchyma. The ´water-body´ can be shifted from central to dorsal cell layers to support the bending. The geometrical form of the curvature is determined by the vascular bundles. I conclude that the style in Marantaceae contains no ´antagonistic´ motile tissues as in Mimosa or Dionaea. Instead, through self-maceration it develops to a ´hydraulic tissue´ which carries out an irreversible movement through a sudden reshaping. To ascertain the evolutionary consequence of this apomorphic pollination mechanism the diversity and systematic value of hooded staminodes are examined. For this hooded staminodes of 24 genera are sorted according to a minimalistic selection of shape characters and eight morphological types are abstracted from the resulting groups. These types are mapped onto an already available maximally parsimonious tree comprising five major clades. An amazing correspondence is found between the morphological types and the clades; several sister-relationships are confirmed and in cases of uncertain position possible evolutionary pathways, such as convergence, dispersal or re-migration, are discussed, as well as the great evolutionary tendencies for the entire family in which – at least as regards the shape of hooded staminodes – there is obviously a tendency from complicated to strongly simplified forms. It suggests itself that such simplifying derivations may very likely have taken place as adaptations to pollinating animals about which at present too little is known. The value of morphological characters in relation to modern phylogenetic analysis is discussed and conditions for the selection of morphological characters valuable for a systematic grouping are proposed. Altogether, in view of the evolutionary success of Marantaceae compared with Cannaceae the movement mechanism of the style-staminode complex can safely be considered a key innovation within the order Zingiberales.


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Die Marantaceae (550 Arten) sind eine weltweit verbreitete Familie von Stauden und Lianen aus dem Unterwuchs tropischer Tieflandregenwälder. Der morphologisch-ökologische Vergleich des basal abzweigenden Sarcophrynium-Astes mit dem in abgeleiteter Position stehenden Marantochloa-Ast, soll beispielhaft evolutionäre Muster in der Familie beleuchten. So wird in der Doktorarbeit zum ersten Mal ein Überblick über die Blütenbiologie und Phylogenie von rund 30 der 40 afrikanischen Marantaceae Arten präsentiert. Die Analysen basieren auf Daten von drei mehrmonatigen Feldaufenthalten in Gabun jeweils zwischen September und Januar. Vier Blütentypen werden beschrieben, die jeweils mit einer spezifischen Bestäubergilde verbunden sind (kleine, mittlere, große Bienen bzw. Vögel). Bestäubungsexperimente belegen, dass 18 Arten selbstkompatibel, aber nur zwei Arten autogam sind, also keine Bestäubungsvermittler benötigen. Der Fruchtansatz ist generell gering (10 -30 %). Die komplexe Synorganisation der Blüte ermöglicht in den Marantaceae einen explosiven Bestäubungsmechanismus. Um dessen ökologische Funktionalität zu verstehen, werden die Blüten von 66 Arten, alle wichtigen Äste der Marantaceae abdeckend, unter einem morphologisch-funktionalen Gesichtspunkt untersucht. Es gibt große Übereinstimmungen zwischen allen untersuchten Arten im Zusammenspiel (Synorganisation) der wichtigsten Bauelemente (Griffel, Kapuzenblatt, Schwielenblatt), die eine präzise Pollenübertragung ermöglichen. Basierend auf Daten von nrDNA (ITS, 5S) und cpDNA (trnL-F) wird für ein nahezu komplettes Artenspektrum die Phylogenie der zwei afrikanischen Äste erstellt. Hierauf werden morphologische und ökologische Merkmale sowie geographischer Verbreitungsmuster nach dem Parsimonieprinzip rekonstruiert, um so deren evolutionäre Bedeutung für die Marantaceae abschätzen zu können. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf die Beteiligung einer Vielzahl verschiedener Artbildungsfaktoren hin.


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This dissertation addresses the staminal lever mechanism of the genus Salvia. Various hypotheses referring to its purpose and function are tested and elucidated. The first hypothesis maintains that the lever is a mechanical selection mechanism which excludes weak pollinators from the flower. This hypothesis is refuted and the respective results of force measurements and morphological investigations are presented, statistically evaluated and discussed. The force measurements and morphological investigations were conducted on the staminal levers and flowers of 8 bee pollinated (melittophilous) and 6 bird pollinated (ornithophilous) species. For comparison a ninth melittophilous species that lacks the staminal lever was investigated. In this species the force measurements were conducted on floral structures that were suspected to hinder a flower visitor. The hypotheses, which state that the staminal lever is a tool for pollen portioning and reduces the risk of pollen loss as well as hybridisation due to its ability to perform a repeatable, accurate and species-specific pollen placement on a wide range of diverse pollinators, are confirmed. Investigations with respect to pollen portioning were carried out on 13 sages. The lever mechanism can be released several times in a row, while the pollen sacs leave a dosed pollen portion on a well defined spot on the pollinator‘s body. Pollen placement was investigated for 12 sages. In sympatric sages, lever length and the area of pollen placement are of particular interest. A shared pollinator bears species-specific areas of pollen placement for different sages. The accurate pollen placement ensures an efficient pollination. However, the question of the functionality of the lever mechanism can not be answered with absolute certainty. The lever‘s backswing is not caused by the adaxial lever arm; the adaxial lever arm is too light and too short to be an adequate counterweight to the abaxial lever arm. Therefore, the adaxial lever arm can not pull the abaxial lever arm to return it to its neutral position. But there are indications of a cellular mainspring in the filament. According to the current state of knowledge, this is the most plausible explanation for the lever's backswing, but further histological investigations on the joint of the lever mechanism are necessary to confirm this assumption.


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Nach den Ergebnissen der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine biologische Bekämpfung von Kleider- und Pelzmotten durch die gezielte Freilassungen von parasitoiden Hymenopteren als deren natürliche Gegenspieler möglich. Es wurden erstmalig ausführliche Versuche zur Parasitierung der Kleider- und Pelzmotte, insbesondere durch Eiaparasitoide der Gattung Trichogramma, durchgeführt. Für die braconide Schlupfwespe Apanteles carpatus wurde eine Zucht- und Freilassungsmethode entwickelt. Sie kann nun als neuer Nützlinge gegen textilschädigende Mottenlarven eingesetzt werden. Eine natürliche Parasitierung textilschädigender Motten durch Eiparasitoide ist bislang nicht nachgewiesen worden. Die Tineiden erwiesen sich im Laborversuch für Trichogramma als gut geeignete Wirte. Hinsichtlich der praktischen Anwendung von Eiparasitoiden der Gattung Trichogramma konnte aus einer Auswahl von 29 Arten und Stämmen aus einer Laborzucht mit T. piceum (Stamm: PIC M 91) eine besonders geeignete Art selektiert werden. Dieser Stamm zeigte die höchste Parasitierungsrate mit über 80 Eiern bei Temperaturen von 20-25°C und einer Lebensdauer von bis zu 17 Tagen. Im Präferenztest wurden sowohl Eier der Kleidermotte als auch der Getreidemotte, dem Massenzuchtwirt, von allen Stämmen mit Abstand am besten parasitiert. Das Geschlechterverhältnis von T. piceum lag bei über 80%. Der untersuchte Stamm von Apanteles carpatus zeigte bei 25°C eine durchschnittliche Nachkommenzahl von 55 pro Weibchen. Die Parasitoide erreichten jedoch nur unter optimalen Bedingungen eine Lebensdauer von bis zu 14 Tagen. In den Käfigversuchen ohne zusätzliche Nahrungsquellen wurden die Tiere nicht älter als 4 Tage. Es war nicht möglich, für A. carpatus Ersatzwirte für eine Massenzucht zu finden, da sie offensichtlich auf Tineiden spezialisiert sind, jedoch konnte ein Zuchtsystem mit Kleidermotten als Zuchtwirte etabliert werden. Die ausgewählten Trichogramma-Arten wurden in Käfigversuchen ausführlich untersucht und im Hinblick auf ihre Suchleistung auf verschiedenen Stoffoberflächen geprüft. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die getesteten Arten sehr unterschiedlich geeignet sind, um Textilien nach Eiern abzusuchen. Die Arten T. evanescens (Stamm: Lager) und T. piceum (PIC M 91) erwiesen sich als in der Suchleistung als am besten geeignet. Im Vergleich dazu zeigte T. cacoeciae (CAC D 90 O) sehr wenig Suchleistugsvermögen auf Textilien. Die geeigneten Arten durchdrangen außer verschiedenen Textilien auch grobe Schafwolle bis zu 0,4 m vom Freilassungsort. Das Ködern von Larvalparasitoiden von tineiden Motten im Freiland erwies sich als nicht erfolgreich. Trotzdem in der Literatur eine Reihe parasitoider Hymenopteren als Gegenspieler von Tineiden beschrieben sind und in Innenräumen beobachtet wurden, war es nicht möglich, weitere freilebende Arten zu ködern. Sowohl für das Ködern im Freiland als auch für die Rückköderung in Lagern wurden Ködermethoden getestet und optimiert. Nebenwirkungstests haben ergeben, dass die Nützlinge ergänzend zum Einsatz von Niem-Präparaten an schlecht zugänglichen Befallsstellen eingesetzt werden können. Ebenso wurde ermittelt, dass eine Kombination des Nützlingseinsatzes mit Repellents möglich ist. Bei zu hoher Konzentration der Wirkstoffe, den reinen Niem-Öl und konzentriertem Lavendel-Öl, in geschlossenen Glaskäfigen, wurden starke Nebenwirkungen auf Trichogramma festgestellt. In größerem Raumvolumen oder geringerer Dosierung der Wirkstoffe parasitierte Trichogramma allerdings auch Ködereier, die sich auf Niem-behandeltem Stoff befanden. Erste Freilassungsversuche in der Praxis ergaben unterschiedliche Erfolge. Nach einer Freilassung von Apanteles carpatus in einem Wohnhaus, das mit Schafwolle gedämmt wurde, reduzierte sich Fang von adulten Motten auf Pheromon-Klebfallen deutlich. In einem Textillager hingegen war es mit einer einmaligen Freilassung jedoch nicht möglich, die Gegenspieler zu etablieren und den Mottenbefall zu kontrollieren. Die mehrwöchige Freilassung von Trichogramma in einem Textillager konnte dazu beitragen, einen Pelzmottenbefall zu reduzieren. Hier zeigten sich Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Einsatzes von parasitoiden Schlupfwespen gegen Textilmotten gleichermaßen.


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The introduction of exotic species is one of the most important threats to biodiversity.This phenomenon may cause economic and environmental damage. To prevent these invasions there are institutions like EPPO. Nevertheless, the introduction of exotic pests is an increasing issue, difficult to control. Classic biological control, based on importation of natural enemies from the country of origin, has been successfully used for over 120 years, but it has also raised some criticism. My research work has focused on the study of the new associations occurring between indigenous parasitoids and three exotic pests introduced in Italy and Europe. The three target insects considered were: Cacyreus marshalli Butler (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), a pest of Geranium plants; Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), a plague of Castanea sp. and Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). This ladybug has been introduced as a biological control agent, but since some years it considered as an invasive species. For C. marshalli I performed laboratory tests on acceptance and suitability of immature stages of this butterfly by Exorista larvarum (Diptera: Tachinidae) and Brachymeria tibialis (Hymenoptera: Chalcidicae). The experiments showed that these two parasitoids could be used to contain this pest. For D. kuriphilus I performed field samplings in an infested chestnut area, the samples were maintained in rearing chamber until gall wasp or parasitoids emergence. In the 3-year research many parasitoids of gall wasps were found; one of these, Torymus flavipes (Walker), was found in large number. For H. axyridis the research work included a first phase of field sampling, during which I searched indigenous parasitoids which had adapted to this new host; the only species found was Dinocampus coccinellae (Schrank) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Laboratory tests were performed on the wasp rearing, biology and capacity to contain H. axyridis.