986 resultados para Vision, Monocular.


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Animal behavioral parameters can be used to assess welfare status in commercial broiler breeders. Behavioral parameters can be monitored with a variety of sensing devices, for instance, the use of video cameras allows comprehensive assessment of animal behavioral expressions. Nevertheless, the development of efficient methods and algorithms to continuously identify and differentiate animal behavior patterns is needed. The objective this study was to provide a methodology to identify hen white broiler breeder behavior using combined techniques of image processing and computer vision. These techniques were applied to differentiate body shapes from a sequence of frames as the birds expressed their behaviors. The method was comprised of four stages: (1) identification of body positions and their relationship with typical behaviors. For this stage, the number of frames required to identify each behavior was determined; (2) collection of image samples, with the isolation of the birds that expressed a behavior of interest; (3) image processing and analysis using a filter developed to separate white birds from the dark background; and finally (4) construction and validation of a behavioral classification tree, using the software tool Weka (model 148). The constructed tree was structured in 8 levels and 27 leaves, and it was validated using two modes: the set training mode with an overall rate of success of 96.7%, and the cross validation mode with an overall rate of success of 70.3%. The results presented here confirmed the feasibility of the method developed to identify white broiler breeder behavior for a particular group of study. Nevertheless, more improvements in the method can be made in order to increase the validation overall rate of success. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The tactile cartography is an area of Cartography that aims the development of methodologies and didactical material to work cartographic concepts with blind and low vision people. The main aim of this article is to present the experience of Tactile Cartography Research Group from Sao Paulo State University (UNESP), including some didactical material and courses for teachers using the System MAPAVOX. The System MAPAVOX is software developed by our research group in a partnership with Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) that integrates maps and models with a voice synthesizer, sound emission, texts, images and video visualizing for computers. Our research methodology is based in authors that have in the students the centre of didactical activity such as Ochaita and Espinosa in [1], which developed studies related to blind children's literacy. According to Almeida the child's drawing is, thus, a system of representation. It isn't a copy of objects, but interpretation of that which is real, done by the child in graphic language[2]. In the proposed activities with blind and low vision students they are prepared to interpret reality and represent it by adopting concepts of graphic language learned. To start the cartographic initialization it is necessary to use personal and quotidian references, for example the classroom tactile model or map, to include concepts in generalization and scale concerning to their space of life. During these years many case studies were developed with blind and low vision students from Special School for Hearing Impaired and Visually Impaired in Araras and Rio Claro, Sao Paulo - Brazil. The most part of these experiences and others from Brazil and Chile are presented in [3]. Tactile material and MAPAVOX facilities are analysed by students and teachers who contribute with suggestions to reformulate and adapt them to their sensibility and necessity. Since 2005 we offer courses in Tactile Cartography to prepare teachers from elementary school in the manipulation of didactical material and attending students with special educational needs in regular classroom. There were 6 classroom and blended courses offered for 184 teachers from public schools in this region of the Sao Paulo state. As conclusion we can observe that methodological procedures centred in the blind and low vision students are successful in their spatial orientation if use didactical material from places or objects with which they have significant experience. During the applying of courses for teachers we could see that interdisciplinary groups can find creative cartographic alternatives more easily. We observed too that the best results in methodological procedures were those who provided concreteness to abstract concepts using daily experiences.


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This article describes the use of Artificial Intelligence (IA) techniques applied in cells of a manufacturing system. Machine Vision was used to identify pieces and their positions of two different products to be assembled in the same productive line. This information is given as input for an IA planner embedded in the manufacturing system. Therefore, initial and final states are sent automatically to the planner capable to generate assembly plans for a robotic cell, in real time.


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Purpose: To assess visual outcomes and patient satisfaction following implantation of the Sulcoflex® multifocal intraocular lens (IOL; Rayner Intraocular Lenses Ltd., Hove, UK) in a procedure combining capsular bag lens implantation with sulcus placement of the Sulcoflex® IOL. Setting: Instituto de Oftalmologia de Assis, Assis, SP, Brazil. Methods: Cataract patients > 45 years, with hyperopia ≥ 1.50 D and potential acuity measurement ≥ 20/30 undergoing Sulcoflex® multifocal IOL implantation were included. Monocular and binocular uncorrected near and distance visual acuity (VA) were evaluated at five days, one month, and three months postoperatively. Contrast sensitivity and refraction were measured in a subset of patients three months postoperatively. Patient satisfaction was assessed one month postoperative. Results: This non-consecutive case series comprised 25 eyes of 13 patients. Eleven eyes (52%) had pre-existing retinal pathologies. Monocular distance VA improved significantly at all follow-up visits. At final follow-up, 88% of eyes had monocular uncorrected distance VA (UDVA) of at least 20/25 and 24% had monocular UDVA of 20/20. All eyes had binocular UDVA of at least 20/25, and 58% had binocular UDVA of 20/20. Monocular uncorrected near vision (UNVA) was J1 in 68% of eyes and all patients had binocular UNVA of J1. Of all eyes studied, 92% and 58% achieved a spherical equivalent within 1 D and −0.5 D, respectively. The majority of patients reported satisfaction with visual outcomes. Complications included a postoperative intraocular pressure spike in four eyes. Conclusion: The Sulcoflex® multifocal IOL improves near and distance VA in cataract patients with retinal abnormalities and good VA potential.


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The integration of CMOS cameras with embedded processors and wireless communication devices has enabled the development of distributed wireless vision systems. Wireless Vision Sensor Networks (WVSNs), which consist of wirelessly connected embedded systems with vision and sensing capabilities, provide wide variety of application areas that have not been possible to realize with the wall-powered vision systems with wired links or scalar-data based wireless sensor networks. In this paper, the design of a middleware for a wireless vision sensor node is presented for the realization of WVSNs. The implemented wireless vision sensor node is tested through a simple vision application to study and analyze its capabilities, and determine the challenges in distributed vision applications through a wireless network of low-power embedded devices. The results of this paper highlight the practical concerns for the development of efficient image processing and communication solutions for WVSNs and emphasize the need for cross-layer solutions that unify these two so-far-independent research areas.


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Color vision impairment emerges at early stages of diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) and may precede diabetic retinopathy or the appearance of vascular alterations in the retina. The aim of the present study was to compare the evaluation of the color vision with two different tests - the Lanthony desaturated D-15d test (a traditional color arrangement test), and the Cambridge Colour Test (CCT) (a computerized color discrimination test) - in patients diagnosed with DM2 without clinical signs of diabetic retinopathy (DR), and in sex- and age-matched control groups. Both color tests revealed statistically significant differences between the controls and the worst eyes of the DM2 patients. In addition, the degree of color vision impairment diagnosed by both tests correlated with the disease duration. The D-15d outcomes indicated solely tritan losses. In comparison, CCT outcomes revealed diffuse losses in color discrimination: 13.3% for best eyes and 29% for worst eyes. In addition, elevation of tritan thresholds in the DM2 patients, as detected by the Trivector subtest of the CCT, was found to correlate with the level of glycated hemoglobin. Outcomes of both tests confirm that subclinical losses of color vision are present in DM2 patients at an early stage of the disease, prior to signs of retinopathy. Considering the advantages of the CCT test compared to the D-15d test, further studies should attempt to verify and/or improve the efficiency of the CCT test.


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The present study aimed at providing conditions for the assessment of color discrimination in children using a modified version of the Cambridge Colour Test (CCT, Cambridge Research Systems Ltd., Rochester, UK). Since the task of indicating the gap of the Landolt C used in that test proved counterintuitive and/or difficult for young children to understand, we changed the target Stimulus to a patch of color approximately the size of the Landolt C gap (about 7 degrees Of Visual angle at 50 cm from the monitor). The modifications were performed for the CCT Trivector test which measures color discrimination for the protan, deutan and tritan confusion lines. Experiment I Sought to evaluate the correspondence between the CCT and the child-friendly adaptation with adult subjects (n = 29) with normal color vision. Results showed good agreement between the two test versions. Experiment 2 tested the child-friendly software with children 2 to 7 years old (n = 25) using operant training techniques for establishing and maintaining the subjects` performance. Color discrimination thresholds were progressively lower as age increased within the age range tested (2 to 30 years old), and the data-including those obtained for children-fell within the range of thresholds previously obtained for adults with the CCT. The protan and deutan thresholds were consistently lower than tritan thresholds, a pattern repeatedly observed in adults tested with the CCT. The results demonstrate that the test is fit for assessment of color discrimination in young children and may be a useful tool for the establishment of color vision thresholds during development.


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This longitudinal study addresses the reversibility of color vision losses in subjects who had been occupationally exposed to mercury vapor. Color discrimination was assessed in 20 Hg-exposed patients (mean age = 42.4 +/- 6.5 years; 6 females and 14 males) with exposure to Hg vapor during 10.5 +/- 5.3 years and away from the work place (relative to 2002) for 6.8 +/- 4.2 years. During the Hg exposure or up to one year after ceasing it, mean urinary Hg concentration was 47 +/- 35.4 mu g/g creatinine. There was no information on Hg urinary concentration at the time of the first tests, in 2002 (Ventura et al., 2005), but at the time of the follow-up tests, in 2005, this value was 1.4 +/- 1.4 mu g/g creatinine for patients compared with 0.5 +/- 0.5 mu g/g creatinine for controls (different group from the one in Ventura et al. (2005)). Color vision was monocularly assessed using the Cambridge Colour Test (CCT). Hg-exposed patients had significantly worse color discrimination (p < 0.02) than controls, as evaluated by the size of MacAdam`s color discrimination ellipses and color discrimination thresholds along protan, deutan, and tritan confusion axes. There were no significant differences between the results of the study in Ventura et al. (2005) and in the present follow-up measurements, in 2005, except for worsening of the tritan thresholds in the best eye in 2005. Both chromatic systems, blue-yellow and red-green, were affected in the first evaluation (Ventura et al., 2005) and remained impaired in the follow-up testing, in 2005. These findings indicate that following a long-term occupational exposure to Hg vapor, even several years away from the source of intoxication, color vision impairment remains irreversible.


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The color vision of most platyrrhine primates is determined by alleles at the polymorphic X-linked locus coding for the opsin responsible for the middle- to long-wavelength (M/L) cone photopigment. Females who are heterozygous at the locus have trichromatic vision, whereas homozygous females and all males are dichromatic. This study characterized the opsin alleles in a wild population of the socially monogamous platyrrhine monkey Callicebus brunneus (the brown titi monkey), a primate that an earlier study suggests may possess an unusual number of alleles at this locus and thus may be a subject of special interest in the study of primate color vision. Direct sequencing of regions of the M/L opsin gene using feces-, blood-, and saliva-derived DNA obtained from 14 individuals yielded evidence for the presence of three functionally distinct alleles, corresponding to the most common M/L photopigment variants inferred from a physiological study of cone spectral sensitivity in captive Callicebus. Am. J. Primatol. 73:189-196, 2011. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The identification of color vision types in primates is fundamental to understanding the evolution and biological function of color perception. The Hard, Randy, and Rittler (HRR) pseudoisochromatic test categorizes human color vision types successfully. Here we provide an experimental setup to employ HRR in a nonhuman primate, the capuchin (Cebus libidinosus), a platyrrhine with polymorphic color vision. The HRR test consists of plates with a matrix composed of gray circles that vary in size and brightness. Differently colored circles form a geometric shape (X, O, or Delta) that is discriminated visually from the gray background pattern. The ability to identify these shapes determines the type of dyschromatopsy (deficiency in color vision). We tested six capuchins in their own cages under natural sunlight. The subjects chose between two HRR plates in each trial: one with the gray pattern only and the other with a colored shape, presented on the left or right side at random. We presented the test 40 times and calculated the 95 % confidence limits for chance performance based on the binomial test. We also genotyped all subjects for exons 3 and 5 of the X-linked opsin genes. The HRR test diagnosed two subjects as protan dichromats (missing or defective L-cone), three as deutan dichromats (missing or defective M-cone), and one female as trichromat. Genetic analysis supported the behavioral data for all subjects. These findings show that the HRR test can be applied to diagnose color vision in nonhuman primates.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the visual outcome of chronic occupational exposure to a mixture of organic solvents by measuring color discrimination, achromatic contrast sensitivity and visual fields in a group of gas station workers. We tested 25 workers (20 males) and 25 controls with no history of chronic exposure to solvents (10 males). All participants had normal ophthalmologic exams. Subjects had worked in gas stations on an average of 9.6 +/- 6.2 years. Color vision was evaluated with the Lanthony D15d and Cambridge Colour Test (CCT). Visual field assessment consisted of white-on-white 24-2 automatic perimetry (Humphrey II-750i). Contrast sensitivity was measured for sinusoidal gratings of 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 cycles per degree (cpd). Results from both groups were compared using the Mann-Whitney U test. The number of errors in the D15d was higher for workers relative to controls (p<0.01). Their CCT color discrimination thresholds were elevated compared to the control group along the protan, deutan and tritan confusion axes (p<0.01), and their ellipse area and ellipticity were higher (p<0.01). Genetic analysis of subjects with very elevated color discrimination thresholds excluded congenital causes for the visual losses. Automated perimetry thresholds showed elevation in the 9 degrees, 15 degrees and 21 degrees of eccentricity (p<0.01) and in MD and PSD indexes (p<0.01). Contrast sensitivity losses were found for all spatial frequencies measured (p<0.01) except for 0.5 cpd. Significant correlation was found between previous working years and deutan axis thresholds (rho = 0.59; p<0.05), indexes of the Lanthony D15d (rho = 0.52; p<0.05), perimetry results in the fovea (rho = -0.51; p<0.05) and at 3, 9 and 15 degrees of eccentricity (rho = -0.46; p<0.05). Extensive and diffuse visual changes were found, suggesting that specific occupational limits should be created.


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Bilayer segmentation of live video in uncontrolled environments is an essential task for home applications in which the original background of the scene must be replaced, as in videochats or traditional videoconference. The main challenge in such conditions is overcome all difficulties in problem-situations (e. g., illumination change, distract events such as element moving in the background and camera shake) that may occur while the video is being captured. This paper presents a survey of segmentation methods for background substitution applications, describes the main concepts and identifies events that may cause errors. Our analysis shows that although robust methods rely on specific devices (multiple cameras or sensors to generate depth maps) which aid the process. In order to achieve the same results using conventional devices (monocular video cameras), most current research relies on energy minimization frameworks, in which temporal and spacial information are probabilistically combined with those of color and contrast.


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Review paper and Proceedings of the Inaugural Meeting of the Head and Neck Optical Diagnostics Society (HNODS) on March 14th 2009 at University College London.


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PURPOSES: To describe and interpret teachers' opinions about and responsiveness to guidance on optical aids for low vision. METHODS: It was conducted a cross-sectional analytical study. The convenience, non-random sample consisted of 58 teachers from the public school network of the city of Campinas. It was constructed and applied a structured questionnaire, available online at the assessed website. For qualitative data collection it was conducted an exploratory study using the focus group technique. RESULTS: Responses expressed, for the most part, a marked interest in the website, its easiness of access, and the comprehensive nature of the information provided. Most people reported frequent use of the Internet to seek information, and found it easier to access the Internet at home. Among the qualitative aspects of the evaluation, we should mention the perceived importance of the website as a source of information, despite some criticism about the accessibility and reliability of the information found on the Internet. CONCLUSION: Teachers' need for training to deal with visually impaired students and their positive response to advice and information lead to the conclusion that web-based guidelines on the use of optical aids were considered beneficial to ease the understanding of visual impairment and the rehabilitation of the affected subjects.