986 resultados para Value Functions


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The O6-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter methylation status is a predictive parameter for the response of malignant gliomas to alkylating agents such as temozolomide. First clinical trials with temozolomide plus bevacizumab therapy in metastatic melanoma patients are ongoing, although the predictive value of the MGMT promoter methylation status in this setting remains unclear. We assessed MGMT promoter methylation in formalin-fixed, primary tumor tissue of metastatic melanoma patients treated with first-line temozolomide and bevacizumab from the trial SAKK 50/07 by methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction. In addition, the MGMT expression levels were also analyzed by MGMT immunohistochemistry. Eleven of 42 primary melanomas (26%) revealed a methylated MGMT promoter. Promoter methylation was significantly associated with response rates CR + PR versus SD + PD according to RECIST (response evaluation criteria in solid tumors) (p<0.05) with a trend to prolonged median progression-free survival (8.1 versus 3.4 months, p>0.05). Immunohistochemically different protein expression patterns with heterogeneous and homogeneous nuclear MGMT expression were identified. Negative MGMT expression levels were associated with overall disease stabilization CR + PR + SD versus PD (p=0.05). There was only a poor correlation between MGMT methylation and lack of MGMT expression. A significant proportion of melanomas have a methylated MGMT promoter. The MGMT promoter methylation status may be a promising predictive marker for temozolomide therapy in metastatic melanoma patients. Larger sample sizes may help to validate significant differences in survival type endpoints.


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Forensic scientists face increasingly complex inference problems for evaluating likelihood ratios (LRs) for an appropriate pair of propositions. Up to now, scientists and statisticians have derived LR formulae using an algebraic approach. However, this approach reaches its limits when addressing cases with an increasing number of variables and dependence relationships between these variables. In this study, we suggest using a graphical approach, based on the construction of Bayesian networks (BNs). We first construct a BN that captures the problem, and then deduce the expression for calculating the LR from this model to compare it with existing LR formulae. We illustrate this idea by applying it to the evaluation of an activity level LR in the context of the two-trace transfer problem. Our approach allows us to relax assumptions made in previous LR developments, produce a new LR formula for the two-trace transfer problem and generalize this scenario to n traces.


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Status signals function in a number of species to communicate competitive ability to conspecific rivals during competition for resources. In the paper wasp Polistes dominulus, variable black clypeal patterns are thought to be important in mediating competition among females. Results of previous behavioral experiments in the lab indicate that P dominulus clypeal patterns provide information about an individual's competitive ability to rivals during agonistic interactions. To date, however, there has been no detailed examination of the adaptive value of clypeal patterns in the wild. To address this, we looked for correlations between clypeal patterning and various fitness measures, including reproductive success, hierarchical rank, and survival, in a large, free-living population of P. dominulus in southern Spain. Reproductive success over the nesting season was not correlated with clypeal patterning. Furthermore, there was no relationship between a female's clypeal patterning and the rank she achieved within the hierarchy or her survival during nest founding. Overall, we found no evidence that P dominulus clypeal patterns are related to competitive ability or other aspects of quality in our population. This result is consistent with geographical variation in the adaptive value of clypeal patterns between P. dominulus populations; however, data on the relationship between patterning and fitness from other populations are required to test this hypothesis.


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[Introduction (extrait)] Il existe de nombreuses formations destinées à prévenir la maltraitance envers les personnes âgées. A ce jour, leur efficacité n'est cependant pas prouvée, faute d'évaluation de leur impact sur les pratiques professionnelles. La formation PREMALPA, qui existe depuis 2003, a fait l'objet d'une évaluation en 2013.


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BACKGROUND: Gastric banding (GB) is one of the most popular bariatric procedures for morbid obesity. Apart from causing weight loss by alimentary restriction, it can interfere with functions of the esophagus and upper stomach. The aim of this study was to evaluate if the results of extensive preoperative upper GI testing were correlated with long-term outcome and complications after GB. METHODS: Using a prospectively maintained computerized database including all the patients undergoing bariatric operations in both our hospitals, we performed a retrospective analysis of the patients who underwent complete upper gastrointestinal (GI) testing (endoscopy, pH monitoring, and manometry) before GB. RESULTS: One hundred thirty-four patients underwent complete testing before GB. Abnormal pH monitoring (increased total reflux time, increased diurnal reflux time, increased number of reflux episodes) predicted the development of complications and especially pouch dilatation and food intolerance. The mean De Meester score was higher among patients who developed complications than in the remaining ones (25.4 vs 17.7, P=0.03). High lower esophageal sphincter pressure also predicted progressive long-term food intolerance. Endoscopic findings were not predictive of the long-term outcome. CONCLUSIONS: There is some association between the function of the upper digestive tract and long-term complications after gastric banding. Abnormal pH monitoring predicts overall long-term complications, especially food intolerance with or without reflux, and pouch dilatation, and a high lower esophageal sphincter pressure predicts long-term food intolerance. Extended upper gastrointestinal testing with endoscopy, 24-h pH monitoring, and esophageal manometry is probably worthwhile in selecting patients for gastric banding.


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Calcineurin signaling plays diverse roles in fungi in regulating stress responses, morphogenesis and pathogenesis. Although calcineurin signaling is conserved among fungi, recent studies indicate important divergences in calcineurin-dependent cellular functions among different human fungal pathogens. Fungal pathogens utilize the calcineurin pathway to effectively survive the host environment and cause life-threatening infections. The immunosuppressive calcineurin inhibitors (FK506 and cyclosporine A) are active against fungi, making targeting calcineurin a promising antifungal drug development strategy. Here we summarize current knowledge on calcineurin in yeasts and filamentous fungi, and review the importance of understanding fungal-specific attributes of calcineurin to decipher fungal pathogenesis and develop novel antifungal therapeutic approaches.


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A chronic inflammatory microenvironment favors tumor progression through molecular mechanisms that are still incompletely defined. In inflammation-induced skin cancers, IL-1 receptor- or caspase-1-deficient mice, or mice specifically deficient for the inflammasome adaptor protein ASC (apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD) in myeloid cells, had reduced tumor incidence, pointing to a role for IL-1 signaling and inflammasome activation in tumor development. However, mice fully deficient for ASC were not protected, and mice specifically deficient for ASC in keratinocytes developed more tumors than controls, suggesting that, in contrast to its proinflammatory role in myeloid cells, ASC acts as a tumor-suppressor in keratinocytes. Accordingly, ASC protein expression was lost in human cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, but not in psoriatic skin lesions. Stimulation of primary mouse keratinocytes or the human keratinocyte cell line HaCaT with UVB induced an ASC-dependent phosphorylation of p53 and expression of p53 target genes. In HaCaT cells, ASC interacted with p53 at the endogenous level upon UVB irradiation. Thus, ASC in different tissues may influence tumor growth in opposite directions: it has a proinflammatory role in infiltrating cells that favors tumor development, but it also limits keratinocyte proliferation in response to noxious stimuli, possibly through p53 activation, which helps suppressing tumors.


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Direct MR arthrography has a better diagnostic accuracy than MR imaging alone. However, contrast material is not always homogeneously distributed in the articular space. Lesions of cartilage surfaces or intra-articular soft tissues can thus be misdiagnosed. Concomitant application of axial traction during MR arthrography leads to articular distraction. This enables better distribution of contrast material in the joint and better delineation of intra-articular structures. Therefore, this technique improves detection of cartilage lesions. Moreover, the axial stress applied on articular structures may reveal lesions invisible on MR images without traction. Based on our clinical experience, we believe that this relatively unknown technique is promising and should be further developed.


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Background: We report the case of a chronic stroke patient (62 months after injury) showing total absence of motor activity evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of spared regions of the left motor cortex, but near-to-complete recovery of motor abilities in the affected hand. Case presentation: Multimodal investigations included detailed TMS based motor mapping, motor evoked potentials (MEP), and Cortical Silent period (CSP) as well as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of motor activity, MRI based lesion analysis and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Tractography of corticospinal tract (CST). Anatomical analysis revealed a left hemisphere subinsular lesion interrupting the descending left CST at the level of the internal capsule. The absence of MEPs after intense TMS pulses to the ipsilesional M1, and the reversible suppression of ongoing electromyographic (EMG) activity (indexed by CSP) demonstrate a weak modulation of subcortical systems by the ipsilesional left frontal cortex, but an inability to induce efficient descending volleys from those cortical locations to right hand and forearm muscles. Functional MRI recordings under grasping and finger tapping patterns involving the affected hand showed slight signs of subcortical recruitment, as compared to the unaffected hand and hemisphere, as well as the expected cortical activations. Conclusions: The potential sources of motor voluntary activity for the affected hand in absence of MEPs are discussed. We conclude that multimodal analysis may contribute to a more accurate prognosis of stroke patients.


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In this paper we study network structures in which the possibilities for cooperation are restricted and can not be described by a cooperative game. The benefits of a group of players depend on how these players are internally connected. One way to represent this type of situations is the so-called reward function, which represents the profits obtainable by the total coalition if links can be used to coordinate agents' actions. The starting point of this paper is the work of Vilaseca et al. where they characterized the reward function. We concentrate on those situations where there exist costs for establishing communication links. Given a reward function and a costs function, our aim is to analyze under what conditions it is possible to associate a cooperative game to it. We characterize the reward function in networks structures with costs for establishing links by means of two conditions, component permanence and component additivity. Finally, an economic application is developed to illustrate the main theoretical result.


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Nowadays the used fuel variety in power boilers is widening and new boiler constructions and running models have to be developed. This research and development is done in small pilot plants where more faster analyse about the boiler mass and heat balance is needed to be able to find and do the right decisions already during the test run. The barrier on determining boiler balance during test runs is the long process of chemical analyses of collected input and outputmatter samples. The present work is concentrating on finding a way to determinethe boiler balance without chemical analyses and optimise the test rig to get the best possible accuracy for heat and mass balance of the boiler. The purpose of this work was to create an automatic boiler balance calculation method for 4 MW CFB/BFB pilot boiler of Kvaerner Pulping Oy located in Messukylä in Tampere. The calculation was created in the data management computer of pilot plants automation system. The calculation is made in Microsoft Excel environment, which gives a good base and functions for handling large databases and calculations without any delicate programming. The automation system in pilot plant was reconstructed und updated by Metso Automation Oy during year 2001 and the new system MetsoDNA has good data management properties, which is necessary for big calculations as boiler balance calculation. Two possible methods for calculating boiler balance during test run were found. Either the fuel flow is determined, which is usedto calculate the boiler's mass balance, or the unburned carbon loss is estimated and the mass balance of the boiler is calculated on the basis of boiler's heat balance. Both of the methods have their own weaknesses, so they were constructed parallel in the calculation and the decision of the used method was left to user. User also needs to define the used fuels and some solid mass flowsthat aren't measured automatically by the automation system. With sensitivity analysis was found that the most essential values for accurate boiler balance determination are flue gas oxygen content, the boiler's measured heat output and lower heating value of the fuel. The theoretical part of this work concentrates in the error management of these measurements and analyses and on measurement accuracy and boiler balance calculation in theory. The empirical part of this work concentrates on the creation of the balance calculation for the boiler in issue and on describing the work environment.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää arvoketjuanalyysin avulla toiminnot, joilla voittoatavoittelemattoman, julkisen osakeyhtiön toimintaa voitaisiin kuvata. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää mainitut toiminnot yleisesti ja luoda malli kohdeyrityksen arvoketjusta ja sen toiminnoista. Tutkielma jakautuu teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen osaan. Ensimmäinen pohjautuu aikaisempaan tutkimukseen ja kirjallisuuteen sidosryhmistä, arvon muodostumisesta ja arvoketjuanalyysistä. Jälkimmäinen on laadullista tapaustutkimusta. Empiriassa mallinnettiin Lappeenranta Innovation Oy:nsisäisiä toimintoja ja sidosryhmien odotuksia. Empiirinen tutkimus perustui kohdeyrityksen omistajille ja henkilöstölle tehtyihin haastatteluihin sekä yrityksen toiminnan päivittäiseen seurantaan. Johtopäätöksenätodettiin, että julkisen, voittoa tavoittelemattoman yrityksen toiminnot on mahdollista kuvata arvoketjuanalyysin avulla. Alan ja yrityksen asettamat erityispiirteet toivat haasteita määrittelylle, mutta silti arvoketju antoi selkeän tavan kohdeyrityksen toimintojen mallintamiselle.


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Digitaalinen tulostus osana informaatiologistiikan toimialaa elää murroskautta kovankilpailun ja palveluiden kehittymisen myötä. Moderni teknologia mahdollistaa uudenlaisia älykkäitä palveluita, jotka antavat lisäarvoa niin yritysasiakkaille kuin kuluttajillekin. Siten myös myyntiprosesseja kehitetään tukemaan arvon luontia. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osuudessa sovellettiin arvon luomiseen ja myymiseen liittyviä keskeisiä teorioita, sekä organisaation ostokäyttäytymisen ja suhdemarkkinoinnin asioita. Empiirinen tutkimus toteutettiin asiakas- ja asiantuntijahaastatteluiden sekä kansainvälisten koulutuspäivien avulla. Työn tavoitteena oli luoda teoreettisen ja empiirisen tutkimuksen tulosten pohjalta ohjeistus digitaalisen tulostuksen palveluiden arvomyyntiin. Lisäksi työssä käsiteltiin myyntiprosessiin liittyviä kysymyksiä alan ominaispiirteet huomioon ottaen.