A novel unsymmetric dinucleating ligand (LN3N4) combining a tridentate and a tetradentate binding sites linked through a m-xylyl spacer was synthesized as ligand scaffold for preparing homo- and dimetallic complexes, where the two metal ions are bound in two different coordination environments. Site-selective binding of different metal ions is demonstrated. LN3N4 is able to discriminate between CuI and a complementary metal (M′ = CuI, ZnII, FeII, CuII, or GaIII) so that pure heterodimetallic complexes with a general formula [CuIM′(LN3N4)]n+ are synthesized. Reaction of the dicopper(I) complex [CuI 2(LN3N4)]2+ with O2 leads to the formation of two different copper-dioxygen (Cu2O2) intermolecular species (O and TP) between two copper atoms located in the same site from different complex molecules. Taking advantage of this feature, reaction of the heterodimetallic complexes [CuM′(LN3N4)]n+ with O2 at low temperature is used as a tool to determine the final position of the CuI center in the system because only one of the two Cu2O2 species is formed
This work proposes a method of visualizing the trend of research in the field of ceramic membranes from 1999 to 2006. The presented approach involves identifying problems encountered during research in the field of ceramic membranes. Patents from US patent database and articles from Science Direct(& by ELSEVIER was analyzed for this work. The identification of problems was achieved with software Knowledgist which focuses on the semantic nature of a sentence to generate series of subject action object structures. The identified problems are classified into major research issues. This classification was used for the visualization of the intensity of research. The image produced gives the relation between the number of patents, with time and the major research issues. The identification of the most cited papers which strongly influence the research of the previously identified major issues in the given field was also carried out. The relations between these papers are presented using the metaphor of social network. The final result of this work are two figures, a diagram showing the change in the studied problems a specified period of time and a figure showing the relations between the major papers and groups of the problems
Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) of cyclic olefins is a powerful transition metal-catalyzed reaction for syntheses of polymers and copolymers. The key feature of this reaction is the [2+2]-cycloaddition mechanism, with retention of the olefinic unsaturation in the polymer chain and occurrence of living polymerization. With the development of metal-carbene type catalysts for this process, many addressed polymeric materials have been successfully prepared to be employed in several fields of the science and technology. This review summarizes recent examples of syntheses of polymers with amphiphilic features such as block, graft, brush or star copolymers; as well syntheses of biomaterials, dendronized architectures, photoactive polymers, cross-linked or self-healing materials, and polymers from renewed supplies.
Det lutherska missionsarbetet i Thailand startade inte förrän år 1976 då norska lutherska missionärer anlände till landet. Ett par år senare inledde Finska Missionssällskapet samarbete med norrmännen och med tiden anslöt sig även tre asiatiska lutherska kyrkor till missionssamarbetet i Thailand. Från första början var målet för missionsarbetet att grunda en självständig luthersk kyrka i Thailand. Detta skedde år 1994, 18 år efter att arbetet i Thailand hade inletts. I avhandlingen granskas vilka arbetsmetoder och verksamhetsformer som användes och hur grundandet av en självständig nationell luthersk kyrka förbereddes och förverkligades. I avhandlingen synas även den lutherska missionen i Thailand i förhållande till samtida internationellt missionstänkande och strömningar inom den kristna världsmissionen. Slutligen sätts den lutherska missionen i Thailand in i en thailändsk kulturell och religiös kontext.
Knowledge Sharing between Generations in an Organisation - Retention of the Old or Building the New?
The study explores knowledge transfer between retiring employees and their successors in expert work. My aim is to ascertain whether there is knowledge development or building new knowledge related to this organisational knowledge transfer between generations; in other words, is the transfer of knowledge from experienced, retiring employees to their successors merely retention of the existing organisational knowledge by distributing it from one individual to another or does this transfer lead to building new and meaningful organisational knowledge. I call knowledge transfer between generations and the possibly related knowledge building in this study knowledge sharing between generations. The study examines the organisation and knowledge management from a knowledge-based and constructionist view. From this standpoint, I see knowledge transfer as an interactive process, and the exploration is based on how the people involved in this process understand and experience the phenomenon studied. The research method is organisational ethnography. I conducted the analysis of data using thematic analysis and the articulation method, which has not been used before in organisational knowledge studies. The primary empirical data consists of theme interviews with twelve employees involved in knowledge transfer in the organisation being studied and five follow-up theme interviews. Six of the interviewees are expert duty employees due to retire shortly, and six are their successors. All those participating in the follow-up interviews are successors of those soon to retire from their expert responsibilities. The organisation in the study is a medium-sized Finnish firm, which designs and manufactures electrical equipment and systems for the global market. The results of the study show that expert work-related knowledge transfer between generations can mean knowledge building which produces new, meaningful knowledge for the organisation. This knowledge is distributed in the organisation to all those that find it useful in increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of the whole organisation. The transfer and building of knowledge together create an act of knowledge sharing between generations where the building of knowledge presupposes transfer. Knowledge sharing proceeds between the expert and the novice through eight phases. During the phases of knowledge transfer the expert guides the novice to absorb the knowledge to be transferred. With the expert’s help the novice gradually comes to understand the knowledge and in the end he or she is capable of using it in his or her work. During the phases of knowledge building the expert helps the novice to further develop the knowledge being transferred so that it becomes new, useful knowledge for the organisation. After that the novice takes the built knowledge to use in his or her work. Based on the results of the study, knowledge sharing between generations takes place in interaction and ends when knowledge is taken to use. The results I obtained in the interviews by the articulation method show that knowledge sharing between generations is shaped by the novices’ conceptions of their own work goals, knowledge needs and duties. These are not only based on the official definition of the work, but also how the novices find their work or how they prioritise the given objectives and responsibilities. The study shows that the novices see their work primarily as maintenance or development. Those primarily involved in maintenance duties do not necessarily need knowledge defined as transferred between generations. Therefore, they do not necessarily transfer knowledge with their assigned experts, even though this can happen in favourable circumstances. They do not build knowledge because their view of their work goals and duties does not require the building of new knowledge. Those primarily involved in development duties, however, do need knowledge available from their assigned experts. Therefore, regardless of circumstances they transfer knowledge with their assigned experts and also build knowledge because their work goals and duties create a basis for building new knowledge. The literature on knowledge transfer between generations has focused on describing either the knowledge being transferred or the means by which it is transferred. Based on the results of this study, however, knowledge sharing between generations, that is, transfer and building is determined by how the novice considers his or her own knowledge needs and work practices. This is why studies on knowledge sharing between generations and its implementation should be based not only on the knowledge content and how it is shared, but also on the context of the work in which the novice interprets and shares knowledge. The existing literature has not considered the possibility that knowledge transfer between generations may mean building knowledge. The results of this study, however, show that this is possible. In knowledge building, the expert’s existing organisational knowledge is combined with the new knowledge that the novice brings to the organisation. In their interaction this combination of the expert’s “old” and the novice’s “new” knowledge becomes new, meaningful organisational knowledge. Previous studies show that knowledge development between the members of an organisation is the prerequisite for organisational renewal which in turn is essential for improved competitiveness. Against this background, knowledge building enables organisational renewal and thus enhances competitiveness. Hence, when knowledge transfer between generations is followed by knowledge building, the organisation kills two birds with one stone. In knowledge transfer the organisation retains the existing knowledge and thus maintains its competitiveness. In knowledge building the organisation developsnew knowledge and thus improves its competitiveness.
Tämän tutkimuksen kohteena olivat opettajaopiskelijat, jotka reflektoivat käsityöprosessin aikaista toimintaansa ja sen tuloksia. Tutkimuksen kontekstina oli Turun yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitoksen Rauman yksikön käsityökasvatuksen perusopinnot. Tutkimushenkilöinä olivat KSP11b Yhteenvetojakson lukuvuosien 2007 – 2008 ja 2008 – 2009 käsityökasvatuksen sivuja pääaineopiskelijat (n=23). Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin opiskelijoiden KSP11b Yhteenvetojaksolla valmistamia käsityötuotteita, niihin liittyviä portfoliota sekä haastatteluita, jotka analysoitiin semioottisella sisällönanalyysilla. Tutkimuksen lähestymistapa on hermeneuttisfenomenologinen. Sen pyrkimyksenä on ymmärtää ja tulkita opiskelijoiden kokemia käsityöprosesseja ja niihin liitettyjä merkityksiä. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, millaisia merkityksiä opiskelijat antavat käsityölle ja miten käsityön merkitykset tulisi ottaa huomioon käsityön opetuksessa. Tutkimustuloksina esitetään opiskelijoiden käsityölle antamista merkityksistä neljä erilaista orientaatiotyyppiä: 1) käsityötuoteorientoituneet, 2) käsityötaitoorientoituneet 3) käsityöperinneorientoituneet ja 4) käsityöilmaisuorientoituneet. Käsityötuoteorientoituneet opiskelijat aloittavat ongelmanratkaisuprosessinsa päättämällä, minkä tuotteen he haluavat valmistaa. Käsityötaitoorientoituneille opiskelijoille käsityöprosessi on oman osaamisen näyttämistä ja kehittämistä. Käsityöperinneorientoituneet opiskelijat saavat motivaationsa käsityötuotteen valmistukseen käsityöperinteen vaalimisesta, esimerkiksi halusta oppia perinteisiä käsityötekniikoita tai halusta oppia käsitöitä jonkun läheisen henkilön ohjaamana. Käsityöilmaisuorientoituneet opiskelijat suhtautuvat käsityöprosessiin elämyksellisesti, jolloin prosessi perustuu tekijän kokemuksiin, mielikuviin, muistojen vaalimiseen ja tunteiden ilmaisemiseen sekä identiteetin rakentamiseen. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin lisäksi käsityön merkitysten mahdollisuuksia käsityön opetuksessa. Nämä käsityön opetuksen näkökulmat on tutkimuksessa jaettu viiteen luokkaan: 1) käsityötaidon kehittäminen, 2) kokonaisen käsityön tekeminen, 3) konkreettisen käsityötuotteen valmistaminen, 4) käsityöilmaisun kehittäminen ja 5) käsityön monipuoliset sisällöt. Tässä tutkimuksessa korostuu, että käsityön opetus perustuu käsityötaidon oppimiseen. Käsityötaidon kehittämiseen liittyy käsityöllisesti työstettävien materiaalien ja niiden ominaisuuksien hallintaa ja muokkaamiseen tarvitaan käsityöteknologiaa, henkilökohtaista käsityötaitoa ja laatutietoisuutta. Käsityötuote on käsityöprosessin lopputuloksena syntyvä konkreettinen tuotos. Käsityöprosessi toteutuu kokonaisena käsityönä, jossa tekijä suunnittelee ja toteuttaa itse suunnitelmansa. Kokonainen käsityö saa eri tekijöillä erilaisia sovelluksia. Käsityöilmaisulla tarkoitetaan tekijän henkilökohtaista sitoutumista prosessiin ja käsityön monipuolisilla sisällöillä materiaaleja ja teknologioita, joita käsityön tekijä käyttää käsityöprosessin aikana. Lisäksi tutkimusaineistossa ilmeni, että opiskelijat sitoutuvat käsityöprosessiin, kun heillä on mahdollisuus ilmaista itselleen tärkeitä, henkilökohtaisia asioitaan, kuten omaa elämäntilannettaan ja merkityksellisiä kokemuksiaan.
DPS-Like Peroxide Resistance Protein: Structural and Functional Studies on a Versatile Nanocontainer
Oxidative stress is a constant threat to almost all organisms. It damages a number of biomolecules and leads to the disruption of many crucial cellular functions. It is caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as hydrogen peroxide (H
This study is dedicated to search engine marketing (SEM). It aims for developing a business model of SEM firms and to provide explicit research of trustworthy practices of virtual marketing companies. Optimization is a general term that represents a variety of techniques and methods of the web pages promotion. The research addresses optimization as a business activity, and it explains its role for the online marketing. Additionally, it highlights issues of unethical techniques utilization by marketers which created relatively negative attitude to them on the Internet environment. Literature insight combines in the one place both technical and economical scientific findings in order to highlight technological and business attributes incorporated in SEM activities. Empirical data regarding search marketers was collected via e-mail questionnaires. 4 representatives of SEM companies were engaged in this study to accomplish the business model design. Additionally, the fifth respondent was a representative of the search engine portal, who provided insight on relations between search engines and marketers. Obtained information of the respondents was processed qualitatively. Movement of commercial organizations to the online market increases demand on promotional programs. SEM is the largest part of online marketing, and it is a prerogative of search engines portals. However, skilled users, or marketers, are able to implement long-term marketing programs by utilizing web page optimization techniques, key word consultancy or content optimization to increase web site visibility to search engines and, therefore, user’s attention to the customer pages. SEM firms are related to small knowledge-intensive businesses. On the basis of data analysis the business model was constructed. The SEM model includes generalized constructs, although they represent a wider amount of operational aspects. Constructing blocks of the model includes fundamental parts of SEM commercial activity: value creation, customer, infrastructure and financial segments. Also, approaches were provided on company’s differentiation and competitive advantages evaluation. It is assumed that search marketers should apply further attempts to differentiate own business out of the large number of similar service providing companies. Findings indicate that SEM companies are interested in the increasing their trustworthiness and the reputation building. Future of the search marketing is directly depending on search engines development.
Object-oriented programming is a widely adopted paradigm for desktop software development. This paradigm partitions software into separate entities, objects, which consist of data and related procedures used to modify and inspect it. The paradigm has evolved during the last few decades to emphasize decoupling between object implementations, via means such as explicit interface inheritance and event-based implicit invocation. Inter-process communication (IPC) technologies allow applications to interact with each other. This enables making software distributed across multiple processes, resulting in a modular architecture with benefits in resource sharing, robustness, code reuse and security. The support for object-oriented programming concepts varies between IPC systems. This thesis is focused on the D-Bus system, which has recently gained a lot of users, but is still scantily researched. D-Bus has support for asynchronous remote procedure calls with return values and a content-based publish/subscribe event delivery mechanism. In this thesis, several patterns for method invocation in D-Bus and similar systems are compared. The patterns that simulate synchronous local calls are shown to be dangerous. Later, we present a state-caching proxy construct, which avoids the complexity of properly asynchronous calls for object inspection. The proxy and certain supplementary constructs are presented conceptually as generic object-oriented design patterns. The e ect of these patterns on non-functional qualities of software, such as complexity, performance and power consumption, is reasoned about based on the properties of the D-Bus system. The use of the patterns reduces complexity, but maintains the other qualities at a good level. Finally, we present currently existing means of specifying D-Bus object interfaces for the purposes of code and documentation generation. The interface description language used by the Telepathy modular IM/VoIP framework is found to be an useful extension of the basic D-Bus introspection format.
Alumni are considered as precious resource of the institutions, thus improving alumni adminis-tration is critical. In information era, alumni administration is assisted by widespread information technology, such as social network sites. This paper aims to discover if a self-built information sys-tem would enhance alumni connection in the IMMIT context, and what kind of attributes would be helpful applying to the special context. The current online alumni services at other universities and at the IMMIT host university are analyzed, and then social media is introduced. After illustrating the social capital existing in IM-MIT, the type of the self-built information system is suggested, following an interpretation of the prototype. Two research models are utilized in this article: TAM and intentional social action model. The second model is adjusted with proposed parameters. Afterwards, a survey and an interview protocol are designed under the guidance of the models. The results are analyzed in several groups, and the proposed parameters are tested. A conclusion is drawn to indicate how to improve alumni‟s intention to use and how to achieve a better-accepted design.
In order to grow, cities are increasingly competing for attention, jobs, investments, visitors, residents and significant events. Cities need to come up with creative solutions to keep up with the competition; they ought to become creative cities. Attracting talented and diverse inhabitants is a key factor in developing a creative city, which on is characterized by openness, tolerance, vibrancy and diversity. Along the need for renewed city images city brand building has become popular. Helsinki is the World Design Capital 2012 (WDC 2012) and this mega-event presents a meaningful opportunity for the city to broadcast itself globally. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how Helsinki brands itself as a creative city through an international mega-event. The sub-aims are to: 1) Map the factors behind the creative city and their relation to the city of Helsinki, 2) Describe the city branding process, 3) Evaluate the role of the Helsinki World Design Capital 2012 mega-event in Helsinki’s creative city brand building. First, the theory discusses the concept of the creative city that has gained growing attention during the past decade. Then, the city branding process is described and the benefits of hosting a mega-event are presented. Finally, co-branding a city and a mega-event in order to generate maximum benefit from the mega-event, is reviewed. This is a qualitative research for which data was collected through three face-to-face interviews, the World Design Capital 2012 bid, Helsinki’s economic development strategy, a consulting firm’s research report on the case city and web-pages. The research reveals that Helsinki has shown interest in the creative city discussion. The terminology around the concept is however approached carefully. Helsinki fits many of the creative city characteristics and recognizes its flaws for which improvement strategies have been planned. Bottlenecks keeping the city from promoting a more open mind were mainly revealed in its organizational structures. Helsinki has no official brand strategy; nonetheless pressure to develop one is present. The World Design Capital 2012 mega-event is seen as a meaningful stepping board to strengthen Helsinki’s identity and image, and start thinking about a city brand. The brand strategies of the mega-event support the values and virtues of the city itself, which enables benefits of co-branding introduces in the theory part. Helsinki has no official brand and doesn’t call itself a creative city, however this study shows signs of the city taking steps towards building a creative city brand with the help of the Helsinki World Design Capital 2012 mega-event.
Besides the sustaining of healthy and comfortable indoor climate, the air conditioning system should also achieve for energy efficiency. The target indoor climate can be ob-tained with different systems; this study focuses on comparing the energy efficiency of different air conditioning room unit systems in different climates. The calculations are made with dynamic energy simulation software IDA ICE by comparing the indoor cli-mate and energy consumption of an office building with different systems in different climates. The aim of the study is to compare the energy efficiency of chilled beam systems to other common systems: variable air volume, fan coil and radiant ceiling systems. Besides the annual energy consumption also the sustainability of target indoor climate is compared between the simulations. Another aim is to provide conclusions to be used in the product development of the chilled beam systems’ energy efficiency. The adaptable chilled beam system and the radiant ceiling system prove to be energy efficient independent of the climate. The challenge of reliable comparison is that other systems are not able to reach the target indoor climate as well as the others. The complex calculation environment of the simulation software, made assumptions and excluding of the financial aspects complicate comparing the big picture. The results show that the development of the chilled beam systems should concentrate on energy efficient night heating, flexible demand based ventilation and capacity control and possibilities on integrating the best practices with other systems.
C-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) is traditionally recognized as a crucial factor in stress response and inducer of apoptosis upon various stimulations. Three isoforms build the JNK subfamily of MAPK; generally expressed JNK1 and JNK2 and brain specific JNK3. Degenerative potency placed JNK in the spotlight as potential pharmacological option for intervention. Unfortunately, adverse effects of potential drugs and observation that expression of only JNK2 and JNK3 are induced upon stress, restrained initial enthusiasm. Notably, JNK1 demonstrated atypical high constitutive activity in neurons that is not responsive to cellular stresses and indicated existence of physiological activity. This thesis aimed at revealing the physiological functions of JNK1 in actin homeostasis through novel effector MARCKS-Like 1 (MARCKSL1) protein, neuronal trafficking mediated by major kinesin-1 motor protein and microtubule (MT) dynamics via STMN2/SCG10. The screen for novel physiological JNK substrates revealed specific phosphorylation of C-terminal end of MARCKSL1 at S120, T148 and T183 both ex vivo and in vitro. By utilizing site-specific mutagenesis, various actin dynamics and migrations assays we were able to demonstrate that JNK1 phosphorylation specifically facilitates F-actin bundling and thus filament stabilisation. Consecutively, this molecular mechanism was proved to enhance formation of filopodia; cell surface projections that allow cell sensing surrounding environment and migrate efficiently. Our results visualize JNK dependent and MARCKSL1 executed induction of filopodia in neurons and fibroblast indicating general mechanism. Subsequently, inactivation of JNK action on MARCKSL1 shifts cellular actin machinery into lamellipodial dynamic arrangement. Tuning of actin cytoskeleton inevitably melds with cell migration. We observed that both active JNK and JNK pseudo-phosphorylated form of MARCKSL1 reduce actin turnover in intact cells leading to overall diminished cell motility. We demonstrate that tumour transformed cells from breast, prostate, lung and muscle-derived cancers upregulate MARCKSL1. We showed on the example of prostate cancer PC-3 cell line that JNK phosphorylation negatively controls MARCKSL1 ability to induce migration, which precedes cancer cell metastasis. The second round of identification of JNK physiological substrates resulted in detection of predominant motor protein kinesin-1 (Kif5). Mass spectrometry detailed analysis showed evident endogenous phosphorylation of kinesin-1 on S176 within motor domain that interacts with MT. In vitro phosphorylation of bacterially expressed kinesin heavy chain by JNK isoforms displayed higher specificity of JNK1 when compared to JNK3. Since, JNK1 is constitutively active in neurons it signified physiological aspect of kinesin-1 regulation. Subsequent biochemical examination revealed that kinesin-1, when not phosphorylated on JNK site, exhibits much higher affinity toward MTs. Expression of the JNK non-phosphorable kinesin-1 mutant in intact cells as well as in vitro single molecule imaging using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy indicated that the mutant loses normal speed and is not able to move processively into proper cellular compartments. We identify novel kinesin-1 cargo protein STMN2/SCG10, which along with known kinesin-1 cargo BDNF is showing impaired trafficking when JNK activity is inhibited. Our data postulates that constitutive JNK activity in neurons is crucial for unperturbed physiologically relevant transport of kinesin-1 dependant cargo. Additionally, my work helps to validate another novel physiological JNK1 effector STMN2/SCG10 as determinant of axodendritic neurites dynamics in the developing brain through regulation of MT turnover. We show successively that this increased MT dynamics is crucial during developmental radial migration when brain layering occurs. Successively, we are able to show that introduction of JNK phosphorylation mimicking STMN2/SCG10 S62/73D mutant rescues completely JNK1 genetic deletion migration phenotype. We prove that STMN2/SCG10 is predominant JNK effector responsible for MT depolymerising activity and neurite length during brain development. Summarizing, this work describes identification of three novel JNK substrates MARCKSL1, kinesin-1 and STMN2/SCG10 and investigation of their roles in cytoskeleton dynamics and cargo transport. This data is of high importance to understand physiological meaning of JNK activity, which might have an adverse effect during pharmaceutical intervention aiming at blocking pathological JNK action.