975 resultados para Uranus (Planet)


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Las costas enfrentadas de al-Andalus y del Mágreb como una reinterpretación de un Mediterráneo en el que se recogen únicamente las costas musulmanas del mismo, especialmente en la cartografía de la conocida como "escuela de al-Baljî", con un eco de esta concepción, reflejado posteriormente en la descripción como "costas enfrentadas" de Al-Masâlik wa-l-mamâlik escrito por el andalusí al-Bakrî (s. XI).


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Modern society has lost its natural connection with the environment. Present agriculture methods and city planning around the world support this fact. Humanity has always simplified nature in order to control it but, far from this, we have contributed to enhance current environmental issues as air and water pollution, soil fertility loss, species extinction and climate change. Therefore, it may be reasonable to change our point of view of nature. By assuming that we are an inseparable part of nature and vice versa, we may achieve a true conservation of the richness of our planet. We must synthesise nature because every living being is a part of a bigger whole. We need to live the complexity of life. Nowadays, we have reached a turning point after which we must decide either changing our ways or sacrificing our future. Hopefully, a slight impulse is sometimes enough to change the course of History.


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The unprecedented sensitivity and large field of view of SKA will be of paramount importance for pulsar science, and for many related research fields. In particular, beside the obvious discovery of many more pulsars (even those with very low luminosity), and the extremely accurate timing analysis of the current pulsar population, SKA will allow to use pulsars to measure or put strong constraints on gravitational waves, Galactic magnetism, planet masses, general relativity and nuclear physics.


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A suitable knowledge of the orientation and motion of the Earth in space is a common need in various fields. That knowledge has been ever necessary to carry out astronomical observations, but with the advent of the space age, it became essential for making observations of satellites and predicting and determining their orbits, and for observing the Earth from space as well. Given the relevant role it plays in Space Geodesy, Earth rotation is considered as one of the three pillars of Geodesy, the other two being geometry and gravity. Besides, research on Earth rotation has fostered advances in many fields, such as Mathematics, Astronomy and Geophysics, for centuries. One remarkable feature of the problem is in the extreme requirements of accuracy that must be fulfilled in the near future, about a millimetre on the tangent plane to the planet surface, roughly speaking. That challenges all of the theories that have been devised and used to-date; the paper makes a short review of some of the most relevant methods, which can be envisaged as milestones in Earth rotation research, emphasizing the Hamiltonian approach developed by the authors. Some contemporary problems are presented, as well as the main lines of future research prospected by the International Astronomical Union/International Association of Geodesy Joint Working Group on Theory of Earth Rotation, created in 2013.


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The end of 2015 was the deadline that 189 countries gave themselves to achieve the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a list of eight goals that were agreed upon and approved by the UN after the Millennium Summit in year 2000. Despite some legitimate criticism, the MDGs were revealed as an important tool towards building a more equitable and sustainable world. Yet our planet still faces many challenges. In September 2015, the UN approved a new set of 17 goals, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aiming to develop and implement strategies to create “The Future We Want”; strategies that 192 countries agreed upon to work together towards a more sustainable planet.


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Sheet with two handwritten mathematical proofs signed "Wigglesworth, 1788," likely referring Harvard student Edward Stephen Wigglesworth. The first proof, titled "Problem 1st," examines a prompt beginning, "Given the distance between the Centers of the Sun and Planet, and their quantities of matter; to find a place where a body will be attracted to neither of them." The second proof, titled "Problem 2d," begins "A & B having returned from a journey, had riden [sic] so far that if the square of the number of miles..." and asks "how many miles did each of them travel?"


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A vida que existe na Terra resulta de um conjunto de circunstâncias muito particulares e raras nas quais se inclui a presença da Lua. A Lua é o satélite natural da Terra e os dois planetas influenciam-se mutuamente. Apesar de ser um pequeno planeta a Lua é responsável por vários fenómenos terrestres como as marés que afetam a velocidade de rotação da Terra. O seu afastamento, apesar de lento é constante e provocará alterações nas condições do planeta que permitem sustentar a vida e afectará algumas espécies em particular.


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Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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The main subject of this dissertation is packaging, which is an inescapable product in our society nowadays. Every product we consume daily is generally protected and sheltered by a package that visually represents the product – the main feature of packaging. This research aims to assess the importance of packaging today as well as its role in the past, while searching for ways to improve its qualities as a design project. From the sustainability’s perspective, packaging is a factor that must be observed in dealing with its production, use and disposal and that is precisely the point of view that it is explored within this dissertation: packages’ ability of being sustainable and matching more ecological design practices. The main goal of this research is being able to take advantage of the package and its qualities as a selling means and at the same time make it a product that doesn’t harm our planet and the environment. Although packaging is targeted to match trade and economic issues, environmental factors have been addressed more incisively, as those are one of the biggest problems about this matter: the disposal of the package generates the accumulation of waste after the product is consumed. That being said, the challenge is to produce sustainable packaging and also to redefine the concept of packaging itself. Therefore this research intends to look for the link between packaging and sustainability and how that linkage can add value to the trade market and also to our planet’s health and well-being


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A presente dissertação de mestrado centra-se na divindade suméria Inanna e na sua homóloga semita Ištar. Recolhemos e analisamos conjuntos de mitos, narrativas, hinos, oráculos, canções e orações, de proveniências e cronologias distintas, para compor um retrato cuja complexidade ultrapassa as questões do género e apela a sentimentos transversais ao ser humano. Num panteão com uma miríade de divindades altamente especializadas, Inanna/Ištar destaca-se pelo facto de acumular funções. Deusa trifuncional, regente do Amor e da Guerra, era igualmente a representação divina do planeta Vénus. Numa primeira abordagem, essa singularidade é um factor desconcertante para a sua compreensão. Pelo seu carácter problemático, foi o principal incentivo para o nosso estudo. Examinando as suas diferentes manifestações, propomos um eixo comum para a sua aparente ambivalência, interpretando o amor e a guerra como metáforas com um mesmo significado: poder. Vemos assim como a guerreira e a noiva se complementam em vez de se contradizerem. Ao lado do rei, no leito sagrado ou no campo de batalha, exprimem sempre a bênção divina assegurando a legitimidade dos seus actos enquanto representante dos deuses na Terra e, por conseguinte, garante da ordem. A permanência no tempo do sistema de crenças originalmente fixado por mão suméria, resistindo a conquistas e mudanças dinásticas, e a sua difusão no espaço, transpondo fronteiras naturais e artificiais, demonstram que os povos do Crescente Fértil o partilharam, não obstante algumas alterações semânticas. Na perspectiva da história das religiões, este olhar projetado sobre o passado permite ainda entender melhor a mente do homem mesopotâmico e acompanhar as consequências das alterações culturais no tecido sociopolítico da época. Afloramos também alguns aspectos de continuidade, manifestados através da presença de influências mesopotâmicas na literatura e religião gregas, mais especificamente em Afrodite e Deméter, deusas do amor e da fertilidade, respectivamente. Por fim, sugerimos a permanência de categorias mentais que transportam o passado até aos dias de hoje, ligando a Antiguidade à Actualidade.


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Central conceptual terms, such as ‘culture’, ‘environment’, ‘nature’ and ‘landscape’, are far from being neutral scientific objects. They are academic constructions which need to be understood in their emergence across their historic contexts. Morality is a cultural expression determined by social domination and historical context, which gives it a sectary character. We need a moral theory that can be universal, timeless and that is able to guide the individual conduct, science and political ideologies, without considering the man the zenith of Life. Life, with its biodiversity, is only the tip of a complex Cosmos evolution, but we don’t know if our species, born on planet Earth, are the final link in the Cosmos evolution. To answer all these questions, a new ethical perspective was born, a theory built upon the principles of meta-ethics and applicable to all human activities. Environmental ethics are supported by two principles – the critique against anthropocentrism and the critique against ethnocentrism, giving a universal answer to the macro moral problems of our era – environmental, social, economical and political crisis, war and weapons of mass destruction… And contributes towards rebuilding the human activities in all domains of individual and social life.


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The 20th Century was characterised by growth: the world population grew by four times and its economic output grew by 40 times. At the same time, the resource use and greenhouse gas emissions increased drastically. Only within the last two decades, the worldwide extraction of resources increased by over 50%. With the expectation that the demand of resources will triple by 2050 and the demand for food, feed and fibre is projected to increase by 70%, there is no doubt that we will exceed our planet's boundaries, the safe thresholds within which humanity can continue to develop and thrive for generations to come. Crossing these boundaries could generate abrubt or irreversible environmental changes. Respecting them reduces the risk that human society and ecosystems will face irreversible damages.


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A floresta constitui uma das riquezas naturais com maior valor em todo o planeta, assumindo uma vital importância em termos ambientais e económicos, nomeadamente para Portugal. Neste projeto desenvolve-se um potencial meio de combate a incêndios florestais, com base num conceito inovador e complementar aos atuais meios aplicados no combate a este tipo de flagelo. Este projeto de investigação visa o desenvolvimento de um projétil de detonação mecânica, logo inerte, para aplicação no combate a incêndios florestais, e enquadra-se no âmbito de uma parceria alargada de colaboração em I&D entre a Academia Militar e o Instituto Superior Técnico. O conceito deste produto, ao qual foi atribuído o acrónimo: FIREND, foi, inicialmente, desenvolvido no âmbito de um projeto de I&D da Academia Militar. Neste projeto realiza-se o desenvolvimento final do conceito do produto, incluindo a verificação de aspetos chave no projeto mecânico, seleção e aquisição de materiais e fabrico de protótipos para ensaios balísticos em condições reais. Os resultados de funcionalidade e eficiência são apresentados nas fases estabilidade em voo, impacto com o solo, detonação, projeção e dispersão da carga para o exterior e análise de recuperação dos componentes do FIREND, após utilização. Tendo em conta os resultados obtidos relativos ao funcionamento do FIREND durante o disparo do Obus, voo, impacto no solo e detonação e ainda o estado geral dos componentes após os ensaios, pode-se concluir que se trata de um projeto viável.


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Sediment core GeoB 1023-5 from the eastern South Atlantic was investigated at high temporal resolution for variations of sea-surface temperature (SST) during the past 22 kyr, using the alkenone (UK'37) method. SSTs increased by 3.5°C from about 18°C during the Last Ice Age (21±2 cal kyr BP) to about 21.5°C at 14.5 cal kyr BP. This warming trend associated with the deglaciation phase was followed by a cooling event with lowest SSTs near 20°C, persisting for about 1000 years between 13 and 12 cal kyr BP. The SSTs then continued to increase to about 22.5°C at the Holocene climatic optimum at 7 cal kyr BP, and decreased again during the Late Holocene to a core-top value of 19.8°C that is comparable to modern annual mean SST values. When compared with alkenone SST records from the eastern North Atlantic, our SST record indicates continuous warming throughout the deglaciation phase in the Benguela Current, while its northern counterpart, the Canary Current, experienced prominent cooling during 'Heinrich Event 1' (H1). On the other hand, for the time period corresponding to the 'Younger Dryas' (YD) cooling event, the Benguela SST record exhibits a cold-temperature interval that corresponds to that observed in the eastern North Atlantic SST records. This observation suggests that interhemispheric climate response in Atlantic eastern boundary current systems was different with respect to the two abrupt climate events associated with Termination I. For the H1, the eastern South Atlantic SST record strongly supports the hypothesis that an 'anti-phase' thermal behavior in South Atlantic surface waters was forced by the slowdown of the North Atlantic Deep Water formation during cold spells in the North Atlantic. In contrast, the abrupt cooling in the eastern South Atlantic coincident with the YD period was probably induced by more vigorous global atmospheric circulation, enhancing the upwelling intensity in both eastern boundary current systems. This atmospheric control may have overridden any effect caused by changes in thermohaline circulation on the South Atlantic SSTs during the YD, which leads to the assumption that the thermohaline circulation was already much closer to its interglacial mode during the YD than during the H1.


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Mercury distribution was examined in the sediments of Lake Baikal that were sampled within the scope of the Baikal Drilling International Project in 1996-1999. The Hg concentrations in the ancient sediments are close to those in the modern sediments with the exception of a few peak values, whose ages coincide with those of active volcanism in adjacent areas. Mercury was demonstrated to be contained in the sediments in the adsorbed Hg0 mode, predominantly in relation with organic matter. When the organic matter of the bottom sediments is decomposed in the course of lithification, Hg is retained in the sediments adsorbed on the residual organic matter, and the concentration of this element corresponds to its initial content in the bottom sediments during their accumulation. Mercury concentrations in lithologically distinct bottom sediments of Lake Baikal and its sediments as a whole depend on the climate. Sediments that were formed during warm periods of time contain more Hg than those produced during cold periods or glaciation. Periodical variations in the Hg concentrations in the bottom sediments of Lake Baikal reflect the variations in the contents of this element in the Earth's atmosphere in the Late Cenozoic, which were, in turn, controlled by the climatic variations on the planet and, thus, can be used for detailed reconstructions of variations in the average global temperature near the planet's surface.