943 resultados para Travel time prediction


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Trabecular bone score (TBS) is a gray-level textural index of bone microarchitecture derived from lumbar spine dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) images. TBS is a bone mineral density (BMD)-independent predictor of fracture risk. The objective of this meta-analysis was to determine whether TBS predicted fracture risk independently of FRAX probability and to examine their combined performance by adjusting the FRAX probability for TBS. We utilized individual-level data from 17,809 men and women in 14 prospective population-based cohorts. Baseline evaluation included TBS and the FRAX risk variables, and outcomes during follow-up (mean 6.7 years) comprised major osteoporotic fractures. The association between TBS, FRAX probabilities, and the risk of fracture was examined using an extension of the Poisson regression model in each cohort and for each sex and expressed as the gradient of risk (GR; hazard ratio per 1 SD change in risk variable in direction of increased risk). FRAX probabilities were adjusted for TBS using an adjustment factor derived from an independent cohort (the Manitoba Bone Density Cohort). Overall, the GR of TBS for major osteoporotic fracture was 1.44 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.35-1.53) when adjusted for age and time since baseline and was similar in men and women (p > 0.10). When additionally adjusted for FRAX 10-year probability of major osteoporotic fracture, TBS remained a significant, independent predictor for fracture (GR = 1.32, 95% CI 1.24-1.41). The adjustment of FRAX probability for TBS resulted in a small increase in the GR (1.76, 95% CI 1.65-1.87 versus 1.70, 95% CI 1.60-1.81). A smaller change in GR for hip fracture was observed (FRAX hip fracture probability GR 2.25 vs. 2.22). TBS is a significant predictor of fracture risk independently of FRAX. The findings support the use of TBS as a potential adjustment for FRAX probability, though the impact of the adjustment remains to be determined in the context of clinical assessment guidelines. © 2015 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.


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The main objective of this master’s thesis is to examine if Weibull analysis is suitable method for warranty forecasting in the Case Company. The Case Company has used Reliasoft’s Weibull++ software, which is basing on the Weibull method, but the Company has noticed that the analysis has not given right results. This study was conducted making Weibull simulations in different profit centers of the Case Company and then comparing actual cost and forecasted cost. Simula-tions were made using different time frames and two methods for determining future deliveries. The first sub objective is to examine, which parameters of simulations will give the best result to each profit center. The second sub objective of this study is to create a simple control model for following forecasted costs and actual realized costs. The third sub objective is to document all Qlikview-parameters of profit centers. This study is a constructive research, and solutions for company’s problems are figured out in this master’s thesis. In the theory parts were introduced quality issues, for example; what is quality, quality costing and cost of poor quality. Quality is one of the major aspects in the Case Company, so understand-ing the link between quality and warranty forecasting is important. Warranty management was also introduced and other different tools for warranty forecasting. The Weibull method and its mathematical properties and reliability engineering were introduced. The main results of this master’s thesis are that the Weibull analysis forecasted too high costs, when calculating provision. Although, some forecasted values of profit centers were lower than actual values, the method works better for planning purposes. One of the reasons is that quality improving or alternatively quality decreasing is not showing in the results of the analysis in the short run. The other reason for too high values is that the products of the Case Company are com-plex and analyses were made in the profit center-level. The Weibull method was developed for standard products, but products of the Case Company consists of many complex components. According to the theory, this method was developed for homogeneous-data. So the most im-portant notification is that the analysis should be made in the product level, not the profit center level, when the data is more homogeneous.


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In studies of cognitive processing, the allocation of attention has been consistently linked to subtle, phasic adjustments in autonomic control. Both autonomic control of heart rate and control of the allocation of attention are known to decline with age. It is not known, however, whether characteristic individual differences in autonomic control and the ability to control attention are closely linked. To test this, a measure of parasympathetic function, vagal tone (VT) was computed from cardiac recordings from older and younger adults taken before and during performance of two attentiondemanding tasks - the Eriksen visual flanker task and the source memory task. Both tasks elicited event-related potentials (ERPs) that accompany errors, i.e., error-related negativities (ERNs) and error positivities (Pe's). The ERN is a negative deflection in the ERP signal, time-locked to responses made on incorrect trials, likely generated in the anterior cingulate. It is followed immediately by the Pe, a broad, positive deflection which may reflect conscious awareness of having committed an error. Age-attenuation ofERN amplitude has previously been found in paradigms with simple stimulus-response mappings, such as the flanker task, but has rarely been examined in more complex, conceptual tasks. Until now, there have been no reports of its being investigated in a source monitoring task. Age-attenuation of the ERN component was observed in both tasks. Results also indicated that the ERNs generated in these two tasks were generally comparable for young adults. For older adults, however, the ERN from the source monitoring task was not only shallower, but incorporated more frontal processing, apparently reflecting task demands. The error positivities elicited by 3 the two tasks were not comparable, however, and age-attenuation of the Pe was seen only in the more perceptual flanker task. For younger adults, it was Pe scalp topography that seemed to reflect task demands, being maximal over central parietal areas in the flanker task, but over very frontal areas in the source monitoring task. With respect to vagal tone, in the flanker task, neither the number of errors nor ERP amplitudes were predicted by baseline or on-task vagal tone measures. However, in the more difficult source memory task, lower VT was marginally associated with greater numbers of source memory errors in the older group. Thus, for older adults, relatively low levels of parasympathetic control over cardiac response coincided with poorer source memory discrimination. In both groups, lower levels of baseline VT were associated with larger amplitude ERNs, and smaller amplitude Pe's. Thus, low VT was associated in a conceptual task with a greater "emergency response" to errors, and at the same time, reduced awareness of having made them. The efficiency of an individual's complex cognitive processing was therefore associated with the flexibility of parasympathetic control of heart rate, in response to a cognitively challenging task.


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Objectif: Évaluer l'efficacité du dépistage de l’hypertension gestationnelle par les caractéristiques démographiques maternelles, les biomarqueurs sériques et le Doppler de l'artère utérine au premier et au deuxième trimestre de grossesse. Élaborer des modèles prédictifs de l’hypertension gestationnelle fondées sur ces paramètres. Methods: Il s'agit d'une étude prospective de cohorte incluant 598 femmes nullipares. Le Doppler utérin a été étudié par échographie transabdominale entre 11 +0 à 13 +6 semaines (1er trimestre) et entre 17 +0 à 21 +6 semaines (2e trimestre). Tous les échantillons de sérum pour la mesure de plusieurs biomarqueurs placentaires ont été recueillis au 1er trimestre. Les caractéristiques démographiques maternelles ont été enregistrées en même temps. Des courbes ROC et les valeurs prédictives ont été utilisés pour analyser la puissance prédictive des paramètres ci-dessus. Différentes combinaisons et leurs modèles de régression logistique ont été également analysés. Résultats: Parmi 598 femmes, on a observé 20 pré-éclampsies (3,3%), 7 pré-éclampsies précoces (1,2%), 52 cas d’hypertension gestationnelle (8,7%) , 10 cas d’hypertension gestationnelle avant 37 semaines (1,7%). L’index de pulsatilité des artères utérines au 2e trimestre est le meilleur prédicteur. En analyse de régression logistique multivariée, la meilleure valeur prédictive au 1er et au 2e trimestre a été obtenue pour la prévision de la pré-éclampsie précoce. Le dépistage combiné a montré des résultats nettement meilleurs comparés avec les paramètres maternels ou Doppler seuls. Conclusion: Comme seul marqueur, le Doppler utérin du deuxième trimestre a la meilleure prédictive pour l'hypertension, la naissance prématurée et la restriction de croissance. La combinaison des caractéristiques démographiques maternelles, des biomarqueurs sériques maternels et du Doppler utérin améliore l'efficacité du dépistage, en particulier pour la pré-éclampsie nécessitant un accouchement prématuré.


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Understanding how stem and progenitor cells choose between alternative cell fates is a major challenge in developmental biology. Efforts to tackle this problem have been hampered by the scarcity of markers that can be used to predict cell division outcomes. Here we present a computational method, based on algorithmic information theory, to analyze dynamic features of living cells over time. Using this method, we asked whether rat retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) display characteristic phenotypes before undergoing mitosis that could foretell their fate. We predicted whether RPCs will undergo a self-renewing or terminal division with 99% accuracy, or whether they will produce two photoreceptors or another combination of offspring with 87% accuracy. Our implementation can segment, track and generate predictions for 40 cells simultaneously on a standard computer at 5 min per frame. This method could be used to isolate cell populations with specific developmental potential, enabling previously impossible investigations.


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La fibrillation auriculaire (FA) est une arythmie touchant les oreillettes. En FA, la contraction auriculaire est rapide et irrégulière. Le remplissage des ventricules devient incomplet, ce qui réduit le débit cardiaque. La FA peut entraîner des palpitations, des évanouissements, des douleurs thoraciques ou l’insuffisance cardiaque. Elle augmente aussi le risque d'accident vasculaire. Le pontage coronarien est une intervention chirurgicale réalisée pour restaurer le flux sanguin dans les cas de maladie coronarienne sévère. 10% à 65% des patients qui n'ont jamais subi de FA, en sont victime le plus souvent lors du deuxième ou troisième jour postopératoire. La FA est particulièrement fréquente après une chirurgie de la valve mitrale, survenant alors dans environ 64% des patients. L'apparition de la FA postopératoire est associée à une augmentation de la morbidité, de la durée et des coûts d'hospitalisation. Les mécanismes responsables de la FA postopératoire ne sont pas bien compris. L'identification des patients à haut risque de FA après un pontage coronarien serait utile pour sa prévention. Le présent projet est basé sur l'analyse d’électrogrammes cardiaques enregistrées chez les patients après pontage un aorte-coronaire. Le premier objectif de la recherche est d'étudier si les enregistrements affichent des changements typiques avant l'apparition de la FA. Le deuxième objectif est d'identifier des facteurs prédictifs permettant d’identifier les patients qui vont développer une FA. Les enregistrements ont été réalisés par l'équipe du Dr Pierre Pagé sur 137 patients traités par pontage coronarien. Trois électrodes unipolaires ont été suturées sur l'épicarde des oreillettes pour enregistrer en continu pendant les 4 premiers jours postopératoires. La première tâche était de développer un algorithme pour détecter et distinguer les activations auriculaires et ventriculaires sur chaque canal, et pour combiner les activations des trois canaux appartenant à un même événement cardiaque. L'algorithme a été développé et optimisé sur un premier ensemble de marqueurs, et sa performance évaluée sur un second ensemble. Un logiciel de validation a été développé pour préparer ces deux ensembles et pour corriger les détections sur tous les enregistrements qui ont été utilisés plus tard dans les analyses. Il a été complété par des outils pour former, étiqueter et valider les battements sinusaux normaux, les activations auriculaires et ventriculaires prématurées (PAA, PVA), ainsi que les épisodes d'arythmie. Les données cliniques préopératoires ont ensuite été analysées pour établir le risque préopératoire de FA. L’âge, le niveau de créatinine sérique et un diagnostic d'infarctus du myocarde se sont révélés être les plus importants facteurs de prédiction. Bien que le niveau du risque préopératoire puisse dans une certaine mesure prédire qui développera la FA, il n'était pas corrélé avec le temps de l'apparition de la FA postopératoire. Pour l'ensemble des patients ayant eu au moins un épisode de FA d’une durée de 10 minutes ou plus, les deux heures précédant la première FA prolongée ont été analysées. Cette première FA prolongée était toujours déclenchée par un PAA dont l’origine était le plus souvent sur l'oreillette gauche. Cependant, au cours des deux heures pré-FA, la distribution des PAA et de la fraction de ceux-ci provenant de l'oreillette gauche était large et inhomogène parmi les patients. Le nombre de PAA, la durée des arythmies transitoires, le rythme cardiaque sinusal, la portion basse fréquence de la variabilité du rythme cardiaque (LF portion) montraient des changements significatifs dans la dernière heure avant le début de la FA. La dernière étape consistait à comparer les patients avec et sans FA prolongée pour trouver des facteurs permettant de discriminer les deux groupes. Cinq types de modèles de régression logistique ont été comparés. Ils avaient une sensibilité, une spécificité et une courbe opérateur-receveur similaires, et tous avaient un niveau de prédiction des patients sans FA très faible. Une méthode de moyenne glissante a été proposée pour améliorer la discrimination, surtout pour les patients sans FA. Deux modèles ont été retenus, sélectionnés sur les critères de robustesse, de précision, et d’applicabilité. Autour 70% patients sans FA et 75% de patients avec FA ont été correctement identifiés dans la dernière heure avant la FA. Le taux de PAA, la fraction des PAA initiés dans l'oreillette gauche, le pNN50, le temps de conduction auriculo-ventriculaire, et la corrélation entre ce dernier et le rythme cardiaque étaient les variables de prédiction communes à ces deux modèles.


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Le suivi thérapeutique est recommandé pour l’ajustement de la dose des agents immunosuppresseurs. La pertinence de l’utilisation de la surface sous la courbe (SSC) comme biomarqueur dans l’exercice du suivi thérapeutique de la cyclosporine (CsA) dans la transplantation des cellules souches hématopoïétiques est soutenue par un nombre croissant d’études. Cependant, pour des raisons intrinsèques à la méthode de calcul de la SSC, son utilisation en milieu clinique n’est pas pratique. Les stratégies d’échantillonnage limitées, basées sur des approches de régression (R-LSS) ou des approches Bayésiennes (B-LSS), représentent des alternatives pratiques pour une estimation satisfaisante de la SSC. Cependant, pour une application efficace de ces méthodologies, leur conception doit accommoder la réalité clinique, notamment en requérant un nombre minimal de concentrations échelonnées sur une courte durée d’échantillonnage. De plus, une attention particulière devrait être accordée à assurer leur développement et validation adéquates. Il est aussi important de mentionner que l’irrégularité dans le temps de la collecte des échantillons sanguins peut avoir un impact non-négligeable sur la performance prédictive des R-LSS. Or, à ce jour, cet impact n’a fait l’objet d’aucune étude. Cette thèse de doctorat se penche sur ces problématiques afin de permettre une estimation précise et pratique de la SSC. Ces études ont été effectuées dans le cadre de l’utilisation de la CsA chez des patients pédiatriques ayant subi une greffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques. D’abord, des approches de régression multiple ainsi que d’analyse pharmacocinétique de population (Pop-PK) ont été utilisées de façon constructive afin de développer et de valider adéquatement des LSS. Ensuite, plusieurs modèles Pop-PK ont été évalués, tout en gardant à l’esprit leur utilisation prévue dans le contexte de l’estimation de la SSC. Aussi, la performance des B-LSS ciblant différentes versions de SSC a également été étudiée. Enfin, l’impact des écarts entre les temps d’échantillonnage sanguins réels et les temps nominaux planifiés, sur la performance de prédiction des R-LSS a été quantifié en utilisant une approche de simulation qui considère des scénarios diversifiés et réalistes représentant des erreurs potentielles dans la cédule des échantillons sanguins. Ainsi, cette étude a d’abord conduit au développement de R-LSS et B-LSS ayant une performance clinique satisfaisante, et qui sont pratiques puisqu’elles impliquent 4 points d’échantillonnage ou moins obtenus dans les 4 heures post-dose. Une fois l’analyse Pop-PK effectuée, un modèle structural à deux compartiments avec un temps de délai a été retenu. Cependant, le modèle final - notamment avec covariables - n’a pas amélioré la performance des B-LSS comparativement aux modèles structuraux (sans covariables). En outre, nous avons démontré que les B-LSS exhibent une meilleure performance pour la SSC dérivée des concentrations simulées qui excluent les erreurs résiduelles, que nous avons nommée « underlying AUC », comparée à la SSC observée qui est directement calculée à partir des concentrations mesurées. Enfin, nos résultats ont prouvé que l’irrégularité des temps de la collecte des échantillons sanguins a un impact important sur la performance prédictive des R-LSS; cet impact est en fonction du nombre des échantillons requis, mais encore davantage en fonction de la durée du processus d’échantillonnage impliqué. Nous avons aussi mis en évidence que les erreurs d’échantillonnage commises aux moments où la concentration change rapidement sont celles qui affectent le plus le pouvoir prédictif des R-LSS. Plus intéressant, nous avons mis en exergue que même si différentes R-LSS peuvent avoir des performances similaires lorsque basées sur des temps nominaux, leurs tolérances aux erreurs des temps d’échantillonnage peuvent largement différer. En fait, une considération adéquate de l'impact de ces erreurs peut conduire à une sélection et une utilisation plus fiables des R-LSS. Par une investigation approfondie de différents aspects sous-jacents aux stratégies d’échantillonnages limités, cette thèse a pu fournir des améliorations méthodologiques notables, et proposer de nouvelles voies pour assurer leur utilisation de façon fiable et informée, tout en favorisant leur adéquation à la pratique clinique.


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Après des décennies de développement, l'ablation laser est devenue une technique importante pour un grand nombre d'applications telles que le dépôt de couches minces, la synthèse de nanoparticules, le micro-usinage, l’analyse chimique, etc. Des études expérimentales ainsi que théoriques ont été menées pour comprendre les mécanismes physiques fondamentaux mis en jeu pendant l'ablation et pour déterminer l’effet de la longueur d'onde, de la durée d'impulsion, de la nature de gaz ambiant et du matériau de la cible. La présente thèse décrit et examine l'importance relative des mécanismes physiques qui influencent les caractéristiques des plasmas d’aluminium induits par laser. Le cadre général de cette recherche forme une étude approfondie de l'interaction entre la dynamique de la plume-plasma et l’atmosphère gazeuse dans laquelle elle se développe. Ceci a été réalisé par imagerie résolue temporellement et spatialement de la plume du plasma en termes d'intensité spectrale, de densité électronique et de température d'excitation dans différentes atmosphères de gaz inertes tel que l’Ar et l’He et réactifs tel que le N2 et ce à des pressions s’étendant de 10‾7 Torr (vide) jusqu’à 760 Torr (pression atmosphérique). Nos résultats montrent que l'intensité d'émission de plasma dépend généralement de la nature de gaz et qu’elle est fortement affectée par sa pression. En outre, pour un délai temporel donné par rapport à l'impulsion laser, la densité électronique ainsi que la température augmentent avec la pression de gaz, ce qui peut être attribué au confinement inertiel du plasma. De plus, on observe que la densité électronique est maximale à proximité de la surface de la cible où le laser est focalisé et qu’elle diminue en s’éloignant (axialement et radialement) de cette position. Malgré la variation axiale importante de la température le long du plasma, on trouve que sa variation radiale est négligeable. La densité électronique et la température ont été trouvées maximales lorsque le gaz est de l’argon et minimales pour l’hélium, tandis que les valeurs sont intermédiaires dans le cas de l’azote. Ceci tient surtout aux propriétés physiques et chimiques du gaz telles que la masse des espèces, leur énergie d'excitation et d'ionisation, la conductivité thermique et la réactivité chimique. L'expansion de la plume du plasma a été étudiée par imagerie résolue spatio-temporellement. Les résultats montrent que la nature de gaz n’affecte pas la dynamique de la plume pour des pressions inférieures à 20 Torr et pour un délai temporel inférieur à 200 ns. Cependant, pour des pressions supérieures à 20 Torr, l'effet de la nature du gaz devient important et la plume la plus courte est obtenue lorsque la masse des espèces du gaz est élevée et lorsque sa conductivité thermique est relativement faible. Ces résultats sont confirmés par la mesure de temps de vol de l’ion Al+ émettant à 281,6 nm. D’autre part, on trouve que la vitesse de propagation des ions d’aluminium est bien définie juste après l’ablation et près de la surface de la cible. Toutefois, pour un délai temporel important, les ions, en traversant la plume, se thermalisent grâce aux collisions avec les espèces du plasma et du gaz.


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The thesis has covered various aspects of modeling and analysis of finite mean time series with symmetric stable distributed innovations. Time series analysis based on Box and Jenkins methods are the most popular approaches where the models are linear and errors are Gaussian. We highlighted the limitations of classical time series analysis tools and explored some generalized tools and organized the approach parallel to the classical set up. In the present thesis we mainly studied the estimation and prediction of signal plus noise model. Here we assumed the signal and noise follow some models with symmetric stable innovations.We start the thesis with some motivating examples and application areas of alpha stable time series models. Classical time series analysis and corresponding theories based on finite variance models are extensively discussed in second chapter. We also surveyed the existing theories and methods correspond to infinite variance models in the same chapter. We present a linear filtering method for computing the filter weights assigned to the observation for estimating unobserved signal under general noisy environment in third chapter. Here we consider both the signal and the noise as stationary processes with infinite variance innovations. We derived semi infinite, double infinite and asymmetric signal extraction filters based on minimum dispersion criteria. Finite length filters based on Kalman-Levy filters are developed and identified the pattern of the filter weights. Simulation studies show that the proposed methods are competent enough in signal extraction for processes with infinite variance.Parameter estimation of autoregressive signals observed in a symmetric stable noise environment is discussed in fourth chapter. Here we used higher order Yule-Walker type estimation using auto-covariation function and exemplify the methods by simulation and application to Sea surface temperature data. We increased the number of Yule-Walker equations and proposed a ordinary least square estimate to the autoregressive parameters. Singularity problem of the auto-covariation matrix is addressed and derived a modified version of the Generalized Yule-Walker method using singular value decomposition.In fifth chapter of the thesis we introduced partial covariation function as a tool for stable time series analysis where covariance or partial covariance is ill defined. Asymptotic results of the partial auto-covariation is studied and its application in model identification of stable auto-regressive models are discussed. We generalize the Durbin-Levinson algorithm to include infinite variance models in terms of partial auto-covariation function and introduce a new information criteria for consistent order estimation of stable autoregressive model.In chapter six we explore the application of the techniques discussed in the previous chapter in signal processing. Frequency estimation of sinusoidal signal observed in symmetric stable noisy environment is discussed in this context. Here we introduced a parametric spectrum analysis and frequency estimate using power transfer function. Estimate of the power transfer function is obtained using the modified generalized Yule-Walker approach. Another important problem in statistical signal processing is to identify the number of sinusoidal components in an observed signal. We used a modified version of the proposed information criteria for this purpose.


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We propose a novel, simple, efficient and distribution-free re-sampling technique for developing prediction intervals for returns and volatilities following ARCH/GARCH models. In particular, our key idea is to employ a Box–Jenkins linear representation of an ARCH/GARCH equation and then to adapt a sieve bootstrap procedure to the nonlinear GARCH framework. Our simulation studies indicate that the new re-sampling method provides sharp and well calibrated prediction intervals for both returns and volatilities while reducing computational costs by up to 100 times, compared to other available re-sampling techniques for ARCH/GARCH models. The proposed procedure is illustrated by an application to Yen/U.S. dollar daily exchange rate data.


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Learning Disability (LD) is a general term that describes specific kinds of learning problems. It is a neurological condition that affects a child's brain and impairs his ability to carry out one or many specific tasks. The learning disabled children are neither slow nor mentally retarded. This disorder can make it problematic for a child to learn as quickly or in the same way as some child who isn't affected by a learning disability. An affected child can have normal or above average intelligence. They may have difficulty paying attention, with reading or letter recognition, or with mathematics. It does not mean that children who have learning disabilities are less intelligent. In fact, many children who have learning disabilities are more intelligent than an average child. Learning disabilities vary from child to child. One child with LD may not have the same kind of learning problems as another child with LD. There is no cure for learning disabilities and they are life-long. However, children with LD can be high achievers and can be taught ways to get around the learning disability. In this research work, data mining using machine learning techniques are used to analyze the symptoms of LD, establish interrelationships between them and evaluate the relative importance of these symptoms. To increase the diagnostic accuracy of learning disability prediction, a knowledge based tool based on statistical machine learning or data mining techniques, with high accuracy,according to the knowledge obtained from the clinical information, is proposed. The basic idea of the developed knowledge based tool is to increase the accuracy of the learning disability assessment and reduce the time used for the same. Different statistical machine learning techniques in data mining are used in the study. Identifying the important parameters of LD prediction using the data mining techniques, identifying the hidden relationship between the symptoms of LD and estimating the relative significance of each symptoms of LD are also the parts of the objectives of this research work. The developed tool has many advantages compared to the traditional methods of using check lists in determination of learning disabilities. For improving the performance of various classifiers, we developed some preprocessing methods for the LD prediction system. A new system based on fuzzy and rough set models are also developed for LD prediction. Here also the importance of pre-processing is studied. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is designed for developing an integrated knowledge based tool for prediction of LD as well as its degree. The designed tool stores the details of the children in the student database and retrieves their LD report as and when required. The present study undoubtedly proves the effectiveness of the tool developed based on various machine learning techniques. It also identifies the important parameters of LD and accurately predicts the learning disability in school age children. This thesis makes several major contributions in technical, general and social areas. The results are found very beneficial to the parents, teachers and the institutions. They are able to diagnose the child’s problem at an early stage and can go for the proper treatments/counseling at the correct time so as to avoid the academic and social losses.


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The aim of this study is to show the importance of two classification techniques, viz. decision tree and clustering, in prediction of learning disabilities (LD) of school-age children. LDs affect about 10 percent of all children enrolled in schools. The problems of children with specific learning disabilities have been a cause of concern to parents and teachers for some time. Decision trees and clustering are powerful and popular tools used for classification and prediction in Data mining. Different rules extracted from the decision tree are used for prediction of learning disabilities. Clustering is the assignment of a set of observations into subsets, called clusters, which are useful in finding the different signs and symptoms (attributes) present in the LD affected child. In this paper, J48 algorithm is used for constructing the decision tree and K-means algorithm is used for creating the clusters. By applying these classification techniques, LD in any child can be identified


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Learning disability (LD) is a neurological condition that affects a child’s brain and impairs his ability to carry out one or many specific tasks. LD affects about 10% of children enrolled in schools. There is no cure for learning disabilities and they are lifelong. The problems of children with specific learning disabilities have been a cause of concern to parents and teachers for some time. Just as there are many different types of LDs, there are a variety of tests that may be done to pinpoint the problem The information gained from an evaluation is crucial for finding out how the parents and the school authorities can provide the best possible learning environment for child. This paper proposes a new approach in artificial neural network (ANN) for identifying LD in children at early stages so as to solve the problems faced by them and to get the benefits to the students, their parents and school authorities. In this study, we propose a closest fit algorithm data preprocessing with ANN classification to handle missing attribute values. This algorithm imputes the missing values in the preprocessing stage. Ignoring of missing attribute values is a common trend in all classifying algorithms. But, in this paper, we use an algorithm in a systematic approach for classification, which gives a satisfactory result in the prediction of LD. It acts as a tool for predicting the LD accurately, and good information of the child is made available to the concerned


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Learning Disability (LD) is a classification including several disorders in which a child has difficulty in learning in a typical manner, usually caused by an unknown factor or factors. LD affects about 15% of children enrolled in schools. The prediction of learning disability is a complicated task since the identification of LD from diverse features or signs is a complicated problem. There is no cure for learning disabilities and they are life-long. The problems of children with specific learning disabilities have been a cause of concern to parents and teachers for some time. The aim of this paper is to develop a new algorithm for imputing missing values and to determine the significance of the missing value imputation method and dimensionality reduction method in the performance of fuzzy and neuro fuzzy classifiers with specific emphasis on prediction of learning disabilities in school age children. In the basic assessment method for prediction of LD, checklists are generally used and the data cases thus collected fully depends on the mood of children and may have also contain redundant as well as missing values. Therefore, in this study, we are proposing a new algorithm, viz. the correlation based new algorithm for imputing the missing values and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for reducing the irrelevant attributes. After the study, it is found that, the preprocessing methods applied by us improves the quality of data and thereby increases the accuracy of the classifiers. The system is implemented in Math works Software Mat Lab 7.10. The results obtained from this study have illustrated that the developed missing value imputation method is very good contribution in prediction system and is capable of improving the performance of a classifier.


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The research of this thesis dissertation covers developments and applications of short-and long-term climate predictions. The short-term prediction emphasizes monthly and seasonal climate, i.e. forecasting from up to the next month over a season to up to a year or so. The long-term predictions pertain to the analysis of inter-annual- and decadal climate variations over the whole 21st century. These two climate prediction methods are validated and applied in the study area, namely, Khlong Yai (KY) water basin located in the eastern seaboard of Thailand which is a major industrial zone of the country and which has been suffering from severe drought and water shortage in recent years. Since water resources are essential for the further industrial development in this region, a thorough analysis of the potential climate change with its subsequent impact on the water supply in the area is at the heart of this thesis research. The short-term forecast of the next-season climate, such as temperatures and rainfall, offers a potential general guideline for water management and reservoir operation. To that avail, statistical models based on autoregressive techniques, i.e., AR-, ARIMA- and ARIMAex-, which includes additional external regressors, and multiple linear regression- (MLR) models, are developed and applied in the study region. Teleconnections between ocean states and the local climate are investigated and used as extra external predictors in the ARIMAex- and the MLR-model and shown to enhance the accuracy of the short-term predictions significantly. However, as the ocean state – local climate teleconnective relationships provide only a one- to four-month ahead lead time, the ocean state indices can support only a one-season-ahead forecast. Hence, GCM- climate predictors are also suggested as an additional predictor-set for a more reliable and somewhat longer short-term forecast. For the preparation of “pre-warning” information for up-coming possible future climate change with potential adverse hydrological impacts in the study region, the long-term climate prediction methodology is applied. The latter is based on the downscaling of climate predictions from several single- and multi-domain GCMs, using the two well-known downscaling methods SDSM and LARS-WG and a newly developed MLR-downscaling technique that allows the incorporation of a multitude of monthly or daily climate predictors from one- or several (multi-domain) parent GCMs. The numerous downscaling experiments indicate that the MLR- method is more accurate than SDSM and LARS-WG in predicting the recent past 20th-century (1971-2000) long-term monthly climate in the region. The MLR-model is, consequently, then employed to downscale 21st-century GCM- climate predictions under SRES-scenarios A1B, A2 and B1. However, since the hydrological watershed model requires daily-scale climate input data, a new stochastic daily climate generator is developed to rescale monthly observed or predicted climate series to daily series, while adhering to the statistical and geospatial distributional attributes of observed (past) daily climate series in the calibration phase. Employing this daily climate generator, 30 realizations of future daily climate series from downscaled monthly GCM-climate predictor sets are produced and used as input in the SWAT- distributed watershed model, to simulate future streamflow and other hydrological water budget components in the study region in a multi-realization manner. In addition to a general examination of the future changes of the hydrological regime in the KY-basin, potential future changes of the water budgets of three main reservoirs in the basin are analysed, as these are a major source of water supply in the study region. The results of the long-term 21st-century downscaled climate predictions provide evidence that, compared with the past 20th-reference period, the future climate in the study area will be more extreme, particularly, for SRES A1B. Thus, the temperatures will be higher and exhibit larger fluctuations. Although the future intensity of the rainfall is nearly constant, its spatial distribution across the region is partially changing. There is further evidence that the sequential rainfall occurrence will be decreased, so that short periods of high intensities will be followed by longer dry spells. This change in the sequential rainfall pattern will also lead to seasonal reductions of the streamflow and seasonal changes (decreases) of the water storage in the reservoirs. In any case, these predicted future climate changes with their hydrological impacts should encourage water planner and policy makers to develop adaptation strategies to properly handle the future water supply in this area, following the guidelines suggested in this study.