966 resultados para Traffic engineering computing


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There is currently a strong focus worldwide on the potential of large-scale Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems to cut costs and improve patient outcomes through increased efficiency. This is accomplished by aggregating medical data from isolated Electronic Medical Record databases maintained by different healthcare providers. Concerns about the privacy and reliability of Electronic Health Records are crucial to healthcare service consumers. Traditional security mechanisms are designed to satisfy confidentiality, integrity, and availability requirements, but they fail to provide a measurement tool for data reliability from a data entry perspective. In this paper, we introduce a Medical Data Reliability Assessment (MDRA) service model to assess the reliability of medical data by evaluating the trustworthiness of its sources, usually the healthcare provider which created the data and the medical practitioner who diagnosed the patient and authorised entry of this data into the patient’s medical record. The result is then expressed by manipulating health record metadata to alert medical practitioners relying on the information to possible reliability problems.


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Toll plazas are particularly susceptible to build-ups of vehicle-emitted pollutants because vehicles pass through in low gear. To look at this, three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics simulations of pollutant dispersion are used on the standard k e turbulence model. The effects of wind speed, wind direction and topography on pollutant dispersion were discussed. The Wuzhuang toll plaza on the Hefei-Nanjing expressway is considered, and the effects of the retaining walls along both sides of the plaza on pollutant dispersion is analysed. There are greater pollutant concentrations near the tollbooths as the angle between the direction of the wind and traffic increases implying that retaining walls impede dispersion. The slope of the walls has little influence on the variations in pollutant concentration.


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Aiming at the shortage of prevailing prediction methods about highway truck conveyance configuration in over-limit freight research that transferring the goods attributed to over-limit portion to another fully loaded truck of the same configuration and developing the truck traffic volume synchronously, a new way to get accumulated probability function of truck power tonnage in basal year by highway truck classified by wheel and axle type load mass spectrum investigation was presented. Logit models were used to forecast overall highway freight diversion and single cargo tonnage diversion when the weight rules and strict of enforcement intensity of overload were changed in scheme year. Assumption that the probability distribution of single truck loadage should be consistent with the probability distribution of single goods freighted, the model describes the truck conveyance configuration in the future under strict over-limit prohibition. The model was used and tested in Highway Over-limit Research Project in Anhui by World Bank.


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This study employs BP neural network to simulate the development of Chinese private passenger cars. Considering the uncertain and complex environment for the development of private passenger cars, indicators of economy, population, price, infrastructure, income, energy and some other fields which have major impacts on it are selected at first. The network is proved to be operable to simulate the progress of chinese private passenger cars after modeling, training and generalization test. Based on the BP neural network model, sensitivity analysis of each indicator is carried on and shows that the sensitivity coefficients of fuel price change suddenly. This special phenomenon reveals that the development of Chinese private passenger cars may be seriously affected by the recent high fuel price. This finding is also consistent with facts and figures


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In 2004, with the increasing overloading restriction requirements of society in Anhui, a provincial comprehensive overloading transportation survey has been developed to take evaluations on overloading actuality and enforcement efficiency with the support of the World Bank. A total of six site surveys were conducted at Hefei, Fuyang, Luan, Wuhu, Huainan and Huangshan Areas with four main contents respectively: traffic volume, axle load, freight information and registration information. Via statistical analysis on the survey data, conclusions were gained that: vehicle overloading are very universal and serious problems at arterial highways in Anhui now. The traffic loads have far exceeded the designed endure capacity of highways and have caused prevalent premature pavement damage, especially for rigid pavement. The overloading trucks are unimpeded engaged in highway freight transportation actually due to the disordered overloading enforcement strategies and the deficient inspecting technologies.


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There has been increased research interest in Co-operative Vehicle Infrastructure Systems (CVIS) from the eld of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). However most of the research have focused on the engineering aspects and overlooked their relevance to the drivers' behaviour. This paper argues that the priority for cooperative systems is the need to improve drivers decision making and reduce drivers' crash risk exposure to improve road safety. Therefore any engineering solutions need to be considered in conjuction with traffic psychology theories on driver behaviour. This paper explores the advantages and limitations of existing systems and emphasizes various theoretical issues that arise in articulating cooperative systems' capabilities and drivers' behaviour.


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Much landscape architectural form seems like hackneyed modernism, whether it be orthogonal or biomorphic, 'formal or informal' and doesn't seem to get to grips with the truly complex nature of the landscape, making any project seem potentially simplistic. This is largely because it has inherited languages from architecture that are based around objects, and that therefore can act to make designs self-referential rather than edgy instances in a dialogue much larger than the site itself, connected to systems that are unavoidable, even if one chooses to ignore them. These systems constitute a formal language even if landscape architecture looks to things like GIS to engage with them. Tropospheric Temperament was an Advanced Computing subject, for second-year landscape architecture students at UWA, taught by Julian Raxworthy and Rene Van Meeuwen, which ran in Semester 1, 2004. For this subject, the question was: how can we learn to wield such systems in design terms, even if they are developed through un-self-conscious natural and vernacular forces?


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Historically, asset management focused primarily on the reliability and maintainability of assets; organisations have since then accepted the notion that a much larger array of processes govern the life and use of an asset. With this, asset management’s new paradigm seeks a holistic, multi-disciplinary approach to the management of physical assets. A growing number of organisations now seek to develop integrated asset management frameworks and bodies of knowledge. This research seeks to complement existing outputs of the mentioned organisations through the development of an asset management ontology. Ontologies define a common vocabulary for both researchers and practitioners who need to share information in a chosen domain. A by-product of ontology development is the realisation of a process architecture, of which there is also no evidence in published literature. To develop the ontology and subsequent asset management process architecture, a standard knowledge-engineering methodology is followed. This involves text analysis, definition and classification of terms and visualisation through an appropriate tool (in this case, the Protégé application was used). The result of this research is the first attempt at developing an asset management ontology and process architecture.


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Freeway barriers used to be just great slabs of concrete that lined the road to tr and protect nearby residents from the constant rumble of the traffic. But in recent years, their visual appeal has become as important as their practical purpose with architects and designers clamouring to show off their ideas to the vast traveling public. Melbourne's Craigieburn Bypass is the latest to be recognised for its dual appeal winning the Urban Design Award at the recent Victorian Architecture Awards.


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This paper reviews the main development of approaches to modelling urban public transit users’ route choice behaviour from 1960s to the present. The approaches reviewed include the early heuristic studies on finding the least cost transit route and all-or-nothing transit assignment, the bus common line problem and corresponding network representation methods, the disaggregate discrete choice models which are based on random utility maximization assumptions, the deterministic use equilibrium and stochastic user equilibrium transit assignment models, and the recent dynamic transit assignment models using either frequency or schedule based network formulation. In addition to reviewing past outcomes, this paper also gives an outlook into the possible future directions of modelling transit users’ route choice behaviour. Based on the comparison with the development of models for motorists’ route choice and traffic assignment problems in an urban road area, this paper points out that it is rewarding for transit route choice research to draw inspiration from the intellectual outcomes out of the road area. Particularly, in light of the recent advancement of modelling motorists’ complex road route choice behaviour, this paper advocates that the modelling practice of transit users’ route choice should further explore the complexities of the problem.


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"This book investigates the origins and implications of the securitization crisis, described by the chief executive of ANZ as a "financial services bloodbath". Based on extensive interviews it offers an integrated series of case studies drawn from the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia. A central purpose is to not only chart what went wrong with the investment houses and why the regulatory systems failed, but also provide policy guidance. The book therefore combines the empirical with the normative. In so doing, it provides a route map to navigate one of the most significant financial and regulatory failures in modern times."


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Prags Boulevard will form a 2km long pedestrian spine running east-west between the historic cities of Copenhagen and Amager. It is located on a some-what run down site, which accommodated illicit functions such as casual drug use and drinking, as well as sheds for squatters. The renovation of this site by the city of Copenhagen forms part of the Holmbladsgade renovation project, and a two-phase competition was held in 2001 to develop a green area and meeting place, transforming it into a place that residents would want to visit rather than avoid. The designer, local landscape architect Kristine Jensens recognises that though the site is linear it ‘has no traffic importance’, though as she notes ‘we like the project because it runs straight east west from the city pulse to the water of Oresund’. In developing the project, she has attempted to allow it to ‘run parallel’ to its existing illicit uses, using a ‘light touch’ of insertions. While it would be hard to describe the project as truly light in its touch (graphically, it is a very bold scheme), there is no doubt that it is parallel: in terms of use it runs alongside rather than against existing uses; in terms of its type it’s all about length, like a boulevard, although it clearly differs from a boulevard in other respects.


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Decision Support System (DSS) has played a significant role in construction project management. This has been proven that a lot of DSS systems have been implemented throughout the whole construction project life cycle. However, most research only concentrated in model development and left few fundamental aspects in Information System development. As a result, the output of researches are complicated to be adopted by lay person particularly those whom come from a non-technical background. Hence, a DSS should hide the abstraction and complexity of DSS models by providing a more useful system which incorporated user oriented system. To demonstrate a desirable architecture of DSS particularly in public sector planning, we aim to propose a generic DSS framework for consultant selection. It will focus on the engagement of engineering consultant for irrigation and drainage infrastructure. The DSS framework comprise from operational decision to strategic decision level. The expected result of the research will provide a robust framework of DSS for consultant selection. In addition, the paper also discussed other issues that related to the existing DSS framework by integrating enabling technologies from computing. This paper is based on the preliminary case study conducted via literature review and archival documents at Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) Malaysia. The paper will directly affect to the enhancement of consultant pre-qualification assessment and selection tools. By the introduction of DSS in this area, the selection process will be more efficient in time, intuitively aided qualitative judgment, and transparent decision through aggregation of decision among stakeholders.