973 resultados para Supersonic Jet


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Background. Microencapsulation of pancreatic islets with polymeric compounds constitutes an attractive alternative therapy for type 1 diabetes mellitus. The major limiting factor is the availability of a biocompatible and mechanically stable polymer. We investigated the potential of Biodritin, a novel polymer constituted of alginate and chondroitin sulfate, for islet microencapsulation. Methods. Biodritin microcapsules were obtained using an air jet droplet generator and gelated with barium or calcium chloride. Microencapsulated rat insulinoma RINm5F cells were tested for viability using the [3-(4,5-dimetyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazoliumbromide] [MTT] colorimetric assay. Microencapsulated rat pancreatic islets were coincubated with macrophages derived from mouse peritoneal liquid to assess the immunomodulatory potential of the microcapsules, using quantitative real time-PCR (qPCR). Biodritin biocompatibility was demonstrated by subcutaneous injection of empty microcapsules into immunocompetent Wistar rats. Insulin secretion by microencapsulated human pancreatic islets was evaluated using an electrochemoluminescent assay. Microencapsulated human islets transplanted into chemically induced diabetic mice were monitored for reversal of hyperglycemia. Results. The metabolic activity of microencapsulated RINm5F cells persisted for at least 15 days. Interleukin-1 beta expression by macrophages was observed during coculture with islets microencapsulated with Biodritin-CaCl2, but not with Biodritin-BaCl2. No statistical difference in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion was observed between nonencapsulated and microencapsulated islets. Upon microencapsulated islet transplantation, the blood glucose level of diabetic mice normalized; they remained euglycemic for at least 60 days, displaying normal oral glucose tolerance tests. Conclusion. This study demonstrated that Biodritin can be used for islet microencapsulation and reversal of diabetes; however, further investigations are required to assess its potential for long-term transplantation.


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A new compact system encompassing in flow gas diffusion unit and a wall-jet amperometric FIA detector, coated with a supramolecular porphyrin film, was specially designed as an alternative to the time-consuming Monier-Williams method, allowing fast, reproducible and accurate analyses of free sulphite species in fruit juices. In fact, a linear response between 0.64 and 6.4 ppm of sodium sulphite. LOD = 0.043 ppm, relative standard deviation of +/- 1.5% (n = 10) and analytical frequency of 85 analyses/h were obtained utilising optimised conditions. That superior analytical performance allows the precise evaluation of the amount of free sulphite present in foods, providing an important comparison between the standard addition and the standard injection methods. Although the first one is most frequently used, it was strongly influenced by matrix effects because of the unexpected reactivity of sulphite ions with the juice matrixes, leading to its partial consumption soon after addition. In contrast, the last method was not susceptible to matrix effects yielding accurate results, being more reliable for analytical purposes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A biomimetic sensor is proposed as a promising new analytical method for determination of captopril in different classes of samples. The sensor was prepared by modifying a carbon paste electrode with iron (II) phthalocyanine bis(pyridine) [FePe(dipy)] complex. Amperometric measurements in a batch analytical mode were first carried out in order to optimize the sensor response. An applied potential lower than 0.2 V vs Ag vertical bar AgCl in 0.1 mol L(-1) of TRIS buffer at pH 8.0 provided the best response, with a linear range of 2.5 x 10(-5) to 1.7 x 10(-4) mol L(-1). A detailed investigation of the selectivity of the sensor, employing seventeen other drugs, was also performed. Recovery studies were carried out using biological and environment samples in order to evaluate the sensor`s potential for use with these sample classes. Finally, the performance of the biomimetic sensor was optimized in a flow injection (FIA) system using a wall jet electrochemical cell. Under optimized flow conditions, a broad linear response range, from 5.0 x 10(-4) to 2.5 x 10(-2) mol L(-1), was obtained for captopril, with a sensitivity of 210 +/- 1 mu A L mol(-1).


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The connection between fluorescence and color management still is a relatively unexplored area. Thefollowing composition analyses the theory that when printing on fluorescent ink jet paper using ICCprofilesa more yellow print will appear. In theory the ICC-profile compensate for blue light that fluorescefrom the paper with the complementary color, yellow. The human eye apprehands this fluorescentlight as white.When categorizing a number of ink jet qualities some tests to indicate change of color in the final printwere made. Five qualities were chosen for further analyses, each with different white point. TheTC3.5CMYK target was prined on an ink jet printer and measured with different filters for the measurementequipment, GretagMacbeth Spectrolino. U- and UV-filters were used during the testings.From the measurement data ICC-profiles were made to make it possible to watch how the profiles compensatefor the blue change of color that appeared in the data. Although a distinct change of color intoblue were discernible in the measured data there is no evident proof that this cause a final print thatis more yellow. Other conclusions and results are to be read at the end of this composition.


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EFI Colorproof XF was found to be more convenient from a user’s aspect, and had features which are covered in the ISO 12647-7 standard (e.g. the ability to simulate screening and print margin information), which Photoshop CS3 lacked. None of the proofing systems distinguished itself in a clear way from the other; sometimes, on certain substrates, Photoshop CS3 produced most accurate colours, sometimes EFI Colorproof XF did. Further investigations need to be carried out to tell more exactly which system produce most accurate colours. Only 6 out of 34 simulation-combinations had colours within the tolerances in the standard. The result also shows that the production substrates should not be used as proofing substrates. Instead the proofing papers especially made for ink jet should be used to obtain more colour-accurate prints.


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Foram estudadas as propriedades elétricas de estruturas MOS envolvendo materiais com Zr e Hf: Al/HfO2/Si, Al/HfAlO/Si, Al/ZrO2/Si e Al/ZrAlO/Si depositadas por JVD (Jet Vapor Deposition) submetidas a diferentes doses de implantação de nitrogênio e tratamentos térmicos; Au/HfO2/Si e Au/HfxSiyOz/Si preparadas por MOCVD (Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition) e Au/HfxSiyOz/SiO2/Si preparadas por sputtering reativo em O2 submetidas a tratamentos térmicos distintos. Para isso, além das medidas de C-V e I-V padrão, foi desenvolvido o método da condutância para estudo da densidade de estados na interface dielétrico/Si, o qual mostrou-se mais viável para as estruturas com dielétricos alternativos. A inclusão de Al na camada de dielétrico, bombardeamento por íons de nitrogênio, e tratamentos térmicos rápidos em atmosferas de O2 e N2 foram responsáveis por mudanças nas propriedades das amostras. Diversos mecanismos físicos que influenciam as propriedades elétricas dessas estruturas foram identificados e discutidos. Foi constatado que as interfaces com menores densidades de estados foram as das amostras preparadas por MOCVD e sputtering reativo.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência de diferentes condições de polimerização sobre: microdureza Knoop, resistência ao impacto, grau de conversão e temperatura de transição vítrea (Tg) de uma resina acrílica quimicamente ativada (Jet - Artigos Odontológicos Clássico Ltda.). O material foi polimerizado de acordo com as seguintes condições: grupo 1, as amostras foram polimerizadas em contato com o ar, durante 1h, sob temperatura e pressão ambiente; grupo 2, após a polimerização da resina em contato com o ar, durante 1h, sob temperatura e pressão ambiente, a mesma foi submetida a um ciclo adicional de aquecimento em forno de microondas, durante 3 min, a 500W; grupo 3, as amostras foram polimerizadas em água, sob pressão de 20 psi, em uma temperatura de 50°C, durante 15 minutos. Para o ensaio de microdureza Knoop, foram confeccionados sete corpos-de-prova, para cada um dos três grupos experimentais. O corpo-de-prova consistiu de uma placa de resina acrílica quimicamente ativada, com grampos, simulando aparelhos ortodônticos removíveis. Dos sete corpos-de-prova, de cada grupo, dois também foram utilizados para a determinação do grau de conversão e Tg, através da Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC). Para o ensaio de resistência ao impacto, foram confeccionados 12 corpos-de-prova para cada grupo, com dimensões de 64,00x10,00x3,20mm. Os resultados mostraram diferenças entre os grupos, através da ANOVA e do teste de Tukey (p ≤ 0,01), apresentando maiores valores de microdureza para o grupo 3, seguido dos grupos 2 e 1. Para o ensaio de resistência ao impacto, os valores obtidos para as amostras do grupo 3 foram superiores aos demais grupos, não havendo diferença estatística entre os grupos 1 e 2 O grau de conversão e Tg foram avaliados de forma descritiva, apresentando um padrão de comportamento coerente com as demais propriedades, ou seja, o grupo 3 apresentou valores mais altos de grau de conversão e Tg, seguido pelos grupos 2 e 1. Os resultados deste trabalho indicam que o melhor comportamento clínico poderá ser esperado do grupo submetido à polimerização em água a 50°C, sob pressão de 20 psi (grupo 3), seguido do grupo 2 (com ciclo adicional em microondas) e, por fim, pelo grupo 1 (polimerizado ao ar).


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With transnational corporations (TNCs) around the world today numbering over 60,000 and more than 800,000 affiliates working abroad, it is easy to understand how modern day international business could have transformed into a major global player serving at the axis of politics, social and environmental responsibility. Additionally, with accountability to a large variety of both public and private stakeholders, all exerting significant power and influence, today’s global corporate structure is reinventing modern international relations, and in some cases, dominating it. (Muldoon 2005) This transformative nature of globalization today can also serve as a source of friction among this growing chorus of players and is bringing irreversible change to these relationships and how they impact and influence business around the world. (Muldoon 2005) From the largest to the smallest international corporation seeking to expand into new international markets, the challenges that come with corporate ambition can mean the difference between success and failure and they find a home at the intersection of international relations, diplomacy and economics. To successfully navigate these challenges, especially in emerging economies, a company must now factor in more than just the “bottom line” and address complex issues that include human rights differences, environmental regulations, labor rights and values of each country. (Henisz, 2014) Combined with modern-day mobility achieved through technology and the Internet, corporations today have a great capacity to reach targeted audiences and establish a presence, but it is this same technology that also allows for immediate response to any corporate action. This constant, 24-hour news cycle, where everyone is made to be a real-time reporter through social media, has created a situation that demonstrably necessitates the ability to not only 3 respond immediately, but also to have real-time understanding of the challenges faced by a corporation as it looks toward global expansion. International Business Diplomacy, or simply Business Diplomacy as it will be referred to in this paper, combines all of these nuanced factors into a relatively new discipline that offers companies looking to expand into new markets, guidelines and directives so that they can more strategically map corporate direction, limit risk and achieve their objectives. This paper will examine the history of diplomacy and how the concept of statecraft became intertwined with the increasing globalization of business. Following a scholarly examination of how modern Business Diplomacy came into being, and the unique challenges that come with its application, particularly the liabilities needed to be overcome, this paper will apply the concept to the Brazilian aerospace manufacturer Embraer, tracking its strategic emergence from a small, regionally focused aircraft producer to global leader in the regional and executive jet market platforms. It will then examine Embraer’s entrance into the Chinese market, where the company suffered from several missteps and eventually had to refocus its business model from commercial to executive jets. Finally, as globalization continues to “emancipate international business from its institutional and social constraints,” (Muldoon 2005) this paper will address how the relatively new and emerging discipline of Business Diplomacy is continuing to mature and grow in stature and influence through the proposition of a new challenge or “liability” that corporations must also overcome as they expand into new markets. Through the analysis of Embraer in China, this paper will introduce the Liability of Governance to the lexicon of Business Diplomacy and propose specific steps that a company can undertake to avoid it.


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Metal substrates were coated by thermal spraying plasma torch, they were positioned at a distance of 4 and 5 cm from the nozzle exit of the plasma jet. The starting materials were used for deposition of tantalum oxide powder and aluminium. These two materials were mixed and ground into high-energy mill, then immersed in the torch for the production of alumina coating infused with particles of tantalum with nano and micrometric size. The spraying equipment used is a plasma torch arc not transferred, which operating in the range of 250 A and 80 V, was able to produce enough heat to ignite aluminothermic between Ta2O5 and aluminum. Upon reaching the plasma jet, the mixing powders react with the heat of the blaze, which provides sufficient energy for melting aluminum particles. This energy is transferred through mechanisms of self-propagating to the oxide, beginning a reduction reaction, which then hits on the surface of the substrate and forms a coating on which a composite is formed by a junction metal - ceramic (Ta +Al2O3). The phases and quantification of each were obtained respectively by X-ray diffraction and the Rietveld method. Morphology by scanning electron microscopy and chemical analysis by energy dispersive spectroscopy EDS. It was also performed measurements of the substrate roughness, Vickers microhardness measurements in sprays and determination of the electron temperature of the plasma jet by optical emission spectroscopy EEO. The results confirmed the expectation generated around the end product of spraying the mixture Ta2O5 + Al, both in the formation of nano-sized particles and in their final form. The electron excitation temperature was consistent with the purpose of work, in addition, the thermodynamic temperature was efficient for the reduction process of Ta2O5. The electron excitation temperature showed values of 3000, 4500 and 8000 K for flows10, 20 and 30 l / min respectively, these values were taken at the nozzle exit of the plasma jet. The thermodynamic temperature around 1200 ° C, was effective in the reduction process of Ta2O5


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Temporally-growing frontal meandering and occasional eddy-shedding is observed in the Brazil Current (BC) as it flows adjacent to the Brazilian Coast. No study of the dynamics of this phenomenon has been conducted to date in the region between 22 degrees S and 25 degrees S. Within this latitude range, the flow over the intermediate continental slope is marked by a current inversion at a depth that is associated with the Intermediate Western Boundary Current (IWBC). A time series analysis of 10-current-meter mooring data was used to describe a mean vertical profile for the BC-IWBC jet and a typical meander vertical structure. The latter was obtained by an empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis that showed a single mode explaining 82% of the total variance. This mode structure decayed sharply with depth, revealing that the meandering is much more vigorous within the BC domain than it is in the IWBC region. As the spectral analysis of the mode amplitude time series revealed no significant periods, we searched for dominant wavelengths. This search was done via a spatial EOF analysis on 51 thermal front patterns derived from digitized AVHRR images. Four modes were statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. Modes 3 and 4, which together explained 18% of the total variance, are associated with 266 and 338-km vorticity waves, respectively. With this new information derived from the data, the [Johns, W.E., 1988. One-dimensional baroclinically unstable waves on the Gulf Stream potential vorticity gradient near Cape Hatteras. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans 11, 323-350] one-dimensional quasi-geostrophic model was applied to the interpolated mean BC-IWBC jet. The results indicated that the BC system is indeed baroclinically unstable and that the wavelengths depicted in the thermal front analysis are associated with the most unstable waves produced by the model. Growth rates were about 0.06 (0.05) days(-1) for the 266-km (338-km) wave. Moreover, phase speeds for these waves were low compared to the surface BC velocity and may account for remarks in the literature about growing standing or stationary meanders off southeast Brazil. The theoretical vertical structure modes associated with these waves resembled very closely to the one obtained for the current-meter mooring EOF analysis. We interpret this agreement as a confirmation that baroclinic instability is an important mechanism in meander growth in the BC system. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ethanol is the most overused psychoactive drug over the world; this fact makes it one of the main substances required in toxicological exams nowadays. The development of an analytical method, adaptation or implementation of a method known, involves a process of validation that estimates its efficiency in the laboratory routine and credibility of the method. The stability is defined as the ability of the sample of material to keep the initial value of a quantitative measure for a defined period within specific limits when stored under defined conditions. This study aimed to evaluate the method of Gas chromatography and study the stability of ethanol in blood samples, considering the variables time and temperature of storage, and the presence of preservative and, with that check if the conditions of conservation and storage used in this study maintain the quality of the sample and preserve the originally amount of analyte present. Blood samples were collected from 10 volunteers to evaluate the method and to study the stability of ethanol. For the evaluation of the method, part of the samples was added to known concentrations of ethanol. In the study of stability, the other side of the pool of blood was placed in two containers: one containing the preservative sodium fluoride 1% and the anticoagulant heparin and the other only heparin, was added ethanol at a concentration of 0.6 g/L, fractionated in two bottles, one being stored at 4ºC (refrigerator) and another at -20ºC (freezer), the tests were performed on the same day (time zero) and after 1, 3, 7, 14, 30 and 60 days of storage. The assessment found the difference in results during storage in relation to time zero. It used the technique of headspace associated with gas chromatography with the FID and capillary column with stationary phase of polyethylene. The best analysis of chromatographic conditions were: temperature of 50ºC (column), 150ºC (jet) and 250ºC (detector), with retention time for ethanol from 9.107 ± 0.026 and the tercbutanol (internal standard) of 8.170 ± 0.081 minutes, the ethanol being separated properly from acetaldehyde, acetone, methanol and 2-propanol, which are potential interfering in the determination of ethanol. The technique showed linearity in the concentration range of 0.01 and 3.2 g/L (0.8051 x + y = 0.6196; r2 = 0.999). The calibration curve showed the following equation of the line: y = x 0.7542 + 0.6545, with a linear correlation coefficient equal to 0.996. The average recovery was 100.2%, the coefficients of variation of accuracy and inter intra test showed values of up to 7.3%, the limit of detection and quantification was 0.01 g/L and showed coefficient of variation within the allowed. The analytical method evaluated in this study proved to be fast, efficient and practical, given the objective of this work satisfactorily. The study of stability has less than 20% difference in the response obtained under the conditions of storage and stipulated period, compared with the response obtained at time zero and at the significance level of 5%, no statistical difference in the concentration of ethanol was observed between analysis. The results reinforce the reliability of the method of gas chromatography and blood samples in search of ethanol, either in the toxicological, forensic, social or clinic


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O conhecimento da distribuição do sistema radicular de plantas, principalmente de perenes, não é muito estudado, devido a inúmeros fatores, dentre os quais, a dificuldade inerente ao método de amostragem. A presente pesquisa objetivou conhecer o sistema radicular da goiabeira através do método de escavação. Utilizando jatos de água, retirou-se a terra até um volume de 10 m³ (5x5x0,4m), subdivididos em paralelepípedos de 0,1 m³ (0,5x0,5x0,4m), expondo o sistema radical da goiabeira 'Rica'. Verificou-se um vigoroso sistema radicular sem a caracterização da raiz principal e com distribuição homogênea, grande número de raízes primárias, proporcionado pela adequada formação de mudas, através de estaquia herbácea.


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Research for better performance materials in biomedical applications are constants. Thus recent studies aimed at the development of new techniques for modification of surfaces. The low pressure plasma has been highlighted for its versatility and for being environmentally friendly, achieving good results in the modification of physic chemical properties of materials. However, it is requires an expensive vacuum system and cannot able to generate superficial changes in specific regions. Furthermore, it is limits their use in polymeric materials and sensitive terms due to high process temperatures. Therefore, new techniques capable of generating cold plasma at atmospheric pressure (APPJ) were created. In order to perform surface treatments on biomaterials in specific regions was built a prototype capable of generating a cold plasma jet. The prototype plasma generator consists of a high voltage source, a support arm, sample port and a nozzle through which the ionized argon. The device was formed to a dielectric tube and two electrodes. This work was varied some parameters such as position between electrodes, voltage and electrical frequency to verify the behavior of glow discharges. The disc of titanium was polished and there was a surface modification. The power consumed, length, intensity and surface modifications of titanium were analyzed. The energy consumed during the discharges was observed by the Lissajous figure method. To check the length of the jets was realized with Image Pro Plus software. The modifications of the titanium surfaces were observed by optical microscopy (OM ) and atomic force microscopy (AFM ). The study showed that variations of the parameters such as voltage, frequency and geometric position between the electrodes influence the formation of the plasma jet. It was concluded that the plasma jet near room temperature and atmospheric pressure was able to cause modifications in titanium surface


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a deposição e distribuição de solução traçante em plantas de feijoeiro e capim-braquiária, foi conduzido experimento no NuPAM-FCA/ UNESP, campus de Botucatu-SP, utilizando um simulador de pulverização em ambiente controlado. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: bico jato plano XR Teejet (XR110.02VS) + surfactante Aterbane BR (0,5% v/v); bico jato cônico Conejet (TXVK-4) + surfactante Aterbane BR (0,5% v/v); bico jato plano XR Teejet (XR110.02VS); e bico jato cônico Conejet (TXVK-4). em todos os tratamentos foi aplicada uma solução de NaCl (0,5% p/v) + corante Poliglow laranja (0,5% p/v) + mancozeb (0,5% p/v). As unidades experimentais constituíram-se de vasos com duas plantas-alvo de capim-braquiária posicionadas sob uma planta-alvo de feijoeiro. A visualização da distribuição das gotas nas folhas de capim-braquiária foi efetuada com auxílio de luz negra, e o depósito da calda na superfície das plantas foi quantificado através da condutividade elétrica da solução aplicada e coletada por meio de lavagem de ambos os alvos. Os bicos de pulverização, jato plano (XR Teejet) e cônico (Conejet), não apresentaram diferença no depósito nos folíolos totais de feijoeiro quando submetidos a mesma condição de calda de pulverização. No entanto, o bico jato plano XR Teejet (XR110.02VS) e o bico jato cônico Conejet (TXVK-4) proporcionaram aumento de 67,1 e 61,5% na deposição da calda em relação a área foliar e 106,4 e 66,9% para matéria seca, respectivamente, em relação ao bico jato plano XR Teejet (XR110.02VS) + surfactante Aterbane BR (0,5% v/v) e ao bico jato cônico Conejet (TXVK-4) + surfactante Aterbane BR (0,5% v/v). Para o capim-braquiária, o bico cônico Conejet proporcionou deposição superior e distribuição mais uniforme em relação ao jato plano XR Teejet.