932 resultados para Subcellular Localisation
Amb la finalitat d'aprofundir en les bases moleculars de la citotoxicitat de les ribonucleases pancreàtiques, es van construir variants derivades de l'HP-RNasa seguint dues estratègies. En la primera, es van generar variants de l'enzim resistents a l'acció de l'inhibidor proteic de les ribonucleases (hRI), substituint residus implicats en la interfície de contacte entre la ribonucleasa i l'hRI. En la segona, es va addicionar el motiu RGD en regions de superfície de la proteïna implicades en la formació del complex amb l'hRI, a fi de promoure la seva interacció amb la membrana plasmàtica de les cèl·lules i a la vegada disminuir l'afinitat de les variants per l'hRI. Es va comprovar que només les variants portadores de substitucions múltiples adquirien la capacitat de resistència a l'hRI. L'estudi del percentatge d'inhibició de la síntesi proteica en cèl·lules incubades amb cadascuna de les variants va mostrar que només dues de les variants construïdes havien adquirit propietats citotòxiques. La citotoxicitat més elevada la va presentar una variant que no era resistent a l'hRI, amb valors que eren només entre 5 i 15 vegades inferiors als de l'onconasa. Aquest resultat demostrà que la sensibilitat a l'hRI no és necessàriament un paràmetre limitant per a la citotoxicitat de les ribonucleases. Cap de les variants que incorporava un motiu RGD presentà citotoxicitat, evidenciant que aquest motiu no és efectiu a fi de dotar les ribonucleases pancreàtiques de propietats citotòxiques. Es van estudiar les bases moleculars de la citotoxicitat de la variant més citotòxica. En primer lloc, l'anàlisi de la internalització per marcatge radioactiu d'aquesta variant en relació amb l'onconasa i amb altres variants de l'HP-RNasa no citotòxiques, va posar en evidència que només l'onconasa era internalitzada eficientment. Es descartava així la possibilitat que l'acció citotòxica de l'enzim estudiat fos conseqüència d'una major eficiència d'endocitosi. També es va comprovar que l'addició del motiu RGD no era capaç de promoure la internalització de les proteïnes amb més eficàcia. Per microscòpia confocal de fluorescència, les variants humanes només es van començar a detectar a l'interior de la cèl·lula a partir de les 24 h d'incubació. Totes les variants generades van presentar una eficiència catalítica superior al 50 % de l'activitat de la seva proteïna parental, PM5, indicant que probablement l'estructura del centre actiu no havia estat afectada de manera dràstica per les substitucions introduïdes. No obstant, en tots els casos es va produir una disminució en la termoestabilitat respecte a PM5. Aquest resultat indicà que la correlació descrita a la bibliografia entre l'increment de termoestabilitat i l'increment de citotoxicitat per les ribonucleases no sempre es compleix. Per microscòpia confocal es va comprovar que tant la proteïna més citotòxica, com una variant no citotòxica resistent a l'hRI, així com la proteïna parental, seguien la via de degradació lisosomal. Aquesta ruta de trànsit no va ser afectada per l'addició de drogues que alteren les vies de trànsit retrògrad (monensina i brefeldina A), però sí per l'addició de la bafilomicina A1, una droga que neutralitza el pH endosomal i que va actuar alentint el trànsit de les proteïnes als lisosomes. D'acord amb aquests resultats, els valors de citotoxicitat de les variants es van incrementar de manera significativa només en presència de bafilomicina A1, suggerint que les ribonucleases transloquen al citoplasma a partir d'algun punt de la via de trànsit endosomal. Es va comprovar que l'acció de la variant més citotòxica era deguda a que l'addició d'un segon motiu de tres Arg en PE5 dota a aquesta proteïna amb un senyal de transport nuclear. La fracció d'enzim que aconsegueix translocar al citoplasma a partir d'algun punt de la via endosomal previ als lisosomes, és conduït ràpidament al nucli de la cèl·lula per mitjà del mecanisme clàssic de transport actiu. Per la seva afinitat amb l'rRNA, l'enzim es concentra en el nuclèol, on probablement duu a terme la seva activitat catalítica. La interacció d'aquesta variant amb els receptors nucleocitoplasmàtics, les importines, impediria per altra banda el bloqueig de l'enzim per part de l'hRI. Els resultats obtinguts presenten una nova estratègia de disseny de ribonucleases citotòxiques, basada en l'addició de segments NLS a fi de promoure el transport nuclear dels enzims. Aquesta estratègia podria permetre superar limitacions que fins al moment han estat descrites com a limitants de la citotoxicitat de les ribonucleases pancreàtiques, com la sensibilitat a l'hRI o la baixa eficiència d'internalització.
Este trabajo demuestra que los genes que codifican para los enzimas beta-galactosido alfa-2,3-sialiltransferasa 3 (ST3Gal III), y en menor medida beta-galactosido alfa-2,3-sialiltransferasa 4 (ST3Gal IV), están directamente implicados en etapas clave de la progresión tumoral como la adhesión, la migración y la formación de metástasis en las líneas de adenocarcinoma pancreático humano Capan-1 y MDAPanc-28. También, que las Especies Reactivas del Oxígeno (ROS) generadas durante los procesos de proliferación y diferenciación celular o debido a estímulos oxidantes externos, desempeñan un importante papel en el control de la síntesis de ST3Gal III y SLex, y por lo tanto en la regulación del fenotipo metastático. Además, junto al papel pro-adhesivo de la E-Selectina, este trabajo ha descrito efectos prometastáticos adicionales para esta molécula como inductora de la migración y de la secreción de VEGF a través de un mecanismo E-Selectina-SLex dependiente.
Une fois le mandat établi, l’entente contractuelle conclue sur la base du plan de travail, une évaluation sommaire de l’espace attribué, de la construction, de la localisation, de même que de la vocation du musée, des sources primaires de documentation et d’information, des objets disponibles, enfin de la taille et de la durée du projet, les professsionnels engagés pour préparer l’étude de programmation muséale soumettent, pour consultation, le Plan directeur. Le scénario thématique, le parcours muséographique prévisible, de même que les services se rattachant à l’accueil, permettent, dès le stade initial de l’étude, d’informer le milieu sur le parti adopté, d’apporter les corrections nécessaires avant l’étude détaillée des éléments proposés dans le plan de travail. Ce premier concensus sur le “ projet muséal” permettra, au besoin, d’appeler la collaboration du milieu par des mandats de recherché précis, confiés à des membres de la communauté, de préparer celui-ci à la gestion future du musée et de ses expositions (Portée formative de la démarche). Le Plan directeur, s’il est clairement énoncé, bien fondé, constitue le guide infailllible du processus de construction du projet, associant muséologie (Récit, thématique) et muséographie (Communication visuelle, didactique). Le Plan directeur a le grand avantage de réaliser une économie de temps, de cadrer le projet d’un coup d’oeil, de permettre de passer rapidement, sur des bases sûres et concensuelles, au stade de l’exécution, d’ en mesurer au préalable les coûts et les difficultés à résoudre. Le professionnel de musée, duement formé, en est le maître d’oeuvre privilégié.
Predicting metal bioaccumulation and toxicity in soil organisms is complicated by site-specific biotic and abiotic parameters. In this study we exploited tissue fractionation and digestion techniques, combined with X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), to investigate the whole-body and subcellular distributions, ligand affinities, and coordination chemistry of accumulated Pb and Zn in field populations of the epigeic earthworm Lumbricus rubellus inhabiting three contrasting metalliferous and two unpolluted soils. Our main findings were (i) earthworms were resident in soils with concentrations of Pb and Zn ranging from 1200 to 27 000 mg kg(-1) and 200 to 34 000 mg kg(-1), respectively; (ii) Pb and Zn primarily accumulated in the posterior alimentary canal in nonsoluble subcellular fractions of earthworms; (iii) site-specific differences in the tissue and subcellular partitioning profiles of populations were observed, with earthworms from a calcareous site partitioning proportionally more Pb to their anterior body segments and Zn to the chloragosome-rich subcellular fraction than their acidic-soil inhabiting counterparts; (iv) XAS indicated that the interpopulation differences in metal partitioning between organs were not accompanied by qualitative differences in ligand-binding speciation, because crystalline phosphate-containing pyromorphite was a predominant chemical species in the whole-worm tissues of all mine soil residents. Differences in metal (Pb, Zn) partitioning at both organ and cellular levels displayed by field populations with protracted histories of metal exposures may reflect their innate ecophysiological responses to essential edaphic variables, such as Ca2+ status. These observations are highly significant in the challenging exercise of interpreting holistic biomarker data delivered by "omic" technologies.
The mechanisms of long-term adaptation to low oxygen environment are quite well studied, but little is known about the sensing of oxygen shortage, the signal transduction and the short-term effects of hypoxia in plant cells. We have found that an RNA helicase eIF4A-III, a putative component of the Exon Junction Complex, rapidly changes its pattern of localisation in the plant nucleus under hypoxic conditions. In normal cell growth conditions GFP- eIF4A-III was mainly nucleoplasmic, but in hypoxia stress conditions it moved to the nucleolus and splicing speckles. This transition occurred within 15-20 min in Arabidopsis culture cells and seedling root cells, but took more than 2 h in tobacco BY-2 culture cells. Inhibition of respiration, transcription or phosphorylation in cells and ethanol treatment had similar effects to hypoxia. The most likely consequence is that a certain mRNA population will remain bound to the eIF4A-III and other mRNA processing proteins, rather than being transported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, and thus its translation will be suspended.
Subcellular fractionation techniques were used to describe temporal changes (at intervals from T0 to T70 days) in the Pb, Zn and P partitioning profiles of Lumbricus rubellus populations from one calcareous (MDH) and one acidic (MCS) geographically isolated Pb/Zn-mine sites and one reference site (CPF). MDH and MCS individuals were laboratory maintained on their native field soils; CPF worms were exposed to both MDH and MCS soils. Site-specific differences in metal partitioning were found: notably, the putatively metal-adapted populations, MDH and MCS, preferentially partitioned higher proportions of their accumulated tissue metal burdens into insoluble CaPO4-rich organelles compared with naive counterparts, CPF. Thus, it is plausible that efficient metal immobilization is a phenotypic trait characterising metal tolerant ecotypes. Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase II (COII) genotyping revealed that the populations indigenous to mine and reference soils belong to distinct genetic lineages, differentiated by 13%, with 7 haplotypes within the reference site lineage but fewer (3 and 4, respectively) in the lineage common to the two mine sites. Collectively, these observations raise the possibility that site-related genotype differences could influence the toxico-availability of metals and, thus, represent a potential confounding variable in field-based eco-toxicological assessments.
CSRP3 or muscle LIM protein (MLP) is a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein and a mechanosensor in cardiac myocytes. MLP regulation and function was studied in cultured neonatal rat myocytes treated with pharmacological or mechanical stimuli. Either verapamil or BDM decreased nuclear MLP while phenylephrine and cyclic strain increased it. These results suggest that myocyte contractility regulates MLP subcellular localization. When RNA polymerase II was inhibited with alpha-amanitin, nuclear MLP was reduced by 30%. However, when both RNA polymerase I and II were inhibited with actinomycin D, there was a 90% decrease in nuclear MLP suggesting that its nuclear translocation is regulated by both nuclear and nucleolar transcriptional activity. Using cell permeable synthetic peptides containing the putative nuclear localization signal (NLS) of MLP, nuclear import of the protein in cultured rat neonatal myocytes was inhibited. The NLS of MLP also localizes to the nucleolus. Inhibition of nuclear translocation prevented the increased protein accumulation in response to phenylephrine. Furthermore, cyclic strain of myocytes after prior NLS treatment to remove nuclear MLP resulted in disarrayed sarcomeres. Increased protein synthesis and brain natriuretic peptide expression were also prevented suggesting that MLP is required for remodeling of the myo filaments and gene expression. These findings suggest that nucleocytoplasmic shuttling MLP plays an important role in the regulation of the myocyte remodeling and hypertrophy and is required for adaptation to hypertrophic stimuli. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The chemotaxis pathway of Escherichia coli is one of the best studied and modelled biological signalling pathways. Here we extend existing modelling approaches by explicitly including a description of the formation and subcellular localization of intermediary complexes in the phosphotransfer pathway. The inclusion of these complexes shows that only about 60% of the total output response regulator (CheY) is uncomplexed at any moment and hence free to interact with its target, the flagellar motor. A clear strength of this model is its ability to predict the experimentally observable subcellular localization of CheY throughout a chemotactic response. We have found good agreement between the model output and experimentally determined CheY localization patterns. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nitric oxide regulates many important cellular processes including motility and invasion. Many of its effects are mediated through the modification of specific cysteine residues in target proteins, a process called S-nitrosylation. Here we show that S-nitrosylation of proteins occurs at the leading edge of migrating trophoblasts and can be attributed to the specific enrichment of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS/NOS2) in this region. Localisation of iNOS to the leading edge is co-incidental with a site of extensive actin polymerisation and is only observed in actively migrating cells. In contrast endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS/NOS3) shows distribution that is distinct and non-colocalised with iNOS, suggesting that the protein S-nitrosylation observed at the leading edge is caused only by iNOS and not eNOS. We have identified MMP-9 as a potential target for S-nitrosylation in these cells and demonstrate that it co-localises with iNOS at the leading edge of migrating cells. We further demonstrate that iNOS plays an important role in promoting trophoblast invasion, which is an essential process in the establishment of a successful pregnancy.
A large number of processes are involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis but it is unclear which of them play a rate-limiting role. One way of resolving this problem is to investigate the highly non-uniform distribution of disease within the arterial system; critical steps in lesion development should be revealed by identifying arterial properties that differ between susceptible and protected sites. Although the localisation of atherosclerotic lesions has been investigated intensively over much of the 20th century, this review argues that the factor determining the distribution of human disease has only recently been identified. Recognition that the distribution changes with age has, for the first time, allowed it to be explained by variation in transport properties of the arterial wall; hitherto, this view could only be applied to experimental atherosclerosis in animals. The newly discovered transport variations which appear to play a critical role in the development of adult disease have underlying mechanisms that differ from those elucidated for the transport variations relevant to experimental atherosclerosis: they depend on endogenous NO synthesis and on blood flow. Manipulation of transport properties might have therapeutic potential. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Transient neural assemblies mediated by synchrony in particular frequency ranges are thought to underlie cognition. We propose a new approach to their detection, using empirical mode decomposition (EMD), a data-driven approach removing the need for arbitrary bandpass filter cut-offs. Phase locking is sought between modes. We explore the features of EMD, including making a quantitative assessment of its ability to preserve phase content of signals, and proceed to develop a statistical framework with which to assess synchrony episodes. Furthermore, we propose a new approach to ensure signal decomposition using EMD. We adapt the Hilbert spectrum to a time-frequency representation of phase locking and are able to locate synchrony successfully in time and frequency between synthetic signals reminiscent of EEG. We compare our approach, which we call EMD phase locking analysis (EMDPL) with existing methods and show it to offer improved time-frequency localisation of synchrony.
The subcellular localization of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) and mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) (group I and group II coronaviruses, respectively) nucleoproteins (N proteins) were examined by confocal microscopy. The proteins were shown to localize either to the cytoplasm alone or to the cytoplasm and a structure in the nucleus. This feature was confirmed to be the nucleolus by using specific antibodies to nucleolin, a major component of the nucleolus, and by confocal microscopy to image sections through a cell expressing N protein. These findings are consistent with our previous report for infectious bronchitis virus (group III coronavirus) (J. A. Hiscox et al., J. Virol. 75:506-512, 2001), indicating that nucleolar localization of the N protein is a common feature of the coronavirus family and is possibly of functional significance. Nucleolar localization signals were identified in the domain III region of the N protein from all three coronavirus groups, and this suggested that transport of N protein to the nucleus might be an active process. In addition, our results suggest that the N protein might function to disrupt cell division. Thus, we observed that approximately 30% of cells transfected with the N protein appeared to be undergoing cell division. The most likely explanation for this is that the N protein induced a cell cycle delay or arrest, most likely in the G2/M phase. In a fraction of transfected cells expressing coronavirus N proteins, we observed multinucleate cells and dividing cells with nucleoli (which are only present during interphase). These findings are consistent with the possible inhibition of cytokinesis in these cells.
The coronavirus nucleoprotein (N) has been reported to be involved in various aspects of virus replication. We examined by confocal microscopy the subcellular localization of the avian infectious bronchitis virus N protein both in the absence and in the context of an infected cell and found that N protein localizes both to the cytoplasmic and nucleolar compartments.
The nontumorigenic, immortal line of murine melanocytes, Mel-ab, requires the continual presence of biologically active phorbol esters for growth (R. E. Wilson et al., Cancer Res., 49: 711–716, 1989). Comparable treatments of B16 murine melanoma cells result in partial inhibition of cell proliferation. The role of protein kinase C (PKC) in the modulation of growth of cells from these two melanocytic cell lines has been investigated. Significant levels of PKC were present in quiescent Mel-ab cells as determined by Western blotting, whereas no immunoreactive protein was detected in cell extracts from either proliferating Mel-ab or B16.F1 cells. Phosphorylation of a Mr 80,000 protein, which by one- and two-dimensional gel analysis comigrated with the known Mr 80,000 protein substrate of PKC in fibroblasts, was induced in 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-stimulated quiescent Mel-ab cells but not in proliferating Mel-ab cells or B16.F1 melanoma cells. Direct measurement of PKC activity in these cells demonstrated a 10-fold greater level of activity in quiescent Mel-ab cells (262 ± 50 pmol/min/mg SD) compared with growing cells (22.8 ± 11.8 pmol/min/mg SD). An intermediate level of activity was detected in proliferating B16.F1 melanoma cells (148.5 ± 20.4 pmol/min/mg SD). The subcellular distribution of PKC was dependent upon the growth state of the cells such that quiescent Mel-ab cells displayed a higher level of activity in the cytosol, whereas growing Melab cells displayed greater activity in the particulate fraction. Like many other transformed lines, B16.F1 melanoma cells constitutively expressed the majority of enzyme activity in the particulate fraction. Measurement of [3H]phorbol ester binding in intact cells paralleled the PKC activation data such that quiescent Mel-ab cells displayed binding of 1612 ± 147 cpm/106 cells, whereas proliferating Mel-ab and B16.F1 melanoma cells displayed binding of 652 ± 28 and 947 ± 81 cpm/106 cells, respectively. Membrane-permeant diacylglycerol analogues, which activated but did not down-regulate PKC, were devoid of growth-stimulating effects on melanocytes, even in the presence of the specific diacylglycerol kinase inhibitor, R59022. Together, these data show that PKC down-regulation, and not activation, correlates with the growth of melanocytes in culture.
We consider the classical coupled, combined-field integral equation formulations for time-harmonic acoustic scattering by a sound soft bounded obstacle. In recent work, we have proved lower and upper bounds on the $L^2$ condition numbers for these formulations, and also on the norms of the classical acoustic single- and double-layer potential operators. These bounds to some extent make explicit the dependence of condition numbers on the wave number $k$, the geometry of the scatterer, and the coupling parameter. For example, with the usual choice of coupling parameter they show that, while the condition number grows like $k^{1/3}$ as $k\to\infty$, when the scatterer is a circle or sphere, it can grow as fast as $k^{7/5}$ for a class of `trapping' obstacles. In this paper we prove further bounds, sharpening and extending our previous results. In particular we show that there exist trapping obstacles for which the condition numbers grow as fast as $\exp(\gamma k)$, for some $\gamma>0$, as $k\to\infty$ through some sequence. This result depends on exponential localisation bounds on Laplace eigenfunctions in an ellipse that we prove in the appendix. We also clarify the correct choice of coupling parameter in 2D for low $k$. In the second part of the paper we focus on the boundary element discretisation of these operators. We discuss the extent to which the bounds on the continuous operators are also satisfied by their discrete counterparts and, via numerical experiments, we provide supporting evidence for some of the theoretical results, both quantitative and asymptotic, indicating further which of the upper and lower bounds may be sharper.