978 resultados para Stanley, Owen
The basic mechanism underlying electric field switching produced by a resonant tunneling diode (RTD) is analyzed and the theory compared with experimental results; agreement to within 12% is achieved. The electroabsorption modulator (EAM) device potential of this effect is explored in an optical waveguide configuration. It is shown that a RTD-EAM can provide significant absorption coefficient change, via the Franz– Keldysh effect, at appropriate optical communication wavelengths around 1550 nm and can achieve up to 28-dB optical modulation in a 200- m active length device. The advantage of the RTD-EAM over the conventional reverse-biased p–n junction EAM, is that the RTD-EAM has, in essence, an integrated electronic amplifier and, therefore, requires considerably less switching power.
La recherche porte sur les changements que le journalisme a subis au fil du temps, et particulièrement sur les mutations de toutes sortes que connaît le journalisme sportif entre 1955 et 2006. Elle a pour objectif la mise en évidence des ressemblances et des dissemblances des pages sportives des deux époques étudiées et s'inscrit ainsi dans la lignée des recherches sur les changements paradigmatiques du journalisme, dont les théories ont été proposées par Colette Brin, Jean Charron et Jean de Bonville (1996, 2002, 2004). Le corpus est constitué des pages sportives du quotidien québécois La Presse de 1955 et de 2006. La date des deux journaux a été choisie en fonction d'un événement de référence, le match final de la Coupe Stanley, respectivement le 15 mars 1955 et le 20 juin 2006. Les méthodes retenues, une analyse de contenu et une analyse de textes, visent essentiellement à permettre l'atteinte de notre objectif principal, à savoir une étude comparative des pages sportives de 1955 et de 2006. Trois hypothèses ont été posées. La première, postulant l'existence de différences marquées entre 1955 et 2006, a été confirmée, puisque de nombreuses dissemblances ont été observées, particulièrement en ce qui a trait à l'aspect visuel des deux journaux et à la nature impressionniste du langage. La seconde hypothèse, liée à l'existence présumée d'une relation différente ente le journaliste et le lecteur, a également été largement confirmée. La troisième hypothèse, selon laquelle certains éléments caractéristiques du journalisme de communication allaient jaillir de l'analyse interprétative, a été partiellement confirmée. Les mises en garde de plusieurs chercheurs ainsi que les limites d'une telle recherche ne nous permettent pas d'affirmer l'existence effective du journalisme de communication, mais plutôt de faire ressortir certains points qui montrent que le journalisme contemporain semble aller dans la direction de la communication plutôt que celle de l'information.
O presente trabalho, investiga as origens históricas e as características formais do maneirismo de Hollywood, através de uma análise da produção cinematográfica dos estúdios de Hollywood, entre o final da década de 1920 e o fim do chamado studio system (em meados da década de 1960). Tal como o maneirismo histórico, o maneirismo hollywoodiano constitui um fenómeno artístico complexo e contraditório, cujas origens remontam ao estilo germânico introduzido no cinema dos estúdios em final dos anos vinte, por cineastas europeus como F.W. Murnau, Paul Leni, Rouben Mamoulian e James Whale. Tendo eclodido no final da II Guerra Mundial, período que assinala o início crise do sistema social, cultural e industrial que havia originado o cinema clássico, o maneirismo de Hollywood nasceu de uma consciência do cinema em relação ao seu passado. Obrigado a concorrer com a chamada “modernidade” cinematográfica europeia e com a ficção televisiva (que se apropriara do modelo clássico), o cinema de Hollywood explorou novos temas e géneros cinematográficos e investiu na exibição da técnica e do aparato tecnológico, forçando os limites do paradigma clássico, através de uma retórica de efeitos maneiristas que, não implicando um corte radical com o classicismo, representou uma clara tentativa de renovação formal, levada a cabo por cineastas como Alfred Hitchcock, Vincente Minnelli, Douglas Sirk, Stanley Donen e Jerry Lewis. A coexistência de varias correntes estéticas no cinema do pós-guerra (1945-1968), período em que, a par das últimas grandes obras clássicas, o maneirismo enquanto manifestação estética emergiu como modelo dominante, permite-nos concluir que o chamado cinema “clássico” (do estúdios de Hollywood) incluiu também, desde cedo, um cinema maneirista.
The October 2015 Food and Beverage Entrepreneurship Roundtable brought together over 30 food and beverage industry leaders, entrepreneurs, faculty, and students at the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University. Discussion topics covered entrepreneurship in the food and beverage industry, including development, intrapreneurship, operational efficiency, beverage product development, and technology. The roundtable began with the presentation of a five-point framework on food and beverage venue development. The first three phases focused on the launch of a venue, including how to define the guest experience; the creation of operational functionality by strategically planning out the design, flow, and efficiency of a defined space; and development capacity. The remaining two points of the framework focused on post-opening considerations, including operating systems and culture development. Participants discussed the importance of culture in the growth of a business. They suggested that intrapreneurship needs to be fostered in the culture of an organization and in an educational curriculum for those who are preparing to enter the industry. Participants also discussed the fine balance between setting expectations for an experience and subsequently being able to maintain this experience in a fast changing environment. In particular they considered what it means to say no to customers. A discussion on the beverage industry focused on how to distribute products in a crowded marketplace. One method to ensure that the product gets into the hands of the consumers is face-to-face sales. Finally, in the technology session, the group discussed technology adoption, specifically focusing on the point at which technology detracts from the guest experience, how to minimize operational risk from technology, and how to maximize consumers’ adoption rates.
Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologia da Família e Intervenção Familiar), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2014
Concert program for University Sinfonietta, March 3, 1977
Concert program for Duo Geminiani and the Bach Ensemble, January 7, 1979
Concert program for The Contemporary Group, October 24, 1979
Concert program for Margaret Ann Nessel, Soprano, January 11, 1963
Concert program for University Symphony and Student Soloists in a Concerto Concert, January 13, 1963
Concert program for Golden Lion, January 23, 25, and 26, 1963
Concert program for Violin Recital, June 1, 1937
Concert program for The Consul March 2 & 5, 1966
Concert Program for The University Sinfonietta, February 15, 1966