923 resultados para Social Action


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Early human development offers a unique perspective in investigating the potential cognitive and social implications of action and perception. Specifically, during infancy, action production and action perception undergo foundational developments. One essential component to examine developments in action processing is the analysis of others’ actions as meaningful and goal-directed. Little research, however, has examined the underlying neural systems that may be associated with emerging action and perception abilities, and infants’ learning of goal-directed actions. The current study examines the mu rhythm—a brain oscillation found in the electroencephalogram (EEG)—that has been associated with action and perception. Specifically, the present work investigates whether the mu signal is related to 9-month-olds’ learning of a novel goal-directed means-end task. The findings of this study demonstrate a relation between variations in mu rhythm activity and infants’ ability to learn a novel goal-directed means-end action task (compared to a visual pattern learning task used as a comparison task). Additionally, we examined the relations between standardized assessments of early motor competence, infants’ ability to learn a novel goal-directed task, and mu rhythm activity. We found that: 1a) mu rhythm activity during observation of a grasp uniquely predicted infants’ learning on the cane training task, 1b) mu rhythm activity during observation and execution of a grasp did not uniquely predict infants’ learning on the visual pattern learning task (comparison learning task), 2) infants’ motor competence did not predict infants’ learning on the cane training task, 3) mu rhythm activity during observation and execution was not related to infants’ measure of motor competence, and 4) mu rhythm activity did not predict infants’ learning on the cane task above and beyond infants’ motor competence. The results from this study demonstrate that mu rhythm activity is a sensitive measure to detect individual differences in infants’ action and perception abilities, specifically their learning of a novel goal-directed action.


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The use of virtual social networks (VSNs) has been prevalent among consumers worldwide. Numerous studies have investigated various aspects of VSNs. However, these studies have mainly focused on students and young adults as they were early adopters of these innovative networks. A search of the literature revealed there has been a paucity of research on adult consumers’ use of VSNs. This research study addressed this gap in the literature by examining the determinants of engagement in VSNs among adult consumers in Singapore. The objectives of this study are to empirically investigate the determinants of engagement in VSNs and to offer theoretical insights into consumers’ preference and usage of VSNs. This study tapped upon several theories developed in the discipline of technology and innovation adoption. These were Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation, Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Conceptual Framework of Individual Innovation Adoption by Frambach and Schillewaert (2002), Enhanced Model of Innovation Adoption by Talukder (2011), Extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) and the Information Systems (IS) Success Model. The proposed research model, named the Media Usage Model (MUM), is a framework rooted in innovation diffusion and IS theories. The MUM distilled the essence of these established models and thus provides an updated, lucid explanation of engagement in VSNs. A cross-sectional, online social survey was conducted to collect quantitative data to examine the validity of the proposed research model. Multivariate data analysis was carried out on a data set comprising 806 usable responses by utilizing SPSS, and for structural equation modeling AMOS and SmartPLS. The results indicate that consumer attitude towards VSNs is significantly and positively influenced by: three individual factors – hedonic motivation, incentives and experience; two system characteristics – system quality and information quality; and one social factor – social bonding. Consumer demographics were found to influence people’s attitudes towards VSNs. In addition, consumer experience and attitude towards VSNs significantly and positively influence their usage of VSNs. The empirical data supported the proposed research model, explaining 80% of variance in attitude towards VSNs and 45% of variance in usage of VSNs. Therefore, the MUM achieves a definite contribution to theoretical knowledge of consumer engagement in VSNs by deepening and broadening our appreciation of the intricacies related to use of VSNs in Singapore. This study’s findings have implications for customer service management, services marketing and consumer behavior. These findings also have strategic implications for maximizing efficient utilization and effective management of VSNs by businesses and operators. The contributions of this research are: firstly, shifting the boundaries of technology or innovation adoption theories from research on employees to consumers as well as the boundaries of Internet usage or adoption research from students to adults, which is also known as empirical generalization; secondly, highlighting the issues associated with lack of significance of social factors in adoption research; and thirdly, augmenting information systems research by integrating important antecedents for success in information systems.


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Este artigo trata das relações entre cuidado, emancipação e Serviço Social, com o objetivo de uma reflexão crítica sobre uma temática que tem ficado obscurecida na discussão profissional. Faz uma análise do conceito de cuidado, enquanto ajuda, trabalho familiar da mulher e ação individual, para situá-lo no contexto das relações de poder, de descaso e abandono, próprio da sociedade capitalista. Considera o cuidar em uma perspectiva teórica e histórica democrática, exigindo a construção de valores éticos e de humanização da atenção profissional articulada à existência de suportes institucionais. Volta-se ao reconhecimento do outro como sujeito individual e coletivo de direitos, na efetivação de sua autonomia, da democracia e da cidadania no contexto da história social, e nas condições do sujeito combinando atenção às suas necessidades, às suas expressões e à inclusão social com valores éticos e processos de atuação profissional explicitados. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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Technological advances at the level of mobile devices are transforming the world. Banking users are able to conduct banking services at any place, and at any time, with m-banking. The purpose of this research is to analyse intention and action in m-banking services. A research model was developed and PLS was used to test the causalities in the proposed model. Our proposal extends the existing models with an assessment of the actual usage of m-banking and of how behavioural intention translates into action. This study found that the main determinants of behavioural intention for m-banking are social influence and relative advantage. Furthermore, perceived risk, lack of information and usage barriers have a negative effect on m- banking behavioural intention. Perceived risks, e-banking use, and behaviour intention are found to be significant antecedents of m-banking use. Gender has a positive and significant influence on m-banking usage, but not on the construction of behavioural intention.


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El desarrollo de esta monografía busca dar a conocer por medio de la teoría la relación de la ética con el Trabajo Social, para ello en este trabajo se aborda a la ética de una manera sistematizada, el estudio de los valores imprescindibles en el campo de lo ético, definiéndolos y dándoles relación con la vida cotidiana y el Trabajo Social, las razones por la que una persona tiene que tener ética en la realidad y cotidianidad del ser humano, el campo de los códigos de ética profesional que enmarca a los profesionales y muestra la manera de actuar de los mismos, el código deontológico publicado de Trabajo Social, de qué trata, sus objetivos, sus funciones en el papel profesional, sobre todo en el desarrollo de la carrera, en primer lugar el asunto de la ética que lleva consigo los valores y propósitos que guían la acción profesional en Trabajo Social, y el compromiso ético que tienen los trabajadores(as) sociales en torno a todos los aspectos de accionar, también aborda los dilemas, contradicciones y conflictos éticos de la profesión, donde se comienza a poner en juego realmente las valoraciones éticas, cada uno de los tipos de dilemas éticos y la clasificación factorial de los dilemas éticos encontrados en Trabajo Social, por último, algunas conclusiones a las que se ha podido llegar en el desarrollo de los capítulos, además entrevistas a profesionales del Trabajo Social ecuatorianos en algunos ámbitos laborales con lo que se dará por concluida la presente monografía.


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The debate about the relationship between social capital the welfare state has produced contradictory results for a long time. The crowding out hypothesis states that the growth of the welfare state would erode social capital, as the action of the state leave no room for non-regulated spontaneous cooperation. In sharp contrast, the crowding in hypothesis states that there is virtuous circle between the size of the welfare state and the stock of social capital in a particular country, since generous welfare states (specially those relying on universalistic programs) will produce a particular sense of fairness and solidarity toward fellow citizens. Yet, the empirical evidence testing the explanatory power of these theories is mostly inconclusive. To further our knowledge of this puzzle, in this paper I focus specifically on the relationship between social trust and preferences for redistribution at the individual level in a sample of European countries belonging to different welfare state regimes.


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La presente monografía; “Estrategias de intervención desde el Trabajo Social frente al suicidio en la adolescencia” aborda, entre otras, las siguientes temáticas; definiciones y tipos desuicidio; factores que influyen en el suicidio de la adolescencia y las causas que generan este problema de salud pública. El “sujeto” central de la investigación es la adolescencia, grupo etario donde el suicidio se ha convertido en la tercera causa de muerte. La conducta suicida,también es abordada; considerando los cambios y características psicológicas que es determinante para detectarestos comportamientos y poder prevenirlos e intervenir desde diferentes perspectivas profesionales, en donde el trabajo multidisciplinario es la base de la intervención especializada. En este escenario de multidisciplinariedad la tarea del Trabajador Social es caracterizada, en la monografía, como la del profesional que dinamiza armónicamente la acción de los profesionales involucrados, apoyándose en lopsicoeducativo y en la definición del escenario social. Finalmente se plantean estrategias y alternativas conceptuales y metodológicas, para prevenir el suicidio en la adolescencia y como intervenir con sus familias y allegados. La propuesta metodológica que se enfatiza como estrategia, para prevenir el suicidio, es el trabajo de equipo multidisciplinario,en dónde; psicólogos, médicos, psiquiatras, enfermeras, educadores, orientadores familiares y trabajadores sociales, aúnan esfuerzos para prevenir este flagelo y con la finalidad de relacionar lo conceptual y metodológico desde la práctica profesional se transcribe una entrevista a profundidad con un médico psiquiatra de uno de los hospitales de la localidad.


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As Redes Sociais, enquanto estrutura social, são um sistema aberto, altamente dinâmico e susceptível de inovação (Castells, 2000) constituindo-se como um importante recurso para combater a pobreza e a exclusão social, através de uma acção concertada e coerente. No presente estudo, apresentam-se os resultados de um estudo qualitativo cujo objectivo foi o de conhecer os benefícios da actuação em rede como estratégia de combate à pobreza e exclusão social. Realizou-se uma entrevista semi-estruturada a 13 colaboradores de organizações, não-lucrativas, que operam em rede. As respostas foram analisadas a partir da metodologia qualitativa Consesual Qualitative Research (Clara Hill, 1997). Os resultados obtidos permitiram obter como principal atributo estratégico, da actuação em rede, a orientação para o processo, enquanto medida adaptável e geradora de resultados. As conclusões obtidas são discutidas quanto ao seu contributo para incentivar as políticas sociais que considerem o reconhecimento e activação da solidariedade social local. / ABSTRACT: Social Networks, as a social structure, are an open system, highly dynamic and capable of innovation (Castells, 2000) constituting itself as an important resource to combat Poverty and Social Exclusion, through a concerted and coherent action. ln this study, we present the results of a qualitative investigation whose aim was to know the benefits of building social networks of support in fighting against poverty and social exclusion. There were performed semi-structured interviews with 13 employees of non­profit organizations, operating in network. The responses were analyzed based on Consensual Qualitative Research (Clara Hill, 1997). The results have enabled the orientation to process as the main strategic attribute of the implementation Strategies of Social Network as an adaptive measure and as capable of generating results. The main conclusions are discussed in terms of its contribution to promote social policies that consider the recognition and activation of local charities.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es contribuir al estudio del campo de la comunicación en movimientos sociales de la era de la Web social. La investigación plantea como hipótesis que han aparecido nuevas estrategias comunicativas en los “cibermovimientos sociales” para influir en el cambio social. Propone una clasificación en la que se distinguen transformaciones en el ámbito de la comunicación interpersonal (las redes informales) y la comunicación pública (los repertorios de acción colectiva). Los resultados se apoyan en una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica y en la observación directa virtual, especialmente de los movimientos sociales de indignación global de 2011.


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Le corps demeure un sujet d'études en vogue de nos jours. Une multitude d'articles et d'ouvrages abordent la représentation du corps au cinéma. Notre étude se concentre précisément sur le corps du héros du film d'action américain pendant la période classique des années 80. Il sera ainsi question de la musculature hyperbolique d’Arnold Schwarzenegger et de Sylvester Stallone. L'hypothèse de notre recherche est que la mise en scène du physique de l’acteur dans le film d’action demeure représentative de la conception héroïque de son époque. Premièrement, nous explorons la construction héroïque spécifique au film d'action classique. Nous posons que cette figure de héros américain évoque une glorification de la corporalité qui renvoie à la conception mythologique du héros occidental, celle-ci relative à notre imaginaire collectif. Une attention particulière sur la performance de Stallone dans son rôle de John Rambo servira pour appuyer notre réflexion. Deuxièmement, une analyse de la représentation du corps de Schwarzenegger dans ses premiers rôles nous permettra de vérifier à quel point le physique de cet acteur correspond à un nouveau paradigme, un nouveau modèle corporel pour incarner une figure héroïque au cinéma. Troisièmement, nous considérons le contexte socio-politique américain pendant les années 80 afin de constater l'influence de la société dans la construction d'une figure héroïque au cinéma. Une étude de la figure héroïque « reaganienne » sera développée en fonction de la comparaison de ces deux stars. Nous pourrons appréhender comment la représentation du corps dans le film d'action américain peut contribuer à la construction sociale du corps dans notre société occidentale contemporaine.


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Regulatory Focus Theory predicts that the motivation to self-regulate goal-directed thought and behavior depends on two distinct regulation strategies: a promotion focus based on attaining gains and a prevention focus based on avoiding losses. This study took a social-cognitive approach predicting that regulatory focus has an impact on how family startups (several family related founders) explore “new ideas”, exploit “old certainties” and achieve the balance of both (ambidexterity), compared to lone founder startups (only one founder present). It was proposed that the social context of family ties among founders leads them to a prevention focus concerned with avoiding the loss of the socio-emotional benefits of those ties. In order to avoid such a loss, family founders were expected to increase their risk perceptions and thus, explore less than lone founders, who lack such socio-emotional ties. It was also proposed that two commonly used psychological traits in entrepreneurship research --achievement motivation and internal locus of control, predispose entrepreneurs to a promotion focus. Founders with a promotion focus, in turn, were hypothesized to lead startups to more risk-seeking behaviors and to more explorative orientation. The previous argument was used as a springboard to derive hypotheses about ambidexterity (the ability to exploit and explore simultaneously) and survival hazards. Using Regulatory Focus Theory, exploitative orientation, conceptualized as the motivational strength to continue on previous paths of action, was hypothesized to be not significantly different from that of lone founder startups. Taking previous arguments together, lone founder startups were hypothesized to be more ambidextrous than family startups. Finally, ambidexterity and internal locus of control were hypothesized to reduce survival hazards in family startups. The findings suggested that family startups explore less than lone founder startups even after controlling for group effects. Interesting but contradictory findings revealed that internal locus of control have both a positive direct effect and a positive interaction that increases the explorative and ambidextrous orientation gap of family startups over lone founder startups. As expected, ambidexterity and internal locus of control reduced survival hazards on family startups. Implications for practitioners were derived based on a sample of 470 nascent entrepreneurs.


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Social capital, or social cohesion or group connectedness, can influence both HIV risk behavior and substance use. Because recent immigrants undergo a change in environment, one of the consequences can be a change in social capital. There may be an association among changes in social capital, and HIV risk behavior and substance use post immigration. The dissertation focused on the interface of these three variables among recent Latino immigrants (RLIs) in South Florida. The first manuscript is a systematic review of social capital and HIV risk behavior, and served as a partial background for the second and third manuscripts. Twelve papers with a measure of social capital as an independent variable and HIV risk as the dependent variable were included in the analysis. Eleven studies measured social capital at the individual level, and one study measured social capital at the group level. HIV risk was influenced by social capital, but the type of influence was dependent on the type of social capital and on the study population. Cognitive social capital, or levels of collective action, was protective against HIV in both men and women. The role of structural social capital, or levels of civic engagement/group participation, on HIV risk was dependent on the type of structural social capital and varied by gender. Microfinance programs and functional group participation were protective for women, while dysfunctional group participation and peer-level support may have increased HIV risk among men. The second manuscript was an original study assessing changes in social capital and HIV risk behavior pre to post immigration among RLIs in South Florida (n=527). HIV risk behavior was assessed through the frequency of vaginal-penile condom use, and the number of sexual partners. It was a longitudinal study using secondary data analysis to assess changes in social capital and HIV risk behavior pre immigration to two years post immigration, and to determine if there was a relationship between the two variables. There was an 8% decrease in total social capital (p ˂ .05). Reporting of ‘Never use’ of condoms in the past 90 days increased in all subcategories (p ˂ .05). Single men had a decrease in number of sexual partners (p ˂ .05). Lower social capital measured on the dimension of ‘friend and other’ was marginally associated with fewer sexual partners. The third manuscript was another original study looking at the association between social capital and substance use among RLIs in South Florida (n=527). Substance use with measured by frequency of hazardous alcoholic drinking, and illicit drug use. It was a longitudinal study of social capital and substance-use from pre to two years post immigration. Post-immigration, social capital, hazardous drinking and illicit drug use decreased (p˂.001). After adjusting for time, compared to males, females were less likely to engage in hazardous drinking (OR=.31, p˂.001), and less likely to engage in illicit drug use (OR=.67, p=.01). Documentation status was a moderator between social capital and illicit drug use. ‘Business’ and ‘Agency’ social capital were associated with changes in illicit drug use for documented immigrants. After adjusting for gender and marital status, on average, documented immigrants with a one-unit increase in ‘business’ social capital were 1.2 times more likely to engage in illicit drug use (p˂.01), and documented immigrants with one-unit increase in ‘agency’ social capital were 38% less likely to engage in illicit drug use (p˂.01). ‘Friend and other’ social capital was associated with a decrease in illicit drug use among undocumented immigrants. After adjusting for gender and marital status, on average, undocumented immigrants with a one-unit increase in ‘friend and other’ social capital were 45% less likely to engage in hazardous drinking and 44% less likely to use illicit drugs (p˂.01, p˂.05). Studying these three domains is relevant because HIV continues to be a public health issue, particularly in Miami-Dade County, which is ranked among other U.S. regions with high rates of HIV/AIDS prevalence. Substance use is associated with HIV risk behavior; in most studies, increased substance use is associated with increased chances of HIV risk behavior. Immigration, which is the hypothesized catalyst for the change in social capital, has an impact on the dynamic of a society. Greater immigration can be burdensome on the host country’s societal resources; however immigrants are also potentially a source of additional skilled labor for the workforce. Therefore, successful adaption of immigrants can have a positive influence on receiving communities. With Florida being a major receiver of immigrants to the U.S, this dissertation attempts to address an important public health issue for South Florida and the U.S. at large.