962 resultados para Saints, Polish.


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Background: Contact hypersensitivity (CS) reaction in the skin is T-cell mediated immune reaction which plays a major role in the pathogenesis and chronicity of various inflammatory skin disorders and, like other delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions, affords immunity against tumor cells and microbes. CS response is a self-limiting reaction, and interleukin (IL)-10 is considered to be a natural suppressant of cutaneous inflammatory response. Recently, it has been demonstrated that major depression is related to activation of the inflammatory response and elevation of some parameters of cell-mediated immunity. It has been suggested that such activation of the immune system may play a role in etiology of depression. If this immunoactivation is involved in etiology of depression, one would expect that antidepressant agents may have negative immunoregulatory effects. To the best of our knowledge, the effect of antidepressants on contact hypersensitivity has not been studied.

Methods: The aim of the present study was to establish the effect of prolonged desipramine or fluoxetine treatment on CS reaction to picryl chloride.

Results: Antidepressants significantly suppressed CS reaction, fluoxetine by 53% whereas desipramine by 47% compared to positive control. Moreover, desipramine and fluoxetine decreased relative weight of auxillary lymph nodes. Desipramine decreased also relative weight of inguinal lymph nodes and spleens whereas desipramine and fluoxetine increased production of IL-10 in comparison to positive control.

Conclusion: The observed effect of antidepressant drugs on CS reaction is consistent with the hypothesis that T-cell mediated immunity is targeted by antidepressants.


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Miscommunication has always intrigued researchers in and outside linguistics. This book takes a different perspective from what has been proposed so far and postulates a case for intercultural miscommunication as a linguistically-based phenomenon in various intercultural milieus. The contributions address cases of intercultural miscommunication in potentially confrontational contexts, like professional communities of practice, intercultural differences in various English-speaking countries, political discourse, classroom discourse, or the discourse of the past. The frameworks employed include cultural scripts, critical discourse analysis, lexicographic analysis, glosses of untranslatable terms, and diachronic pragmatics. The book shows the omnipresence of miscommunication, ranging from everyday exchanges through classroom discourse, professional encounters, to literary contexts and political debates, past and present.


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To examine the uptake of religious rituals of the Greek Orthodox Church by relatives of patients in critical condition in Greece and to explore their symbolic representations and spiritual meanings.
Patients and their relatives want to be treated with respect and be supported for their beliefs, practices, customs and rituals. However nurses may not be ready to meet the spiritual needs of relatives of patients, while the health-related religious beliefs, practices and rituals of the Greek Orthodox Christian denomination have not been explored.
This study was part of a large study encompassing 19 interviews with 25 informants, relatives of patients in intensive care units of three large hospitals in Athens, Greece, between 2000 and 2005. In this paper data were derived from personal accounts of religious rituals given by six participants.
Relatives used a series of religious rituals, namely blessed oil and holy water, use of relics of saints, holy icons, offering names for pleas and pilgrimage.
Through the rituals, relatives experience a sense of connectedness with the divine and use the sacred powers to promote healing of their patients.
Implications for nursing management
Nurse managers should recognize, respect and facilitate the expression of spirituality through the practice of religious rituals by patients and their relatives.


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This paper investigates elaborative relational structures utilised by native English speaking and native Polish speaking scholars in sociology research articles written in English. The examined texts have been produced in American, Australian and Polish academic discourse communities. The study utilised the framework of the analysis of the rhetorical structure of tests (FARS) as an analytical tool (Golebiowski 2009, 2011). The following types of elaboration relations are discussed : amplification, extension, reformulation, explanation, instantiation and addition. Elaboration is analysed with respect to its textual function, frequency of employment, hierarchical location, recursiveness, discoursal prominence and explicitness. The elaborative systems in the examined texts are shown to be complex, with pervasive presence of multi-stage recursive structures. It is suggested that elaborativeness may be a general characteristic of the style of writing sociology, which, as a relatively new discipline, requires establishing of wide grounds for the proposed claims, where writers persuade their readers not only of the specific claims of their text, but also of frameworks of thought in which the claims are placed. It is hypothesized that the similarities in the elaborativeness across texts result from the shared stylistic conventions and traditions of the disciplinary research community of sociology, while differences in the mode of employment of elaboration relations are attributed to cultural norms and conventions as well as educational systems prevailing within the discourse communities constituting the social contexts of the studied texts.
Golebiowski, Z. (2011). Scholarly criticism across discourse communities. In Salager-Meyer, Françoise and Lewin, Beverly A. (eds), Crossed words : Criticism in scholarly writing, pp. 203-224, Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, Berlin, Germany.
Golebiowski Z. (2009). The use of contrastive strategies in a sociology research paper: A cross-cultural study. In Suomela-Salmi, Eija and Dervin, Fred (eds), Cross-linguistic and cross-cultural perspectives on academic discourse, pp. 165-186, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Philadelphia.


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This paper investigates the employment of elaborative rhetorical strategies in threeresearch papers written in English and published in international sociologicaljournals: the first authored by native speakers of English, the second by a Polishwriter working in an Anglophone discourse community, and the third by a Polishwriter from the Polish discourse community. Elaboration relations are discussedwith respect to their textual function, frequency of employment, hierarchicallocation and recursiveness, and discoursal prominence. I explore how the authorselaborate their texts through amplification, extension, explanation, instantiation,reformulation and addition strategies. The analysis reveals that Elaboration is aprominent feature of the examined texts. It is proposed that the similarities inthe employment of Elaborations across the corpus result from the shared stylisticconventions and traditions of the disciplinary research community of sociologywhile variations in the mode of employment of elaborative structures may becaused by the writers’ differing linguistic backgrounds and discourse communitymemberships.


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Rather than represent the world merely by photographic means, handmade moving-image artists seek to create new ways of seeing by staging a variety of interventions into the material makeup of celluloid. Handmade artists tattoo film’s skin not only with scratches and paint, but also with blood, dirt, paper, candy, sand, nail polish remover, and seawater. Seeking media not normally found in a filmmaker or artist’s studio, they mine their own bodies and backyards for things to make into moving images.

This program highlights rarely-seen works of artisanal film production from the Coop’s collection. Some of the works are wonderfully constructive, building up the visual surface of the film by combining found footage with painterly abstraction. Others are destructive, subjecting film to a variety of elemental and material stresses. Taken together, these films not only exhibit the diversity of handmade practices and concerns, they also provide a framework for rethinking how cinema can be made through its unmaking.

In other words, handmade cinema—in concept, material, and execution—is counter-cinema.


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This work is a discussion of the artistic process of an artist-researcher made from field research with benzedeiras and benzedores the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This is an investigation on the cultural universe of the popular benzeção as poetic element to the artistic dance. To discuss the different stages of the research and the relationships between the artist-researcher, the benzedeiras/benzedores and the creation/composition scenic, the work takes as reference the triangular relationship created by anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss, in his discussion on the effectiveness of symbols of healing, adapted to the context of benzeção . For dialogue between tradition, popular knowledge, scientific and artistic knowledge this work approaches as analytical reference the epistemological model of the type rhizome proposed by Deleuze and Guattari, understanding it as a model that seeks to form a network of relations in different paths of research, to establish connections between elements without target them or subordinating them. In the universe of benzeção , benzedeiras and benzedores carry a symbolic power that issued in whispered prayers, in peculiar gestures that form crosses in space, heal those who seek your prayers and blessing. In this research, the mixture of popular knowledge, artistic and academic knowledge, born an artistic work in the context of Performing Arts, more specifically dance, and between branches, saints, candles and conversations the work allowed other looks poetic for our popular culture, (re)asserting their cultural and human values through the art


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At this research we attempted to understand what feeds and supports the faith and popular religiosity at Pedro s Cave in Ribeirao do Largo, located in Bahia State. For this we studied the visitation ritual at Pedro s Cave on June 29th and tried to identify the importance of this ritual in the construction and reconstruction of believer s faith. Moreover, we endeavored to understand which factors led Pedro Afonso Nascimento, a cowhand whose lift was taken in a violent manner, to the roll of popular saints and how it was built around his tomb a sanctuary of constant visitation


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The study is a survey conducted for the Master of Social Sciences carried out in partnership between the Universidade Tiradentes-UNIT/SE and the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Being a religious event, we seek to show that the religious parties generally have particular meanings for each nation or region. Amaral (1998) informs that the Brazilian parties regardless of where they occur are popular demonstrations that, as the context in which they present themselves, can dilute to crystallize, to celebrate, to ritualize or sacralize the particular social experience of the groups that do. They happen as a way to thank victories or important religious passages as Christmas, the June saints celebration, patron saints and patron saints considered. Thus, The Bom Jesus dos Navegantes party in Propriá-SE: story of faith, a space of social relations and cultural ties, is presented as our field of study because it is one of those celebrations that while celebrated in Sergipe, always on Sundays in January, by some municipalities situated along the river San Francisco, has the characteristic of overlap any others placed in town, including the one of the city's patron saint, Saint Anthony, held on June 13. Concerning the materials and methods, we opted for qualitative research and participant direct observation, using the techniques of personal notes, interviews, newspapers, websites, photos, videos and testimonials from participants and organizers, as well as references offered by experts of the area. With this research answers were sought to questions about what could keep alive the celebration of Bom Jesus dos Navegantes each year in order that this is a patron saint, not saint; the way as the investment of local government with more resources in this period, during the organization of arts festivals, has created a thread of tension with the Catholic Church promoting the religious rituals was reviewed. It was also analyzed how the sacred and profane spaces present themselves inseparable from the celebration and, finally, it was revealed that the party retains its value by preserving its tradition and making room for modernity, not weakening but suffering metamorphoses of time and space and can be seen in the social and cultural bonds wrapped by the time of religious faith


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In this work we propose a new indicator to classify the best period for longan fruit harvest, based on measurements of its longitudinal and transversal axis during growth. Shape analysis based on area per volume ratio (AN) and sphericity show that those indicators stabilize after during longan growth period, independently of variety, in a specific environment. As sphericity increases 6% during fruits growth, AN ratio decreases dramatically (75%) closing to maturity, at 120 days after anthesis. The first derivative of A/V ratio indicates three distinct phases that are related to the growth phases of fruits. We believe that those shape indicators could be used to probe the right point of longan fruits maturity in different environments in a quantitative way.


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Dans ce travail, nous étudions la construction narrative du passé de la ville de Nova Cruz, dans l´agreste potiguar. Les récits soulignent l´existence d´un corpus narratif homogène qui fait référence à l´occupation du lieu et à l´évangelisation de ses habitants. Ainsi, les images des saints et des missionaires civilisateurs de l´espace qui domestiquent les manifestations d´un esprit autochtone sauvage, habitants du milieu naturel, sont recurrentes dans la description des personnages du passé. Observant la continuité sémantique des différentes versions de l´histoire de la ville, nous nous proposons d´analyser d´une manière conjointe les textes de l´historiographie locale et les témoignages oraux collectés. Comme il a été possible de le constater, les chemins de l´écrit et de l´oral se croisent en plusieurs occasions, obéissant à des logiques locales de représentations du passé. Ainsi, notre étude porte sur des champs communs à l´Anthropologie, à l´Histoire e à la Littérature. Les reconstructions narratives du passé local sont aussi activées par des faits plus récents, des "marques de la mémoire" comme le marché, le train, la croix et le réservoir, symboles d´une époque d´abondance qui suit l´action civilisatrice des personnages ancestraux


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Parties are one of the most communicative languages, full of contents and symbolic meanings. The devotion to the saints is a kind of communication. In this thesis communicational processes, its languages and its flows are sought at the Saint Sebastian s party, at Alecrim neighborhood, in Natal/RN. The view is focused on the individuals and collective behaviors, in a dynamic which involves the saint s interlocutors at the party space, which supports the pre-novena, the novena and the procession. It tries to show through observation, ethnography and interviews the elements that composes the symbolic language present on the gestures, on the performances and bodies movements, on the clothing colors, as well as on what is said orally or in silence, on the spontaneous prayers or pre-elaborated ones, on the written messages that the devout addresses to the saint at the patron s festivity