884 resultados para STATUTES


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The Pedagogy of Alternation (PA), it is a type of education designed to rural people, whose perspective on the idea of combining theory and practice, alternating different times and spaces. On the Brazil, this education modality act from the perspective of two movements: Italian and French. Because it is a distinct mode of traditional, recommends that educators who work in this context also have a different outline. In this sense, it is relevant that there is a training for the educators that meets their needs. It is in these by understand how is the training of these professionals that the study proposes to analyze the educators training processes of PA on Brazil in movements Italian and French, presenting differences and similarities between them. For this, part it of a bibliographic and documental research, which were make initially theoretical surveys about expansion context of method, as well as theirtheoreticalandmethodologicalfoundationsandthePublicPolicybyeducators training. Then, were analyzed educational documents of both movements, laws, ordinances, statutes and field diaries, in order to verify how occurs the educators training process, and from that were stablished differences and similarities between both. The results point that in both movements there were advances in training processes, and despite of there were many similarities in trajectory of the movement, a multitude of issues boosted significant differences. On the Italian movement notes a greater harmony with the original principles of the PA, more engagement and organization by the movement. Because keeps collaborate ships with public authorities and institutions, without, however, losing its autonomy in decision-making and referrals to preserve the principles and foundations of this educational modality. This has encouraged and strengthened the educator’s formation and consequently the quality of education. On the other hand, the French movement it is shown weakened, especially in the state of Paraná, in which the movement is weakened. The small number of students, among other factors, pushed the closure of classes and consequently schools, this has interfered with the continuity of the movement. Many are the limitations by which the French movement has passed, especially with regard to training of their teachers, however, the search for new partner ships, as well as the community and the redemption of the original principles and foundations can be a way to paralyze this retraction and strengthens it.


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Earlier histories of the Scottish parliament have been somewhat constitutional in emphasis and have been exceedingly critical of what was understood to be parliament's subservience to the crown. Estimates by constitutional historians of the extreme weakness of parliament rested on an assessment of the constitutional system. The argument was that many of its features were not consistent with a reasonably strong parliament. Because the 'constitution' is apparently fragmented, with active roles played by bodies such as the lords of articles, the general council and the convention of estates, each apparently suggesting that parliament was inadequate, historians have sometimes failed to appreciate the positive role played by the estates in the conduct of national affairs. The thesis begins with a discussion of the reliability of the printed text of APS and proceeds to an examination of selected aspects of the work of parliament in a period from c 1424-c 1625. The belief of constitutional historians such as Rait that conditions In Scotland proved unfavourable to the interests and. effectiveness of parliament in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, is also examined. Chapter 1 concludes that APS is a less than reliable text, particularly for the reign of James I. Numerous statutes were excluded from the printed text and they are offered below for the first time. These statutes have been a useful addition to our understanding of the reign of James I. Chapter 2 analyses the motives behind the schemes for shire representation and concludes that neither constitutional theory nor political opportunism explains the support which James I and James VI gave to these measures. Both these monarchs were motivated by the realisation that their particular ambitions were dependent on winning the support of the estates whose ranks should include representatives from the shires. Chapter 3 examines the method of electing the lords of articles, the composition of this committee, and some aspects of its operation. The conclusion is that in the main the estates were the deciding force in the choice of the lords of articles. The committee's composition was more a reflection of a desire for a balance between representatives from north and south of the Forth and for the most important burghs and clergy to be selected than an attempt at electing government favourites. The articles did exercise a significant control over the items which came before parliament but this control was not absolute and applied to government as well as private legislation. Chapter 4 questions the traditional view that the general council and convention of estates were the same body. It is argued that they were two different institutions with different powers, but that they nevertheless worked within certain limits and were careful not to usurp the authority of parliament. Chapter 5 concedes that taxation was sometimes decided outside parliament; that the irregularity of taxation certainly weakened the bargaining power of the estates and that the latter did not appear to capitalise on these occasions when taxation was an issue. But the tendency was to ensure that, whether in or out of parliament, the decision to impose taxation was taken by a large number of each estate. The infrequency of taxation was a direct consequence of an unwillingness among the estates to agree to a regular taxation and their preference to ensure for the crown an alternative source of income. Moreover taxation was one issue, which more than any other, would be subject to contentious opposition by the estates, and could lead to the crown's defeat. Chapter 6 is concerned with ecclesiastical representation after the Reformation and the church's attitudes to the possibility of ministerial representation. Some ministers had doctrinal misgivings but the majority came to believe that the church's absence from parliament bad severely reduced. the influence of the church. That no agreement was forthcoming on a system of ministerial representation, particularly after 1597, is attributable to the estates' unwillingness to compromise and, not to the strength of opposition in the church. Chapter 7 examines the institutions which are sometime seen as 'rivals' of parliament and concludes that institutions such as the privy council were generally very careful in matters which needed the approval of parliament, and seemed aware of the greater authority of parliament. Chapter 8 which illustrates how parliament had the right to be consulted in all important matters of state, brings together the main points of the earlier chapters and offers further illustrations of the essential role which parliament played in the conduct of national affairs. Whether or not the system can be regarded as constitutionally sound, the estates in Scotland could observe parliament's day-to-day operation with some satisfaction. All in all, there is little convincing evidence that parliament was as weak as some historians would have us believe.


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W artykule autorzy podejmują się dokonania analizy zagadnienia dotyczącego możliwości naruszenia umowy spółki lub statutu przez członków zarządu oraz wpływu takiego naruszenia na ważność podjętej czynności prawnej. Zagadnienie to wywołuje liczne problemy praktyczne, chociażby z uwagi na obowiązek każdorazowej weryfikacji przed zawarciem umowy listy czynności, na dokonanie których statut lub umowa spółki zastrzega sobie taki wymóg. Nie ma tu znaczenia dobra czy zła wiara kontrahenta, który ma świadomość o istnieniu takiego zapisu dla ważności danej czynności prawnej. Zgoła odmienna jest sytuacja członka zarządu, dla którego uzyskanie takiej zgody jest ważne, z uwagi na naruszenia umowy spółki albo statutu, a w konsekwencji jego odpowiedzialność odszkodowawczą do dochodzenia ewentualnego odszkodowania za szkodę wyrządzoną działaniem lub zaniechaniem. Pamiętać jednak należy, że do istnienia odpowiedzialności niezbędne jest wykazanie szkody. Jednakże biorąc pod uwagę uwarunkowania biznesowe niekiedy trudno uzyskać zgodę rady nadzorczej lub walnego zgromadzenia wspólników na taką zgodę. Powstaje wtedy pytanie, czy można ją uzyskać następczo. Autorzy w artykule dokonują analizy stawiając tezę, iż możliwe jest następcze wyrażenie zgody na dokonaną bez uprzedniej zgody czynność prawną. Dokonując wnioskowania a maiori ad minus można w ocenie autorów dopuścić potwierdzenie takiej czynności następczo i to nie tylko w wymaganym dwumiesięcznym terminie, ale nawet późniejszym, co może mieć wpływ na ich ewentualne wyłączenie odpowiedzialności z tytułu naruszenia postanowień umowy spółki (statutu). Całość rozważań ściśle oscyluje wokół praktycznych problemów pojawiających się funkcjonowaniu spółki.


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Considerando o importante papel que as instituições educativas desempenham na formação das crianças e dos jovens, o respeito pelos direitos dos alunos é condição fundamental, para lhes proporcionar uma educação de qualidade. Partindo desta consciência, resolvemos efetuar um estudo de caso, numa escola da rede pública de ensino e numa escola da rede privada de ensino, ambas situadas no concelho de Lisboa, com o objetivo de conhecer as perceções dos alunos sobre a promoção dos seus direitos em contexto escolar e descortinar as semelhanças e as diferenças entre os dois contextos educativos, atendendo à diferente natureza jurídica das duas instituições. Para concretizarmos esse objetivo, formulámos as seguintes perguntas derivadas, cujas respostas procuraremos obter no decurso do nosso estudo: (i) os alunos têm conhecimento de que são titulares de direitos?; (ii) exercem os seus direitos em condições de plena igualdade e sem qualquer discriminação?; (iii) o interesse superior do aluno é a primordial consideração que a Escola tem em conta, em todos os assuntos que lhe dizem respeito?; (iv) o direito à vida, à sobrevivência e ao desenvolvimento dos alunos é garantido na Escola? e (v) a opinião dos alunos é tida em consideração, em todos os assuntos que lhes dizem respeito?. Para atingirmos os objetivos que delineamos, desenvolvemos um estudo de caso, recorrendo a uma abordagem metodológica predominantemente qualitativa, com recurso a técnicas variadas, designadamente a entrevista, o inquérito por questionário e a análise documental. Procedemos à revisão da literatura, de acordo com as áreas conceptuais previamente definidas, que se consubstanciaram nos princípios gerais de direito internacional, consignados na Convenção sobre os Direitos da Criança de 1989, e à luz dos quais todos os direitos nela constantes devem ser interpretados: o princípio da não discriminação, o princípio do interesse superior da criança, o direito à vida, à sobrevivência e ao desenvolvimento, e o princípio do respeito pelas opiniões da criança. A análise dos conceitos e da diferente natureza jurídica das duas instituições foi, também, objeto do nosso estudo. Por outro lado, a legislação portuguesa relacionada com os direitos dos alunos, também, foi por nós revista neste estudo, nomeadamente, os diversos estatutos do aluno que se sucederam no tempo. A análise dos resultados obtidos permitiu-nos concluir que o respeito dos direitos dos alunos, nas suas diversas dimensões, não foi ainda totalmente conseguido, sobretudo o seu direito à não discriminação e o seu direito à participação a nível micro e meso. Não se podendo generalizar o estudo, a comunidade educativa tem de desenvolver um esforço para a compreensão da dimensão e da importância do respeito dos direitos dos alunos, sobretudo na criação de um clima democrático, que favoreça a plena igualdade de oportunidades a todos os alunos e a livre escolha do projeto educativo pelas famílias das crianças e dos jovens.


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Esta dissertação aborda, de um ponto de vista crítico, a teoria do Conetivismo à luz dos seus princípios e das respetivas implicações na visão tradicional de aprendizagem e de conhecimento. A tese foi desenvolvida tendo em conta uma metodologia de revisão bibliográfica das publicações mais relevantes da autoria dos principais representantes do Conetivismo, nomeadamente George Siemens e Stephen Downes, estando sempre subjacente a preocupação em não apresentar apenas mais um estudo sintetizador da teoria, mas simultaneamente uma visão crítica do Conetivismo. Enquanto teoria de aprendizagem para uns, mera perspetiva epistemológica para outros, o Conetivismo tem assumido um papel crescente no debate acerca daquilo que entendemos por aprendizagem em rede e das suas implicações nos estatutos tradicionais do conhecimento e da aprendizagem e até do papel dos educadores e dos alunos. Alvo de reconhecimento para uns, de críticas para outros, o Conetivismo está ainda a dar os primeiros passos no desenvolvimento de uma visão epistemológica inovadora, principalmente no que diz respeito à partilha em rede, à aprendizagem centrada em comunidades online, regidas por interesses e objetivos comuns, onde a auto-aprendizagem é fundamental. Mas que consequências traz esta nova forma de encarar a aprendizagem? Até que ponto o Conetivismo é uma teoria que vai mais além das teorias de aprendizagem anteriores? Passaremos a encarar o conhecimento de modo diferente a partir daqui? Qual o verdadeiro alcance dos MOOC, cada vez mais em voga?


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Num contexto de mudança dos estatutos da Ordem dos Enfermeiros, reconhece-se a importância de renovar um Sistema de Certificação de Competências, que é contemplado por um período de Exercício Profissional Tutelado, para a obtenção do título de Enfermeiro, e um período de Desenvolvimento Profissional Tutelado, para a atribuição do título de Enfermeiro Especialista. O Conselho de Enfermagem reconhece que para a obtenção destes títulos, esta Prática Tutelada deve acontecer num contexto de prática clinica de Idoneidade Formativa, reconhecida e acreditada pela Ordem dos Enfermeiros, e sob a supervisão de um Enfermeiro com certificação de competências, com a designação de Enfermeiro Supervisor. Serve então o presente relatório para verificar se, se encontram reunidas as condições para um eventual processo de candidatura a Acreditação de Idoneidade Formativa do Contexto de Prática Clinica, no Serviço de Urgência – Unidade de Abrantes – Centro Hospitalar Médio Tejo. Ao longo do relatório são descritas as fases de implementação e feito o levantamento das condições necessárias à candidatura para o processo de Acreditação


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This article analyses arguments that the prerogative should be readily displaced by statute, where a statute deals with a subject matter similar to a prerogative. It does so by examining the leading cases on displacement of the prerogative in the United Kingdom and the Australian states, and displacement of the Australian Commonwealth's inherent executive power. The cases do not adopt a single rule but the question of whether a statute will be taken to displace a prerogative is highly dependent of the facts and the provisions of the particular staute.This article defends the current approach to displacement, for three reasons. First, the courts do not allow governments to subvert or ignore statutes by using the prerogative. Secondly, the courts have almost always decided in favour of liberty and against the conferral of coercive powers on government. Thirdly, a single rule could not do justice to all the variables involved in displacement cases. Ordinary principles of statutory interpretation are sufficient to deal with questions of displacement.


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This Article aims to revisit the historical development of the doctrine ofexemplary or punitive damages. Punitive damages are anomalous in that they lie in both tort and crime, a matter that has led to much criticism by modern commentators. Yet, a definitive history of punitive damages does not exist to explain this anomaly. The main contribution of this Article, then, is to begin such a history by way of a meta-narrative. It identifies and links the historically significant moments that led to punitive damages, beginning with the background period of classical Roman law, its renewed reception in Western Europe in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries that coincided with the emergence of the English common law,the English statutes of the late thirteenth century, to the court cases of Wilkes v. Wood and Huckle v. Money in the eighteenth century that heralded the "first explicit articulation" of the legal principle of punitive damages. This Article argues that this history is not linear in nature but historically contingent. This is a corrective to present scholarship, which fails to adequately connect or contextualize these historical moments, or over-simplifies this development over time.


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A number of laws in Canada which uphold rights are referred to as quasi-constitutional by the courts in recognition of their special importance. Quasi-constitutional statutes are enacted through the regular legislative process, although they are being interpreted and applied in a fashion which has become remarkably similar to constitutional law, and are therefore having an important affect over other legislation. Quasi-constitutionality has surprisingly received limited scholarly attention, and very few serious attempts at explaining its significance have been made. This dissertation undertakes a comprehensive study of quasi-constitutionality which considers its theoretical basis, its interpretation and legal significance, as well as its similarities to comparable forms of law in other Commonwealth jurisdictions. Part I examines the theoretical basis of quasi-constitutionality and its relationship to the Constitution. As a statutory and common law form of fundamental law, quasi-constitutionality is shown to signify an association with the Canadian Constitution and the foundational principles that underpin it. Part II proceeds to consider the special rules of interpretation applied to quasi-constitutional legislation, the basis of this interpretative approach, and the connection between the interpretation of similar provisions in quasi-constitutional legislation and the Constitution. As a statutory form of fundamental law, quasi-constitutional legislation is given a broad, liberal and purposive interpretation which significantly expands the rights which they protect. The theoretical basis of this approach is found in both the fundamental nature of the rights upheld by quasi-constitutional legislation as well as legislative intent. Part III explores how quasi-constitutional statutes affect the interpretation of regular legislation and how they are used for the purposes of judicial review. Quasi-constitutional legislation has a significant influence over regular statutes in the interpretative exercise, which in some instances results in conflicting statutes being declared inoperable. The basis of this form of judicial review is demonstrated to be rooted in statutory interpretation, and as such it provides an interesting model of rights protection and judicial review that is not conflated to constitutional and judicial supremacy.


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If the principle of legality operates to obscure from Parliament the common law (rights) backdrop against which it legislates, the clarity or rights-sensitivity of that legislation cannot be improved. This undercuts, rather than promotes, the democratic and rule of law values that underpin the modern conception of the principle and its contemporary normative justification. So the courts must strive to give Parliament the clearest possible picture as to the content of the fundamental common law rights it seeks to protect and, depending on the right, freedom, or principle in legislative play, the strength with which the principle will be applied in order to do so. Parliament (and parliamentary counsel) can only ‘squarely confront’ those fundamental rights the existence and content of which was known at the time of legislating. The proposition which, necessarily, follows is that the rule of contemporanea exposition est optima et fortissimo in lege must be revived when judges apply the principle of legality to the construction of statutes. If the courts are to maintain and take seriously the normative justification for the principle then its application to the construction of statutes can only operate to protect from legislative encroachment those fundamental rights existing at the time the statute was enacted.


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This is a response to Governor Nikki Haley’s Executive Order 2013-02 dated February 7, 2013. DPS has completed a comprehensive review of its current and/or any proposed statutes, rules, regulations, and policies in order to assess their effects on South Carolina’s economy and to determine whether their costs to businesses and employers outweigh their intended benefits.


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This article analyses the dynamics of accessing cathedral chapters with purity of blood statutes in the Iberian Peninsula, from a comparative perspective, and the interaction with the phenomenon of commodification of ecclesiastical benefices. This phenomenon created a Curial market that was open to any applicant with sufficient economic capacity, regardless of their ancestry. What was the result of the clash between the Iberian concept of purity and the commodified Roman reality?


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Abstract: Professional brotherhoods were a fundamental structure of social organization during the Ancien Regime in Portugal. The traditional guild of musicians - Brotherhood of St. Cecilia - was a case of particular relevance to the musical context over a long period of time and was confirmed as a dominant institution, especially in Lisbon. This study establishes a confrontation across the Statutes of the Brotherhood under the Documents (Compromissos) known since 1749, in order to know (a) changes made by the end of the eighteenth century; (b) local specificities in Évora (1780) and Oporto (1784) according to the model of Lisbon (1749 and 1766); (c) connections to specific musical contexts. Resumo: As irmandades profissionais constituiram-se como uma estrutura fundamental de organização social durante o Antigo Regime em Portugal. No caso dos músicos a Irmandade de Santa Cecília afirmou-se como um caso de particular relevância para o estudo do sistema de organização e valorização de atividade confirmando-se como uma instituição dominante, sobretudo em Lisboa. Neste estudo estabelece-se um confronto entre os Estatutos da Irmandade segundo os Compromissos conhecidos desde 1749, no sentido de conhecer (a) alterações introduzidas até finais do século XVIII; (b) especificidades locais em Évora (1780) e Porto (1784) de acordo com o modelo de Lisboa (1749 e 1766); (c) relação com contextos musicais específicos.