996 resultados para São Paulo (SP) - Obras públicas - 1890-1930
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
The formation of intellectuals, in Gramscian terms (GRAMSCI, 2000), was addressed throughout our academic career, for example, Villela (2003; 2008; 2009; 2010-2012; 2011; 2012; 2014). This article aims to resume some relationships between education of intellectuals in Italy for years 1920, the organization of industrialization in São Paulo and the construction of bourgeois hegemony in Brazil. In this paper I review my dissertation, Villela (2003), whose aim was to understand the rationalization of work processes in architectural offices. This dissertation possible to trace, among other things, another story of the relationship between architecture and state in Brazil from industrialization in São Paulo. Based on the notion of intellectuals Gramsci, we discuss the extended state design and envision a particular kind of state, which in our case is the State industrialist. And relate interested in public policy of that State for industrialization industries office designed by Rino Levi Architects Associate SC Ltda. (ERLAA) that has developed over the decades its activities from 1920 to 1990, many projects in the city of São Paulo. The relationship proposed here is unprecedented. Grounded in this relationship, put in another scene about the formation of intellectuals and hegemony, a Gramscian point of view.
We performed in this study an analysis of Curriculum Astronomy contents the public schools of São Paulo from the available educational materials to teachers and students by the state board of education. We analyzed the conditions that teachers carry out the activities suggested to the teaching-learning situations, considering factors such as time available for classes, available material and the general technical condition to perform the activities suggested by the material. Thereafter, we conducted a search with teachers from public of São Paulo, than three cities in the Vale do Paraíba, in order to trace a general framework of the perception of these teachers about the introduction of Astronomy in Physical during the implementation of the new curriculum
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB
This article seeks to assess the extent to which the municipality of Piracicaba (in the Brazilian state of São Paulo) has practiced Municipal Budgetary Transparency in Internet (TOM Web), as conceptualized by Pires (2011). The TOM Web is based on definitions used by the IMF and the OECD, and the characteristics of the Brazilian institutional and legal reality.
The presented article discuss theoretical context and the practical impact reported in the bibliography about Continued Progression at São Paulo State schools. Such proceeding, oriented through Law of Basic Guidelines, LBG, from 1996, previses a restructuring in the Basic Education at the schools, primarily with respect to evaluations. Grades are replaced for cycles and reprobation only can happen if the student exceeds the limit of stated absences or for lowered acting at final of each cycle. The impact of educational public policy drafted through Continued Progression provoke transformations that need more attention, indicating a path of reflection turned to structural conditions in order that school offers the required reinforcement to students and assure quality education. It’s primordial understand, therefore, the endogenous and exogenous factors that leaded to adoption of such proceeding in the São Paulo State.
"This paper aims to examine three regional development plans proposed for the region of the valleys of rivers Tietê and Paraná: Rail Project (ISCO, 1994), the Development Plan (CESP, 1996) and Máster Plan (ADTP, 1996). The interest in conducting the study relies on the possibility that it may contribute to the debate on the reshaping of public policy and style necessary to establish a new pattern of regional development in the country"
This work aims to estimate an empirical model for three kinds of crime in Sao Paulo city: homicides, robberies and car thefts. It uses as geographical units the areas belonging to each police districts and takes in account spatial effects among the variables. The results show important differences when we deal with crime against people and crime against property.
The changes in the world of work that, in turn, directly affect the teaching work, have expanded the processes of precariousness and intensification, contributing for deteriorating conditions which teachers use to labor. Considering that the time designated for teaching activities is an important part of work conditions, we look for, in this article, to analyze the work shift of teachers in São Paulo state educational public system. Regarding that teachers are a very heterogeneous group, we have chosen to discuss the workday those professionals who dedicate themselves in the last years of elementary and high school. Through a literature review and a research about the legislation related to the topic, in Brazil and São Paulo state, we have highlighted that the teachers’ work shifts should include not only the time for classroom activities, but also for other extra activities. Moreover, we emphasize that the state of São Paulo government has promoted, since 2012, a reformulation of the teachers’ work shift that has not properly include the appropriate length of time for extra educational activities, contrasting the parameters founded in the national legislation. Besides the legal non-compliance, that fact has accentuated the process of intensification of teaching work, contributing for the embrittlement of the collective activities.
The present article aims to elaborate an objective analytical panel, initially from the 1920- 1930 when Luiz Ignácio Romeiro de Anhaia Mello, cathedratic in the urban question, started to quote a series of authors and American plans as references to their reflections, mainly when the point was the verticalization or not at São Paulo City. From a broad bibliographic research with the systematization of the register from the debate between Anhaia Mello, this article intends to point out how the transposition of the urbanistic conceptions to the academic environment happened and, at the same time, the legal normatization of the São Paulo City that resulted in the creation of a draft of the regulations for use and occupation of the soil. The systematizations and analysis were based in a broad reading of the bibliography and documental sources that refer to the proposed theme. The books of the library of FAU-USP, specifically the one from SAGMACS – Sociedade de Análises Gráficas e Mecanográficas Aplicadas aos Complexos Sociais ( Society of Graphical Mechanical-Graphic Analysis Applied to Social Complexes) -, aiming to select papers and the collection of Anhaia Mello´s family, so that a reconstruction of the intellectual and professional journey of the Urbanism Professor. The systematization of the collected data and posterior comparison with the bibliographical study was fundamental for the reconstruction of the reflection of Anhaia Mello about the ways of the urban streets and roads at Sao Paulo City should be lead to on the middle of the XX century having as a guideline the debate between Anhaia Mello – very common on the 1950s for less important countries when dealing with the organization of the size of industrial metropolis. It was possible to identify the crystallization of one urbanistic proposal for the city: the from Anhaia Mello, that bet on the reversion of the metropolitan cycle by stopping the urban growth by the application of the theoretical conception of the garden city.
This article aims to rank the main concepts in vogue in the city of São Paulo who contributed to the formulation of a shared urban oriented capitalist development and reproduction of the workforce. This way, it will discuss the main issues raised in the period, which is between the first decades of the XX Century to the end of the 1950s, trying to foresee how they worked as engineers and architects to incorporate the urbanistic proposals from Europe and the United States. And then, we will present, on the first four sections of this article, points of view that effectively impacted the paulista urban thought of the first half of the XX century: Sanitarism, pendular conception between the Mesologic Theory and the Microbian Theory; the Historicist formulation of Camillo Sitte; Howard´s garden-town and The French Experience. Our analyses were formulated having as a reference the broad systematization of bibliography and documents performed at the Arquivo Histórico Municipal (Intermediário) de Araraquara (Historical Municipal Archive from Araraquara), consultations at the the books of the library of the biblioteca da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da USP (USP Architecture and Urbanism College) and at the Faculdade de Ciências e Letras da UNESP, Araraquara-SP( College of Sciences and Languages from UNESP, campus Araraquara). The analisys of the performed research show that one urbanistic torrent at São Paulo State with clear influences from the conceptions that led the urbanistic debates in the first half of the XX Century. Although these conceptions compose a painting of urban transformations at São Paulo city and noticeably in some inland cities, previously to the solidification of a whole proposition for the city that was later called of Directive Plan.
This paper analyzes patterns of political mobility of a specific social stratum - immigrants and their descendants - in the western region of São Paulo, where coffee economy prevailed since the last quarter of the XIXth century. We investigate the main agents of local politics in seven cities: from the traditional oligarchic regime characteristic of the Old Republic to the processes of political transformation in the thirties that resulted in the post-war re-democratization, when a recomposition of local political elites takes place.