925 resultados para Root canal with multi curvature
We investigate the multiplicity properties of 408 B-type stars observed in the 30 Doradus region of the Large Magellanic Cloud with multi-epoch spectroscopy from the VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey (VFTS). We use a cross-correlation method to estimate relative radial velocities from the helium and metal absorption lines for each of our targets. Objects with significant radial-velocity variations (and with an amplitude larger than 16 km s<sup>-1</sup>) are classified as spectroscopic binaries. We find an observed spectroscopic binary fraction (defined by periods of <10<sup>3.5</sup> d and mass ratios >0.1) for the B-type stars, f<inf>B</inf>(obs) = 0.25 ± 0.02, which appears constant across the field of view, except for the two older clusters (Hodge 301 and SL 639). These two clusters have significantly lower binary fractions of 0.08 ± 0.08 and 0.10 ± 0.09, respectively. Using synthetic populations and a model of our observed epochs and their potential biases, we constrain the intrinsic multiplicity properties of the dwarf and giant (i.e. relatively unevolved) B-type stars in 30 Dor. We obtain a present-day binary fraction f<inf>B</inf>(true) = 0.58 ± 0.11, with a flat period distribution. Within the uncertainties, the multiplicity properties of the B-type stars agree with those for the O stars in 30 Dor from the VFTS.
We have employed the Dirac R -matrix method to determine electron-impact excitation cross sections and effective collision strengths in Ne-like Kr 26+ . Both the configuration-interaction expansion of the target and the close-coupling expansion employed in the scattering calculation included 139 levels up through n = 5. Many of the cross sections are found to exhibit very strong resonances, yet the effects of radiation damping on the resonance contributions are relatively small. Using these collisional data along with multi-configuration Dirac–Fock radiative rates, we have performed collisional-radiative modeling calculations to determine line-intensity ratios for various radiative transitions that have been employed for diagnostics of other Ne-like ions.
Recently there has been an increasing interest in the development of new methods using Pareto optimality to deal with multi-objective criteria (for example, accuracy and architectural complexity). Once one has learned a model based on their devised method, the problem is then how to compare it with the state of art. In machine learning, algorithms are typically evaluated by comparing their performance on different data sets by means of statistical tests. Unfortunately, the standard tests used for this purpose are not able to jointly consider performance measures. The aim of this paper is to resolve this issue by developing statistical procedures that are able to account for multiple competing measures at the same time. In particular, we develop two tests: a frequentist procedure based on the generalized likelihood-ratio test and a Bayesian procedure based on a multinomial-Dirichlet conjugate model. We further extend them by discovering conditional independences among measures to reduce the number of parameter of such models, as usually the number of studied cases is very reduced in such comparisons. Real data from a comparison among general purpose classifiers is used to show a practical application of our tests.
Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino de Matemática, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013
Tese de doutoramento, Medicina (Medicina Interna), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014
Over the last three decades, computer architects have been able to achieve an increase in performance for single processors by, e.g., increasing clock speed, introducing cache memories and using instruction level parallelism. However, because of power consumption and heat dissipation constraints, this trend is going to cease. In recent times, hardware engineers have instead moved to new chip architectures with multiple processor cores on a single chip. With multi-core processors, applications can complete more total work than with one core alone. To take advantage of multi-core processors, parallel programming models are proposed as promising solutions for more effectively using multi-core processors. This paper discusses some of the existent models and frameworks for parallel programming, leading to outline a draft parallel programming model for Ada.
The formation of the Sar Cheshmeh porphyry Cu-Mo deposit is related to the culmination of calc-alkaline igneous activity in the Kerman region. The deposit comprises a suite of Late Cenozoic intrusive sub-volcanic and extrusive rocks emplaced into a folded series of Eocene andesitic lavas and pyroclastic sediments. The earliest stage of magmatism was emplacement of a large granodiorite stock about 29 m.y.b.p. This was followed by intrusion of two separate porphyritic bodies at 15 (Sar Cheshrneh porphyry) and 12 m.y.b.p. (Late porphyry) and a series of sub-volcanic dikes between 12 and 9 m.y.b.p. Magmatic activity terminated with multi-phase extrusion of a Pelean dacitic dome complex between 10 and 2.8 m.y.b.p. The country rocks and the earlier porphyritic intrusions are pervasively altered to biotite-rich potassium silicate (metasomatic and hydrothermal) sericite-clay, phyllic and chlorite-clay, argillic assemblages. These grade outwards to an extensive propylitic zone. Within the ore body, the later intra-. and post-mineral dikes only reach the propylitic grade. At least three different sets of quartz veins are present, including a sericite-chlorite-quartz set which locally retrogrades pervasive secondary biotite to sericite. In the hypogene zone, metasomatic and hydrothermal alteration is related to all stages of magmatism but copper mineralization and veining are restricted to a period of 15 to 9 m.y.b.p.related to the early intrusive phases. The copper mineralization and silicate alteration do not fit a simple annular ring model but have been greatly modified by, 1. The existence of an ititial, outer ring, of metasomatic alteration overprinted by an inner.ring of hydrothermal alteration and, 2. later extensive dilating effects of intra- and post-mineral dikes. The hydrothermal clay mineral assemblage in the hypogene zone is illite-chlorite-kaolinite-smectite (beidellite). Preliminary studies indicate that the amount of each of these clays varies vertically and that hydrothermal zonation of clay minerals is possible. However, these minerals alter to illite-kaolinite assemblages in the supergene sulfide zone and to more kaolinite-rich assemblages in the supergene leached zone. Hydrothermal biotite breaks down readily in the supergene zone and is not well preserved in surface outcrops. The distribution of copper minerals in the supergene sulfide enrichment zone is only partly related to rock type being more dependent on topography and the availability of fractures.
cell of origin and triggering events for leukaemia are mostly unknown. Here we show that the bone marrow contains a progenitor that expresses renin throughout development and possesses a B-lymphocyte pedigree. This cell requires RBP-J to differentiate. Deletion of RBP-J in these renin-expressing progenitors enriches the precursor B-cell gene programme and constrains lymphocyte differentiation, facilitated by H3K4me3 activating marks in genes that control the pre-B stage. Mutant cells undergo neoplastic transformation, and mice develop a highly penetrant B-cell leukaemia with multi-organ infiltration and early death. These reninexpressing cells appear uniquely vulnerable as other conditional models of RBP-J deletion do not result in leukaemia. The discovery of these unique renin progenitors in the bone marrow and the model of leukaemia described herein may enhance our understanding of normal and neoplastic haematopoiesis.
La présence importante de plusieurs réseaux sans-fils de différentes portées a encouragée le développement d’une nouvelle génération d’équipements portables sans-fils avec plusieurs interfaces radio. Ainsi, les utilisateurs peuvent bénéficier d’une large possibilité de connectivité aux réseaux sans-fils (e.g. Wi-Fi [1], WiMAX [2], 3G [3]) disponibles autour. Cependant, la batterie d’un nœud mobile à plusieurs interfaces sera rapidement épuisée et le temps d’utilisation de l’équipement sera réduit aussi. Pour prolonger l’utilisation du mobile les standards, des réseaux sans-fils, on définie (individuellement) plusieurs états (émission, réception, sleep, idle, etc.); quand une interface radio n’est pas en mode émission/réception il est en mode sleep/idle où la consommation est très faible, comparée aux modes émission/réception. Pourtant, en cas d’équipement portable à multi-interfaces radio, l’énergie totale consommée par les interfaces en mode idle est très importante. Autrement, un équipement portable équipé de plusieurs interfaces radio augmente sa capacité de connectivité mais réduit sa longévité d’utilisation. Pour surpasser cet inconvénient on propose une plate-forme, qu'on appelle IMIP (Integrated Management of Interface Power), basée sur l’extension du standard MIH (Media Independent Handover) IEEE 802.21 [4]. IMIP permet une meilleure gestion d’énergie des interfaces radio, d’un équipement mobile à multi-radio, lorsque celles-ci entrent en mode idle. Les expérimentations que nous avons exécutées montrent que l’utilisation de IMIP permet d'économiser jusqu'a 80% de l'énergie consommée en comparaison avec les standards existants. En effet, IMIP permet de prolonger la durée d'utilisation d'équipements à plusieurs interfaces grâce à sa gestion efficace de l'énergie.
This paper studies the application of the simulated method of moments (SMM) for the estimation of nonlinear dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models. Monte Carlo analysis is employed to examine the small-sample properties of SMM in specifications with different curvature. Results show that SMM is computationally efficient and delivers accurate estimates, even when the simulated series are relatively short. However, asymptotic standard errors tend to overstate the actual variability of the estimates and, consequently, statistical inference is conservative. A simple strategy to incorporate priors in a method of moments context is proposed. An empirical application to the macroeconomic effects of rare events indicates that negatively skewed productivity shocks induce agents to accumulate additional capital and can endogenously generate asymmetric business cycles.
En apprentissage automatique, domaine qui consiste à utiliser des données pour apprendre une solution aux problèmes que nous voulons confier à la machine, le modèle des Réseaux de Neurones Artificiels (ANN) est un outil précieux. Il a été inventé voilà maintenant près de soixante ans, et pourtant, il est encore de nos jours le sujet d'une recherche active. Récemment, avec l'apprentissage profond, il a en effet permis d'améliorer l'état de l'art dans de nombreux champs d'applications comme la vision par ordinateur, le traitement de la parole et le traitement des langues naturelles. La quantité toujours grandissante de données disponibles et les améliorations du matériel informatique ont permis de faciliter l'apprentissage de modèles à haute capacité comme les ANNs profonds. Cependant, des difficultés inhérentes à l'entraînement de tels modèles, comme les minima locaux, ont encore un impact important. L'apprentissage profond vise donc à trouver des solutions, en régularisant ou en facilitant l'optimisation. Le pré-entraînnement non-supervisé, ou la technique du ``Dropout'', en sont des exemples. Les deux premiers travaux présentés dans cette thèse suivent cette ligne de recherche. Le premier étudie les problèmes de gradients diminuants/explosants dans les architectures profondes. Il montre que des choix simples, comme la fonction d'activation ou l'initialisation des poids du réseaux, ont une grande influence. Nous proposons l'initialisation normalisée pour faciliter l'apprentissage. Le second se focalise sur le choix de la fonction d'activation et présente le rectifieur, ou unité rectificatrice linéaire. Cette étude a été la première à mettre l'accent sur les fonctions d'activations linéaires par morceaux pour les réseaux de neurones profonds en apprentissage supervisé. Aujourd'hui, ce type de fonction d'activation est une composante essentielle des réseaux de neurones profonds. Les deux derniers travaux présentés se concentrent sur les applications des ANNs en traitement des langues naturelles. Le premier aborde le sujet de l'adaptation de domaine pour l'analyse de sentiment, en utilisant des Auto-Encodeurs Débruitants. Celui-ci est encore l'état de l'art de nos jours. Le second traite de l'apprentissage de données multi-relationnelles avec un modèle à base d'énergie, pouvant être utilisé pour la tâche de désambiguation de sens.
On-line handwriting recognition has been a frontier area of research for the last few decades under the purview of pattern recognition. Word processing turns to be a vexing experience even if it is with the assistance of an alphanumeric keyboard in Indian languages. A natural solution for this problem is offered through online character recognition. There is abundant literature on the handwriting recognition of western, Chinese and Japanese scripts, but there are very few related to the recognition of Indic script such as Malayalam. This paper presents an efficient Online Handwritten character Recognition System for Malayalam Characters (OHR-M) using K-NN algorithm. It would help in recognizing Malayalam text entered using pen-like devices. A novel feature extraction method, a combination of time domain features and dynamic representation of writing direction along with its curvature is used for recognizing Malayalam characters. This writer independent system gives an excellent accuracy of 98.125% with recognition time of 15-30 milliseconds
Coded OFDM is a transmission technique that is used in many practical communication systems. In a coded OFDM system, source data are coded, interleaved and multiplexed for transmission over many frequency sub-channels. In a conventional coded OFDM system, the transmission power of each subcarrier is the same regardless of the channel condition. However, some subcarrier can suffer deep fading with multi-paths and the power allocated to the faded subcarrier is likely to be wasted. In this paper, we compute the FER and BER bounds of a coded OFDM system given as convex functions for a given channel coder, inter-leaver and channel response. The power optimization is shown to be a convex optimization problem that can be solved numerically with great efficiency. With the proposed power optimization scheme, near-optimum power allocation for a given coded OFDM system and channel response to minimize FER or BER under a constant transmission power constraint is obtained
In continuation of our previous work on the quintet transitions 1s2s2p^2 ^5 P-1s2s2p3d ^5 P^0, ^5 D^0, results on other n = 2 - n' = 3 quintet transitions for elements N, 0 and F are presented. Assignments have been established by comparison with Multi-Configuration Dirac-Fock calculations. High spectral resolution on beam-foil spectroscopy was essential for the identification of most of the lines. For some of the quintet lines decay curves were measured, and the lifetimes extracted were found to be in reasonable agreement with MCDF calculations.
In continuation of our previous work on doubly-excited ions with three and four electrons we present the first results on optical transitions in the term system of doubly-excited ions with five electrons. Transitions between such sextet states were identified in beam-foil spectra of the ions nitrogen, oxygen and fluorine. Assignments were first established by comparison with Multi-Configuration Dirac-Fock calculations. Later assignments were aided by Multi-Configuration Hartree-Fock calculations (see the contribution by G. Miecznik et al. in this issue). Decay curves were recorded for all six candidate lines. The lifetime results are compared to theoretical values which confirm most of the assignments qualitatively.