970 resultados para Rings of Woody tree


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The goal of the Tree City USA Program and the IDNR Urban and Community Forestry Program is to encourage local communities to establish and uphold local community forestry programs for the purpose of citizen safety and community forest management.


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The goal of the Tree City USA Program and the IDNR Urban and Community Forestry Program is to encourage local communities to establish and uphold local community forestry programs for the purpose of citizen safety and community forest management.


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A study was conducted to assess the role and effectiveness of community organisers in supporting the development of people’s organisations in achieving community-based forest management objectives in Leyte Province Philippines. Community organisers were found to be effective in forming people’s organisations (POs), motivating people to participate in voluntary activities organised by POs and encouraging cohesiveness among PO members. Community organisers manage to raise the level of environmental awareness and knowledge of members of people’s organisations, develop leadership interest and skills, create various livelihood opportunities and provide direction and facilitate the establishment of large tree plantations. However, the short duration of community organisers’ contracts (typically two years) is insufficient to establish mature and cohesive POs prepared to assume management on their own, including the management of tree plantations. Further, lack of training and funding support, low wages, delayed payment of salaries and limited time to work with people’s organisations, as well as the pressure to produce tangible outputs such the establishment of large tree plantations, prevents them from placing greater emphasis on the development and empowerment of the people.


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This study investigated the nature of vasodilator mechanisms in the dorsal aorta of the giant shovelnose ray, Rhinobatus typus. Anatomical techniques found no evidence for an endothelial nitric oxide synthase, but neural nitric oxide synthase was found to be present in the perivascular nerve fibres of the dorsal aorta and other arteries and veins using both NADPH-diaphorase staining and immunohistochemistry with a specific neural NOS antibody. Arteries and veins both contained large nNOS-positive nerve trunks from which smaller nNOS-positive bundles branched and formed a plexus in the vessel wall. Single, varicose nNOS-positive nerve fibres were present in both arteries and veins. Within the large bundles of both arteries and veins, groups of nNOS-positive cell bodies forming microganglia were observed. Double-labelling immunohistochemistry using an antibody to tyrosine hydroxylase showed that nearly all the NOS nerves were not sympathetic. Acetylcholine always caused constriction of isolated rings of the dorsal aorta and the nitric oxide donor, sodium nitroprusside, did not mediate any dilation. Addition of nicotine (3 x 10(-4) M) to preconstricted rings caused a vasodilation that was not affected by the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, L-NNA (10(-4) M), nor the soluble guanylyl cyclase inhibitor, ODQ (10(-5) M). This nicotine-mediated vasodilation was, therefore, not due to the synthesis and release of NO. Disruption of the endothelium significantly reduced or eliminated the nicotine-mediated vasodilation. In addition. indomethacin (10(-5) M), an inhibitor of cyclooxygenases, significantly increased the time period to maximal dilation and reduced, but did not completely inhibit the nicotine-mediated vasodilation. These data support the hypothesis that a prostaglandin is released from the vascular endothelium of a batoid ray, as has been described previously in other groups of fishes. The function of the nitrergic innervation of the blood vessels is not known because nitric oxide does not appear to regulate vascular tone. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We studied the relationships among plant and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal diversity, and their effects on ecosystem function, in a series of replicate tropical forestry plots in the La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Forestry plots were 12 yr old and were either monocultures of three tree species, or polycultures of the tree species with two additional understory species. Relationships among the AM fungal spore community, host species, plant community diversity and ecosystem phosphorus-use efficiency (PUE) and net primary productivity (NPP) were assessed. Analysis of the relative abundance of AM fungal spores found that host tree species had a significant effect on the AM fungal community, as did host plant community diversity (monocultures vs polycultures). The Shannon diversity index of the AM fungal spore community differed significantly among the three host tree species, but was not significantly different between monoculture and polyculture plots. Over all the plots, significant positive relationships were found between AM fungal diversity and ecosystem NPP, and between AM fungal community evenness and PUE. Relative abundance of two of the dominant AM fungal species also showed significant correlations with NPP and PUE. We conclude that the AM fungal community composition in tropical forests is sensitive to host species, and provide evidence supporting the hypothesis that the diversity of AM fungi in tropical forests and ecosystem NPP covaries.


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Symptoms associated with pistachio dieback in Australia include decline (little or no current season growth), xylem staining in shoots two or more years old, trunk mu and limb lesions (often covered by black, superficial fungal growth), excessive exudation of resin, dieback and death of the tree. Bacteria belonging to the genus Xanthomonas have been suggested as the causal agent. To confirm the constant association between these bacteria and the disease syndrome, the absence of other pathogens and the identity of the pathogen, we performed a series of isolations and pathogenicity tests. The only microorganism consistently isolated from diseased tissue was a bacterium that produced yellow, mucoid colonies and displayed morphological and cultural characteristics typical of the genus Xanthomonas. Database comparisons of the fatty acid and whole-cell protein profiles of five representative pistachio isolates indicated that they all belonged to X. translucens, but it was not possible to allocate the isolates to pathovar. Pathogenicity tests on cereals and grasses supported this identification. However, Koch's postulates have been only partially fulfilled because not all symptoms associated with pistachio dieback were reproduced on inoculated two-year-old pistachio trees. While discolouration was observed, dieback, excessive resinous exudate and trunk and limb lesions were not produced; expression of these symptoms may be delayed, and long-term monitoring of a small number of inoculated trees is in progress.


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The number of studies of tropical tree species that use molecular tools is increasing, most of which collect leaf tissue for genomic DNA extraction. In tropical trees the canopy is not only frequently inaccessible, but also, once reached, the leaf tissue is often heavily defended against herbivory by high concentrations of anti-predation compounds, which may inhibit downstream applications, particularly PCR. Cambium tissue, accessed directly from the tree trunk at ground level, offers a readily accessible resource that is less hampered by the presence of defensive chemicals than leaf tissue. Here we describe a simple method for obtaining tissue from the cambial zone for DNA extraction and test the applicability of the method in a range of tropical tree species. The method was used successfully to extract DNA from 11 species in nine families. A subset of the DNA extracts was tested in more detail and proved to be highly suitable for AFLP analysis.


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In Australia more than 300 vertebrates, including 43 insectivorous bat species, depend on hollows in habitat trees for shelter, with many species using a network of multiple trees as roosts, We used roost-switching data on white-striped freetail bats (Tadarida australis; Microchiroptera: Molossidae) to construct a network representation of day roosts in suburban Brisbane, Australia. Bats were caught from a communal roost tree with a roosting group of several hundred individuals and released with transmitters. Each roost used by the bats represented a node in the network, and the movements of bats between roosts formed the links between nodes. Despite differences in gender and reproductive stages, the bats exhibited the same behavior throughout three radiotelemetry periods and over 500 bat days of radio tracking: each roosted in separate roosts, switched roosts very infrequently, and associated with other bats only at the communal roost This network resembled a scale-free network in which the distribution of the number of links from each roost followed a power law. Despite being spread over a large geographic area (> 200 km(2)), each roost was connected to others by less than three links. One roost (the hub or communal roost) defined the architecture of the network because it had the most links. That the network showed scale-free properties has profound implications for the management of the habitat trees of this roosting group. Scale-free networks provide high tolerance against stochastic events such as random roost removals but are susceptible to the selective removal of hub nodes. Network analysis is a useful tool for understanding the structural organization of habitat tree usage and allows the informed judgment of the relative importance of individual trees and hence the derivation of appropriate management decisions, Conservation planners and managers should emphasize the differential importance of habitat trees and think of them as being analogous to vital service centers in human societies.


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Conflicting perceptions of past and present rangeland condition and limited historical data have led to debate regarding the management of vegetation in pastoral landscapes both internationally and in Australia. In light of this controversy we have sought to provide empirical evidence to determine the trajectory of vegetational change in a semi-arid rangeland for a significant portion of the 20th century using a suite of proxy measures. Ambathala Station, approximately 780 km west of Brisbane, in the semi-arid rangelands of south-western Queensland, Australia. We excavated stratified deposits of sheep manure which had accumulated beneath a shearing shed between the years 1930 and 1995. Multi-proxy data, including pollen and leaf cuticle analyses and analysis of historical aerial photography were coupled with a fine resolution radiocarbon chronology to generate a near annual history of vegetation on the property and local area. Aerial photography indicates that minor (< 5%) increases in the density of woody vegetation took place between 1951 and 1994 in two thirds of the study area not subjected to clearing. Areas that were selectively or entirely cleared prior to the 1950s (approximately 16% of the study area) had recovered to almost 60% of their original cover by the 1994 photo period. This slight thickening is only partially evident from pollen and leaf cuticle analyses of sheep faeces. Very little change in vegetation is revealed over the nearly 65 years based on the relative abundances of pollen taxonomic groups. Microhistological examination of sheep faeces provides evidence of dramatic changes in sheep diet. The majority of dietary changes are associated with climatic events of sustained above-average rainfall or persistent drought. Most notable in the dietary analysis is the absence of grass during the first two decades of the record. In contrast to prevailing perceptions and limited research into long-term vegetation change in the semi-arid areas of eastern Australia, the record of vegetation change at the Ambathala shearing shed indicates only a minor increase in woody vegetation cover and no decrease in grass cover on the property over the 65 years of pastoral activity covered by the study. However, there are marked changes in the abundance of grass cuticles in sheep faeces. The appearance and persistence of grass in sheep diets from the late 1940s can be attributed to the effects of periods of high rainfall and possibly some clearing and thinning of vegetation. Lower stock numbers may have allowed grass to persist through later drought years. The relative abundances of major groups of plant pollen have not changed significantly over the past 65 years.


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Predatory mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) on tree trunks without significant epiphytic growth in a subtropical rainforest in Eastern Australia were assessed for habitat specificity (i.e. whether they are tree trunk specialists or occupying other habitats) and the influence of host tree and bark structure on their abundance, species richness and species composition. The trunks of nine tree species from eight plant families representing smooth, intermediate and rough bark textures were sampled using a knockdown insecticide spray. In total, 12 species or morphospecies of Mesostigmata (excluding Uropodina sensu stricto) were collected, most of which are undescribed. Comparison with collections from other habitats indicates that epicorticolous Mesostigmata are mainly represented by suspended soil dwellers (six species), secondarily by generalists (four species) and a bark specialist (one species). A typical ground-dwelling species was also found but was represented only by a single individual. In terms of abundance, 50.5% of individuals were suspended soil dwellers, 40.7% bark specialists, and 8.3% generalists. Host species and bark roughness had no significant effect on abundance or species richness. Furthermore, there was no clear effect on species composition. The distribution of the most frequently encountered species suggests that most mesostigmatid mites living on bark use many or most rainforest tree species, independent of bark roughness. These findings support the hypothesis that some epicorticolous Mesostigmata use tree trunks as 'highways' for dispersing between habitat patches, while others use it as a permanent habitat.


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Computer modelling promises to. be an important tool for analysing and predicting interactions between trees within mixed species forest plantations. This study explored the use of an individual-based mechanistic model as a predictive tool for designing mixed species plantations of Australian tropical trees. The 'spatially explicit individually based-forest simulator' (SeXI-FS) modelling system was used to describe the spatial interaction of individual tree crowns within a binary mixed-species experiment. The three-dimensional model was developed and verified with field data from three forest tree species grown in tropical Australia. The model predicted the interactions within monocultures and binary mixtures of Flindersia brayleyana, Eucalyptus pellita and Elaeocarpus grandis, accounting for an average of 42% of the growth variation exhibited by species in different treatments. The model requires only structural dimensions and shade tolerance as species parameters. By modelling interactions in existing tree mixtures, the model predicted both increases and reductions in the growth of mixtures (up to +/- 50% of stem volume at 7 years) compared to monocultures. This modelling approach may be useful for designing mixed tree plantations. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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In this paper we present an efficient k-Means clustering algorithm for two dimensional data. The proposed algorithm re-organizes dataset into a form of nested binary tree*. Data items are compared at each node with only two nearest means with respect to each dimension and assigned to the one that has the closer mean. The main intuition of our research is as follows: We build the nested binary tree. Then we scan the data in raster order by in-order traversal of the tree. Lastly we compare data item at each node to the only two nearest means to assign the value to the intendant cluster. In this way we are able to save the computational cost significantly by reducing the number of comparisons with means and also by the least use to Euclidian distance formula. Our results showed that our method can perform clustering operation much faster than the classical ones. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005


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Dispersal of a Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. population was studied on an isolated Prunus blireiana L. tree at a site in North Seattle, U.S.A. Lichen propagules were trapped on adhesive strips pinned to four sites on the tree for 7 successive days. Soredia of H. physodes were frequently deposited on the strips but thallus fragments were rare. More soredia were deposited on the upper and lower branches than on the trunk, few soredia were deposited on the underside of the branches. The total daily deposition of soredia on the tree was positively correlated with average daily wind speed. Dispersal downwind from the tree was studied with squares of adhesive contact paper pinned to boards and located at intervals up to 25 m from the tree. Soredia and a few thallus fragments were recorded 25 m and 10 m, respectively, downwind on a day when average wind speed was 10.3 m/sec. The dispersal of soredia by wind from four individual thalli was studied over 10 successive days. Soredia were deposited from each thallus on each day mostly within 2 cm of the source. Higher wind speeds were necessary to dispersae soredia on days when the relative humidity was high. Soredia and thallus fragments were also dispersed by splash dispersal. More soredia were splashed furthest at a splash height of 90 cm. These results suggest that initial colonization of the tree by H. physodes may have occurred by wind-dispersed soredia. Subsequent spread probably occurred from established thalli mainly by the dispersal of soredia by wind and rain splash.


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Dispersal, establishment and survival were studied in a population of Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. growing on an isolated tree (Prunus blireiana L.) at a site in North Seattle, U.S.A. Lichen propagules were trapped daily on adhesive strips pinned to various sites on the tree over a period of 36 days. Both soredia and fragments were deposited on the strips, particularly on the upper branches of the tree, with soredia being considerably more numerous than fragments. Daily variation in total soredia deposited did not correlate with 10 climatic variables including wind speed, relative humidity and average temperature. Establishment and survival of propagules were studied by introducing soredia and fragments into various sites on the bark and by observing the distribution of small thalli in different microsites. Microtopography of bark significantly influenced establishment and survival. Survival was poor on smooth bark compared with survival on algal or lichen crusts and on rough bark. Survival of soredia did not vary significantly at different locations on the tree. It is likely that colonization of the tree by H. physodes occurs largely by soredia. Colonization appears to be limited more by the range of dispersal over the tree than by differential survival over different parts of the tree.


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In this paper we present the design and analysis of an intonation model for text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis applications using a combination of Relational Tree (RT) and Fuzzy Logic (FL) technologies. The model is demonstrated using the Standard Yorùbá (SY) language. In the proposed intonation model, phonological information extracted from text is converted into an RT. RT is a sophisticated data structure that represents the peaks and valleys as well as the spatial structure of a waveform symbolically in the form of trees. An initial approximation to the RT, called Skeletal Tree (ST), is first generated algorithmically. The exact numerical values of the peaks and valleys on the ST is then computed using FL. Quantitative analysis of the result gives RMSE of 0.56 and 0.71 for peak and valley respectively. Mean Opinion Scores (MOS) of 9.5 and 6.8, on a scale of 1 - -10, was obtained for intelligibility and naturalness respectively.