984 resultados para Relações altura-diâmetro


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Objetivou-se estudar o efeito de herbicidas aplicados em pré e pós-emergência, isolados e em combinações nas épocas seca e úmida, para o controle de corda-de-viola (Merremia aegyptia) na cultura de cana-de-açúcar colhida mecanicamente sem queima. O experimento foi desenvolvido no período de julho de 2008 a maio de 2009, em área de produção comercial de cana-de-açúcar localizada no município de Pradópolis, SP. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, em esquema de parcela subdividida. Foram avaliados na época seca os herbicidas amicarbazone (1.400 g ha ¹), clomazone + hexazinone (800 + 200 g ha-1) e imazapic (147 g ha-1), aplicados em 16/7/2008 após a colheita da cana, e o tratamento sem manejo prévio das plantas daninhas nessa época. Os herbicidas estudados na época úmida foram: mesotrione isolado (192 g ha-1) e em mistura (120 g ha-1) com atrazine (1.500 g ha-1), metribuzin (960 g ha-1) ou diuron + hexazinone (702 + 198 g ha-1), aplicados em 6/11/2008, além de testemunha capinada e outra sem manejo das plantas daninhas. Dos herbicidas utilizados na época seca, o amicarbazone promoveu o melhor controle de M. aegyptia. No entanto, para todos eles, a complementação de manejo com a aplicação de herbicidas na época úmida mostrou-se obrigatória. Nesta época, a associação de mesotrione aos herbicidas atrazine, metribuzin e diuron + hexazinone foi mais eficaz no controle de M. aegyptia do que quando aplicado sozinho. Nenhum dos tratamentos com herbicidas interferiu no número de colmos por metro linear, diâmetro e altura de colmos de cana-de-açúcar (variedade SP 81-3250).


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Climacteric is the name of the period of the human life that it is going from the 40 years old, approximately, until the 65 years old. Though, for besides a biological phase of the woman's life, the climacteric is an object of the social world that is rendered to different apprehensions and readings on the symbolic plan. In this study, it was looked for to know the social representations, that health' professionals acting in the programs of the climacteric and the users of those same services, build in respect of that purpose. Besides, it tried to be seen that the social hegemonic representation that guides the actions and the agents' attitudes in the practices of attendance and education for the woman's health in the climacteric in the extent of the investigated institutions. The data were collected through interviews, questionnaire, focal discussion group and direct observation. The observation field was constituted by the three institutions that develop the attendance and education for the woman's health in the climacteric phase, in the city of Natal. A gender perspective was also been adopted, sought to evidence as the cognitive structures that assure the masculine power reproduction, pronounce to the social representations to build a sense to the investigated purpose. It was verified that the social representations of the climacteric are built mainly around the semantic fields old age and disease. For the health professionals, the meaning of the simbol old age carries the marks of the indentified system of the middle class employed, but also, of the feminine habitus that guides them to have an ethical and aesthetic apprehension of their own body. The climacteric, in that way, is seen as a difficult phase , a painful event that scares . For the women attended by those professionals, the sign old age means feeling emphasis from the biological climacteric aspects, in other words, the sensations and signs that forbid the body to accomplish certain linked basic life functions. Along the whole course of this thesis, it was verified that the climacteric is a complex phenomenon that needs to be faced as such. While cultural phenomenon, it is urgent to look for means to help to combat the centrality of the professional representations that face the climacteric as old age and disease, particularly in the field of health


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Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a distribuição volumétrica e o espectro de gotas das pontas de pulverização de baixa deriva TTI110015, AI110015 e AVI11001 sob diferentes condições operacionais. A distribuição volumétrica foi determinada em bancada de ensaios padronizada analisando o coeficiente de variação (CV%) de uma barra simulada em computador, utilizando pressões de 200, 300 e 400 kPa, altura de 30, 40 e 50 cm em relação à bancada e espaçamento entre pontas de 40 a 100 cm. O espectro de gotas foi produzido utilizando-se apenas água como calda em um analisador de partículas em meio aquoso, nas pressões de 200, 300 e 400 kPa. Foram avaliados o DMV, a porcentagem de gotas com diâmetro inferior a 100 µm (%100 µm) e a amplitude relativa (AR). As pontas proporcionaram perfil descontínuo nas pressões de 300 e 400 kPa e uniforme a 200 kPa. Na pressão de 200 kPa, as pontas foram adequadas apenas para aplicação em faixa, e a 300 e 400 kPa, apenas para área total. Ocorreu menor CV (abaixo de 7%) com a maior pressão de trabalho e menor espaçamento entre pontas. À medida que se aumentou a pressão de trabalho, reduziu-se o DMV. As pontas TTI110015 e AI110015 em todas as pressões e a ponta AVI11001 na pressão de 200 kPa produziram gotas extremamente grossas e gotas grossas nas pressões de 300 e 400 kPa apenas para a ponta AVI11001. As pontas proporcionaram baixos valores de amplitude relativa (AR) e gotas de tamanho uniforme, bem como produziram baixa porcentagem de gotas menores que 100 µm, principalmente TTI110015 e AI110015, com menor risco de deriva.


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Foram, conduzidos experimentos de campo com os cultivares Santa Rosa e IAC-2 em dois tipos de solos, Latossol Roxo e Latossol Vermelho Escuro - fase arenosa, no Município, de Jaboticabal (SP), com o objetivo de estudar a influência do período de competição das plantas daninhas sobre algumas características morfológicas relacionadas à produção e composição química dos grãos, na cultura da soja. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, sendo os cultivares mantidos sem e com matocompetição por períodos cujas extensões foram 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 e 60 dias após a emergência. Com base nos resultados obtidos, pode-se chegar à conclusão que um período inicial curto (20 a 30 dias) livre da matocompetição, foi suficiente para que não ocorressem efeitos negativos, estatisticamente significativos, na altura final das plantas, no diâmetro do caule e na altura de inserção da vagem mais baixa, além de ser suficiente para que os teores de proteína, extrato-etéreo e cinzas, dos grãos, se mantivessem dentro dos valores normais esperados para os dois cultivares, nos solos estudados.


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Cycloneda sanguinea is an important biological control agent of aphid cotton. The objective of this study was to evaluate the biological aspects of C. sanguinea fed with nymphs and adults of Aphis gossypii reared in DeltaOPAL and NuOPAL cultivars (Bollgard I). The experiment was conducted in the laboratory under controlled temperature (25 +/- 1 degrees C), humidity (70 +/- 10%) and photophase (12 hours). The experimental design was completely randomized, and treatments aphids fed on the two cultivars, and replicates 40 individuals. Each larva was individually until adult emergence of the predator in Petri dishes of 9 cm in diameter with moistened filter paper. For evaluation of individual adults were five couples newly emerged in plastic pots 12 cm in diameter and 9 cm tall, with filter paper for oviposition. The parameters evaluated were: duration and viability of the larval stage, pupal stage duration and survival, adult longevity, reproductive period, post-reproductive and total number of eggs per female. The duration of the larval stage of C. sanguinea was lower when fed aphids reared on the cultivar NuOPAL, while adult longevity and the reproductive period were higher. The female fertility and egg viability were also lower.


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Foram avaliados os aspectos biológicos dos estádios imaturos de Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) e Ceraeochrysa cincta (Schneider), alimentados com ovos e ninfas de Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) biótipo B. Ovos dos predadores foram individualizados em recipientes de vidro de fundo chato com 2,5 cm de diâmetro e 8,5 cm de altura que foram mantidos à temperatura de 25±2ºC, UR de 70±10% e fotofase de 14h. Após a eclosão das larvas, discos de folhas de tomateiro e de couve com 2 cm de diâmetro, contendo ovos e ninfas de B. tabaci, respectivamente, foram colocados nos recipientes. A duração e a viabilidade de cada ínstar e da fase pupal de ambas as espécies predadoras alimentadas com diferentes estágios da presa foram avaliados. Larvas de primeiro ínstar de C. externa apresentaram desenvolvimento mais lento quando alimentadas com ovos de B. tabaci biotipo B monstrando influência do estágio da presa fornecida no período de desenvolvimento do predador. O mesmo não ocorreu para a espécie C. cincta. O desenvolvimento de larvas de primeiro ínstar de ambas as espécies predadoras foi semelhante quando foram alimentadas com ovos de B. tabaci; porém C. cincta apresentou período de desenvolvimento mais longo (5,4 dias) comparada a C. externa (4,0 dias) quando alimentada com ninfas da presa. Para larvas de segundo e terceiro ínstares e para a duração da fase larval não houve influência do estágio da presa fornecida (ovo ou ninfa) no período de desenvolvimento. A duração do segundo ínstar foi maior para C. cincta do que para C. externa (4,8 e 4,1 dias, respectivamente). Porém a duração do terceiro instar foi maior e da fase larval foi menor para C. externa (6,6 e 15,3 dias, respectivamente) do que para C. cincta (6,4 e 16,7 dias, respectivamente). A viabilidade dos ínstares foi acima de 90% para ambas as espécies. No entanto, menor porcentagem de viabilidade da fase de pupa foi registrada para C. cincta, quando alimentada com ovos (30%) ou ninfas (55,6%).


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Verificou-se o efeito de diferentes densidades de insetos por unidade de criação sobre o potencial reprodutivo de Chrysoperla externa. Utilizaram-se adultos da geração F4 mantidos a 25 ± 1ºC, 70 ± 10% de UR e fotofase de 12 horas. Foram utilizadas as seguintes densidades por unidade de criação (10 cm de diâmetro por 23 cm de altura e volume de 1650 cm³): um macho e três fêmeas, dois machos e seis fêmeas, três machos e nove fêmeas e quatro machos e doze fêmeas. Avaliou-se o período de pré-oviposição, a oviposição diária e total por fêmea e por unidade de criação, as porcentagens de ovos viáveis e inférteis e o índice de aproveitamento, calculado por fêmea e por unidade de criação. A densidade quatro machos e doze fêmeas apresentou melhor aproveitamento da unidade de criação, compensando as reduções observadas nos valores de postura média e total por fêmea.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This thesis has as an objective to think over the teachers` understanding of the school History of the Fundamental Teaching regarding the existent relations between the history theories and the teaching of the school History, as well as to think over how these teachers see the influence that their teaching practice gets from the history theories. The work is based on the postulates of the qualitative research and on the characteristics of the ethnography of the school practice. The main procedures of data gathering were the documental analysis, the semi-structured interviews, the field diary and the observations of classes. The scientific perspective of the multiple references is an important source in this research. The participants of this work are two teachers of the school district of Natal who work in the field of the school History in two schools on the North Side of the city. The accomplished analysis point to significant indications that didn't occur continuous and regular teaching situations in the initial and continuing education of these teachers that clearly showed the relations between the history theories and the teaching of the school History. They also suggest that their understanding about the influence that their teaching practice gets from the history theories, is not still explicit. We understand that the relations between the history theories and the teaching of the school History are important for the initial and continuing education of these teachers who belong in this knowledge field, even when these relations are not explicitly pointed by the teachers, because they will always influence the teaching practice that the teachers of the school History build


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Le thème de cette dissertation est l Histoire de l éducation de la femme. Une analyse des pratiques culturelles de la professeur Anayde da Costa Beiriz (1905-1930), dans le contexte paraibanais du début du XXe siècle, est proposée. Le référentiel théoricométhodologique de l Histoire Culturelle est utilisé, pour aller contre l histoire passée sous silence dans le canon traditionnel. Basée sur le concept de représentation (Chartier, 1990), rompant avec les anciennes idées de sens intrinsèque, absolu, unique, liée aux pratiques complexes, multiples et différenciées, qui construisent le monde comme représentation. Basée aussi sur le concept de configuration (Elias, 1980), en comprenant que apparemment individu et société sont deux objets qui existent indépendamment, mais en vérité, se rapportent à deux niveaux inséparables du monde social, sont unis par des liens d interdépendance. Un dialogue est recherché entre le passé et le présent et les différentes dimensions: historique, sociale, politique et culturelle vécues par la professeur Anayde Beiriz. Pour obtenir des informations sur ses pratiques culturelles, une recherche des marques de cette histoire dans de multiples sources est effectuée: dans la bibliographie disponible parmi les domaines de la littérature, de l histoire, dês sciences sociales et de l éducation; dans des archives de l Institut Historique et Géographique de la Paraiba et de Natal; dans les Bibliothèques de l Université Fédérale de la Paraiba et du Rio Grande do Norte et chez des bouquinistes. L inventaire comprend: des périodiques, la législation en vigueur, des écrits de contemporains, dês témoignages oraux de parents, des lettres et des photos. On comprend de cette façon, que l idée d éplucher au travers de cette étude, des aspects qui n ont pas encore été vus et rappelés, peut non seulement répondre à nos doutes, mais, peut à partir de la réflexion qui se fait, se traduire par une nouvelle compréhension de cette histoire. En conclusion, des significations multiples sont contenues dans le processus d insertion de la femme dans l éducation à partir des Écoles Normales, qui englobent les relations de genre, l histoire du pouvoir, de la morale, de surpassement, des luttes et insatisfactions. On perçoit l héritage de résistances et de conquêtes. Cela a été sous l inspiration des airs de la modernité avec la Belle Époque, en répercutant dans le monde et aussi dans la Parahyba du Nord, que s est concrétisée la formation sociale de la professeur Anayde Beiriz et des femmes de son temps. L analyse de l écriture de soi confirme le discours normatif du contrôle moral social, le joug et les préjugés soufferts par Anayde Beiriz et l éducation différencié de genre qui ont déterminé ses habitudes et coutumes. C est-àdire, pour la femme, la permanence dans l espace privé, la retenue, l anoblissement des tâches ménagères et de la maternité comme sa plus haute aspiration, le support moral de la famille, la préservation de la tradition et la perpétuation des règles religieuses


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The need to research about meanings and relationships between individuals with Bachelor s degrees and Teaching can be considered an exercise capable of aiding in the comprehension of the very performance of the Bachelor as teacher. The guiding question of this study asks: what relationships are established by Bachelors, who are teachers, between their professional education and their performance as a teacher? My objective is to understand the meanings attributed by the Bachelor teachers to teaching at the university level, seeking indicators about the relationships established by them, between their professional education and being a teacher. For this, the methodology used was the Comprehensive Interview, which permits, through the individual s oral discourse, the interpretation of meanings and values expressed by the teachers about their actions. The research is done through oral discourse collected in interviews and from these I analyze the elements that are revealed, and those which help me in the development of this object of study. I understand that the contribution about the possibilities of action and continued education for Bachelors who act as instructors in Higher Education is increasingly necessary, through research, because through continuing education teachers can revisit their actions and reformulate meanings they attribute to teaching as a profession. I consider the debate about meanings about teaching and the relationships with the initial education is not only necessary in the investigation of the Bachelors who act as professors, but also the credentialed teachers, because the teacher s sense of identity and their professional development is constructed through a historical process and in relation to the alternative positioning in the contexts of which they are a part


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The present study analyzes the expansion of Brazilian superior education, investigating how the public and the private sectors are inserted in this process, taking as analysis dimensions the philanthropic actions, the democratization and the mercantilism. The study had for general objective to analyze the dynamics of the expansion of superior education in Brazil, investigating how it configures the overlap between the public and the private in this process. More specifically was tried: a) to understand the process of participation of the non-state public, state and private sectors with lucrative goals in the expansion of superior education; b) to analyze the limits between the democratization and mercantilism in the process of expansion of superior education; c) to analyze the mechanisms that express the privatization in the process of expansion of superior education; d) to investigate, in a program of the government, how is materialized the overlap between the public and the private, in the expansion of superior education. In the development of the study, was adopted as theoretician and methodological way a historical and critical perspective, because is considered it allows to understand the mediations between the inquiry subject and the historical context in which it is developed, allowing, this way, the true explanation of the studied object. About the technician procedures, it was adopted documentary and bibliographical research. Also, secondary data were searched on the main governmental web sites (INEP, SISPROUNI, INEP, PNUD; IBGE) which produce statistics on superior education and sponsors of private institutions of superior education, as example ABMES and the Court of Accounts of the Union, amongst others. The study results had delineated a picture that allows to evidence that has been occurring, in the country, a process of expansion of superior education, marked for the articulated participation of the public state, private with lucrative ends and private without lucrative ends sectors, but it is distinguished in recent years the prevalence of the private sector with lucrative ends. In result, it is concluded that this process of expansion cannot be considered as dimension of the democratization because it occurs by means that move it away from the education as a right to be placed in the scope of the market, changing the right into a service that is appropriated by mercantile relations


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This study The Dyad of knowledge and teaching practices: an inter-relational study deals with the relationship between conceptual knowledge on behalf of the teachers and their teaching practices. The research aims to investigate the relations amongst conceptual meanings related to the professor and the practices of three (03) Fundamental Cycle public schools teachers in Natal-Brazil. Thus, a collaborative research of qualitative nature was performed by us. It was based on collaboration and critical reflection, as well as the socialhistorical theoretical methodological principles of Ferreira (2009). This was acknowledged as an analytical support for the reflections that were realized on concepts related to teachers and teaching considering the archeology on these concepts. The methodological procedures and tools we used consisted of Formative Autobiographies, Reflexive Study, Collaborative Observation, as well as some Reflexive Sessions. The analysis framework was based on information obtained by these methodological procedures as well as the critical collaborative and reflexive procedures. The studies permitted us to widen our knowledge related to the conceptual meaning of teaching and teachers. But it was not always possible for us to (re)elaborate these meanings in the conceptual phase. This was only possible to understand once our Formative Autobiographies were analyzed. They reveal that the concept elaboration process is not a part of our own formative path. The time that was dedicated to that proved to not be enough. The concept elaboration process demands time, effort as well as life-long learning skills. This is not always possible to achieve in this part of the study, on the other hand, this was possible to acknowledge that in the different stages of our conceptual elaboration. The teaching practices that we analyzed were predominantly heterogeneous and were fundamented on meanings of concepts related to teachers and teaching, that were internalized beforehand, (re)elaborated according to the conflicted and contradictory situations. The reflexive and collaborative process that we experimented during the Reflexive Sessions pointed out the predominance of technical and practical reflection process. In some moments it was possible for us to critically reflect on teaching practices due to the collaborative mode that we experienced. The importance of collaboration for teaching formation and professional development of behalf of teachers in general is pointed out by this research. Also regarding this research it was possible to see that there was personal and professional growth, experiencing learning together to collaborative reflect, as well as to counter-argument, reformulate concepts and conceptions aiming to transform our teaching practice


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This study investigates the manner in which the Activity Theory by Alexei Nikolaevich Leontiev contributed to the performance of a teacher who teaches History at the 8th year of elementary school, Escola Estadual Coronel Fernandes, in Luís Gomes - RN city. Her goal is to analyze the contributions of this theory in her teaching practice. It was opted by collaborative approach as formative strategy and was used as procedures for training of knowing the courses of study and thoughtful reflection sessions. It was used as techniques in the development of these cycles, the semistructured interview and the reflection sessions, the autoscopy and observation in real life. Regarding the theoretical foundation, held in these cycles, the teacher demonstrated to have appropriated some contributions from Activity Theory, besides relating them to her practice and understanding her importance to the improvement of teaching and learning of History. Concerning to the reflection sessions, the analysis showed that the participant has used of constructions of this theory and improved their practice, developing lessons of History so as to encourage student participation in oral and promote his integral development. The educational process, carried out on the practice of teacher, has shown an increase in her conscious learning that contributed to the improvement in their professional development. Before these findings, as needs for new thinking, this research recommends, especially the organization of teaching activities, based on this theory, which allows the teacher to improve the teaching and learning process contributing to student's full education


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The present study examined the relations of power in the management of the Escola Estadual Presidente Kennedy, including the deliberate decisions on the School Council and School Fund, which guided the organization of the school. We sought to understand the management models that influenced the school organization, promoting contradictions in the decision making process. The school management is intensely marked by management models from the business logics as in the case of managerialism of bureaucracy. The formulation of educational policies based on managerialism has proposed a school-centered management with intense accountability of the school community in planning and monitoring the public services. The influences of these models subsidize hierarchical power relations that undermine the actions of decision-making of the collegiate bodies for the democratization of school management. To develop a research on the power, the investigation was based on studies of Bourdieu and Foucault. These authors understand the power in a relational system in a double sense, both in terms of discipline and the possibility of resistance. A theoreticalmethodological matrix was developed focusing on literature review, document analysis, structured interviews with twelve representatives of the segments belonging to the School Council and School Fund, as well as observations in meetings with the production of field notes. It was found that power relations experienced in the organization and activities of the school boards are marked by changes in public management over the years, promoting the contradictions between the concepts of corporate management originated in the business logics and the perspective of democratic management subsidized by official legislative documents at the national and state levels. The observations in meetings and analysis of the records showed that representatives related to management (president and manager of the school) have a privileged position with regard to exposure of their propositions, and are more likely to take a position in the political game of the collegiate bodies of work. It was also seen that the irregularity of meetings, particularly of the School Fund meetings, limits the experience of operation of the representatives in discussions concerning the planning and monitoring the actions of school management. Reports from representatives of the School Council showed that certain segments related to the management recognize their power of decision, however others have little interfere in the decision-making process in order to expound the desires of those who are represented by them. In the School Fund, the analysis of the records and interviews showed restricted moments of the meeting of representatives, and these only being aimed at choice or approval of the implementation plan prepared by the school management. The results showed no indications of moments of reflection to study the best chance for applicability of resources. This collegiate body (School Fund) has a questionable action when planning and monitoring the applicability of the financial resources of the School. To sum up, it was found that the Escola Estadual Presidente Kennedy still lives hierarchical power relations that undermine the institutionalization of democratic management in the various representative segments may take place in the game of political decision-making processes necessary for the organization of the school