990 resultados para Reference frame
INFO2009 Reference List by Jolyon Gray (jg16g08@ecs.soton.ac.uk) Rachel Gurman (rg16g08@ecs.soton.ac.uk) Dimitar Ivanov (dgi1v07@ecs.soton.ac.uk) Ona Lam (okl1g08@ecs.soton.ac.uk) David Lewis (dhl1g08@ecs.soton.ac.uk) William Sutton (wds1g08@ecs.soton.ac.uk)
A full list of references used to gather the information on DRM.
The reference list for the web tutorial and the poster
Team Dennison reference list re-uploaded for addition to Collection.
The framework was developed in response to feedback from partner institutions around Europe.
This is based on a training session last delivered in summer 2013.
This video shows how to get your list of EndNote references in to the Reference section of the University template. EndNote wants to place the list at the very end of the document, but in the University's thesis structure the References are followed by the Bibliography. This video shows how to deal with this issue.
Establecer un marco estandarizado de referencia que permita a la empresa Software House Ltda. Conocer los aspectos fundamentales para una caracterización de la empresa, teniendo en cuenta el análisis del sector, el análisis interno de la empresa, análisis de posibles países a exportar, el mejoramiento del servicio a exportar, el análisis de precios y el planteamiento del plan de mercado. Igualmente este proyecto soporta su desarrollo en la situación actual de la empresa para proponer planes de acción y de mejoramiento que le permitan el fortalecimiento interno de la misma focalizados a la preparación para la internacionalización de sus servicios.
This document is aimed first of all, make a small introductory reference on the three levels of protection of fundamental rights in Europe with the idea of helping to clarify and understand mainly to non-European systems that we are not talking. For that, based on this, going on to assess the impact generated in these systems suggest that the complaints alleged involvement of European countries in secret CIA flights to combat international terrorism, as well as investigate the responses that have given each protection of these areas to try to clarify them.
In this work we analyze the reforms carried out by the Mexican state in the nineties of the 20th century, in the items concerning the policies of housing and urban land, based on an exhaustive review of the main actions, programs and changes in the legal and institutional frame that applies for each of these fields. The nineties represent a "breaking point" in the way the State considers the satisfaction of the right to the housing and attends the offer of urbanized land for a tidy and sustainable urban development. In this period of time, the approach of direct intervention in developing and financing housing and creation of land reserves has changed into another one, ruled by the logic of the market. The balance to the first decade of the 21st century is ambiguous, as neither the housing policy has solved the housing shortage for low-income population, nor the land policy has eliminated the illegal urban growth.
El artículo constituye un primer aporte a la elaboración de una fenomenología del terrorismo. Para ello, aborda el denominado problema defnicional que el terrorismo plantea en el foro académico, identificandosus fuentes y principales consecuencias. Finalmente, propone una definicióncomprehensiva de terrorismo que aspira a servir de marco conceptual para el desarrollo de investigaciones posteriores y como insumo lógico para la formulación de políticas y estrategias anti y contraterroristas.-----The following article offers a primary approach to the elaboration of a phenomenology of terrorism. In that sense, it firstdeals with the definitionalproblem the word ”terrorism” has originated in academic forums. It does so by identifying the source of this problem and its main consequences. Finally, the document proposes a comprehensive definitionof terrorism, which aspires to be useful as a frame of reference for the future development of research in the feld, as well as raw material for the formulation of public policies and anti and counter-terrorist strategies.
Este trabajo de grado aborda la contribución del periodismo en la configuración del debate en Colombia sobre política de drogas, a través de un análisis de contenido a las columnas y editoriales publicadas entre 2009 y 2013 en cuatro medios de referencia del país. Se identificaron los perfiles de quienes participaron, los argumentos y las políticas defendidas que plantearon, y la manera como presentaron sus opiniones en El Espectador, El Tiempo, La Silla Vacía y Semana. El desarrollo de la discusión en los textos demuestra una evolución respecto al tema en la medida que hay una transformación del paradigma punitivo hacia un camino menos restrictivo frente a la producción, el tráfico y consumo de drogas ilícitas. Se sugiere que los hechos coyunturales motivaron en parte dicho cambio al ejercer influencia en los giros y la visibilidad que toma el debate dentro de la prensa.