985 resultados para ROLF BLOMBERG


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Die Radio Frequenz Identifikation (RFID) gilt als wichtigste technologische Neuerung in der Informationslogistik. Wird RFID in der produzierenden Industrie hauptsächlich zur Betriebsdaten-erfassung und im Handel zur Wareneingangs-/ Warenausgangskontrolle verwendet, so können ins-besondere in der Pharmazeutischen Industrie die Vorteile der Technologie voll ausgereizt werden. Die wohl wichtigste Anwendung ist die lückenlose Rückverfolgung entlang der Lieferkette, wie sie in den USA bereits in einigen Staaten für alle pharmazeutischen Produkte vorgeschrieben und auch in Deutschland für bestimmte Produkte erforderlich ist. Zudem können die RFID Transponder auf der Produktver-packung als fälschungssicheres Merkmal eingesetzt werden. Bei temperatursensiblen Produkten können Transponder mit zusätzlicher Sensorik zur Überwachung der Kühlkette dienen. Gleichzeitig kann der Transponder auch als Diebstahlsicherung im innerbetrieblichen Bereich sowie auch im Handel dienen und ermöglicht dabei eine höhere Sicherheit als die bisher eingesetzten 1-Bit Transponder. Die Trans-pondertechnologie kann außerdem den Barcode ganz oder teilweise ersetzen und so einen großen Beitrag zur Prozessautomatisierung leisten.


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The deep economic recession that hit Sweden and Finland at the beginning of the 90s, and the fall in public revenues and rapidly growing public debts that followed on it, triggered a development of cutbacks and restructuring measures which has resulted in a scientific debate over what this has meant for these countries’ systems of social policy, traditionally resting on the Nordic welfare state paradigm. In this connection, questions of to what extent changes made can be ascribed mainly to the economic constraints posed by the recession at all, or rather, to other more long-term societal trends or phenomena, including globalisation, European integration and/or ideational or ideological shifts among influential (elite) groups, have often been touched upon. Applying an ideas-centred approach, this paper attempts to contribute to the knowledge on the reasoning of influential elite societal groups in social policy issues before, during and after the 90’s recession, by empirically analysing their statements on social security made in the press. A distinction is made between three different levels of proposed policy changes, reaching from minor alterations of single programs to changes of the policy paradigm. Results show that the 1990s did not only mean the emergence of suggestions for minor cutbacks in and alterations of prevailing programmes. The share of suggestions implying de facto a (further) departure from the basic features of the social security system also showed that the model was under continuous pressure throughout the 90s. However, many of the changes suggested were not justified by any clear references to a policy paradigm in either country (or not justified at all). Instead, references to “purely” structural justifications did become more common over time. In this respect, as regards social security, our results cannot confirm the fairly popular notion among many researchers of a clearly ideological attack on the welfare state. However, it remains uncertain whether and to what extent the increased proportion of references to “structural realities” in the 90s should be interpreted as an indication of a change in the idea of what the welfare state is and what the goals behind it are. Results further show that the patterns of the discussion in the two countries studied bore a remarkable resemblance at a general level, whereas there are indications of differences in the driving forces behind suggestions for similar reforms in these two countries.


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The subject of this essay is the so-called ‘net generation’, the ‘generation @’, or the ‘millennials’ and the speculations about the importance of this generation for teaching. This essay represents both a critical analysis of such allegations and assumptions and a discourse, from the perspective of socialization, on the use of media in teaching.


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Dans cet article, nous analysons les changements de l' Etat-providence suédois a l' exemple des services municipaux de soins pour personnes agées. On montre qu'il est possible de tracer des processus de transformation à trois niveaux. Analysées comme phénomènes complèmentaires cela montre à quelle envergure les pratiques administratives sont devenues le lieu primordial de la mise en forme de l' Etat-providence. L'incorporation du managérialisme, comme mode prévalent de gouvernance et d'organisation de services et des politiques sociales mène a la conclusion qu'on devient temoin d'une transformation d' un regime (d Etat-providence) moral et politique à un regime administratif. Dans le dernier paragraphe, nous argumentons que cette transformation affaiblit la citoyenneté sociale et transfère les valeurs et principes de la politique sociale a la sphère administrative. Nous argumentons dès lors que cette perspective analytique a des implications plus larges pour la charactérization des “Welfare regimes” et pour l'analyse des différences transnationales.


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Switzerland does not have a concrete legal framework dealing with rights and obligations of ISPs; however, legal doctrine and practice apply similar principles as stated in the E-Commerce Directive of the EU. The liability of ISPs depends on the “closeness” to the content. Whereas in cases of solely transmitting services the risk of liability for illegal information is remote and the duty of ISPs is limited to a take-down, content, host and link providers (in cases of moder- ated newsgroups) can become liable if the information made available is not controlled.


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Recently, political voices have stressed the need to introduce a right to be forgotten as new human right. Individuals should have the right to make potentially damaging information disappear after a certain time has elapsed. Such new right, however, can come in conflict with the principle of free speech. Therefore, its scope needs to be evaluated in the light of appropriate data protection rules. Insofar, a more user-centered approach is to be realized. “Delete” can not be a value as such, but must be balanced within a new legal framework.


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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) bezeichnen Kurse, die online stattfinden und auf Grund fehlender Zugangsbeschränkungen und kostenfreien Zugangs sehr hohe Teilnehmerzahlen erreichen. Der erste MOOC wurde 2011 durch Sebastian Thrun, Professor für Informatik an der Stanford University, zum Thema der Künstlichen Intelligenz angeboten und hatte 160.000 Teilnehmende. In der Folge wurden MOOCs als die revolutionäre Lehr-/Lerninnovation gepriesen, immer mehr Unternehmen gründeten MOOCs-Plattformen. Seit Ende 2012 bieten auch in Deutschland erste Institutionen eigene Plattformen mit MOOCs an. Man unterscheidet im Wesentlichen zwei Varianten – xMoocs und cMOOCs: xMoocs bieten auf Video aufgezeichnete Vorlesungen, die durch Tests und Fragen unterbrochen und zu denen Aufgaben ausgeteilt werden. Sie werden ergänzt durch Foren. cMOOCs orientieren sich eher an der Form eines Seminars oder Workshops, in ihnen können die Teilnehmenden die Inhalte selbst miterarbeiten und -gestalten. Um die Potenziale, aber auch die Schwächen der MOOCs bewerten zu können, bedarf es aber einer differenzierten Betrachtung, als sie bisher stattgefunden hat. Dieser Band stellt Erfahrungsberichte und Beispiele aus deutschen Hochschulen oder mit deutscher Beteiligung vor und reflektiert das Phänomen der MOOCs unter didaktischen, historischen und bildungspolitischen Aspekten.


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The idea of xMOOCs initially aimed at fundamentally changing the US tertiary education system by providing open mass education. This attempt failed for a number of reasons. They include: the ignorance of the importance and benefits of face-to-face instruction, the high workload imposed on students by xMOOCs, the consequences of current xMOOC didactics, the financing of the high costs, and the difficulties of integration into the teaching organization. As a consequence, xMOOCs are turning into methods for professional continuing education including a business model that covers the institution’s cost.


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During the last decades, the virtual world increasingly gained importance and in this context the enforcement of privacy rights became more and more difficult. An important emanation of this trend is the right to be forgotten enshrining the protection of the data subject’s rights over his/her “own” data. Even though the right to be forgotten has been made part of the proposal for a completely revised Data Protection Regulation and has recently been acknowledged by the Court of Justice of the European Union (“Google/Spain” decision), to date, the discussions about the right and especially its implementation with regard to the fundamental right to freedom of expression have remained rather vague and need to be examined in more depth.