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We investigate the molecular beam epitaxy growth of metamorphic InxGa(1-x)As materials (x up to 0.5) on GaAs substrates systematically. Optimization of structure design and growth parameters is aimed at obtaining smooth surface and high optical quality. The optimized structures have an average surface roughness of 0.9-1.8 nm. It is also proven by PL measurements that the optical properties of high indium content (55%) InGaAs quantum wells are improved apparently by defect reduction technique and by introducing Sb as a surfactant. These provide us new ways for growing device quality metamorphic structures on GaAs substrates with long-wavelength emissions.


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Deposition of 1000 eV pure carbon ions onto Si(001) held at 800 degrees C led to direct nucleation of diamond crystallites, as proven by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy. Molecular dynamic simulations show that diamond nucleation in the absence of hydrogen can occur by precipitation of diamond clusters in a dense amorphous carbon matrix generated by subplantation. Once the diamond clusters are formed, they can grow by thermal annealing consuming carbon atoms from the amorphous matrix. The results are applicable to other materials as well.


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The storage of photoexcited electron-hole pairs is experimentally carried out and theoretically realized by transferring electrons in both real and k spaces through resonant Gamma - X in an AlAs/GaAs heterostructure. This is proven by the peculiar capacitance jump and hysteresis in the measured capacitance-voltage curves. Our structure may be used as a photonic memory cell with a long storage time and a fast retrieval of photons as well.


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We have used the transverse correlated properties of the entangled photon pairs generated in the process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion, which is pumped by a femtosecond pulse laser, to perform Young's interference experiment. Unlike the case of a continuous wave laser pump, a broadband pulse laser pump can submerge an interference pattern. In order to obtain a high visibility interference pattern, we used a lens with a tunable focal length and two interference filters to eliminate the effects of the broadband pump laser. It is proven that the process of two-photon direct interference is a post-selection process.


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In this paper we present a methodology and its implementation for the design and verification of programming circuit used in a family of application-specific FPGAs that share a common architecture. Each member of the family is different either in the types of functional blocks contained or in the number of blocks of each type. The parametrized design methodology is presented here to achieve this goal. Even though our focus is on the programming circuitry that provides the interface between the FPGA core circuit and the external programming hardware, the parametrized design method can be generalized to the design of entire chip for all members in the FPGA family. The method presented here covers the generation of the design RTL files and the support files for synthesis, place-and-route layout and simulations. The proposed method is proven to work smoothly within the complete chip design methodology. We will describe the implementation of this method to the design of the programming circuit in details including the design flow from the behavioral-level design to the final layout as well as the verification. Different package options and different programming modes are included in the description of the design. The circuit design implementation is based on SMIC 0.13-micron CMOS technology.


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We investigate the photoinduced anisotropy of a photochromic material of pyrrylfulgide/PMMA films. It is proven that when the film is illuminated with a linear polarization light, an optical axis that has the same polarization as the excitation light could be induced in the film. A matrix of light spots with different polarizations is recorded on the pyrrylfulgide/PMMA film. When reading out with non-polarization light, the matrix of light spots shows no information of patterns. However, when reading out with different linear polarization lights, different patterns could be observed. The experiment confirms that the pyrrylfulgide/PMMA film could be used to record two different polarization patterns in a matrix of spots. This property may be applied in camouflage technology.


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以六盘山森林植被为研究对象,通过20多年的森林土壤种子库变化与植被演替过程的试验研究,分析了8种森林群落类型的不同生长年限、生长坡位、枯枝落叶层和土壤深度对土壤种子库形成过程的影响。结果表明:六盘山森林群落不同生长坡位,土壤种子库的储量坡中部>坡下部>坡上部;不同层次土壤种子库,枯枝落叶层远高于0-15 cm深土层,8种森林群落类型排序为华北落叶松林>油松林>华山松林>辽东栎林>山杨林>白桦林>灌丛>草地;土壤种子库储量高峰期,不同群落有显著差异,华山松林和油松林在林龄的30~40年,华北落叶松林在20年,辽东栎林、山杨林、白桦林在15~20年,灌丛和草地在10~20年,其森林群落生长年限与土壤种子库储量变化趋势呈拟合曲线,符合指数方程,相关性极为显著;土壤种子库物种组成丰富,草本和灌木植物远高于乔木树种,乔木树种仅有3~5种,但多数为外来入侵种,而在每一类型中出现频率最高的草地植物多为蒿类,灌木植物为柔毛绣线菊和沙棘,乔木为辽东栎树种。因此,在六盘山林区植被自然更新与合理演替的驱动种和先锋种草地植物为蒿类,灌木植物为柔毛绣线菊和沙棘,乔木为辽东栎,其次是华北落叶松、油松和华山松。


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横断山区拥有独特的生物区系和丰富的生物多样性,成为研究生物和地学许 多重大理论问题的关键性区域。然而该地区复杂的高山峡谷地形不利于大范围实 地考察工作的开展,而传统的调查方法也较难直接地获取野生动物及其生境的一 些量化数据,如某种或某类生物元素的分布、变化情况以及保护状况等,因此长 期以来对于该地区保护网络的规划和管理效果一直缺乏系统地评价,保护工作的 进一步开展依然面临很多难题。近年来地理信息系统(Geographic Information System, GIS)和遥感技术(Remote Sensing, RS)已经广泛应用于野生动物及其 生境保护的各个方面,为横断山区的保护工作拓展了新的研究思路和方法借鉴。 本研究以位于云南西北部横断山区的四个县(德钦、维西、丽江、香格里拉) 作为核心研究地区,以野生动物的主要栖息地——林地为对象,借助RS 和GIS 手段研究该地区内林地的分布、变化以及受威胁程度;并针对鸡形目鸟类的保护 状况进行了分析,为该地区林地和鸡形目鸟类的保护及评价提供科学的方法指导 和建议。具体如下: (1)林地分布以及针叶林的进一步细分。在地面真实数据的辅助下,通过 对Landsat TM/TM+影像的预处理、分类、分类后处理等过程,将研究地区中的 林地与非林地进行划分;针对暖温性针叶林和寒温性针叶林这两种较难区分的类 别,采用导引聚类(guided clustering)的分类方法,进一步对针叶林进行细分。 精度评估的结果显示,林地与非林地的划分总体精度为94.3%,而针叶林细分为 暖温性针叶林和寒温性针叶林的总体精度为74.8%。该方法可以较为准确地划分 该地区不同的生境类型,为野生动物及其生境的保护奠定基础。(2)林地的受威胁程度评价。通过分析研究地区中的林地在40 多年时间跨 度里(1958-2001 年)的变化情况和保护现状,从而评价其受威胁程度,结果反 映出每个县的林地面积都有不同程度的减少,丽江和香格里拉这两个县的林地受 威胁程度相对较高。进一步对丽江和香格里拉两县在不同海拔带的林地分布和变 化情况进行分析,结果表明,丽江的林地主要分布于2000-3500 米的海拔范围内 (占该县全部林地面积的89.7%),而在香格里拉则主要分布于2500 米以上(占 该县全部林地面积的95.2%);在这两个林地分布较为集中的区域内,都是低海 拔地区林地面积减少程度较高,意味着在开展保护工作时应重点关注这两个县的 低海拔林地。本研究方法可供整个横断山区乃至其他高山峡谷地区借鉴,为保护 网络的完善提供快速的量化参考。 (3)鸡形目鸟类的保护状况分析。借助RS 和GIS 手段描绘研究地区中当 前林地(2001 年左右)以及早期林地(1958 年前后)的分布,针对那些主要以 林地为生境的鸡形目鸟类,在相应限制因子(例如海拔数据)的辅助下对它们当 前和过去的潜在生境进行预测,从而分析它们的保护现状和生境的变化情况。结 果表明研究地区中现有的保护区对这些鸟类的保护尚不完善,并且在过去40 多 年的时间跨度里它们的潜在生境都有不同程度的退化。建议将来的保护工作优先 考虑那些在当前未被充分保护的物种以及潜在生境退化程度相对较高的物种。针 对这些物种,提出在将来的进一步保护工作中的一些建议,为整个横断山区鸡形 目鸟类乃至其他野生动物类群的保护提供参考。


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An energy conversion efficiency of 35% was obtained at 1-sun, air mass 1.5 for a novel silicon cell having an area of 2.3 X 2.3 mm2 . cell. The critical feature of the cell structure is the inclusion of local defect layers near a p-n junction. The local defect layers were proven to hold the key to achieving the exceptionally high efficiency of the novel cell fabricated via noncomplex processing.


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Photoluminescence (PL) and electrical characteristics of SI-GaAs, Si+-implanted and following rapid thermal annealing (RTA), were investigated, The PL spectra of Si-GA-C-As, Ga-i-Si-As, and V-As-Si-As were obtained. This paper concentrates on the PL peak at 1.36 eV which was proven as an emission of the Si-Ga-V-Ga combination by Si+ + P+ dual implantation. The results indicate that the peak at 1.36 eV appears when the ratio of As:Ga increased during the processing. Also high activation was obtained for the sample under the same conditions. More discussion on the mechanism of Si+ implanted SI-GaAs has been made based on the Morrow model [J. Appl. Phys, 64 (1988) 1889].


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We present a staggered buffer connection method that provides flexibility for buffer insertion while designing global signal networks using the tile-based FPGA design methodology. An exhaustive algorithm is used to analyze the trade-off between area and speed of the global signal networks for this staggered buffer insertion scheme, and the criterion for determining the design parameters is presented. The comparative analytic result shows that the methods in this paper are proven to be more efficient for FPGAs with a large array size.


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A novel structure of MMI coupler with different background refractive index has been designed. With stronger optical confinement in multimode waveguides, more guided modes are excited to improve imaging quality. Two-dimensional finite difference beam propagation method (2-D FDBPM) was used to simulate this new structure and had proven that its imaging quality, in terms of power uniformity and excess loss, is much better than conventional structure. This structure can be applied in SOI rib waveguides by deep etching method.