915 resultados para Protected areas -- Parque Sierra de San Javier (Tucumán: Argentina)


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El testimonio es una práctica discursiva des-subalternizante que permite a los sujetos testimoniantes ejercer su derecho a la palabra y la representación, sus propios objetos de conocimiento a partir de sus propios criterios de verdad. La narrativa testimonial de la fiesta se presenta como una fuente privilegiada para el estudio de las relaciones de poder porque a lo largo de su desarrollo los actores sociales locales participan en intercambios de objetos de consmno festivo que crean y renuevan alianzas y lealtades. Se estudian aquí tres festivales - las Fiestas del Patrón de San Pablo, las Fiestas de San Juan y las fiestas de finales de cosecha o Uyanzas - celebrados hasta los años setenta en la parroquia de San Pablo del Lago. El contexto sociohistórico de estas fiestas coincide con los últimos años del sistema tradicional de hacienda y las transformaciones que se produjeron en la estructura de tenencia de la tierra y las relaciones laborales a raíz de los proyectos de reforma agraria implementados en la Sierra ecuatoriana desde inicios de los sesenta. Desde esta óptica, la fiesta refleja no sólo las relaciones sociales de las comunidades con la hacienda y la parroquia sino también la transición de un centro de poder a otro como resultado de la reorientación de las actividades productivas y reproductivas de las comunidades a partir de los cambios en la estructura agraria. Al final la fiesta se constituye en un objeto de conocimiento que articula en el discurso la memoria colectiva y da sentido al imaginario local y a las prácticas de sus antiguos actores que todavia luchan por ser escuchados.


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El presente trabajo académico analiza, desde la teoría de la heterogeneidad de Antonio Cornejo Polar, las obras Los Sangurimas, “Mama Pacha” y “El nuevo san Jorge”, de José de la Cuadra y Jorge Icaza, respectivamente. En el análisis de estas obras literarias se busca la construcción de universos literarios y narrativos ficcionales sumamente complejos, contradictorios, heterogéneos, fraccionados, y cargados de un relato de los diferentes espacios culturales que chocan, se repelen y se encuentran en la sociedad ecuatoriana. Siendo así, pretendemos en la lectura de las creaciones literarias de los mencionados autores evidenciar la heterogeneidad cultural como premisa fundamental de construcción literaria, heterogeneidad que en la narración conduce directamente a un fraccionamiento subjetivo de los personajes, a una esquisis cultural que orienta a los habitantes de estos universos literarios, que en ocasiones los potencia y en ocasiones los destruye. Construcción y destrucción subjetiva de los habitantes de estas ficcionalizaciones simbólicas, que es planteada como propuesta política, social y cultural ante una sociedad marcada por la colonización, la negación, el olvido y el rechazo de la pertenencia cultural heterogénea andina, que evita precisamente que, esa heterogeneidad estructure una construcción de varias culturas, de varias voces, de varias lenguas, potente y creadora, capaz de abarcar y dialogar con los mundos de vida que conviven en su seno.


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La Educación Intercultural Bilingüe en el Ecuador ha tratado de desarrollar su propio sistema educativo a lo largo de los 23 años de su existencia. Así, ha elaborado el Modelo del Sistema de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe (MOSEIB), ampliado posteriormente en el Rediseño Curricular para la Nacionalidad Kichwa de la Sierra. En este último documento consta de manera muy detallada la malla curricular que se debe emplear para aplicar el modelo en el aula. Sin embargo, los docentes encuentran dificultades para aplicarla en su trabajo cotidiano, por razones de índole psicolingüística y sociolingüística que no analizaremos en este trabajo. En la presente tesis se hace una crítica de la manera en la que se emplea la malla curricular de EIB en el Colegio San Juan de Ilumán de la provincia de Imbabura, explicando el porqué de su falta de correspondencia entre lo que propone y lo que en realidad hacen los docentes en su trabajo diario. Esta problemática se deja únicamente planteada, ya que su solución contempla una variedad de aspectos complejos que no es posible analizar en el corto espacio asignado a esta elaboración. Por ello, solamente se hace una propuesta de malla curricular que sea más factible de ejecutar por los docentes y que se enmarque en los principios de la EIB y la cosmovisión del pueblo kichwa de la provincia de Imbabura, a partir de criterios interculturales que permitan el desarrollo de la cultura indígena en el contexto de la sociedad ecuatoriana. La propuesta se presenta mediante la exposición detallada de los componentes de las mallas curriculares, así como a través de reflexiones de carácter teórico, metodológico y vivencial que tratan de proporcionar un enfoque crítico del funcionamiento de la EIB en términos generales, ya que este tipo de pensamiento contribuye a la identificación de los propios errores para corregirlos y avanzar hacia las metas trazadas en sus inicios. Lo propuesto en este trabajo es una sugerencia para que los docentes reflexionen sobre la problemática planteada y traten de encauzar la Educación Intercultural Bilingüe por el camino de un verdadero fortalecimiento de las culturas ancestrales ecuatorianas. Finalmente, las conclusiones nos invitan a realizar un ejercicio de autocrítica, con el fin de que la unidad en la diversidad no sea solamente un enunciado, y contribuya a la construcción del mushuk runa kay de una nueva era para la educación de nuestro país.


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We report here the discovery of a new species of frog associated to the open areas of the highlands of the Parque Nacional da Serra dos Orgaos. The new species, Cycloramphus organensis is characterized by a unique skin texture, medium size ( maximum male and female SVL 26.4 mm and 33.3 mm respectively), dorsal surfaces uniformly brick red colored, uniformly areolate skin on dorsum, pupil horizontal, iris with a menisc on upper margin; no fleshy tubercles on eyelid, tympanic annulus concealed beneath skin, macroglands not visible externally, fingers and toes without fringes and webs; supernumerary palmar and plantar tubercles absent, nuptial spines absent. Despite the presence of an iris menisc, a character shared by frogs of both genera Cycloramphus and Zachaenus Cope, the combination of morphological characters is so unique that the allocation of the species to any of these genera remains ambiguous. Consequently, we used additional molecular-based phylogenetic analyses to ascertain the position of the new taxon. The new species proved to be embedded within the genus Cycloramphus.


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A checklist of the 14 genera and 34 species of Bromeliaceae from the Parque Estadual do Rio Preto in Sao Goncalo do Rio Preto municipality, Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil, is presented. The Tillandsioideae was the most diverse subfamily and was found to be concentrated in rocky field areas. Bromelioideae is also a species rich subfamily, but its taxa have shown a preference to forested areas and savannas at lower altitudes. Pitcairnioideae is highlighted by its level of endemism, but has only four species. Cryptanthus micrus, a new species found in this area is described and illustrated. Our cluster analysis indicated that the Rio Preto State Park has a Bromeliaceae flora more similar to that from Pico do Itambe and Grao Mogol State Parks. Taxa like Dyckia glandulosa, Orthophytum itambense and Vriesea medusa, which were previously considered to be endemic to Pico do Itambe, now have their area of occurrence extended to Rio Preto. These new occurrences highlight the importance to create a corridor joining these neighboring reserves to connect populations of narrowly ranged or rare species. In this work we present pictures of 19 species in their habitats within the park, and we hope that these illustrations will help in the identification and conservation of these taxa.


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O presente trabalho busca avaliar o estado de conservação dos ambientes naturais do Parque Estadual de Itapuã - RS - Brasil e sua Zona de Amortecimento. Para tanto, efetuou-se uma avaliação em campo e uma avaliação por estrutura e dinâmica de paisagem, por modelagem, em sistema de informação geográfica (SIG). A avaliação em campo se deu pela aplicação de uma tabela de totalização de escores, para indicadores do grau de estresse em que se encontram os alvos de conservação, em uma malha de pontos amostrais regularmente distribuídos na área de estudo. A avaliação espacial temporal desenvolvida em SIG, exigiu a estruturação de uma base cartográfica consistente com a escala de trabalho de 1:25.000, para uma área total de 67.934ha. A dinâmica de paisagem foi desenvolvida pela classificação do uso do solo por fotografias aéreas em 16 classes, para o ano de 1.953 e 1.991, e pelo emprego destas classificações em uma tabulação cruzada, que fornece quais, quanto e onde ocorreram mudanças na composição e estrutura da paisagem. As áreas legalmente protegidas pela legislação atual foram delimitadas para ambas as paisagens estudadas. As maiores mudanças na estrutura da paisagem nesses 40 anos ocorreram pelo acréscimo de 6.797% da área de agricultura e de 988% da área de reflorestamento; pela supressão de 66% da área dos campos úmidos e de 54% das áreas de banhado. Foram delimitadas as áreas-core de biodiversidade, correspondendo às matas nativas e os banhados que permaneceram inalterados no período estudado. O tamanho e o índice de circularidade destas foram levantados. As distâncias a elementos da paisagem, chave para conservação da natureza, foram elaboradas a partir das rodovias, dos corpos hídricos, dos núcleos urbanos e das áreas core. A integração destas variáveis, visando à construção de um modelo de apoio à decisão para conservação da natureza, foi realizado pela análise por múltiplos critérios no programa Idrisi. O coeficiente de correlação entre os resultados das análises de campo e a espacial temporal foi de 0,83. Os resultados demonstram a importância da estrutura e da composição da paisagem como critérios para o planejamento e manejo que visem conservar a biodiversidade.


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The present study deals with the relationship between urban vegetation and climate. The process whereby the Parque das Dunas a 1,172 ha green area in the city of Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte exerts influence on the climate of the city is analyzed. The hypothesis on which the present work rests is that the green area referred to acts upon the climate of the city. The study is based on the analysis of climatic factors and elements of this green area and of the city of Natal. In order to give rise to final recommendations, a methodology grounded on a quantitative and qualitative standpoint has been used. The data were collected both within and without the limits of the Parque das Dunas area. Secondary and primary data resulting from the measurements taken by the researcher and her work group have been used. The aim was to contribute to the understanding of the influence of vegetation on the climate of a city having a warm and humid climate. A historical and environmental characterization of the Parque das Dunas was then sought. The local climatic factors and the elements of the climate have been studied within the scope of the city of Natal. A comparative study between the climatic elements within and without the limits of the Parque das Dunas area from the survey of technical data and the systematization of the information collected has been made, aiming at proposing a set of bioclimatic recommendations for the urban design in Natal. The results of such work allowed for the validation of the important role that the Parque das Dunas plays in the climate of Natal. This has led to the acknowledgement of the relevance of the green areas on the climate of cities. They bring about important benefits to the process of rendering agreeable the climate in the urban environment by providing pleasant microclimates that give a valuable contribution to the environmental comfort of urban nuclei having the same size of Natal


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The city of Natal-RN is constructed on dune areas with wavy relives softly waved and green areas that help to keep a pleasant climate, amongst these is distinguished field Pirangi-Potengi the dune with the areas of San Vale and Lagoinha. These environments are being substituted gradual for property and other workmanships of engineering on behalf of the urban expansion. This study the elaboration of a geoambiental mapping of Field had as objective generality Pirangi-Potengi the Dune with emphasis the San Vale and Lagoinha in Natal-RN. The done mapping had as objective specific to elaborate a vegetation map, a map of registers in cadastre of ambient problems to dunes, a map of flooding susceptibility, a map of vulnerability to the underground water contamination and a map of use and occupation of the ground. Of the carried through analysis, the area in study reveals sufficiently degraded, remaining only few green areas and dunares, as well as, the vulnerable presence of areas of vulnerability in floods and areas the contamination of the water-bearing one. The gotten results allow to affirm that this type of mapping, is of great importance for analysis and evaluation of the environment of the city


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The Brazilian coast has a wide variety of complex environments and ecosystems along the coast, about 80% are represented by sandbanks and dunes. The coastal ecosystems were the first to suffer the impacts man and places, as the very fragile ecosystems, are somehow altered. Are few areas of restinga well as natural features, very few protected in conservation units. Only in the last two decades the Brazilian restinga have been studies that are showing their importance for biodiversity of the country, though its economic importance remains largely unknown. In Rio Grande do Norte in the restinga vegetation and dune environments extend for almost the entire coast. The dunes are distinguished in the coastal landscape of the state due to the exuberance of its forms, heights and coating plants. The dune system is of fundamental importance for the maintenance of coastal urban settlements, especially for the city of Natal, acting on the hydrological dynamics of water table and reducing the effect of wind and movement of grains of sand to the interior and thus avoiding the burial City. However, the ecosystem of restinga and dune environments have been weakened and destroyed according to the intense urbanization and the knowledge of the vegetation of restinga installed on the dunes are still scarce. Thus, the objective of this study was to characterize the structure and floristic composition of vegetation established on a dune in the Dunes State Park Christmas and gather information to develop a model of recovery of the dune ecosystem. This dissertation is composed of 2 chapters, the first being: Structure of the vegetation of the dunes Dunes State Park in Natal, RN with the objective of describing the structure and composition of species of tree-shrub vegetation of restinga dunes of the Parque das Dunas and second: Recovery of degraded areas in a sand dune, which aimed to review the terms and concepts used in the theme of recovery and the techniques for recovery of degraded areas with emphasis on sandy environments and poor in nutrients, reporting some experiences within and external to Brazil the country, mainly in the Northeast and dunes positive and negative aspects that should be followed in building a model to be adopted for the recovery of local dunes


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Amenities value provided by green areas, sea, river and natural landscapes are hardly perceived and incorporated on urban planning and development. In this work, distance and view to protected and non-protected green areas, sea and river were evaluated as to how they increase the housing prices in Natal. Hedonic pricing methods were used with linear models to estimate the marginal implicit value of environmental, residential and neighborhood features. Results on Chapter 1 demonstrate the view to the sea and protected natural areas were largely capitalized on housing prices, while non-protected natural areas didn t display such effect. Housing prices also increase when close to the sea or to parks entrance. However, housing prices fall when houses are near non-protected natural areas. When estates with sea view were excluded, the protected natural areas view and a longer distance to non-protected natural areas increased dwelling prices. Results on Chapter 2 point the sea view as an hedonic variable the contributes strongly to the property selling prices, even though not always as the greatest contributor; furthermore, the property proximity to Dunas Park or City of the Park entrance increases its price, as does closeness to Dunas Park, view to City of the Park or Dunas Park. On the other hand, selling prices diminish if properties are close to City of the Park or Morro do Careca. Results on this study confirm the hedonic pricing methods is an important intrument, capable of revealing to popullation the importance of enviromental amenities and can be used by public managers for creating public policies for conservation and restoration projects


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The Conservation Units, specially the National and State parks are among the major destinations for adventure tourism and ecotourism, so that the National System of Unit Conservation (Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação) SNUC (Law 9.985/2000) covers the practice of touristic activities, specially the ecotourism in these territorial unities. Despite these are areas for environmental conservation, practice of environmental education, scientific research and contemplation of the nature in its primary or in a similar condition, the practice of touristic activity does not often meet these aims. The main aim of this research was to evaluate the touristic activities and the actions of territorial management in the State Park of Pedra da Boca (PEPB), situated in the city of Araruna/PB. According to the results, the PEPB has in its territorial area a porphyritic granite rock set, whose geological and geomorphologic settings are unique and have scenic value. It is also home of flora and fauna endemic species and representative of the savanna biome. The data and information achieved show that the Park has a remarkable potential for tourism, especially ecotourism, however, there is a need for development of territorial management actions, in order to subsidize the use of spatial tourism site


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Os tubarões enfrentam muitos obstáculos para sobreviver nos primeiros anos de vida e muitas espécies ocupam áreas de berçário. Embora estimativas de sobrevivência, particularmente para jovens, sejam essenciais para acessar, monitorar e manejar efetivamente populações animais, existem poucos cálculos destas estimativas para populações de tubarões e poucas estimativas baseadas em métodos diretos para estes animais em suas áreas de berçário. Métodos de marcação e recaptura foram utilizados no presente estudo para estimar o tamanho populacional e a sobrevivência de jovens tubarões-limão (Negaprion brevirostris) em uma área de berçário na Reserva Biológica do Atol das Rocas, Brasil. Os indivíduos foram amostrados entre 1999 e 2003 e as estimativas de tamanho populacional variaram entre 12 a 100 indivíduos jovens e a taxa de sobrevivência entre 24 e 54%, com média de 44,6% durante o período de amostragem mais robusto. A população destes tubarões jovens diminuiu ao longo de nosso estudo, ainda que as taxas de sobrevivência tenham aumentado durante o mesmo período. Mesmo um nível moderado de pesca e a remoção de fêmeas maduras em áreas adjacentes podem afetar dramaticamente pequenas populações de tubarões num berçário pequeno e isolado como o Atol das Rocas. As taxas de sobrevivência e tamanho populacional relativamente mais baixos em Rocas podem ser resultado das diferenças nas características físicas deste berçário, comparadas a outros utilizados pela espécie no Atlântico norte-ocidental. Tais parâmetros comparativamente mais baixos no Atol das Rocas sugerem a fragilidade da população jovem de tubarões-limão neste berçário.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)