1000 resultados para Primary reproductives
QUESTION UNDER STUDY: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) among type 2 diabetic patients in primary care settings in Switzerland, and to analyse the prescription of antidiabetic drugs in CKD according to the prevailing recommendations. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, each participating physician was asked to introduce anonymously in a web database the data from up to 15 consecutive diabetic patients attending her/his office between December 2013 and June 2014. Demographic, clinical and biochemical data were analysed. CKD was classified with the KDIGO nomenclature based on estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and urinary albumin/creatinine ratio. RESULTS: A total of 1 359 patients (mean age 66.5 ± 12.4 years) were included by 109 primary care physicians. CKD stages 3a, 3b and 4 were present in 13.9%, 6.1%, and 2.4% of patients, respectively. Only 30.6% of patients had an entry for urinary albumin/creatinine ratio. Among them, 35.6% were in CKD stage A2, and 4.1% in stage A3. Despite prevailing limitations, metformin and sulfonylureas were prescribed in 53.9% and 16.5%, respectively, of patients with advanced CKD (eGFR <30 ml/min). More than a third of patients were on a dipeptidyl-peptidase-4 inhibitor across all CKD stages. Insulin use increased progressively from 26.8% in CKD stage 1-2 to 50% in stage 4. CONCLUSIONS: CKD is frequent in patients with type 2 diabetes attending Swiss primary care practices, with CKD stage 3 and 4 affecting 22.4% of cases. This emphasizes the importance of routine screening of diabetic nephropathy based on both eGFR and urinary albumin/creatinine ratio, the latter being largely underused by primary care physicians. A careful individual drug risk/benefit balance assessment is mandatory to avoid the frequently observed inappropriate prescription of antidiabetic drugs in CKD patients.
Objective To evaluate the knowledge about diagnostic imaging methods among primary care and medical emergency physicians. Materials and Methods Study developed with 119 primary care and medical emergency physicians in Montes Claros, MG, Brazil, by means of a structured questionnaire about general knowledge and indications of imaging methods in common clinical settings. A rate of correct responses corresponding to ≥ 80% was considered as satisfactory. The Poisson regression (PR) model was utilized in the data analysis. Results Among the 81 individuals who responded the questionnaire, 65% (n = 53) demonstrated to have satisfactory general knowledge and 44% (n = 36) gave correct responses regarding indications of imaging methods. Respectively, 65% (n = 53) and 51% (n = 41) of the respondents consider that radiography and computed tomography do not use ionizing radiation. The prevalence of a satisfactory general knowledge about imaging methods was associated with medical residency in the respondents' work field (PR = 4.55; IC 95%: 1.18-16.67; p-value: 0.03), while the prevalence of correct responses regarding indication of imaging methods was associated with the professional practice in primary health care (PR = 1.79; IC 95%: 1.16-2.70; p-value: 0.01). Conclusion Major deficiencies were observed as regards the knowledge about imaging methods among physicians, with better results obtained by those involved in primary health care and by residents.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to assess the safety of the concurrent administration of a clopidogrel and prasugrel loading dose in patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention. BACKGROUND: Prasugrel is one of the preferred P2Y12 platelet receptor antagonists for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients. The use of prasugrel was evaluated clinically in clopidogrel-naive patients. METHODS: Between September 2009 and October 2012, a total of 2,023 STEMI patients were enrolled in the COMFORTABLE (Comparison of Biomatrix Versus Gazelle in ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction [STEMI]) and the SPUM-ACS (Inflammation and Acute Coronary Syndromes) studies. Patients receiving a prasugrel loading dose were divided into 2 groups: 1) clopidogrel and a subsequent prasugrel loading dose; and 2) a prasugrel loading dose. The primary safety endpoint was Bleeding Academic Research Consortium types 3 to 5 bleeding in hospital at 30 days. RESULTS: Of 2,023 patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention, 427 (21.1%) received clopidogrel and a subsequent prasugrel loading dose, 447 (22.1%) received a prasugrel loading dose alone, and the remaining received clopidogrel only. At 30 days, the primary safety endpoint was observed in 1.9% of those receiving clopidogrel and a subsequent prasugrel loading dose and 3.4% of those receiving a prasugrel loading dose alone (adjusted hazard ratio [HR]: 0.57; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.25 to 1.30, p = 0.18). The HAS-BLED (hypertension, abnormal renal/liver function, stroke, bleeding history or predisposition, labile international normalized ratio, elderly, drugs/alcohol concomitantly) bleeding score tended to be higher in prasugrel-treated patients (p = 0.076). The primary safety endpoint results, however, remained unchanged after adjustment for these differences (clopidogrel and a subsequent prasugrel loading dose vs. prasugrel only; HR: 0.54 [95% CI: 0.23 to 1.27], p = 0.16). No differences in the composite of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, or stroke were observed at 30 days (adjusted HR: 0.66, 95% CI: 0.27 to 1.62, p = 0.36). CONCLUSIONS: This observational, nonrandomized study of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients suggests that the administration of a loading dose of prasugrel in patients pre-treated with a loading dose of clopidogrel is not associated with an excess of major bleeding events. (Comparison of Biomatrix Versus Gazelle in ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction [STEMI] [COMFORTABLE]; NCT00962416; and Inflammation and Acute Coronary Syndromes [SPUM-ACS]; NCT01000701).
The authors present a case of a neuroendocrine carcinoma in an asymptomatic 75-year-old woman, detected in routine breast screening. The lesion was visible at mammography as a well circumscribed, medium density nodule, with no associated microcalcifications, and at ultrasonography as a hypoechoic nodule, with irregular shape and ill-defined margins. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed findings consistent with malignancy.
The identification of cancer-specific enzymatic activities that can be therapeutically targeted is key to the development of suitable anti-cancer drugs. Primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) is a rare and incurable malignancy that can occur in immunodeficient patients as a consequence of latent infection of B-cells with Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, KSHV (also known as human herpesvirus-8, HHV8). Malignant growth of KSHV-infected B cells requires the constitutive activity of the transcription factor NF-KB, which controls expression of viral genes required for maintenance of viral latency and suppression of the viral lytic program. Here we identify the protease mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue transformation protein 1 (MALTI), a key driver of NF-KB activation in lymphocytes, as an essential component in KSHV-dependent NF-KB activation and growth of latently infected PEL cell lines. Inhibition of the MALTI protease activity induced a switch from the latent to the lytic stage of viral infection, and led to reduced growth and survival of PEL cell lines in vitro and in a xenograft model. These results demonstrate a key role for the proteolytic activity of MALTI in PEL, and provide a rationale for the pharmacological targeting of MALTI in PEL therapy. -- L'identification d'activités enzymatiques propre au cancer est clé dans le développement des nouvaux médicaments anti-cancer. Le lymphome primitif des séreuses est un lymphome rare et incurable qui peut se developer chez les patients immunodéficients. Il est la conséquence d'une infection latente des cellules B, dûe à l'herpes virus 8, plus connu comme herpes virus associé au sarcome de Kaposi (KSHV). La croissance maligne des cellules B infecteés par KSHV requière l'activité constitutive du facteur de transcription NF-KB qui contrôle l'expression des genes viraux requis pour la maintenance latente et la suppression du programme de lyse du virus. Avec cette étude, nous avons identifié la protease MALTI comme un composant essentiel dans l'activation de NF-KB dans les cellules B du lymphome primitif des séreuses. L'inhibition de l'activité de la protéase MALTI induit un virement de la phase latente à la phase lytique du KSHV et conduit à une reduction de la viabilité des cellules tumorales in vitro et dans un modèle de xénogreffe. Ces résultats démontrent un rôle clé pour l'activité protéolytique de MALTI dans le développement du lymphome primitif des séreuses et soutiennent l'idée que MALTI pourrait être une cible pharmacologique dans la thérapie de cette forme rare du lymphome.
PURPOSE: Adenoma is the main parathyroid disorder leading to primary hyperparathyroidism (PHP). Minimally invasive parathyroidectomy (MIP) is recognized as a valid procedure for adenoma-related PHP. It requires precise preoperative localization combining Tc-99m-MIBI (methoxy-isobutyl-isonitrile) scintigraphy and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) with x-ray computed tomography (CT) and intraoperative confirmation of successful excision by change in intact parathormone (iPTH) levels. The study aim was to assess the surgery success in relation to these two parameters. METHODS: All patients operated on for PHP from 2005 to mid-2014 at our institution were retrospectively reviewed. MIP was performed in case of precise preoperative adenoma localization on scintigraphy, absence of past cervical surgery, and absence of concomitant thyroid resection necessity. In these patients, iPTH levels were monitored intraoperatively. Confirmation criteria for iPTH values were a return to normal level or a decrease >50 % of basal iPTH level. RESULTS: There were 197 PHP operations during the study period: 118 MIP and 79 bilateral neck explorations (BNEs). The MIP success rate was 95 % (112/118) with a preoperative MIBI scan ± CT accurate in 94 % (111/118) of the patients and with correct iPTH in 90 % (106/118) of the cases. Among the 12 iPTH levels that did not meet the confirmation criteria, 10 returned to normal range by postoperative day 2. Treatment failure appeared in three patients (one BNE, two MIPs). CONCLUSIONS: Tc-99m-MIBI dual-phase scintigraphy with SPECT/CT is the key examination for functional and morphological parathyroid adenoma localization. If preoperative scintigraphy is obvious and intraoperative assessment is clear, one could possibly safely omit iPTH, as it may lead to unnecessary BNE in primary PHP.
Concerted changes in N and C primary metabolism in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) under water restriction
Although the mechanisms of nodule N2 fixation in legumes are now well documented, some uncertainty remains on the metabolic consequences of water deficit. In most cases, little consideration is given to other organs and, therefore, the coordinated changes in metabolism in leaves, roots, and nodules are not well known. Here, the effect of water restriction on exclusively N2-fixing alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants was investigated, and proteomic, metabolomic, and physiological analyses were carried out. It is shown that the inhibition of nitrogenase activity caused by water restriction was accompanied by concerted alterations in metabolic pathways in nodules, leaves, and roots. The data suggest that nodule metabolism and metabolic exchange between plant organs nearly reached homeostasis in asparagine synthesis and partitioning, as well as the N demand from leaves. Typically, there was (i) a stimulation of the anaplerotic pathway to sustain the provision of C skeletons for amino acid (e.g. glutamate and proline) synthesis; (ii) re-allocation of glycolytic products to alanine and serine/glycine; and (iii) subtle changes in redox metabolites suggesting the implication of a slight oxidative stress. Furthermore, water restriction caused little change in both photosynthetic efficiency and respiratory cost of N2 fixation by nodules. In other words, the results suggest that under water stress, nodule metabolism follows a compromise between physiological imperatives (N demand, oxidative stress) and the lower input to sustain catabolism.
Background: Chronic liver diseases (CLDs) are significant causes of death in adults in many countries and are usually diagnosed at late stages. Early detection may allow time for treatment to prevent disease progression. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of screening for unrecognized CLDs in a primary care nurse consultancy and report findings from screening. Methods: Two experienced nurses in a primary care nurse consultancy were trained to perform transient elastography (TE). Subjects aged from 18 to 70 years were identified randomly from the health registry and invited to participate in a feasibility pilot study. Exclusion criteria were past or current history of liver diseases. Nurses collected demographic and clinical data and performed TE tests using Fibroscan tomeasure liver stiffness; a cutoff score of 6.8 kPa or greater was used as an indicator of the presence of CLD with fibrosis. Results: Accurate measurements were obtained in 495 of 502 participants (98.6%). Prevalence of elevated liver stiffness was observed in 28 of 495 subjects (5.7%). Compared to patients with normal liver stiffness, patients with increased liver stiffness were older, were more frequently male, and had higher frequency of metabolic syndrome. Nonalcoholic fatty liver was the most common cause of CLD. Discussion: Following training in procedures for conducting TE, nurses in a primary care clinic were able to detect unrecognized CLDs in presumably healthy subjects. Early detection of CLDs is feasible in primary care clinics and may facilitate identification of undiagnosed CLD in adults.
Le glaucome est la seconde cause de cécité dans le monde après la cataracte et est caractérisé par la perte progressive de cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine allant vers la dégénérescence du nerf optique. On distingue deux formes de glaucome; le glaucome à angle fermé et le glaucome à angle ouvert. L'hérédité du glaucome est souvent sporadique, parfois autosomique dominante. Une pression intraoculaire de plus de 21 mmHg représente un facteur de risque important pour son développement. Actuellement, la mutation la plus fréquente, observée dans 5% des cas de glaucome héréditaire, est retrouvée dans le gène MYOC (trabecular meshwork inducible glucocorticoide response). À ce jour, les causes et mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacent ne sont que partiellement compris. Récemment, il a été démontré qu'une souris transgénique exprimant le gène Notch2 dans luvée, développait un glaucome. Pour cette raison, nous avons analysé le gène NOTCH2 chez l'homme afin de déterminer s'il était impliqué. NOTCH2 est composé de 34 exons sur le chromosome 1 et code une protéine transmembranaire essentielle à la prolifération, l'apoptose, la différenciation cellulaire et le destin cellulaires. L'expression du gène est localisée dans le segment antérieur de l'oeil, le segment externe du corps ciliaire et le trabéculum. Les fonctions principales de ces deux tissus sont la production et le drainage de l'humeur aqueuse. Pour mémoire, une perturbation du flux peut générer une augmentation de la pression intraoculaire. Le but de cette étude était de rechercher d'éventuelles mutations du gène NOTCH2 chez des patients souffrant de glaucome. 130 patients ont été vu à l'hôpital ophtalmique Jules- Gonin et un échantillon d'ADN a été récolté afin d'identifier l'origine moléculaire de leur pathologie. L'analyse moléculaire s'est fait étape par étape. Premièrement, j'ai séquencé l'exon 3 du gène MYOC. Deuxièment, la Chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance a été utilisée pour l'analyse des 34 exons du gène NOTCH2. Troisièment, tous les exons présentant une courbe suspecte au chromatogramme ont été séquencés selon la méthode de Sanger. Dans la première partie de l'étude, j'ai analysé l'exon 3 du gène MYOC afin de déterminer les éventuels porteurs d'une mutation dominante. Aucune mutation pathogénique n'a été mis en évidence mais 4 patients sur les 130 étaient porteurs d'un variant connu et fréquent. Dans la deuxième partie de mon étude, j'ai analysé les 34 exons du gène NOTCH2, qui n'ont révélé aucune mutation. Bien que les méthodes utilisées dans cette étude montrent quelques limitations, il est peu probable que des mutations dans les régions codantes de NOTCH2 soient un facteur de risque important dans le glaucome primaire à angle ouvert.
Aim. To evaluate the usefulness of COOP/WONCA charts as a screening tool for mental disorders in primary care in the immigrant healthcare users in Salt. To measure self-rated health of Salt immigration population using the COOP / WONCA charts and to assess its associated factorsDesign. Descriptive and transversal study, Participants. 370 non-EU immigrants seniors selected by consecutive sampling stratified by sexMain measures. Personal information will be collected (age, sex, country of origin, years of residency in Spain, number of people living in the household and associated comorbidities). Each participant will complete the COOP/WONCA charts. An analysis of the validity of the diagnostic test will be done: sensibility, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, ROC curve and area under the curve (AUC). All variables will be subjected to descriptive analysis. Bivariate and multivariate analysis between the variables collected (sex, years of residency in Spain... ) and the results of COOP / WONCA charts will be performedResults. Preliminary results are available on a pilot test with 30 patients. The mental disorder prevalence is around 30%. Sensibility (0,89), specificity (0,89), VPP (0,80), VPN (0,94) cutoff score (3.5) and AUC (0,941). Women, people with 10 or more years of residency in Spain and unemployed people have worse self-rated healthConclusions. Based on the preliminary results, is possible to conclude that COOP/WONCA charts could be an useful, valid and applicable screening test for mental disorders in primary care with immigrant population
Kohonneen verenpaineen hoitosuosituksen käyttöönottosuomen perusterveydenhiollon hoitotyössä Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuottaa suosituksia näyttöön perustuvien Käypä hoito -suositusten käytön edistämiseksi perusterveydenhuollon hoitotyössä. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa arvioitiin Kohonneen verenpaineen hoitosuosituksen käyttöönottoa terveyskeskuksissa. Toisessa vaiheessa selvitettiin hoitajien hoitosuositusasenteita ja kokemuksia hoitosuosituksen käyttöönotosta. Kolmannessa vaiheessa selvitettiin hoitohenkilöstön näkemyksiä hoitosuosituksen käyttöä edistävistä tekijöistä. Kohonneen verenpaineen hoitosuositus oli ylilääkäreiden ja ylihoitajien mukaan otettu käyttöön lähes kaikissa terveyskeskuksissa, mutta heidän näkemyksensä suositusten käyttöönottoa koskevista terveyskeskuksissa tehdyistä sopimuksista erosivat toisistaan monilta osin. Myös käyttöönoton toteutuksessa oli suurta vaihtelua terveyskeskusten välillä. Toteutustavan perusteella ääripäissä sijaitsevat terveyskeskukset luokiteltiin yksittäisin ja monin keinoin käyttöönottoa tukeneiksi. Hoitajien hoitosuositusasenteet olivat hyvin myönteisiä ja hoitosuosituksia pidettiin luotettavina tiedonlähteinä, ja niiden uskottiin parantavan hoidon laatua. Hoitosuositusten paikallinen soveltaminen sekä johdon ja lääkäreiden tuki olivat hoitajien mielestä keskeisiä käyttöönotossa, vaikkakin tulosten mukaan kaikki käytetyt keinot olivat yhteydessä positiivisempiin hoitosuositusasenteisiin sekä aktiivisempaan hoitajien itsensä ilmaisemaan hoitosuositusten käyttöön. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että Käypä Hoito -suositukset on hyväksytty osaksi kliinistä hoitotyön käytäntöä. Niiden käytön tehostamiseksi tulisi kiinnittää huomiota suositusten paikalliseen soveltamiseen ja eri ammattiryhmien tehtäväkuvien määrittelyyn. Tähän tarvitaan terveyskeskusten johdon ja lääkäreiden selkeää tukea.
Background Computerised databases of primary care clinical records are widely used for epidemiological research. In Catalonia, the InformationSystem for the Development of Research in Primary Care (SIDIAP) aims to promote the development of research based on high-quality validated data from primary care electronic medical records. Objective The purpose of this study is to create and validate a scoring system (Registry Quality Score, RQS) that will enable all primary care practices (PCPs) to be selected as providers of researchusable data based on the completeness of their registers. Methods Diseases that were likely to be representative of common diagnoses seen in primary care were selected for RQS calculations. The observed/ expected cases ratio was calculated for each disease. Once we had obtained an estimated value for this ratio for each of the selected conditions we added up the ratios calculated for each condition to obtain a final RQS. Rate comparisons between observed and published prevalences of diseases not included in the RQS calculations (atrial fibrillation, diabetes, obesity, schizophrenia, stroke, urinary incontinenceand Crohn’s disease) were used to set the RQS cutoff which will enable researchers to select PCPs with research-usable data. Results Apart from Crohn’s disease, all prevalences were the same as those published from the RQS fourth quintile (60th percentile) onwards. This RQS cut-off provided a total population of 1 936 443 (39.6% of the total SIDIAP population). Conclusions SIDIAP is highly representative of the population of Catalonia in terms of geographical, age and sex distributions. We report the usefulness of rate comparison as a valid method to establish research-usable data within primary care electronic medical records