963 resultados para Preservice Teachers, Praxis, Mentoring, Professional Development


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This study explored pre-service secondary science teachers’ perceptions of classroom emotional climate in the context of the Bhutanese macro-social policy of Gross National Happiness. Drawing upon sociological perspectives of human emotions and using Interaction Ritual Theory this study investigated how pre-service science teachers may be supported in their professional development. It was a multi-method study involving video and audio recordings of teaching episodes supported by interviews and the researcher’s diary. Students also registered their perceptions of the emotional climate of their classroom at 3-minute intervals using audience response technology. In this way, emotional events were identified for video analysis. The findings of this study highlighted that the activities pre-service teachers engaged in matter to them. Positive emotional climate was identified in activities involving students’ presentations using video clips and models, coteaching, and interactive whole class discussions. Decreases in emotional climate were identified during formal lectures and when unprepared presenters led presentations. Emotions such as frustration and disappointment characterized classes with negative emotional climate. The enabling conditions to sustain a positive emotional climate are identified. Implications for sustaining macro-social policy about Gross National Happiness are considered in light of the climate that develops in science teacher education classes.


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The SiMERR National Survey was one of the first priorities of the National Centre of Science, Information and Communication Technology and Mathematics Education for Rural and Regional Australia (SiMERR Australia), established at the University of New England in July 2004 through a federal government grant. With university based ‘hubs’ in each state and territory, SiMERR Australia aims to support rural and regional teachers, students and communities in improving educational outcomes in these subject areas. The purpose of the survey was to identify the key issues affecting these outcomes. The National Survey makes six substantial contributions to our understanding of issues in rural education. First, it focuses specifically on school science, ICT and mathematics education, rather than on education more generally. Second, it compares the different circumstances and needs of teachers across a nationally agreed geographical framework, and quantifies these differences. Third, it compares the circumstances and needs of teachers in schools with different proportions of Indigenous students. Fourth, it provides greater detail than previous studies on the specific needs of schools and teachers in these subject areas. Fifth, the analyses of teacher ‘needs’ have been controlled for the socio-economic background of school locations, resulting in findings that are more tightly associated with geographic location than with economic circumstances. Finally, most previous reports on rural education in Australia were based upon focus interviews, public submissions or secondary analyses of available data. In contrast, the National Survey has generated a sizable body of original quantitative and qualitative data.


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This study examines the impact of corporate practice on schooling and on teachers' professional development at the end of the millennium. It is argued that the production of new forms of knowledge is creating new sites of struggle over who owns educational knowledge, and this has profound implications for professional identity formation in all areas of social and economic endeavour, including education. As schools are re-shaped into corporations, school administrators and teachers are under increasing pressure to improve their productivity and to develop themselves as enterprising leaders and managers. To do so they are drawing more and more heavily on the growing non-academic literature of selfimprovement and self-development. Concern is expressed that such literature tends to value mindless optimism over radical doubt.


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This paper reports on a study conducted in Indonesia at a time when two curricular reforms were underway. School-based curriculum was being implemented to allow Indonesian teachers more autonomy to develop curriculum to suit their local school community and its needs. Alongside this, the second concurrent reform introducing Character Education was more strongly prescriptive, requiring all teachers, including those working in language education, to address a particular set of stipulated values across all classes. The Indonesian schooling sector employs teachers at two different levels of professional status: civil servant teachers working in the higher status public sector and non-civil servant teachers who teach in the private Islamic Schools. Each level received different professional learning opportunities to prepare for the reforms. This study is interested in whether and how EFL teachers of different status exercised degrees of professionalism as they recontextualised these reforms in their classes. Nine teachers were interviewed and three of their classes were observed. This study found that the group of teachers with more professional learning could cope better with the weaker framing of school-based curriculum, while teachers with less professional learning reported disengagement with the reforms.


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Australian education is undergoing national reform at many levels. The school sector, where preservice teachers will be employed, are adjusting to the demands of the National Curriculum and improving teacher quality through the National Professional Standards for Teachers. In addition, the university sector, where pre-service teachers are prepared, is undergoing its own education reform through the introduction of a demand-driven system and ensuring quality for tertiary education interns through the Higher Education Standards Framework. In moving to prepare preservice teachers for the school system; universities are grappling with the double-barreled approach to teacher quality; quality within the university course and quality within the student teachers being prepared. Through a collaborative partnership including university lecturers, Department of Education central administration staff, school principals, school coordinators, practicum supervisors, mentor teachers and pre-service teachers; the stakeholders have formed an online community of learners engaging in reflective practice who are committed to improving teacher quality. This online community not only links the key stakeholders within the project, it facilitates the nexus between theory and practice often missing in our pre-service teacher placements. This paper reports preliminary data about an initiative to ensure final year pre-service teachers are aspiring to meet the graduate professional standards through the use of an innovative online community.


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Initial teacher education (ITE) students participate in various workplaces within schools and in doing so, form understandings about the numerous, and at times competing, expectations of teachers’ work. Through these experiences they form understandings about themselves as health and physical education (HPE) teachers. This paper examines the ways communities of practice within HPE subject department offices function as sites of workplace learning for student teachers. In particular this research focused on how ITE students negotiate tacit and contradictory expectations as well as social tasks during the practicum and the ways in which their understandings are mediated through participation in the workspace. Qualitative methods of survey and semi-structured interview were used to collect data on a cohort of student teachers during and following their major (10 week) practicum experience. Analysis was informed by theories of communities of practice (Wenger, 1998), workplace learning (Billett, 2001), and social task systems (Doyle, 1977). It was evident that considerable effort, attention, and energy was expended on various interrelated social tasks aimed at building positive relationships with their supervisor and other HPE teachers at the school. The social dynamics were highly nuanced and required a game-like approach. In our view the complexity that student teachers must negotiate in striving for an excellent evaluation warrants specific attention in physical education teacher education (PETE) programs. This study raises questions regarding our responsibilities in sending student teachers into contexts that might even be described as toxic. We offer some suggestions for how PETE might better support students going into practicum contexts that might be regarded as problematic workplaces.


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Science education has been the subject of increasing public interest over the last few years. While a good part of this attention has been due to the fundamental reshaping of school curricula and teacher professional standards currently underway, there has been a heightened level of critical media commentary about the state of science education in schools and science teacher education in universities. In some cases, the commentary has been informed by sound evidence and balanced perspectives. More recently, however, a greater degree of ignorance and misrepresentation has crept into the discourse. This chapter provides background on the history and status of science teacher education in Australia, along with insights into recent developments and challenges.


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This paper describes the types of support that teachers are accessing through the Social Network Site (SNS) 'Facebook'. It describes six ways in which teachers support one another within online groups. It presents evidence from a study of a large, open group of teachers online over a twelve week period, repeated with multiple groups a year later over a one week period. The findings suggest that large open groups in SNSs can be a useful source of pragmatic advice for teachers but that these groups are rarely a place for reflection on or feedback about teaching practice.


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In Finland, specialized studies in social work (professional licentiate education) were begun in the year 2000. The education is targeted at experienced social workers and leads to a licentiate degree (a degree between master s and doctorate). In this study, the experiences of members of the first study cohort, specializing in social work with children and young people, are examined. The study s theoretical frame of reference is based on the morphogenetic approach, developed by British sociologist Margaret Archer. In it, the potential powers of both an agent as well as social and cultural structures are considered important and worth taking into account. Archer sees reflexivity, a person s ability to analyze herself/himself, as an essential starting point for agency. Thanks to reflexivity, people are able to engage in internal conversations , discuss the concerns that are important to them and form agential projects . In Archer s theory, the social structures and traits of the cultural system are seen as having potential power in relation to people s agential projects; these powers can enable but also restrain the realization of the projects. On the other hand, individuals can try to review the factors affecting their agential projects and find ways of action that facilitate them. The research task is to study the self-understanding of social work professionals in the 21st century, the issues and goals professionally important for them, as well as the contexts framing the realization of these goals. The research questions are as follows: 1) What kind of internal conversations, concerns and agential projects related to their work did the professionals taking part in licentiate education bring to light? 2) What kind of enabling and restraining factors can be identified in their situations? And 3) What kind of social structures and traits related to the cultural system are connected to these factors? The research material was collected by interviewing the students in different phases of their education. In 2001 and 2004 all members of the study group (n = 25) were interviewed. In 2007, 13 students took part. The themes of the internal conversations brought to light in the interviews were divided into four broad thematic categories: professional development, the position of children in social work, multiprofessional work and structural social work. In relation to these themes the students formed different kinds of agential projects. In addition, the study reveals several cultural and social structures that have enabled but also restrained the realization of the agential projects. These structures are linked, for example, to the relations between employees and employers, students and teachers, children and adults as well as between the representatives of different professions. Working conditions which social workers often consider weak are discussed as a focal issue related to many themes. These working conditions become evident, for example, in the great imbalance which exists between the professional tasks and the amount of time that social workers have for them. Difficult situations arise when social workers feel they cannot reach the goals that are professionally important to them because of the strict external conditions of the work.


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O estudo situa-se no âmbito das investigações voltadas para documentos que sistematizam o trabalho do professor, dentre eles, o manual do professor que organiza a atividade docente junto ao livro didático. A dissertação analisa manuais do professor dos livros de espanhol selecionados pelo MEC para serem distribuídos a professores, em 2005, em função da lei 11161 da obrigatoriedade do ensino da língua espanhola para o ensino médio em todo o território nacional. O objetivo foi identificar imagens discursivas de docente e de ensino de espanhol como língua estrangeira neles construídas. Os fundamentos teóricos adotados advêm da Análise do Discurso de base enunciativa, além de recorrermos aos conceitos de dialogismo (BAKHTIN, 1979) e de polifonia (BAKHTIN, 1979; DUCROT, 1987). Os resultados nesses manuais apontam para a construção de imagens de professor como: aquele que necessita ser guiado em sua tarefa, incapaz de realizar suas escolhas em sala de aula, um professor recebedor de ordens; desatualizado com as metodologias de ensino atuais, necessitando, portanto, de atualização profissional; há ainda um professor que busca instruções facilitadoras para seu trabalho. Já no que se refere à visão de língua, deparamo-nos com um manual que dá ênfase ao trabalho com a leitura, voltado para uma concepção que valoriza aspectos discursivos; outros que afirmam seguir a abordagem comunicativa, com um olhar para a língua em uso, porém adotam procedimentos pautados numa concepção de língua como estrutura e/ou misturam ambas perspectivas


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Os processos de tornar-se aluno, mediados pelas identidades e pertencimentos, é o objeto desse estudo. O desenvolvimento desse estudo voltou-se para compreender esses processos e melhor informar, principalmente, aos que dela participam na construção de espaços e saberes que privilegiem o sujeito aluno e, possivelmente, redimensionar o papel da escola e dos professores no atual contexto sócio-educacional brasileiro. A partir dos aspectos teórico-epistemológicos, bem como dos dados metodológico-empíricos pretende-se propor uma teoria sobre o tornar-se aluno baseada no paradigma dialético de construção do conhecimento. Buscou-se compreender o cenário da escola como um espaço de inclusão que conflita com as práticas de interação socioculturais de sala de aula pela utilização de normas e ideologias distantes das propostas das políticas de uma escola inclusiva. Através da abordagem etnográfica de pesquisa objetivou-se estudar, analisar a natureza dos processos de tornar-se aluno, descrita por três grupos de participantes da pesquisa, em diferentes momentos de transição de suas vidas acadêmicas (educação infantil, ensinos fundamental e superior). Considera-se que a etnografia na educação tem um potencial dialético e sócio-interativo para explicar a perspectiva do aluno e outros sujeitos da escola sobre a escolarização e os processos de tornar-se aluno. Nesse sentido, buscou-se identificar e descrever as características das diferentes etapas do processo de escolarização a partir da vivência das práticas educacionais pelos alunos e das relações e interações dos atores escolares intermediadas pelo deveres, fazeres e saberes observados na ação pedagógica em sala de aula. Procurou-se, ainda, entender e explicitar o papel da memória na construção individual e coletiva dos alunos sobre o tornar-se aluno para o desenvolvimento acadêmico e profissional. Nesse sentido, pretende-se, com a apresentação dos resultados desse estudo, contribuir para ampliar o entendimento sobre como o aluno torna-se aluno.


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[ES]A pesar de los avances producidos en materia legislativa, la incorporación de las mujeres a los puestos de decisión de las empresas sigue siendo limitada. Son muchas las razones que explican este fenómeno. Entre las causas más citadas por la literatura cabe mencionar: los roles y la distribución irregular de las responsabilidades familiares y sus efectos en el equilibrio entre la vida profesional y familiar, los estereotipos de género y la discriminación, los sistemas de selección y evaluación sesgados, la falta de mentoring o modelos de referencia de mujeres, la exclusión de redes informales de trabajo y la estructura y los procesos organizacionales. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo sintetizar estas causas, así como ofrecer algunas soluciones que las empresas pueden adoptar en sus organizaciones para facilitar el desarrollo profesional de las mujeres.


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Esta dissertação se insere nos estudos da linha de pesquisa Formação de Professores, História, Memória e Práticas Educativas do Mestrado em Educação da Faculdade de Formação de Professores da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Trata-se de uma pesquisa sobre programa de inserção profissional, denominado Residência Pedagógica, realizado na rede municipal de educação de Niterói no ano de 2011. O presente trabalho se desenvolverá a partir da seguinte questão: quais as possibilidades e a relevância desse modelo de inserção profissional docente? Para responder a esse questionamento, foi definido como objetivo geral investigar o modelo de formação implementado no primeiro ano de estágio probatório para os professores ingressantes. Em termos metodológicos, a pesquisa se constitui em um estudo de caso, que descreve o modelo proposto e analisa a complexidade de um processo de formação docente em serviço em parceria com uma universidade pública. Propomos traçar um panorama sobre os docentes em exercício, que atuaram como professores residentes e as condições da formação destes profissionais. Compõe ainda como estratégias metodológicas a utilização de entrevistas, o levantamento e exame da legislação vigente e a análise de documentos produzidos sobre a Residência Pedagógica. O referencial teórico adotado para embasar a questão aqui apresentada centra-se principalmente nas contribuições de Nóvoa e Marcelo Garcia para refletirmos sobre a relevância dos anos iniciais da docência e desenvolvimento profissional docente, e Fontoura e Cavaco, com relação à importância de criarmos espaços compartilhados de formação docente e com ampla participação de todos os envolvidos nas etapas destas formações. Esperamos contribuir com uma ampliação sobre o entendimento da Residência Pedagógica realizada no município de Niterói, de modo a possibilitar que iniciativas futuras, semelhantes a esta, possam se beneficiar da análise aqui desenvolvida


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Yeoman, A., Durbin, J. & Urquhart, C. (2004). Evaluating SWICE-R (South West Information for Clinical Effectiveness - Rural). Final report for South West Workforce Development Confederations, (Knowledge Resources Development Unit). Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: South West WDCs (NHS)


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Over the years of working at school teachers gain experience that is necessary for their professional development. The teaching experience may appear of little value if teachers do not reflect upon it. Reflection is the key to success in teaching. The article presents the results of a questionnaire conducted with foreign language teachers from Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland schools who were asked about their reflection. Many teachers (95%) reported that they reflected on their teaching and even made notes (50%). The research outcomes provide interesting facts about teachers’ reflections.