988 resultados para Placenta Prévia
Os subprodutos alcalinos gerados nas indústrias de papel e celulose podem ser utilizados como corretivos da acidez do solo. Entretanto, eles possuem pouco Mg e médio teor de Na e, por isso, podem afetar negativamente a biodisponibilidade de alguns nutrientes, assim como alguns atributos do solo. Antes de recomendá-los, portanto, é importante avaliar seus efeitos. Este trabalho teve por objetivo quantificar a composição química do solo e a mobilidade vertical de cátions decorrente de formas de aplicação de um desses resíduos em relação ao calcário dolomítico. O experimento foi realizado em laboratório, sobre um Cambissolo Húmico, entre 2005 e 2006, utilizando-se colunas de lixiviação (30 x 10 cm de diâmetro). Os tratamentos consistiram de um fatorial 4 x 2 x 2, incluindo dois valores prévios de pH do solo com uma testemunha cada, dois corretivos de acidez (subproduto industrial ou calcário dolomítico) e dois métodos de aplicação (superficial ou incorporado). Foram realizadas 10 percolações, espaçadas em intervalos de sete dias, num volume de 300 mL de água destilada por semana, totalizando o equivalente a 380 mm de chuva. A incorporação do resíduo industrial ao solo causou a lixiviação de 60 % do Na adicionado, porém essa perda diminuiu para 12 % quando o corretivo foi aplicado sobre a superfície. O resíduo alcalino não ocasionou lixiviação de Ca, Mg ou K, e o calcário dolomítico lixiviou apenas 2,4 % do Ca e 7,2 % do Mg adicionados, comprovando a baixa mobilidade vertical desses cátions quando aplicados por meio de produtos alcalinos a solos com carga variável. A elevação prévia do pH diminuiu substancialmente a lixiviação dos cátions em decorrência do aumento das cargas elétricas negativas no solo. Nas condições pluviométricas da região Sul do Brasil, o Na adicionado pelo resíduo industrial lixiviará da camada arável em menos de um ano após sua aplicação e, portanto, não deverá prejudicar os atributos químicos e físicos do solo.
Aquest treball de recerca, realizat amb mestres especialistes de música de l'etapa primària, exposa diversos models d'interpretació de la cançó, prèvia exposició dels diversos elements que en configuren el caràcter.
In this paper we examine the effect of tax policy on the relationship between inequality and growth in a two-sector non-scale model. With non-scale models, the longrun equilibrium growth rate is determined by technological parameters and it is independent of macroeconomic policy instruments. However, this fact does not imply that fiscal policy is unimportant for long-run economic performance. It indeed has important effects on the different levels of key economic variables such as per capita stock of capital and output. Hence, although the economy grows at the same rate across steady states, the bases for economic growth may be different.The model has three essential features. First, we explicitly model skill accumulation, second, we introduce government finance into the production function, and we introduce an income tax to mirror the fiscal events of the 1980¿s and 1990¿s in the US. The fact that the non-scale model is associated with higher order dynamics enables it to replicate the distinctly non-linear nature of inequality in the US with relative ease. The results derived in this paper attract attention to the fact that the non-scale growth model does not only fit the US data well for the long-run (Jones, 1995b) but also that it possesses unique abilities in explaining short term fluctuations of the economy. It is shown that during transition the response of the relative simulated wage to changes in the tax code is rather non-monotonic, quite in accordance to the US inequality pattern in the 1980¿s and early 1990¿s.More specifically, we have analyzed in detail the dynamics following the simulation of an isolated tax decrease and an isolated tax increase. So, after a tax decrease the skill premium follows a lower trajectory than the one it would follow without a tax decrease. Hence we are able to reduce inequality for several periods after the fiscal shock. On the contrary, following a tax increase, the evolution of the skill premium remains above the trajectory carried on by the skill premium under a situation with no tax increase. Consequently, a tax increase would imply a higher level of inequality in the economy
Transcripts with ESTs derived exclusively or predominantly from testis, and not from other normal tissues, are likely to be products of genes with testis-restricted expression, and are thus potential cancer/testis (CT) antigen genes. A list of 371 genes with such characteristics was compiled by analyzing publicly available EST databases. RT-PCR analysis of normal and tumor tissues was performed to validate an initial selection of 20 of these genes. Several new CT and CT-like genes were identified. One of these, CT46/HORMAD1, is expressed strongly in testis and weakly in placenta; the highest level of expression in other tissues is <1% of testicular expression. The CT46/HORMAD1 gene was expressed in 31% (34/109) of the carcinomas examined, with 11% (12/109) showing expression levels >10% of the testicular level of expression. CT46/HORMAD1 is a single-copy gene on chromosome 1q21.3, encoding a putative protein of 394 aa. Conserved protein domain analysis identified a HORMA domain involved in chromatin binding. The CT46/HORMAD1 protein was found to be homologous to the prototype HORMA domain-containing protein, Hop1, a yeast meiosis-specific protein, as well as to asy1, a meiotic synaptic mutant protein in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Problématique : L'insertion vélamenteuse du cordon ombilical est reportée dans environ 1% des grossesses uniques et semble associée à de sévères complications obstétricales. Mais l'étude de cette insertion reste encore lacunaire en ce qui concerne les grossesses gémellaires. Depuis quelques années, ces dernières sont en augmentation et doivent être considérées comme des grossesses à risque. En effet, les jumeaux occupent une place toujours plus importante dans les unités de néonatologie, du fait de la morbidité particulière de ces grossesses. Ces dernières peuvent de plus s'accompagner d'autres anomalies qui peuvent influencer la croissance des jumeaux déjà prétérités par rapport aux bébés uniques. Parmi celles-ci, l'insertion vélamenteuse du cordon. Existe-il une association entre grossesse gémellaire et insertion vélamenteuse ? Quelles seraient les conséquences de ce type d'insertion sur l'évolution de la grossesse ?¦Objectifs : Evaluer l'incidence de la survenue d'une insertion vélamenteuse du cordon ombilical dans les grossesses gémellaires par rapport aux grossesses uniques et la différence de cette incidence entre placentas monochoriaux et bichoriaux. Analyser les conséquences majeures qui peuvent lui être associées.¦Méthode : Analyse rétrospective de tous les placentas de grossesses gémellaires reçus pour examen à l'institut universitaire de pathologie anatomique (IUPA) de Lausanne entre janvier 2000 et septembre 2010, ainsi que du suivi périnatal des enfants issus de ces grossesses.¦Résultats : 722 placentas issus de grossesses gémellaires ont été reçus et analysés à l'IUPA. L'insertion vélamenteuse du cordon est rencontrée dans plus de 17% des grossesses gémellaires. Elle représente plus de 9% de toutes les insertions lors de ces grossesses. Elle est retrouvée dans 35% des cas lorsque le placenta est monochorial et dans 10% des cas lorsque le placenta est bichorial.¦Notre étude a démontré une influence significative de l'insertion vélamenteuse sur l'âge gestationnel, le poids du placenta, la croissance foetale (poids > taille > PC), la durée d'hospitalisation et la mortalité. La monochorialité est le seul facteur de risque à avoir été mis en évidence.¦Conclusion : Avec l'augmentation de l'âge maternel et le recours de plus en plus fréquent aux traitements de fertilité, le nombre de grossesses gémellaires devrait s'accroitre dans les années à venir et, avec elles, le nombre d'insertions vélamenteuses du cordon. Cependant, le diagnostic d'une telle insertion ne peut être que suspecté lors d'un examen ultrasonographique en cours de grossesse. Il est donc difficile de l'identifier avant la naissance et ainsi de prévoir ses conséquences. Mais en étant conscient des complications éventuelles que peut engendrer cette insertion, nous serions plus à même d'y faire face.
In this paper we examine the effect of tax policy on the relationship between inequality and growth in a two-sector non-scale model. With non-scale models, the longrun equilibrium growth rate is determined by technological parameters and it is independent of macroeconomic policy instruments. However, this fact does not imply that fiscal policy is unimportant for long-run economic performance. It indeed has important effects on the different levels of key economic variables such as per capita stock of capital and output. Hence, although the economy grows at the same rate across steady states, the bases for economic growth may be different.The model has three essential features. First, we explicitly model skill accumulation, second, we introduce government finance into the production function, and we introduce an income tax to mirror the fiscal events of the 1980¿s and 1990¿s in the US. The fact that the non-scale model is associated with higher order dynamics enables it to replicate the distinctly non-linear nature of inequality in the US with relative ease. The results derived in this paper attract attention to the fact that the non-scale growth model does not only fit the US data well for the long-run (Jones, 1995b) but also that it possesses unique abilities in explaining short term fluctuations of the economy. It is shown that during transition the response of the relative simulated wage to changes in the tax code is rather non-monotonic, quite in accordance to the US inequality pattern in the 1980¿s and early 1990¿s.More specifically, we have analyzed in detail the dynamics following the simulation of an isolated tax decrease and an isolated tax increase. So, after a tax decrease the skill premium follows a lower trajectory than the one it would follow without a tax decrease. Hence we are able to reduce inequality for several periods after the fiscal shock. On the contrary, following a tax increase, the evolution of the skill premium remains above the trajectory carried on by the skill premium under a situation with no tax increase. Consequently, a tax increase would imply a higher level of inequality in the economy
Os ácidos orgânicos podem ser adsorvidos aos coloides do solo, favorecendo maior disponibilidade de P às plantas. Por meio de isotermas, avaliou-se a influência de ácido fúlvico (AF) sobre a adsorção de P na fração argila de dois Latossolos Vermelhos (LVdf e LVd), caulinita natural pouco cristalizada (KGa2), goethita (Gt) e hematita (Hm) sintéticas. As isotermas de adsorção de P ajustadas pelo modelo de Langmuir na presença de AF foram adequadas somente para a região de baixa concentração de P. De maneira geral, a presença de AF incubado nas frações argila estudadas foi capaz de reduzir a adsorção de P. Na fração argila do LVdf, a adsorção de P em baixas e altas concentrações desse nutriente teve pequena influência da sequência de incubação de P com AF, enquanto para a fração argila do LVd as sequências de incubação com P e AF influenciaram a adsorção de P. A redução da adsorção de P sobre a fração argila da KGa2 em baixas concentrações de P nas isotermas não dependeu da sequência de incubação de P e AF, e sim da presença do AF. Na região de altas concentrações de P, a sequência de incubação de P e AF influenciou a adsorção desse elemento. A adsorção de P sobre Gt foi dependente da sequência de incubação com AF, e a incubação prévia do AF promoveu redução da adsorção de P. A sequência de incubação do P e AF na Hm influenciou a adsorção de P quando em baixas e altas concentrações nas isotermas. Os menores valores de adsorção de P ocorreram com a incubação de P juntamente ao AF ou incubação de AF precedida da do P.
Although tissue engineering and cell therapies are becoming realistic approaches for medical therapeutics, it is likely that musculoskeletal applications will be among the first to benefit on a large scale. Cell sources for tissue engineering and cell therapies for tendon pathologies are reviewed with an emphasis on small defect tendon injuries as seen in the hand which could adapt well to injectable cell administration. Specifically, cell sources including tenocytes, tendon sheath fibroblasts, bone marrow or adipose-derived stem cells, amniotic cells, placenta cells and platelet-derivatives have been proposed to enhance tendon regeneration. The associated advantages and disadvantages for these different strategies will be discussed and evolving regulatory requirements for cellular therapies will also be addressed. Human progenitor tenocytes, along with their clinical cell banking potential, will be presented as an alternative cell source solution. Similar cell banking techniques have already been described with other progenitor cell types in the 1950's for vaccine production, and these "old" cell types incite potentially interesting therapeutic options that could be improved with modern innovation for tendon regeneration and repair.
The etiology remains unknown in many cases of bovine abortion in Switzerland. Bacteria of the Chlamydiales order are known abortive agents, therefore cases of bovine abortion from three representative regions of Switzerland were investigated in this study. Particularly Chlamydiaceae as well as the Chlamydia-like organisms Waddlia and Parachlamydia were of interest, especially because of their possible zoonotic potential. Placenta samples (n=343) were tested for these bacteria by different PCR-methods, immunohistochemistry and serology for Chlamydia abortus. Additionally an attempt for the isolation of Waddlia and Parachlamydia was made by co-cultivation in amoebae. In 67.3% of the 343 cases a necrotizing and/or purulent placentitis was found histologically. By real-time PCR, 0.9% (3/343) of the cases were positive for Waddlia, 13.4% (46/343) positive for Parachlamydia and 14.6% (50/343) positive or questionable positive for Chlamydiaceae. Of these samples, confirmation by immunohistochemistry was possible in 2/3 cases for Waddlia, 25/46 for Parachlamydia and 4/50 for Chlamydiaceae. Of the 50 cases positive or questionable positive for Chlamydiaceae, species-identification by ArrayTube Microarray or 16S rRNA PCR resulted in 41 cases positive for C. abortus whereas the presence of Chlamydia suis was confirmed in four and Chlamydia pecorum in one case. This study brought evidence for the importance of different members of Chlamydiales in different regions of Switzerland although Waddlia is not occurring in a high prevalence. On the other hand mixed infections with different Chlamydiales as well as with other abortigenic agents could be found.
INTRODUCTION: Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) affects ∼8% of all pregnancies and is associated with major perinatal mortality and morbidity, and with an increased risk to develop cardiovascular diseases in adulthood. Despite identification of several risk factors, the mechanisms implicated in the development of IUGR remain poorly understood. In case of placental insufficiency, reduced delivery of oxygen and/or nutrients to the fetus could be associated with alterations in the umbilical circulation, contributing further to the impairment of maternal-fetal exchanges. We compared the structural and functional properties of umbilical cords from growth-restricted and appropriate for gestational age (AGA) term newborns, with particular attention to the umbilical vein (UV). METHODS: Human umbilical cords were collected at delivery. Morphological changes were investigated by histomorphometry, and UV's reactivity by pharmacological studies. RESULTS: Growth-restricted newborns displayed significantly lower growth parameters, placental weight and umbilical cord diameter than AGA controls. Total cross-section and smooth muscle areas were significantly smaller in UV of growth-restricted neonates than in controls. Maximal vasoconstriction achieved in isolated UV was lower in growth-restricted boys than in controls, whereas nitric oxide-induced relaxation was significantly reduced in UV of growth-restricted girls compared to controls. CONCLUSION: IUGR is associated with structural alterations of the UV in both genders, and with a decreased nitric oxide-induced relaxation in UV of newborn girls, whereas boys display impaired vasoconstriction. Further investigations will allow to better understand the regulation of umbilical circulation in growth-restricted neonates, which could contribute to devise potential novel therapeutic strategies to prevent or limit the development of IUGR.
Afrotheria, one of four mammalian superorders, comprises elephants, sea cows, hyraxes, aardvark, elephant shrews, tenrecs and golden moles. Their placentas either form an equatorial band or are discoid in shape. The interhemal region, separating fetal and maternal blood, is endotheliochorial in elephants, aardvark and possibly the sea cows, but hemochorial in the remaining orders. There is a secondary epitheliochorial placenta in elephant shrews while a similar structure in tenrecs erodes maternal tissues. Specialized hemophagous regions are a striking characteristic of some of these placentas yet absent in hyraxes, elephant shrews, and golden moles. It is possible that the common ancestor of the Afrotheria had an endotheliochorial placenta. Establishment of a hemochorial condition, as seen in rock hyraxes, elephant shrews, tenrecs, and golden moles, would be a more recent development. The elephant, manatee, and aardvark all have circumferential placentas. Thus the formation of a discoid placenta with a more or less extensive secondary placenta in elephant shrews and tenrecs would also be a derived state.
The number of pregnant women receiving immunosuppressive therapy is increasing. Use of immunosuppressants during pregnancy is indicated for anti-rejection therapy in transplantation patients and treatment of autoimmune diseases. Despite the maternal and fetal risks of these pregnancies, the proportion of surviving infants is improving and the possibility that a pregnancy could occur in these women during their childbearing years should be considered. All immunosuppressant drugs and their metabolites cross the placenta, raising questions about the long-term outcome of the children exposed to these agents in utera. There is no increased risk of congenital anomalies. However, there is an elevated incidence of prematurity, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and therefore low birthweight, as well as maternal hypertension and preeclampsia. The most frequent neonatal complications are those associated with prematurity and IUGR, as well as adrenal insufficiency with corticosteroids, immunological disturbances with azathioprine and cyclosporin, and hyperkalemia with tacrolimus. The long-term follow-up of infants exposed to immunosuppressants in utero is still limited and experimental studies raise the question whether there could be an increased incidence at adult age of some pathologies including renal insufficiency, hypertension and diabetes. The follow-up of these infants should be carefully organized and multidisciplinary, taking the perinatal context into account.
BACKGROUND: Adverse events in utero may predispose to cardiovascular disease in adulthood. The underlying mechanisms are unknown. During preeclampsia, vasculotoxic factors are released into the maternal circulation by the diseased placenta. We speculated that these factors pass the placental barrier and leave a defect in the circulation of the offspring that predisposes to a pathological response later in life. The hypoxia associated with high-altitude exposure is expected to facilitate the detection of this problem. METHODS AND RESULTS: We assessed pulmonary artery pressure (by Doppler echocardiography) and flow-mediated dilation of the brachial artery in 48 offspring of women with preeclampsia and 90 offspring of women with normal pregnancies born and permanently living at the same high-altitude location (3600 m). Pulmonary artery pressure was roughly 30% higher (mean+/-SD, 32.1+/-5.6 versus 25.3+/-4.7 mm Hg; P<0.001) and flow-mediated dilation was 30% smaller (6.3+/-1.2% versus 8.3+/-1.4%; P<0.0001) in offspring of mothers with preeclampsia than in control subjects. A strong inverse relationship existed between flow-mediated dilation and pulmonary artery pressure (r=-0.61, P<0.001). The vascular dysfunction was related to preeclampsia itself because siblings of offspring of mothers with preeclampsia who were born after a normal pregnancy had normal vascular function. Augmented oxidative stress may represent an underlying mechanism because thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances plasma concentration was increased in offspring of mothers with preeclampsia. CONCLUSIONS: Preeclampsia leaves a persistent defect in the systemic and the pulmonary circulation of the offspring. This defect predisposes to exaggerated hypoxic pulmonary hypertension already during childhood and may contribute to premature cardiovascular disease in the systemic circulation later in life.
The urate transporter, GLUT9, is responsible for the basolateral transport of urate in the proximal tubule of human kidneys and in the placenta, playing a central role in uric acid homeostasis. GLUT9 shares the least homology with other members of the glucose transporter family, especially with the glucose transporting members GLUT1-4 and is the only member of the GLUT family to transport urate. The recently published high-resolution structure of XylE, a bacterial D-xylose transporting homologue, yields new insights into the structural foundation of this GLUT family of proteins. While this represents a huge milestone, it is unclear if human GLUT9 can benefit from this advancement through subsequent structural based targeting and mutagenesis. Little progress has been made toward understanding the mechanism of GLUT9 since its discovery in 2000. Before work can begin on resolving the mechanisms of urate transport we must determine methods to express, purify and analyze hGLUT9 using a model system adept in expressing human membrane proteins. Here, we describe the surface expression, purification and isolation of monomeric protein, and functional analysis of recombinant hGLUT9 using the Xenopus laevis oocyte system. In addition, we generated a new homology-based high-resolution model of hGLUT9 from the XylE crystal structure and utilized our purified protein to generate a low-resolution single particle reconstruction. Interestingly, we demonstrate that the functional protein extracted from the Xenopus system fits well with the homology-based model allowing us to generate the predicted urate-binding pocket and pave a path for subsequent mutagenesis and structure-function studies.
Abstract - Cannabis: what are the risks ? Cannabinoids from cannabis have a dual use and display often opposite pharmacological properties depending on the circumstances of use and the administered dose. Cannabinoids constitute mainly a recreative or addictive substance, but also a therapeutic drug. They can be either neurotoxic or neuroprotector, carcinogenic or an anti-cancer drug, hyperemetic or antiemetic, pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory... Improvement in in-door cultivation techniques and selection of high yield strains have resulted in a steadily increase of THC content. Cannabis is the most frequently prohibited drug used in Switzerland and Western countries. About half of teenagers have already experimented cannabis consumption. About 10% of cannabis users smoke it daily and can be considered as cannabis-dependant. About one third of these cannabis smokers are chronically intoxicated. THC, the main psychoactive drug interacts with the endocannnabinoid system which is made of cellular receptors, endogenous ligands and a complex intra-cellular biosynthetic, degradation and intra-cellular messengers machinery. The endocannabinoid system plays a major role in the fine tuning of the nervous system. It is thought to be important in memory, motor learning, and synaptic plasticity. At psychoactive dose, THC impairs psychomotor and neurocognitive performances. Learning and memory abilities are diminished. The risk to be responsible of a traffic car accident is slightly increased after administration of cannabis alone and strongly increased after combined use of alcohol and cannabis. With the exception of young children, cannabis intake does not lead to potentially fatal intoxication. However, cannabis exposure can act as trigger for cardiovascular accidents in rare vulnerable people. Young or vulnerable people are more at risk to develop a psychosis at adulthood and/or to become cannabis-dependant. Epidemiological studies have shown that the risk to develop a schizophrenia at adulthood is increased for cannabis smokers, especially for those who are early consumers. Likewise for the risk of depression and suicide attempt. Respiratory disease can be worsen after cannabis smoking. Pregnant and breast-feeding mothers should not take cannabis because THC gets into placenta and concentrates in breast milk. The most sensitive time-period to adverse side-effects of cannabis starts from foetus and extends to adolescence. The reason could be that the endocannabinoid system, the main target of THC, plays a major role in the setup of neuronal networks in the immature brain. The concomitant use of other psychoactive drugs such as alcohol, benzodiazepines or cocaine should be avoided because of possible mutual interactions. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that a cross-sensitisation exists between most addictive drugs at the level of the brain reward system. Chronic use of cannabis leads to tolerance and withdrawals symptoms in case of cannabis intake interruption. Apart from the aforementioned unwanted side effects, cannabis displays useful and original medicinal properties which are currently under scientific evaluation. At the moment the benefit/risk ratio is not yet well assessed. Several minor phytocannabinoids or synthetic cannabinoids devoid of psychoactive properties could find their way in the modern pharmacopoeia (e.g. ajulemic acid). For therapeutic purposes, special cannabis varieties with unique cannabinoids composition (e.g. a high cannabidiol content) are preferred over those which are currently used for recreative smoking. The administration mode also differs in such a way that inhalation of carcinogenic pyrolytic compounds resulting from cannabis smoking is avoided. This can be achieved by inhaling cannabis vapors at low temperature with a vaporizer device. Résumé Les cannabinoïdes contenus dans la plante de cannabis ont un double usage et possèdent des propriétés opposées suivant les circonstances et les doses employées. Les cannabinoïdes, essentiellement drogue récréative ou d'abus pourraient, pour certains d'entre eux, devenir des médicaments. Selon les conditions d'utilisation, ils peuvent être neurotoxiques ou neuroprotecteurs, carcinogènes ou anticancéreux, hyper-émétiques ou antiémétiques, pro-inflammatoires ou anti-inflammatoires... Les techniques de culture sous serre indoor ainsi que la sélection de variétés de cannabis à fort potentiel de production ont conduit à un accroissement notable des taux de THC. Le cannabis est la drogue illégale la plus fréquemment consommée en Suisse et ailleurs dans le monde occidental. Environ la moitié des jeunes ont déjà expérimenté le cannabis. Environ 10 % des consommateurs le fument quotidiennement et en sont devenus dépendants. Un tiers de ces usagers peut être considéré comme chroniquement intoxiqué. Le THC, la principale substance psychoactive du cannabis, interagit avec le "système endocannabinoïde". Ce système est composé de récepteurs cellulaires, de ligands endogènes et d'un dispositif complexe de synthèse, de dégradation, de régulation et de messagers intra-cellulaires. Le système endocannabinoïde joue un rôle clé dans le réglage fin du système nerveux. Les endocannabinoïdes régulent la mémorisation, l'apprentissage moteur et la plasticité des liaisons nerveuses. À dose psychoactive, le THC réduit les performances psychomotrices et neurocognitives. Les facultés d'apprentissage et de mémorisation sont diminuées. Le risque d'être responsable d'un accident de circulation est augmenté après prise de cannabis, et ceci d'autant plus que de l'alcool aura été consommé parallèlement. À l'exception des jeunes enfants, la consommation de cannabis n'entraîne pas de risque potentiel d'intoxication mortelle. Toutefois, le cannabis pourrait agir comme facteur déclenchant d'accident cardiovasculaire chez de rares individus prédisposés. Les individus jeunes, et/ou vulnérables ont un risque significativement plus élevé de développer une psychose à l'âge adulte ou de devenir dépendant au cannabis. Des études épidémiologiques ont montré que le risque de développer une schizophrénie à l'âge adulte était augmenté pour les consommateurs de cannabis et ceci d'autant plus que l'âge de début de consommation était précoce. Il en va de même pour le risque de dépression. Les troubles respiratoires pourraient être exacerbés par la prise de cannabis. Les femmes enceintes et celles qui allaitent ne devraient pas consommer de cannabis car le THC traverse la barrière hémato-placentaire, en outre, il se concentre dans le lait maternel. La période de la vie la plus sensible aux effets néfastes du cannabis correspond à celle allant du foetus à l'adolescent. Le système endocannabinoïde sur lequel agit le THC serait en effet un acteur majeur orchestrant le développement des réseaux neuronaux dans le cerveau immature. La prise concomitante d'autres psychotropes comme l'alcool, les benzodiazépines ou la cocaïne conduit à des renforcements mutuels de leurs effets délétères. De plus, il a été montré l'existence d'une sensibilité croisée pour la majorité des psychotropes qui agissent sur le système de la récompense, le cannabis y compris, ce qui augmente ainsi le risque de pharmacodépendance. La prise régulière de doses élevées de cannabis entraîne l'apparition d'une tolérance et de symptômes de sevrage discrets à l'arrêt de la consommation. À part les effets négatifs mentionnés auparavant, le cannabis possède des propriétés médicales originales qui sont l'objet d'études attentives. Plusieurs cannabinoïdes mineurs naturels ou synthétiques, comme l'acide ajulémique, pourraient trouver un jour une place dans la pharmacopée. En usage thérapeutique, des variétés particulières de cannabis sont préférées, par exemple celles riches en cannabidiol non psychoactif. Le mode d'administration diffère de celui utilisé en mode récréatif. Par exemple, la vaporisation des cannabinoïdes à basse température est préférée à l'inhalation du "joint".