996 resultados para PIG TEMPORAL BONE
Bone homeostasis is a well-balanced process that is largely dependent on the contribution of both bone-forming osteoblasts and bone-resorbing osteoclasts. A new study (Wan et al., 2007) suggests a previously unsuspected role for the transcription factor PPARgamma in promoting bone progenitors to the osteoclastic lineage.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the cause of recurrent pathologic instability after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgery and the effectiveness of revision reconstruction using a quadriceps tendon autograft using a 2-incision technique. TYPE OF STUDY: Retrospective follow-up study. METHODS: Between 1999 and 2001, 31 patients underwent ACL revision reconstruction because of recurrent pathologic instability during sports or daily activities. Twenty-eight patients were reviewed after a mean follow-up of 4.2 years (range, 3.3 to 5.6 years). The mean age at revision surgery was 27 years (range, 18 to 41 years). The average time from primary procedure to revision surgery was 26 months (range, 9 to 45 months). A clinical, functional, and radiographic evaluation was performed. Also magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scanning was performed. The International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC), Lysholm, and Tegner scales were used. A KT-1000 arthrometer measurement (MEDmetric, San Diego, CA) by an experienced physician was made. RESULTS: Of the failures, 79% had radiographic evidence of malposition of their tunnels. In only 6 cases (21%) was the radiologic anatomy of tunnel placement judged to be correct on both the femoral and tibial side. The MRI or CT showed, in 6 cases, a too-centrally placed femoral tunnel. After revision surgery, the position of tunnels was corrected. A significant improvement of Lachman and pivot-shift phenomenon was observed. In particular, 17 patients had a negative Lachman test, and 11 patients had a grade I Lachman with a firm end point. Preoperatively, the pivot-shift test was positive in all cases, and at last follow-up in 7 patients (25%) a grade 1+ was found. Postoperatively, KT-1000 testing showed a mean manual maximum translation of 8.6 mm (SD, 2.34) for the affected knee; 97% of patients had a maximum manual side-to-side translation <5 mm. At the final postoperative evaluation, 26 patients (93%) graded their knees as normal or nearly normal according to the IKDC score. The mean Lysholm score was 93.6 (SD, 8.77) and the mean Tegner activity score was 6.1 (SD, 1.37). No patient required further revision. Five patients (18%) complained of hypersensitive scars from the reconstructive surgery that made kneeling difficult. CONCLUSIONS: There were satisfactory results after ACL revision surgery using quadriceps tendon and a 2-incision technique at a minimum 3 years' follow-up; 93% of patients returned to sports activities. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level IV, case series, no control group.
Natural killer T (NKT) cells express a T cell receptor (TCR) and markers common to NK cells, including NK1.1. In vivo, NKT cells are triggered by anti-CD3epsilon MAb to rapidly produce large amounts of IL-4 and by IL-12 to reject tumors. We show here that anti-CD3epsilon MAb treatment rapidly depletes the liver (and partially the spleen) of NKT cells and that homeostasis is achieved 1 to 2 days later via NKT cell proliferation that occurs mainly in bone marrow. Similar results were obtained in mice treated with IL-12. Collectively, our data demonstrate that peripheral NKT cells are highly sensitive to activation-induced cell death and that bone marrow plays a major role in restoring NKT cell homeostasis.
Capsule We report a review of the occurrence of bats in the Barn Owl diet Tyto alba in Europe. Based on 802 studies reporting 4.02 million prey items identified in pellets, 4949 were bats (0.12%). We found that bat predation decreased during the last 150 years, is more frequent on islands than mainland, and is higher in eastern than western Europe and in southern than northern Europe. Although Barn Owls usually capture bats opportunistically, they can sometimes specialize on them.
Optimal behavior relies on flexible adaptation to environmental requirements, notably based on the detection of errors. The impact of error detection on subsequent behavior typically manifests as a slowing down of RTs following errors. Precisely how errors impact the processing of subsequent stimuli and in turn shape behavior remains unresolved. To address these questions, we used an auditory spatial go/no-go task where continual feedback informed participants of whether they were too slow. We contrasted auditory-evoked potentials to left-lateralized go and right no-go stimuli as a function of performance on the preceding go stimuli, generating a 2 × 2 design with "preceding performance" (fast hit [FH], slow hit [SH]) and stimulus type (go, no-go) as within-subject factors. SH trials yielded SH trials on the following trials more often than did FHs, supporting our assumption that SHs engaged effects similar to errors. Electrophysiologically, auditory-evoked potentials modulated topographically as a function of preceding performance 80-110 msec poststimulus onset and then as a function of stimulus type at 110-140 msec, indicative of changes in the underlying brain networks. Source estimations revealed a stronger activity of prefrontal regions to stimuli after successful than error trials, followed by a stronger response of parietal areas to the no-go than go stimuli. We interpret these results in terms of a shift from a fast automatic to a slow controlled form of inhibitory control induced by the detection of errors, manifesting during low-level integration of task-relevant features of subsequent stimuli, which in turn influences response speed.
A estabilidade temporal é descrita como a persistência temporal de um padrão espacial e é avaliada pela análise de correlação de medidas em datas sucessivas. Neste trabalho, foi avaliada a armazenagem de água no solo em duas transeções de 76 m cada, contendo 20 pontos em cada uma. em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo argissólico cultivado com citros com 11 anos em Piracicaba/SP. A umidade do solo para determinação da armazenagem, na camada de 0,00-1,10 m, ao longo do tempo, foi obtida com uma sonda de nêutrons, calibrada para o solo em estudo, realizando leituras semanais às profundidades de 0,20, 0,40, 0,60, 0,80, 1,0 e 1,10 m. A armazenagem de água no solo foi determinada utilizando-se o método de Simpson. Os dados da armazenagem média de água no solo nos três anos de estudo mostraram que sua distribuição, ao longo do tempo, apresentou comportamento semelhante e que os coeficientes de correlação linear e de posição de Spearman foram altos entre o ano 1 e o ano 2, o ano 2 e o ano 3 e o ano 1 e o ano 3, indicando existência de estabilidade temporal e persistência temporal significativa do padrão espacial observado. Foi verificada dependência espacial moderada de 17,10 m pelo semivariograma exponencial. Pela técnica da diferença relativa, os pontos que apresentaram comportamento estável no tempo foram o ponto 29, para os anos 1 e 2, e os pontos 16, 29 e 39, para o ano 3, que podem ser usados para estimar com segurança a armazenagem média de água no solo. O ponto 29 foi o que se apresentou estável para os três anos de estudo, sendo, portanto, o mais recomendável tanto para a armazenagem gravimétrica como para a volumétrica.
BACKGROUND: The aim of our study was to assess the feasibility of minimally invasive digestive anastomosis using a modular flexible magnetic anastomotic device made up of a set of two flexible chains of magnetic elements. The assembly possesses a non-deployed linear configuration which allows it to be introduced through a dedicated small-sized applicator into the bowel where it takes the deployed form. A centering suture allows the mating between the two parts to be controlled in order to include the viscerotomy between the two magnetic rings and the connected viscera. METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Eight pigs were involved in a 2-week survival experimental study. In five colorectal anastomoses, the proximal device was inserted by a percutaneous endoscopic technique, and the colon was divided below the magnet. The distal magnet was delivered transanally to connect with the proximal magnet. In three jejunojejunostomies, the first magnetic chain was injected in its linear configuration through a small enterotomy. Once delivered, the device self-assembled into a ring shape. A second magnet was injected more distally through the same port. The centering sutures were tied together extracorporeally and, using a knot pusher, magnets were connected. Ex vivo strain testing to determine the compression force delivered by the magnetic device, burst pressure of the anastomosis, and histology were performed. RESULTS: Mean operative time including endoscopy was 69.2 ± 21.9 min, and average time to full patency was 5 days for colorectal anastomosis. Operative times for jejunojejunostomies were 125, 80, and 35 min, respectively. The postoperative period was uneventful. Burst pressure of all anastomoses was ≥ 110 mmHg. Mean strain force to detach the devices was 6.1 ± 0.98 and 12.88 ± 1.34 N in colorectal and jejunojejunal connections, respectively. Pathology showed a mild-to-moderate inflammation score. CONCLUSIONS: The modular magnetic system showed enormous potential to create minimally invasive digestive anastomoses, and may represent an alternative to stapled anastomoses, being easy to deliver, effective, and low cost.
The natural toxicity of cnidarians, bryozoans and tunicates in two caves was assessed using the Microtox® technique in spring and autumn. One cave was located in the Cabrera Archipelago (Balearic Islands) and the other in the Medes Islands (Catalan littoral). The organisms analysed were good representatives of the coverage of each Phylum in the communities; however, these Phyla are less abundant than sponges which are the dominant group in these caves. Seventy-one percent of the species of cnidarians and bryozoans analysed were toxic in one of the caves, communities or seasons, which indicates the relevance of bioactive species in these groups. The tunicate Lissoclinum perforatum was the most toxic species. Although all three Phyla had some highly toxic species, a common pattern that related the caves, communities and seasons was not found. Seasonal variation of toxicity in cnidarians and bryozoans was higher in the Cabrera than in the Medes cave. Moreover, variation in toxicity either between communities or between seasons was a common trait for most cnidarians and bryozoans, whereas tunicates remained toxic throughout communities and seasons.
We have compared by immunocytochemistry and immunoblotting the expression and distribution of adhesion molecules participating in cell-matrix and cell-cell interactions during embryonic development and regeneration of rat liver. Fibronectin and the fibronectin receptor, integrin alpha 5 beta 1, were distributed pericellularly and expressed at a steady level during development from the 16th day of gestation and in neonate and adult liver. AGp110, a nonintegrin fibronectin receptor was first detected on the 17th day of gestation in a similar, nonpolarized distribution on parenchymal cell surfaces. At that stage of development haemopoiesis is at a peak in rat liver and fibronectin and receptors alpha 5 beta 1 and AGp110 were prominent on the surface of blood cell precursors. During the last 2 d of gestation (20th and 21st day) hepatocytes assembled around lumina. AGp110 was initially depolarized on the surface of these acinar cells but then confined to the lumen and to newly-formed bile canaliculi. At birth, a marked increase occurred in the canalicular expression of AGp110 and in the branching of the canalicular network. Simultaneously, there was enhanced expression of ZO-1, a protein component of tight junctions. On the second day postpartum, presence of AGp110 and of protein constituents of desmosomes and intermediate junctions, DGI and E-cadherin, respectively, was notably enhanced in cellular fractions insoluble in nonionic detergents, presumably signifying linkage of AGp110 with the cytoskeleton and assembly of desmosomal and intermediate junctions. During liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy, AGp110 remained confined to apical surfaces, indicating a preservation of basic polarity in parenchymal cells. A decrease in the extent and continuity of the canalicular network occurred in proliferating parenchyma, starting 24 h after resection in areas close to the terminal afferent blood supply of portal veins and spreading to the rest of the liver within the next 24 h. Distinct acinar structures, similar to the ones in prenatal liver, appeared at 72 h after hepatectomy. Restoration of the normal branching of the biliary tree commenced at 72 h. At 7 d postoperatively acinar formation declined and one-cell-thick hepatic plates, as in normal liver, were observed.
The trabecular bone score (TBS) is a new parameter that is determined from gray-level analysis of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) images. It relies on the mean thickness and volume fraction of trabecular bone microarchitecture. This was a preliminary case-control study to evaluate the potential diagnostic value of TBS as a complement to bone mineral density (BMD), by comparing postmenopausal women with and without fractures. The sample consisted of 45 women with osteoporotic fractures (5 hip fractures, 20 vertebral fractures, and 20 other types of fracture) and 155 women without a fracture. Stratification was performed, taking into account each type of fracture (except hip), and women with and without fractures were matched for age and spine BMD. BMD and TBS were measured at the total spine. TBS measured at the total spine revealed a significant difference between the fracture and age- and spine BMD-matched nonfracture group, when considering all types of fractures and vertebral fractures. In these cases, the diagnostic value of the combination of BMD and TBS likely will be higher compared with that of BMD alone. TBS, as evaluated from standard DXA scans directly, potentially complements BMD in the detection of osteoporotic fractures. Prospective studies are necessary to fully evaluate the potential role of TBS as a complementary risk factor for fracture.
Developing a novel technique for the efficient, noninvasive clinical evaluation of bone microarchitecture remains both crucial and challenging. The trabecular bone score (TBS) is a new gray-level texture measurement that is applicable to dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) images. Significant correlations between TBS and standard 3-dimensional (3D) parameters of bone microarchitecture have been obtained using a numerical simulation approach. The main objective of this study was to empirically evaluate such correlations in anteroposterior spine DXA images. Thirty dried human cadaver vertebrae were evaluated. Micro-computed tomography acquisitions of the bone pieces were obtained at an isotropic resolution of 93μm. Standard parameters of bone microarchitecture were evaluated in a defined region within the vertebral body, excluding cortical bone. The bone pieces were measured on a Prodigy DXA system (GE Medical-Lunar, Madison, WI), using a custom-made positioning device and experimental setup. Significant correlations were detected between TBS and 3D parameters of bone microarchitecture, mostly independent of any correlation between TBS and bone mineral density (BMD). The greatest correlation was between TBS and connectivity density, with TBS explaining roughly 67.2% of the variance. Based on multivariate linear regression modeling, we have established a model to allow for the interpretation of the relationship between TBS and 3D bone microarchitecture parameters. This model indicates that TBS adds greater value and power of differentiation between samples with similar BMDs but different bone microarchitectures. It has been shown that it is possible to estimate bone microarchitecture status derived from DXA imaging using TBS.
Objective: To analyse whether bone mineral density (BMD) assessment is required in postmenopausal women presenting with low trauma vertebral fracture. Methods: Women with vertebral fracture diagnosed over a 10 year period were recruited from our database. The following were excluded: (a) patients with high energy trauma; (b) patients with malignancies; (c) patients with a metabolic bone disease other than osteoporosis. All postmenopausal women were included in whom BMD had been evaluated at both the lumbar spine and femoral neck by dual energy x ray absorptiometry during the six months after the diagnosis. Patients with a potential cause of osteoporosis other than age and menopause were not considered. A total of 215 patients were identified. Results: The mean (SD) age of the patients was 65.9 (6.9) years. BMD at the lumbar spine was 0.725 (0.128) g/cm2 and the T score was ¿2.94 (1.22); BMD at the femoral neck was 0.598 (0.095) g/cm2 and the T score was ¿2.22 (0.89). The BMD of the patients was significantly lower than that of the general population at both the lumbar spine and femoral neck. When the lowest value of the two analysed zones was considered, six patients (3%) showed a normal BMD, 51 (23.5%) osteopenia, and 158 (73.5%) osteoporosis. The prevalence of osteoporosis at the femoral neck increased with age; it was 25% in patients under 60, 35% in patients aged 60¿70, and 60% in patients over 70. Conclusion: These results indicate that bone densitometry is not required in postmenopausal women with clinically diagnosed vertebral fractures if it is performed only to confirm the existence of a low BMD.