995 resultados para PEPTIDE ANTIBODIES
BACKGROUND: This study validates the use of phycoerythrin (PE) and allophycocyanin (APC) for fluorescence energy transfer (FRET) analyzed by flow cytometry. METHODS: FRET was detected when a pair of antibody conjugates directed against two noncompetitive epitopes on the same CD8alpha chain was used. FRET was also detected between antibody conjugate pairs specific for the two chains of the heterodimeric alpha (4)beta(1) integrin. Similarly, the association of T-cell receptor (TCR) with a soluble antigen ligand was detected by FRET when anti-TCR antibody and MHC class I/peptide complexes (<<tetramers>>) were used. RESULTS: FRET efficiency was always less than 10%, probably because of steric effects associated with the size and structure of PE and APC. Some suggestions are given to take into account this and other effects (e.g., donor and acceptor concentrations) for a better interpretation of FRET results obtained with this pair of fluorochromes. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that FRET assays can be carried out easily with commercially available antibodies and flow cytometers to study arrays of multimolecular complexes.
Background: The pathogenic role of anti-HLA antibodies (AHA) after kidney transplantation is well established. However, its significance after liver transplantation remains unclear. The aim of our study was to determine the prevalence and significance of AHA after liver transplantation. Methods: Between January 2007 and November 2007, all liver transplant recipients who were greater than 6 months posttransplantation and followed regularly at our transplant outpatient clinic (n = 95) were screened for AHA. All clinical and electronic records were reviewed. Serum samples were tested using multiplex technology (Luminex). A liver biopsy had been performed in 55 out of the 95 patients based on clinical grounds but no routine protocol biopsies were performed. Immunosuppression was calcineurin inhibitor-based in 90 patients, sirolimus-based in 4 patients and one patient had no anti-rejection therapy (operationally tolerant recipient). Results: The mean time from transplantation to study was 85 months (range 6-248 months). Overall, AHA were found in 23/95 (24.2%) of patients (5 had anti-class I alone, 13 anti-class II alone, and 4 had both anti-class I and II). However, only 4/95 patients (4.2%) had donor-specific antibodies (DSA) (one anti-class I and 3 anti-class II). Twenty-one out of 95 patients (22.1%) had a history of past or current biopsy-proven or radiological biliary complications (chronic rejection, ischemic cholangitis, ischemic type biliary lesions or biliary anastomosis stricture). Among patients with AHA, 4/23 (17,4%) had biliary complications, while it was 17/72 (23.6%) in patients without AHA (NS). Among patients with DSA, 3/4 (75%) had biliary complications (two with biopsy-proven chronic rejection in association with biliary strictures and one with ischemic cholangitis following hepatic artery thrombosis), versus 1/19 (5.3%) patients with AHA but no DSA (p = 0.009), versus 16/72 (22.2%) patients without AHA (p = 0.046). In patients with DSA, immunosuppression was not different than in patients without DSA. Conclusions: We found a 24% AHA prevalence. The presence of DSA, but not of AHA, was significantly associated with an increased incidence of biliary complications including chronic liver allograft rejection. The exact mechanisms and possible causal relationship linking DSA to biliary complications remain to be studied. Larger prospective trials are thus needed to further define the role of AHA and in particular of DSA after liver transplantation.
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a gastrointestinal hormone that potentiates glucose-induced insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells. The mechanisms of interaction between GLP-1 and glucose signaling pathways are not well understood. Here we studied the coupling of the cloned GLP-1 receptor, expressed in fibroblasts or in COS cells, to intracellular second messengers and compared this signaling with that of the endogenous receptor expressed in insulinoma cell lines. Binding of GLP-1 to the cloned receptor stimulated formation of cAMP with the same dose dependence and similar kinetics, compared with the endogenous receptor of insulinoma cells. Compared with forskolin-induced cAMP accumulation, that induced by GLP-1 proceeded with the same initial kinetics but rapidly reached a plateau, suggesting fast desensitization of the receptor. Coupling to the phospholipase C pathway was assessed by measuring inositol phosphate production and variations in the intracellular calcium concentration. No GLP-1-induced production of inositol phosphates could be measured in the different cell types studied. A rise in the intracellular calcium concentration was nevertheless observed in transfected COS cells but was much smaller than that observed in response to norepinephrine in cells also expressing the alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor. Importantly, no such increase in the intracellular calcium concentration could be observed in transfected fibroblasts or insulinoma cells, which, however, responded well to thrombin or carbachol, respectively. Together, our data show that interaction between GLP-1 and glucose signaling pathways in beta cells may be mediated uniquely by an increase in the intracellular cAMP concentration, with the consequent activation of protein kinase A and phosphorylation of elements of the glucose-sensing apparatus or of the insulin granule exocytic machinery.
Soluble MHC-peptide complexes, commonly known as tetramers, allow the detection and isolation of antigen-specific T cells. Although other types of soluble MHC-peptide complexes have been introduced, the most commonly used MHC class I staining reagents are those originally described by Altman and Davis. As these reagents have become an essential tool for T cell analysis, it is important to have a large repertoire of such reagents to cover a broad range of applications in cancer research and clinical trials. Our tetramer collection currently comprises 228 human and 60 mouse tetramers and new reagents are continuously being added. For the MHC II tetramers, the list currently contains 21 human (HLA-DR, DQ and DP) and 5 mouse (I-A(b)) tetramers. Quantitative enumeration of antigen-specific T cells by tetramer staining, especially at low frequencies, critically depends on the quality of the tetramers and on the staining procedures. For conclusive longitudinal monitoring, standardized reagents and analysis protocols need to be used. This is especially true for the monitoring of antigen-specific CD4+ T cells, as there are large variations in the quality of MHC II tetramers and staining conditions. This commentary provides an overview of our tetramer collection and indications on how tetramers should be used to obtain optimal results.
BACKGROUND: Eotaxin-1 (CCL11) is a potent eosinophil chemotactic and activating peptide that may be implicated in the pathogenesis of chronic allergic eye disease and has been associated with the wearing of contact lenses (CL) in patients with contact lens papillary conjunctivitis (CLPC). The purpose of this study was to study eotaxin-1 expression in the tears of long-term CL wearers. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Tears were collected with glass capillaries from 15 patients (2 male, 13 female) with various degree of CLPC at 2-year intervals. CLPC severity was graded from 0 to 4 with reference to standard slit-lamp photographs of the superior tarsal conjunctiva. The eotaxin-1 level in the tears was measured by an ELISA, using mouse anti-human eotaxin monoclonal antibodies. RESULTS: The mean age was 32.5 ± 13.3 years (range: 17 - 69 years). The mean interval between the tear collections was 30 ± 4.8 months. The mean concentration of eotaxin was 2150 ± 477 pg/mL and 2486 ± 810 pg/mL for the first and second series, respectively. The difference was not statistically significant (paired Wilcoxon/Kruskal-Wallis, p = 0.803). The mean score of papilla grade was 1.26 ± 0.18 for the first sample and 1.40 ± 0.19 two years later. There was no significant difference of grading between the two time periods (paired Wilcoxon/Kruskal-Wallis, p = 0.751). CONCLUSIONS: the eotaxin-1 level remains up-regulated over a long time period in patients wearing CL, most of them with chronic CLPC. Eotaxin may play a role in the pathogenesis of contact lens intolerance.
BACKGROUND: 5,10,15,20-Tetrakis(m-hydroxyphenyl)chlorin (mTHPC)-mediated photodynamic therapy (PDT) has shown insufficient tumor selectivity for the treatment of pleural mesothelioma. Tumor selectivity of mTHPC-PDT may be enhanced in the presence of the TAT-RasGAP(317-326) peptide which has the potential to specifically sensitize tumor cells to cytostatic agents. MATERIALS AND METHODS: H-meso-1 and human fibroblast cell cultures, respectively, were exposed to two different mTHPC doses followed by light delivery with and without TAT-RasGAP(317-326) administration. mTHPC was added to the cultures at a concentration of 0.04microg/ml and 0.10microg/ml, respectively, 24h before laser light illumination at 652nm (3J/cm(2), 40mW/cm(2)). TAT-RasGAP(317-326) was added to the cultures immediately after light delivery at a concentration of 20microM. The apoptosis rate was determined by scoring the cells displaying pycnotic nuclei. Cell viability was measured by using a 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. RESULTS: Light delivery associated with 0.04microg/ml mTHPC resulted in a significantly higher apoptosis rate in the presence of TAT-RasGAP(317-326) than without in H-meso-1 cells (p<0.05) but not in fibroblasts. In contrast, 1.0microg/ml mTHPC and light resulted in a significantly higher apoptosis rate in both H-meso-1 cells and fibroblasts as compared to controls (p<0.05) but the addition of TAT-RasGAP(317-326) did not lead to a further significant increase of the apoptosis rate of both H-meso-1 cells and fibroblasts as compared to mTHPC and light delivery alone. CONCLUSION: TAT-RasGAP(317-326) selectively enhanced the effect of mTHPC and light delivery on H-meso-1 cells but not on fibroblasts. However, this effect was mTHPC dose-dependent and occurred only at a low sensitizer dose.
A murine monoclonal antibody (mAb) specific for apocytochrome c was found to be able to either inhibit or enhance the helper activity of mouse apocytochrome c-specific T cell clones and populations in a hapten (trinitrophenyl)-carrier (apocytochrome c) system of T-B cell cooperation. This effect of the mAb was carrier specific, could not be ascribed simply to a shift in the kinetics of the antibody response and was observed using apocytochrome c T helper cells of different mouse haplotypes. In addition, the anti-apocytochrome c mAb was able to inhibit specific T helper cell activity even when the T cells were triggered with antigen-presenting cells pulsed with antigen. Taken together, these results suggested that the mAb was inhibiting helper activity due to its ability to modify the interaction between T cells and antigen-presenting cells.
Résumé large public: Une altération localisée du métabolisme du glucose, le substrat énergétique préférentiellement utilisé dans le cerveau, est un trait caractéristique précoce de la maladie d'Alzheimer (MA). Il est maintenant largement admis que le beta-amyloïde, la neuroinflammation et le stress oxydatif participent au développement de la MA. Cependant les mécanismes cellulaires de la pathogenèse restent à identifier. Le métabolisme cérébral a ceci de remarquable qu'il repose sur la coopération entre deux types cellulaires, ainsi les astrocytes et les neurones constituent une unité métabolique. Les astrocytes sont notamment responsables de fournir aux neurones des substrats énergétiques, ainsi que des précurseurs du glutathion pour la défense contre le stress oxydatif. Ces fonctions astrocytaires sont essentielles au bon fonctionnement et à la survie neuronale; par conséquent, une altération de ces fonctions astrocytaires pourrait participer au développement de certaines maladies cérébrales. Le but de ce travail est, dans un premier temps, d'explorer les effets de médiateurs de la neuroinflammation (les cytokines pro-inflammatoires) et du peptide beta-amyloïde sur le métabolisme des astrocytes corticaux, en se focalisant sur les éléments en lien avec le métabolisme énergétique et le stress oxydatif. Puis, dans un second temps, de caractériser les conséquences pour les neurones des modifications du métabolisme astrocytaire induites par ces substances. Les résultats obtenus ici montrent que les cytokines pro-inflammatoires et le beta-amyloïde induisent une profonde altération du métabolisme astrocytaire, selon deux profils distincts. Les cytokines pro-inflammatoires, particulièrement en combinaison, agissent comme « découpleurs » du métabolisme énergétique du glucose, en diminuant l'apport potentiel de substrats énergétiques aux neurones. En plus de son effet propre, le peptide beta-amyloïde potentialise les effets des cytokines pro-inflammatoires. Or, dans le cerveau de patients atteints de la MA, les astrocytes sont exposés simultanément à ces deux types de substances. Les deux types de substances ont un effet ambivalent en termes de stress oxydatif. Ils induisent à la fois une augmentation de la libération de glutathion (potentiellement protecteur pour les neurones voisins) et la production d'espèces réactives de l'oxygène (potentiellement toxiques). Etant donné l'importance de la coopération entre astrocytes et neurones, ces modulations du métabolisme astrocytaire pourraient donc avoir un retentissement majeur sur les cellules environnantes, et en particulier sur la fonction et la survie neuronale. Résumé Les astrocytes et les neurones constituent une unité métabolique. Les astrocytes sont notamment responsables de fournir aux neurones des substrats énergétiques, tels que le lactate, ainsi que des précurseurs du glutathion pour la défense contre le stress oxydatif. Une altération localisée du métabolisme du glucose, le substrat énergétique préférentiellement utilisé dans le cerveau, est un trait caractéristique, précoce, de la maladie d'Alzheimer (MA). Il est maintenant largement admis que le beta-amyloïde, la neuroinflammation et le stress oxydatif participent au développement de la MA. Cependant, les mécanismes cellulaires de la pathogenèse restent à identifier. Le but de ce travail est d'explorer les effets des cytokines pro-inflammatoires (Il-1 ß et TNFα) et du beta-amyloïde (Aß) sur le métabolisme du glucose des astrocytes corticaux en culture primaire ainsi que de caractériser les conséquences, pour la viabilité des neurones voisins, des modifications du métabolisme astrocytaire induites par ces substances. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les cytokines pro-inflammatoires et le beta-amyloïde induisent une profonde altération du métabolisme astrocytaire, selon deux profils distincts. Les cytokines pro-inflammatoires, particulièrement en combinaison, agissent comme « découpleurs » du métabolisme glycolytique astrocytaire. Après 48 heures, le traitement avec TNFα et Il-lß cause une augmentation de la capture de glucose et de son métabolisme dans la voie des pentoses phosphates et dans le cycle de Krebs. A l'inverse, il cause une diminution de la libération de lactate et des stocks cellulaires de glycogène. En combinaison avec les cytokines tel qu'in vivo dans les cerveaux de patients atteints de MA, le peptide betaamyloïde potentialise les effets décrits ci-dessus. Isolément, le Aß cause une augmentation coordonnée de la capture de glucose et de toutes les voies de son métabolisme (libération de lactate, glycogenèse, voie des pentoses phosphate et cycle de Krebs). Les traitements altèrent peu les taux de glutathion intracellulaires, par contre ils augmentent massivement la libération de glutathion dans le milieu extracellulaire. A l'inverse, les deux types de traitements augmentent la production intracellulaire d'espèces réactives de l'oxygène (ROS). De plus, les cytokines pro-inflammatoires en combinaison augmentent massivement la production des ROS dans l'espace extracellulaire. Afin de caractériser l'impact de ces altérations métaboliques sur la viabilité des neurones environnants, un modèle de co-culture et des milieux conditionnés astrocytaires ont été utilisés. Les résultats montrent qu'en l'absence d'une source exogène d'antioxydants, la présence d'astrocytes favorise la viabilité neuronale ainsi que leur défense contre le stress oxydatif. Cette propriété n'est cependant pas modulée par les différents traitements. D'autre part, la présence d'astrocytes, et non de milieu conditionné, protège les neurones contre l'excitotoxicité due au glutamate. Les astrocytes prétraités (aussi bien avec le beta-amyloïde qu'avec les cytokines pro-inflammatoires) perdent cette propriété. Cet élément suggère que la perturbation du métabolisme astrocytaire causé par les cytokines pro-inflammatoires ou le beta-amyloïde pourrait participer à l'atteinte de la viabilité neuronale associée à certaines pathologies neurodégénératives.
Résumé : Le Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP-1) est synthétisé par les cellules L du tractus gastro-intestinal et est sécrété dans le sang lors du repas. Grâce à ses fonctions d'hormone de satiété et d'incrétine, il joue un rôle important dans le système complexe de l'homéostase énergétique. Dans ce contexte, cette molécule est intéressante dans la thérapie du diabète sucré de type 2 et de l'obésité. Comme tous les peptides, le GLP-1 est rapidement dégradé par l'acidité gastrique et les enzymes digestifs lors de son administration orale ;c'est pourquoi il est administré uniquement par voie intra-veineuse ou sous-cutanée. Le but de cette étude était d'analyser l'absorption intestinale du GLP-1 administré simultanément avec une molécule de type «promoteur de l'absorption». C'était une étude phase 1, ouverte, placébo-contrôlée, avec un «cross-ovér» à 5 bras à des doses croissantes. Le promoteur de l'absorption était une molécule appelée SNAC (sodium N-(8-(2-hydroxybenzoyl)amino) caprylate) qui protège les peptides de la dégradation intestinale et améliore leur absorption. Les valeurs de GLP-1, d'insuline et de glucose mesurées dans les prises de sang ont montré clairement que le peptide a pu être absorbé grâce à la molécule SNAC et a de ce fait stimulé la sécrétion d'insuline. Lors du deuxième dosage, cette sécrétion d'insuline avait déjà atteint un niveau maximal qui n'augmentait plus, même avec des dosages plus élevés. Les concentrations de GLP-1 ont atteint des valeurs pharmacologiques et ont augmenté en fonction de la dose (pour la AUC et pour Cmax). En comparaison avec l'administration veineuse de GLP-1, l'administration orale a démontré une biodisponibilité calculée de 4% en moyenne. L'étude montre que le GLP-1 peut être administré par voie orale grâce à des promoteurs de l'absorption. Dès lors, des études thérapeutiques avec le GLP-1 administré oralement peuvent être entreprises.
In contrast with the low frequency of most single epitope reactive T cells in the preimmune repertoire, up to 1 of 1,000 naive CD8(+) T cells from A2(+) individuals specifically bind fluorescent A2/peptide multimers incorporating the A27L analogue of the immunodominant 26-35 peptide from the melanocyte differentiation and melanoma associated antigen Melan-A. This represents the only naive antigen-specific T cell repertoire accessible to direct analysis in humans up to date. To get insight into the molecular basis for the selection and maintenance of such an abundant repertoire, we analyzed the functional diversity of T cells composing this repertoire ex vivo at the clonal level. Surprisingly, we found a significant proportion of multimer(+) clonotypes that failed to recognize both Melan-A analogue and parental peptides in a functional assay but efficiently recognized peptides from proteins of self- or pathogen origin selected for their potential functional cross-reactivity with Melan-A. Consistent with these data, multimers incorporating some of the most frequently recognized peptides specifically stained a proportion of naive CD8(+) T cells similar to that observed with Melan-A multimers. Altogether these results indicate that the high frequency of Melan-A multimer(+) T cells can be explained by the existence of largely cross-reactive subsets of naive CD8(+) T cells displaying multiple specificities.
The available virus-like particle (VLP)-based prophylactic vaccines against specific human papillomavirus (HPV) types afford close to 100% protection against the type-associated lesions and disease. Based on papillomavirus animal models, it is likely that protection against genital lesions in humans is mediated by HPV type-restricted neutralizing antibodies that transudate or exudate at the sites of genital infection. However, a correlate of protection was not established in the clinical trials because few disease cases occurred, and true incident infection could not be reliably distinguished from the emergence or reactivation of prevalent infection. In addition, the current assays for measuring vaccine-induced antibodies, even the gold standard HPV pseudovirion (PsV) in vitro neutralization assay, may not be sensitive enough to measure the minimum level of antibodies needed for protection. Here, we characterize the recently developed model of genital challenge with HPV PsV and determine the minimal amounts of VLP-induced neutralizing antibodies that can afford protection from genital infection in vivo after transfer into recipient mice. Our data show that serum antibody levels >100-fold lower than those detectable by in vitro PsV neutralization assays are sufficient to confer protection against an HPV PsV genital infection in this model. The results clearly demonstrate that, remarkably, the in vivo assay is substantially more sensitive than in vitro PsV neutralization and thus may be better suited for studies to establish correlates of protection.
Biodegradable microspheres may represent a potential tool for the delivery of combination vaccines. We demonstrate strong immunogenicity of five co-encapsulated antigens after a single subcutaneous inoculation in guinea pigs. Tetanus- and diphtheria-specific antibodies were not significantly affected by the presence of either antigen or by the presence of pertussis or Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) antigens. Microsphere formulations gave better protection against diphtheria toxin than did two injections of a licensed tetravalent vaccine. Finally, a synthetic malaria peptide antigen (PfCS) also encapsulated in PLGA microspheres increased diphtheria and tetanus-specific immunity and improved protection against diphtheria. These findings demonstrate the potential of microspheres as an alternative and promising strategy for combination vaccines with a further aptitude in reducing the number of inoculations required to gain functional immunity.
We have determined high-resolution crystal structures of the complexes of HLA-A2 molecules with two modified immunodominant peptides from the melanoma tumor-associated protein Melan-A/Melanoma Ag recognized by T cells-1. The two peptides, a decamer and nonamer with overlapping sequences (ELAGIGILTV and ALGIGILTV), are modified in the second residue to increase their affinity for HLA-A2. The modified decamer is more immunogenic than the natural peptide and a candidate for peptide-based melanoma immunotherapy. The crystal structures at 1.8 and 2.15 A resolution define the differences in binding modes of the modified peptides, including different clusters of water molecules that appear to stabilize the peptide-HLA interaction. The structures suggest both how the wild-type peptides would bind and how three categories of cytotoxic T lymphocytes with differing fine specificity might recognize the two peptides.
The N-terminal domain of the circumsporozoite protein (CSP) has been largely neglected in the search for a malaria vaccine in spite of being a target of inhibitory antibodies and protective T cell responses in mice. Thus, in order to develop this region as a vaccine candidate to be eventually associated with other candidates and, in particular, with the very advanced C-terminal counterpart, synthetic constructs representing N- and C-terminal regions of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium berghei CSP were administered as single or combined formulations in mice. We show that the antisera generated against the combinations inhibit sporozoite invasion of hepatocytes in vitro better than antisera against single peptides. Furthermore, two different P. falciparum CSP N-terminal constructs (PfCS22-110 and PfCS65-110) were recognized by serum samples from people living in malaria-endemic regions. Importantly, recognition of the short N-terminal peptide (PfCS65-110) by sera from children living in a malaria-endemic region was associated with protection from disease. Taken together, these results underline the potential of using such fragments as malaria vaccine candidates.