977 resultados para Outdoor cooking.


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The effect of temperature, salinity, nitrogen, culture density and depth on the growth of Gracilaria tenuistipitata were investigated between April 1985 and March 1986 in outdoor ponds in Guangxi Province, South China. The mean annual growth rate was 2.4% per day. Under favourable temperatures of 20-30-degrees-C, daily growth rate may reach as high as 3.3%. Salinity had an obvious effect on growth and photosynthesis and growth peaked at 21 parts per thousand, with a broad plateau between 7-27 parts per thousand. Growth experiments showed that a total nitrogen (NH4-N plus NO3-N) concentration of 4 muM was sufficient to enable the plants to maintain a daily growth rate of 2.7%. The best growth of the plant was obtained at a culture density of 0.5-1 kg M-2 and a culture depth of 30 cm in the pond.


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Commercial farming of the intertidal brown alga Hizikia fusiformis (Harvey) Okamura in China and South Korea in the sea depends on three sources of seedlings: holdfast-derived regenerated seedlings, young plants from wild population and zygote-derived seedlings. Like many successfully farmed seaweed species, the sustainable development of Hizikia farming will rely on a stable supply of artificial seedlings via sexual reproduction under controlled conditions. However, the high rate of detachment of seedlings after transfer to open sea is one of the main obstacles, and has limited large-scale application of zygote-derived seedlings. To seek the optimal condition for growing seedlings on substratum in land-based tanks for avoidance of detachment in this investigation, young seedlings were grown in both outdoor tanks exposed directly to sunlight and in indoor raceway tanks in reduced, filtered sunlight. Results showed that young seedlings, immediately after fertilization, could withstand a daily fluctuation of direct solar irradiance up to a level of 1800 mu mol photons m(-1)s(-1), and maintained a faster growth rate than seedlings grown in indoor tanks. Detailed experiments by use of chlorophyll fluorescence measurements further demonstrated that the overnight (12 h) recovery of optimal fluorescence quantum yield (F-v/F-m) of seedlings after 1 h treatment at 40 degrees C was 98%, and the 48 h recovery of F-v/F-m of seedlings after 1 h exposure to 1800 mu mol m(-2)s(-1) was 92%. Forty-one-day-old seedlings showed no significant decrease of optimal fluorescence quantum yield at salinity ranging from 30 to 5 ppt for a treatment up to 17 h. Six-hour desiccation treatment did not have any influence on the optimal fluorescence quantum yield. Exposure to 18 mmol L-1 sodium hypochlorite for 10 min did not damage the PSII efficiency, and thus could be used to remove epiphytic algae. The strong tolerance of young seedlings to high temperature, high irradiance, low salinity and desiccation found in this investigation supports the view that mass production of Hizikia seedlings should be performed in ambient light and temperature instead of in shaded greenhouse tanks.


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Bangia fuscopurpurea (Rhodophyta) was cultivated in Putian (Fujian province, China). The characteristics of the life history concerned with cultivation were investigated and the cultivation procedure was presented. The gametophytic phase (thallus) and the sporophytic phase (conchocelis) occurred alternately in the life history of B. fuscopurpurea. Young thalli produced archeospores, and the number depended on the environmental factors. Temperature affected the number of archeospore release and percent of germination, and photo flux density (PFD) mainly affected the time of spore release and germination. Thalli matured from December to February and developed into the conchocelis phase through sexual reproduction. The conchocelis grown in shells had three developmental stages: vegetative conchocelis, conchosporangiall formation and conchospore formation. Pit-connections were present in the first 2 stages but absent after conchospore formation. Vegetative conchocelis and conchosporangial. branches can transform into each other. However, conchospores only developed into the gametophytic phase. Cultivation of B. fuscopurpurea was based on characterization of the life history, consisting of 3 steps: zygotospores collection, indoor cultivation of conchocelis and outdoor cultivation of thalli. Young thalli that developed from conchospores produced numerous archeospores before December. Over 90% of the crop was from the development of archeospores. The results indicated that conchosporelings were a good source of archeospores, and the development of the large quantity of archeospores acted as a more prevailing means to increase the population size. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Field-collected tetrasporophytes of Palmaria palmata were tumbled in 300-L outdoor tanks from January to August at ambient daylength or in a constant short-day (SD) regime (8 h light per day), both at 10 or 15 degrees C. Tetrasporangia were massively induced after 2.5 months under SD conditions at 10 degrees C and completely lacking at 15 degrees C, both under SD or ambient daylength conditions, with a few tetrasporangia present at 10 degrees C and ambient daylength. Elongation rates of tagged tetrasporophytic thalli peaked from March to April in all four conditions, when the biomass densities in the outdoor tanks were close to 2.5 kg fresh weight m(-2). Under all four conditions, juvenile proliferations started to appear in June from the margins of the old fronds, and attained approximately 1 cm in length by the end of July. Approximately 80% of the tetraspores were released during the first three dark phases in a light/dark regime, and the remaining 20% during the light phases. A minimum of 10 min darkness was observed to trigger spore release. White light inhibited tetraspore release, while a similar number of spores were released in continuous red light or in the light/dark regime, although with no significant differences of spore release during subjective days and nights. Sporelings were successfully derived from the released tetraspores for mass propagation of the male gametophyte in 2000-L outdoor tanks in a greenhouse. Mass production of male gametophytic sporelings of P. palmata was completed two times by SD induction of tetrasporangia at 10 degrees C, release of spores in darkness and culturing the sporelings until they were ready to be propagated vegetatively in greenhouse tanks. One experiment lasted from January to October 2001, with spore release in June, and the second from September to April 2003, with spore release in January. These results may support the development of sustainable, year-round Palmaria farming. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Concentrated cultures (25-86 mg Chl a l(-1)) of Anabaena variabilis PK84 were incubated under 99% Ar+1% CO2 atmosphere in the photobioreactor made of coaxial cylinders. Under illumination equal to 353 mu E m(-2) s(-1) they produced hydrogen with the rate more than 20 ml l(-1) h(-1) for several days. The efficiency of light energy conversion into H-2 was approx. 1% and did not depend significantly on initial Chl a concentration. H-2/O-2 ratio reached 41.5% of theoretical value for water photolysis. Data indicate that dense cultures might be used for outdoor systems under direct sun light. Supra-optimal temperatures 36 degrees C were not harmful for cultures even for 2 days period. Short-term incubation of cultures under 36 degrees C even increased H2 production rate and efficiency of light energy bioconversion by 1.25 times. (c) 2006 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Studies on reproduction, hatchery management, and culture of Manila clams Ruditapes philippinarum were carried out in an attempt to optimize their culture conditions and techniques. Results from these studies led to the development of a three-phase culture method for Manila clam farming in northern China. The key components of the new method were: 1) early spawning and over-wintering indoors (greenhouse); 2) optimized larval culture conditions and techniques; 3) juvenile rearing in shallow, fertilized nursery ponds; 4) optimized stocking size and density and substrate for mudflat grow out. Broodstock were maturated indoors for a month from early April to early May. Primarily because of higher water temperatures in the greenhouse the clams spawned more than one month earlier than in the natural environment. From May to July, juveniles were reared for 1-2 months indoors to a size of 2.0-3.0 mm in shell length before being moved to outdoor, pre-disinfected, nursery ponds. Juveniles were then reared in the nursery ponds for one month to about 1.0 cm before being transferred to the mudflat for grow out. Juvenile clams in nursery ponds grew considerably faster than in the natural environment probably because of higher temperatures and more abundant natural food. During grow out, the clams were reared for 4-7 months until they reached a market size (3.0-3.3 cm). Juveniles produced after August were over-wintered in the greenhouse in which the water temperature was about 3 degrees C higher than that of the outdoor environment. Juveniles grew at an average rate of > 20 mu m day(-1), while in the natural environment no growth was observed during winter because of low temperatures. Juveniles in the greenhouse grew to 2-3 mm by the following March before being moved into outdoor nursery ponds. The three-phase culture method not only shortened the production period from spawn to market size from 24-36 months to about 10-14 months, but also prolonged the spawning season from 2 to 7 months, resulting in increased production of seed and market-size clams. Compared with the traditional method, the new method could increase the yield of market-size clams by 10-11 times, and increase the profit per ha mudflat by as much as 124 times and the profit per kg market-size clams produced by 13 times. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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随着智能机器人系统的发展,机器人的在线感知能力日益受到重视。障碍物检测能力是机器人在线感知能力的一个重要组成部分。因视觉传感器具有独特优势,基于视觉的障碍物检测方法成为目前关注的重点。 室外非结构化环境因结构复杂,机器人缺乏可有效利用的先验知识描述,导致众多障碍物检测系统在该环境中不能有效工作。本文采用全局-局部策略对场景进行由粗到精的分析,弥补室外非结构化环境先验知识不足的难题,提高机器人的在线感知能力。根据该策略,本文在基于视差图的障碍物检测系统框架中,引入视差投影图模块,提出了基于视差投影图的障碍物检测系统框架。该框架在视差投影图模块中全局分析场景视差分布水平,在立体匹配模块中局部分析场景前景目标的几何轮廓信息。依据该框架,针对实际应用中遇到的各种问题,提出了工作于室外非结构化环境的障碍物检测算法。该算法具有如下特点: 1、通过分析视差投影图的地面关联线信息,获得场景的视差分布水平。该信息一方面用来动态更改匹配算法的视差搜索范围,增强算法的实时性和鲁棒性;另一方面用来移除背景地表,简化障碍物分割过程; 2、采用双域滤波抑制噪声,获得清晰的边缘特征,降低立体匹配算法在深度不连续性区域的匹配难度; 3、借助逆向重投影的思想重采样扫描图像,在立体匹配前等效地实现了立体匹配过程中动态变更视差搜索范围的操作; 4、采用基于连通成分的扩散方法替代传统的SAD局部匹配算法,获得高质量的视差图,最终改善障碍物检测的精确性。 在室外非结构化环境中,本文对该算法进行了实验验证。通过设置不同的基线长度,验证了算法在不同的感知距离内的有效性。经实验证明,本算法在一定距离范围内能够有效的检测出障碍物。


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The unsaturated expansive soil is a hotspot and difficulty in soil mechanics inland and outland. The expansive soil in our China is one of the widest in distributing and greatest in area, and the disaster of expansive soil happens continually as a result. The soil mechanics test, monitor, numerical simulation and engineering practice are used to research swell and shrinkage characteristic, edge strength characteristic and unsaturated strength characteristic of Mengzi expansive soil. The seep and stability of the slope for expansive soil associated with fissure are analyzed and two kinds of new technique are put forward to be used in expansive soil area, based on disaster mechnics proposed of the slope.The technique of reinforcement in road embankment is optimized also. Associated with engineering geology research of Mengzi expansive soil, mineral composition, chemical composition, specific area and cation content, dissolubility salt and agglutinate, microcosmic fabric characteristic, cause of formation and atmosphere effect depth are analyzed to explain the intrinsic cause and essence of swell and shrinkage for expansive soil. The rule between swell-shrinkage and initial state, namely initial water content, initial dry density and initial pressure, can be used to construction control. Does Response model is fit to simulate the rule, based on ternary regression analysis. It has great meaning to expansive soil engineering in area with salt or alkali. The mechanics under CD, CU and GCU of expansive soil is researched by edge surface theory to explain the remarkable effect of consolidation pressure, initial dry density, initial water content, cut velocity, drainage and reinforcement to the edge strength characteristic. The infirm hardening stress strain curves can be fitted with hyperbola model and the infirm softening curves can be fitted with exponential model. The normalization theory can be used to reveal the intrinsic unity of the otherness which is brought by different methods to the shear strength of the same kinds of samples. The unsaturated strain softening characteristic and strength envelope of remolding samples are researched by triaxial shear test based on suction controlled, the result of which is simulated by exponential function. The strength parameters of the unsaturated samples are obtained to be used in the unsaturated seep associated with rainfall. The elasticity and plasticity characters of expansive soil are researched to attain the model parameters by using modified G-A model. The humidification destroy characteristic of expansive soil is discussed to research the disaster mechanism of the slope with the back pressure increasing and suction decreasing under bias pressure consolidation. The indoor and outdoor SWCCs are measured to research the effect factors and the rule between different stress and filling environment. The moisture absorption curves can express the relationship between suction and water content in locale. The SWCCs of Mengzi expansive soil are measured by GDS stress path trixial system. The unsaturated infiltration function is gained to research seep and stability of the slope of expansive soil. The rainfall infiltration and ability of slope considering multifarious factors are studied by analyzing fissure cause of Mengzi expansive soil. The mechanism of the slope disaster is brought forward by the double controlling effect between suction and fissure. Two new kinds of technique are put forward to resolve disaster of expansive soil and the technique of reinforcement on embankment is optimized, which gives a useful help to solving engineering trouble.


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China is experiencing a rapid development of highway ever since 1990s. By the end of 2004, the total length of the highway summed up to 33 thousand kilometers, ranking 2n in the world. After the open of highway, the accumulation of time and traffic causes the decrease of its capability. To ensure its good quality, security and operation functions, we should take some reasonable measures to maintain it periodically. At present, a big problem is that the traditional maintain measures can no longer meet the increasing requirements. Due to the characters of highway, the relationship of various maintenance data and geographic positions is even closer than any others. If we wan to improve the quality and efficiency of the maintenance work, particularly when there is need for decision-making, a great number of data that is related to geographic positions are absolutely necessary. Evidently, Geographical Information System (GIS) has incomparably advantages in dealing with these spatial information. As a result, a management system for highway maintenance work based on GIS became inevitable for the development of the maintenance of highway. The purpose of this paper is to establish a management system for highway maintenance work base on Geographical Information System (GIS), Global Positioning System (GPS) and spatial database, to manage all kinds of problems encountered in the work, and to provide support on information and methods. My study mainly includes: (1) Analysis on the current status of the maintenance and management work; overview on the history of domestic and international highway maintenance management systems; identifying the necessity and importance for establishing a management system for highway maintenance work based on GIS. (2) Based on the requirement analysis, I proposed a general design for this management system, and discussed the objective, design principles, framework, systematical structure and function design. (3) Outdoor data collection is not only a prime way to understand the current situation of the road, but also an important method for data update after the system is put into use. This paper also intends to establish a set of plan to collect data efficiently and precisely which is based on GIS and GPS technologies. (4) The maintenance management database is a supporting platform for various maintenance decision-makings. Such decisions need the support of a great amount of data, which would cause other problems, such as the diversity of the data source, difference of data formats. This paper also discussed how to deal with these problems and establish such a database. (5) To propose an approach to assess the condition of pavement, based on GIS and related maintenance models. Among all the maintenance models, the two for assessing and forecasting pavement condition are the most important and mature. This paper also analyzed these two models and introduced them in terms of the integration of models. (6) This paper took the Guangshen Highway for example, explaining how to realize a GIS for management of highway maintenance work.


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Under normal viewing conditions, humans find it easy to distinguish between objects made out of different materials such as plastic, metal, or paper. Untextured materials such as these have different surface reflectance properties, including lightness and gloss. With single isolated images and unknown illumination conditions, the task of estimating surface reflectance is highly underconstrained, because many combinations of reflection and illumination are consistent with a given image. In order to work out how humans estimate surface reflectance properties, we asked subjects to match the appearance of isolated spheres taken out of their original contexts. We found that subjects were able to perform the task accurately and reliably without contextual information to specify the illumination. The spheres were rendered under a variety of artificial illuminations, such as a single point light source, and a number of photographically-captured real-world illuminations from both indoor and outdoor scenes. Subjects performed more accurately for stimuli viewed under real-world patterns of illumination than under artificial illuminations, suggesting that subjects use stored assumptions about the regularities of real-world illuminations to solve the ill-posed problem.


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Passive monitoring of large sites typically requires coordination between multiple cameras, which in turn requires methods for automatically relating events between distributed cameras. This paper tackles the problem of self-calibration of multiple cameras which are very far apart, using feature correspondences to determine the camera geometry. The key problem is finding such correspondences. Since the camera geometry and photometric characteristics vary considerably between images, one cannot use brightness and/or proximity constraints. Instead we apply planar geometric constraints to moving objects in the scene in order to align the scene"s ground plane across multiple views. We do not assume synchronized cameras, and we show that enforcing geometric constraints enables us to align the tracking data in time. Once we have recovered the homography which aligns the planar structure in the scene, we can compute from the homography matrix the 3D position of the plane and the relative camera positions. This in turn enables us to recover a homography matrix which maps the images to an overhead view. We demonstrate this technique in two settings: a controlled lab setting where we test the effects of errors in internal camera calibration, and an uncontrolled, outdoor setting in which the full procedure is applied to external camera calibration and ground plane recovery. In spite of noise in the internal camera parameters and image data, the system successfully recovers both planar structure and relative camera positions in both settings.


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ABSTRACT: The cassava market within Distrito Federal (DF) presents potencial for expansion, for that reason, it is fundamental that the propagative material for planting (stem cuttings) presents genetic traits that confer high productivity to the crop, resistance against the main diseases and plagues and culinary qualities that fulfill the demands of the consumer market. In order to select varieties which combine the before mentioned interesting caracteristics for the producers and consumers of DF, we carried out experiments to evaluate table cassava type varieties at Núcleo Rural Jardim, DF (year 1999/2000), at an experimental area of Embrapa Cerrados located in the Municipy of Planaltina, DF (year 1999/2000), at Núcleo Rural Ponte Alta, DF (year 2002/2003) and at Brazlândia, DF (year 2003/2004). Among the evaluated varieties, if the parameters productivity, time necessary for cooking and colour of the pulp (which, in the case of DF, must be cream-colour or yellow due to market demands) are collectively considered, the variety Japonesinha / IAC 576-70 / BGMC 753 stands out as it combines high productivity of roots, moderate resistance to bacterial blight, good culinary quality (time necessary for cooking inferior to thirty minutes) and pulp of cream colour. Conclusively, this variety can be recommended to be cultivated at DF.